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1、0.This project is “Library Management System”Our project helps library to make money and helps librarians easier to manage the libraryIt is a website based on Python & Html & MySQL, which is fast and stable1.开发架构方式:B/S架构,开发方法:scrum2.Scrum is a lightweight agile project management framework m

2、ainly used for software development. The Scrum Framework tries to deal with the fact that the requirements are likely to change quickly or are not completely known at the start of the project. Another central aspect within the Scrum Framework is continuous improvement: inspect & adapt. (检查和适应)Sc

3、rum敏捷开发(agile ædl  development)的关键字就是增量、迭代,他更重视项目团队之间的现场沟通,不向传统瀑布式开发那样需要万事具备,才开始开发,Scrum在大方向和小故事点确认好了后,团队就可以开动了。product owner(产品负责人)、scrum master(团队负责人)、scrum team(开发/测试团队)。· Product owner :需求方,提出需求,能对功能流程、业务流程拍板的人。· Scrum master :团队负责人,负责解决团队各类问题,领导项目的人。· Scrum team :项目执行人员

4、,一般指项目具体开发和测试的人员。· Scrum开发的步骤:· 步骤一:头脑风暴· 输出一个产品建议表。· 步骤二:product owner对产品建议表进行筛选并做减法,提炼最核心的需求。· 步骤三:工作量估算· 把任务量化,· 然后估算总体项目时间。· 把每个任务都贴在白板上面,白板上分三部分:· (1)to do-待完成(2)in progress-进展中(3)done-完成步骤四:SprintEach Sprint start with two planning sessions to defin

5、e the content of the Sprint: the WHAT-Meeting and the HOW-Meeting. In the WHAT-Meeting the Scrum Team commits to the User Stories from the Scrum Product Backlog and It uses a HOW-Meeting to break the committed User Stories into smaller and concrete tasks. Then implementation begins.经过讨论后,已经把任务量化到需要具

6、体完成的时间,然后把n个任务按照开发的重要度,组合成n个sprint(冲刺),每次执行一个sprint。· Sprint:每个sprint都是独立的,一般先做主要功能,再到次要功能,再到小功能,最后的sprint一般是修复bugs。)· 步骤五:评估· 需要改的地方还是要改的3.backlog:分三种backlog:1 product backlog:The Product Backlog consists everything that needs to be done in order to successfully deliver a working sof

7、tware system. A list of features prioritized by business value2 sprint backlog :Within the Sprint Backlog all activities required to complete the committed entries from the Scrum Product Backlog are stored. The highest-priority items from the product backlog to be completed within a sprint3 release

8、backlog4.Creating the Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构 (WBS)A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines the total scope of the project. WBS是一个面向交付的分组工作,它定义了项目的总范围。WBS is a foundation document that provides the basis for planning and managing project schedul

9、es, costs, resources, and changes.A work package(工作包) is a task at the lowest level of the WBS.no task is less than 8 hours or more than 80 hours in the WBS. If a task is greater than 80 hours then it needs to be decomposed further into work packages.A WBS dictionary is a document that describes det

10、ailed information about each WBS itemWBS分四层:project, release,sprint,work package.5.Gantt charts provide a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in a calendar format 甘特图通过列出项目活动及其相应的开始和完成日期以日历格式提供了显示项目进

11、度信息的标准格式。记住example中的箭头所代表的意思Milestones emphasize important events or accomplishments(完成的工作) on projects6.Estimating Costs If possible, estimate costs by major WBS categories(老师问你这项预算是怎么得出的时候,猜测答案是,根据wbs)1Training can help people understand themselves, each other, and how to work better in teamsTeam

12、building activities includephysical challenges2Reserves are dollars included in a cost estimate to mitigate(减轻) cost risk by allowing for future situations that are difficult to predict.当问起reserves有什么用的时候可以回答 for unknown riskreserves allow for future situations that may be partially planned for (som

13、etimes called known unknowns) and are included in the project cost baselineRP=Rate of performance3.CPI and SPI less than 100% indicate problemsProblems mean the project is costing more than planned (over budget) or taking longer than planned (behind schedule)CPI和SPI小于100%表示问题问题意味着项目的成本超过计划(超出预算)或花费比

14、计划的时间长(进度落后)。The CPI can be used to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC)an estimate of what it will cost to complete the project based on performance to date. The budget at completion (BAC) is the original total budget for the projectCPI可以用来计算完工时的估计(EAC)根据完工日期估算完成项目的费用。竣工预算(BAC)是该项目最初的总预算。7.RA

15、CIR = responsibilityA = accountability, only one A per taskC = consultationI = informed问题1:问你raci是什么,回答各个字母代表的意思。问题2:根据你在项目中的分工,问你你应该找谁沟通,你就在你是r的那一行里找一个为c的人,他就是你要沟通的人。8.Performing Quantitative(定量的) Risk Analysis technologies often require extensive(大量的) quantitative risk analysis Main techniques include: Decision tree analysis Expected Monetary Value (EMV) 预期货币价值 Simulation Sensitivity analysisPlanning Risk Responses Four main


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