1、 1水闸毕业设计任务书水闸毕业设计任务书.1东风节制闸设计原始数据东风节制闸设计原始数据.2设计总说明设计总说明.4第一章第一章 水闸枢纽布置水闸枢纽布置.121.1 总体布置 .121.1.1 水闸位置时应考虑的几个因素.131.2 结构布置 .131.2.1 闸室的结构布置.131.2.2 两岸连接布置.141.2.3 防渗排水布置.141.2.4 消能防冲布置.15第二章第二章 水闸的水力计算水闸的水力计算.162.1 闸孔设计.162.1.1 上下游水位的确定.162.1.2 闸孔尺寸设计.182.1.3 堰型选择.192.1.4 闸墩厚度的选择.202.1.5 水闸泄流能力校核.20
2、2.2 消能防冲设计 .212.2.1 节制闸泄流特点:.212.2.2 消能设计条件.212.2.3 水闸的消能方式.222.2.4 消力池设计.232.2.5海漫设计.282.2.6 防冲槽设计.302.3防渗排水设计.312.3.1防渗设施布置.312.3.2闸基防渗长度校核.342.3.3 排水设施的设计.37第三章第三章 闸室及地基的抗滑稳定计算闸室及地基的抗滑稳定计算.383.1闸室轮廓尺寸的确定.383.1.1闸顶高程与闸门高度.383.1.2 底板形式及尺寸.393.1.3闸墩.403.1.4 启闭设备.41 23.1.5 工作桥.423.1.6 交通桥.433.1.7 各部分
3、重量计算.433.1.8 分逢与止水.443.2 闸室稳定计算 .443.2.1 作用于闸室上的荷载和组合.453.2.2 闸室基底应力、抗倾及抗滑稳定验算.473.2.3 闸基深层滑动及地基沉降量计算.52第四章第四章 平面钢闸门设计平面钢闸门设计.534.1 平面钢闸门的结构形式及布置.534.1.1闸门尺寸的确定.544.1.2主梁的形式.544.1.3 主梁的布置.544.1.4梁格的布置和形式.554.1.5联结系的布置和形式.554.1.6边梁与行走支承.554.2面板设计.554.2.1估算面板厚度.554.2.2 面板与梁格的连接计算.574.3水平次梁、顶梁和底梁的设计.57
4、4.3.1 荷载与内力计算.574.3.2截面选择.594.3.3水平次梁的强度验算.604.3.4水平次梁的挠度验算.604.3.5顶梁和底梁.604.4 主梁的设计.614.4.1设计资料.614.4.2 截面选择.614.4.3 截面改变.634.4.4翼缘焊缝.634.4.5 腹板的加劲肋和局部稳定验算.644.4.6 面板局部弯曲与主梁整体弯曲的折算应力验算.644.5横隔板设计.654.5.1荷载和内力计算.654.5.2横隔板截面选择和强度计算.654.6纵向联结系设计.664.6.1荷载和内力计算.664.6.2斜杆截面计算.664.7边梁设计.674.7.1荷载和内力计算.6
5、74.7.2 边梁的强度验算.684.8 行走支承设计.694.8.1.胶木滑块尺寸确定.69 34.8.2 确定轨道底板的宽度.694.8.3 确定轨道底板厚度.694.9.闸门启闭力与吊座计算.694.9.1启门力计算.694.10.导向装置设计.704.10.1 止水.704.11 闸门启闭力与吊座计算.714.11.1吊轴和吊耳板验算.71第五章第五章 翼墙的结构设计翼墙的结构设计.725.1 翼墙的结构设计 .725.1.1 上游翼墙的结构设计.735.1.2 岸墙的结构设计.755.1.3 下游翼墙的结构设计.765.1.4 上游翼墙的防渗设施及下游翼墙的排水设施设计.765.1.
6、5 翼墙防渗和排水的布置.765.1.5 止水的结构形式和排水设备的构造.77 1水闸毕业设计任务书水闸毕业设计任务书一一毕业设计的目的和要求毕业设计的目的和要求毕业设计是专业教学工作中的重要环节之一,通过设计实践力求达到如下目的与要求:巩固、加深、扩大所学的基本理论和专业知识,并使其进一步系统化。1 1培养学生运用所学知识解决实际工程技术问题的能力,要求掌握设计原则、设计方法和步骤。2 2培养学生独立思考、独立工作的能力。通过毕业设计加强计算、绘图、编写设计文件、使用规范等方面的能力。二二毕业设计内容毕业设计内容1 1根据基本数据及水闸枢纽的使用要求,确定水闸的枢纽布置及组成结构的型式与尺寸
7、。2 2针对水闸枢纽,进行水力计算、防渗设计和稳定计算。对组成水闸的各构件进行结构计算及配筋设计。 3 3平面钢闸门设计。三三设计成果设计成果完成设计说明书及计算书各一份,工程设计图纸 4 张。1 1 总体布置平面图, (绘于地形图上) ;2 2 纵向剖面图与平面布置图;3 3 水闸上、下游立视和主要细部大样图;4 4 平面钢闸门上、下游立视、侧视及俯视图(包括门槽及埋件、轨道、止水、止水座、护角) ,材料表(将门叶构件依次编号逐项填入表中,包括名称、形状、规格、数量) ,说明。 2东风节制闸设计原始数据东风节制闸设计原始数据一一设计概况设计概况东风水闸位于我国北方 A 河右岸河畔上的一座中型
8、节制水闸,其功用为拦蓄部分洪水,以补充地下水及解决农业灌溉用水。二二工程简况工程简况1 1 闸址位置:A 河为一古老河道,弯弯曲曲,河道呈 S 弯状;选 S 弯的两个凸岸为闸址较为适当,优点是地域开阔,工程布置在自然土基上,施工导流与主体工程施工无干扰,闸址基本在河道中心线上。其缺陷为上、下游连接段较长,工程量较大。2 2工程规模:该水利工程按 5 年一遇洪水设计,20 年一遇洪水校核,引渠边坡 m=2,纵坡 i=1/4000,渠底高程 46.8 米,设计流量 Q 设129.4立方米秒。校核流量 Q 校=237 立方米/秒,最高设计蓄水位 51.6米,一次蓄水量 50 万立方米,灌溉农田面积
9、3.5 万亩。三三地形情况地形情况闸区西部位于丘陵地区,西高东低,地面坡度为 140011000,东部为冲积平原,地势较平坦,地面坡度为 1250014000。四四工程地质情况工程地质情况在闸址范围内钻孔 5 个,孔深 20 米,总进尺 100.9 米,取原状样 5 个,散状样 24 个,标准贯入试验 56 个,作以上土样的物理力学试验及击实实验各一组。试验表明:闸基处土层为河湖相沉积物,N63. 5=11,地质自上而下划分为五个工程地质单元。第 I 单元,表层为耕植壤土,厚 1.0 米,可塑。其下为壤土、黏土及砂壤土,总厚 3.54.8 米,底板标高在 46.947.3 米之间。第 II 单
10、元,自上而下为淤泥质壤土、砂壤土、裂隙粘土,总厚度 3.44.0米,底板高程在 43.0643.08 米,分布连续稳定。第 III 单元, 岩性主要为淤泥质壤土,总厚 2.54.2 米,底版高程在39.340.3 米,土质均匀,可塑.有自然孔洞,中高压缩性,顶部有零星分布的砂壤土,底部局部分布有黏土。第 IV 单元,岩性主要为砂壤土,夹薄层壤土,还有零星分布的细砂层,总厚度3.84.8 米,底板高程 35.636.8 米。第 V 单元, 岩性主要为裂隙黏土和裂隙壤土,顶高程 35.636.8 米,分布稳定,局部夹薄层粉砂。 3闸底板高程与河床齐平在 46.8 米处,相当于第 II 工程地质单元
11、顶部,持力层影响范围内的第 II、III、IV、V 单元土的压缩性不均,一般土层为中偏低压缩性,建筑物主要持力层地基土为软塑的淤泥质壤土及连续分布的裂隙土。勘探范围内,地下水初见水位埋深 3.54.3 米,有微弱承压性,施工时注意预降地下水位,防止 II,III 单元土层破坏。五五 .水文气象水文气象由水文分析,东风闸以上流域面积 877.7km2,其中山区 471.3 km2,平原406.4 km2,年径流量 95%年份有 317 万立方米,扣除 60%沿途水量损失及 0.7 的不均匀系数,还有 88.8 万立方米,满足本闸一年一次蓄水量,保证灌溉效益。该区平均气温 12 度,年平均降雨量
12、571 毫米,最大降雨量 1510 毫米,最小降雨量 129.5 毫米,70%集中在 7、8、9 三个月,多年平均蒸发量 931 毫米,该区风速一般在 4m/s,最大风速 13m/s,吹程 150 m,无霜期平均 220 天。六六 交通情况交通情况闸本身无专门交通要求,考虑农田耕作及水闸自身施工运行要求设人行便桥。七七 设计数据设计数据地基土壤物理力学性质及力学指标 流限 W WT T=25.6%=25.6% 渗透系数 K KT T=1.1x10=1.1x10-6-6 m/sm/s 塑限 W WP P=17.2%=17.2% 凝聚力(室内值) C=2T/mC=2T/m2 2 塑性系数 I IP
13、 P=8=8 内摩擦角(室内值) =16=16 地基压缩模量 E E Kg/cmKg/cm2 2 湿容重 r r 湿湿=1.75T/m=1.75T/m3 3 含水量 W=31.3%W=31.3% 饱和容重 r r饱饱.90T/m.90T/m3 3 孔隙比 e=0.73e=0.73 干容重干容重 r r干干=1.6T/m=1.6T/m3 3地基承载力 =15T/m=15T/m2 2 浮容重 r r浮浮=1.0T/m=1.0T/m3 3闸底板与地基土摩擦系数 f=0.35f=0.35 夯实回填土内摩擦角=25=25 上下游引渠糙率 n=0.025=0.025 引渠底宽(上,下游) b=28mb=2
14、8m引渠边坡系数(上,下游) m=2m=2 混凝土容重 r=2.4T/m3r=2.4T/m3钢筋混凝土容重 r=2.5T/m3r=2.5T/m3 4设计总说明设计总说明水闸是灌排工程的主要建筑物之一,它是一种利用闸门进行挡水或泄水的低水头水工建筑物,既可控制流量又可调节水位。关闭闸门时,它可拦洪蓄水,挡潮或抬高闸前水位;开启闸门时,又可泄洪排涝或对下游河道或渠道供水。这次我们主要设计修建在平原河道上的节制闸。节制闸一般跨越河道修建,用于枯水期蓄水,抬高水位以供进水闸取水,洪水期开闸泄洪。在渠系中一般位于支、斗渠分水口稍下游,跨越干、支渠修建,用于抬高干、支渠水位,供支、斗渠取水。本次设计主要分
15、为以下六部分:1、分析资料及水闸枢纽布置已提供的资料是设计的基本依据,为使设计成果安全、适用、经济,首先应熟悉并分析各种资料,如地形、地质情况,各有关高程,特征水位及相应流量等,然后根据闸址地形、地质、水流等条件以及该枢纽中各建筑物的功能、特点、运用要求,确定枢纽布置,做到紧凑合理,协调美观,组成整体效益最大的有机联合体。2、水力计算 主要包括闸孔设计、消能防冲设计、防渗排水设计。闸孔设计首先根据上面拟定的水闸型式及设计流量,确定闸孔净宽及适宜孔数。然后再验算初拟闸孔尺寸的过流量是否满足泄流要求。消能防冲设计 为了消除水流过闸后的能量,设计了消力池、海漫和防冲槽。消力池:计算在设计蓄水位下,闸
16、门在各种运行工况和不同开启高度时的泄流量,确定是否设消力池。若需设置则根据消能条件,计算消力池深、长、底板厚度及所用建筑材料。海漫:消力池能消除水流 50的能量,其余能量由海漫消除,根据水闸不同泄量的水力计算,布置海漫,确定长度及建筑材料。防冲槽:计算海漫末端河床冲刷深度,设计计算防冲槽断面形状、尺寸、确定抛石量及护坡砌置深度。防渗排水设计首先拟定水闸地下轮廓线型式,初步计算所需长度,然后依次确定闸室底板、铺盖长度及材料,设计反滤层及排水孔位置,最后计算闸基渗透压力,绘制渗透压力分布图。 53、闸室的布置设计及闸室稳定性计算闸室轮廓尺寸确定由水力条件及水闸功用,确定闸室总宽、闸顶高程、闸墩、闸
18、式,断面尺寸。按完建期和正常蓄水期两种工况,对岸、翼墙的地基承载力,基底最大最小应力比值及基底面抗滑稳定进行计算。 上游翼墙的防渗设施及下游翼墙的排水设施设计。5、闸室结构计算闸墩应力分析将闸墩视为固接于底板上的悬臂梁,以闸墩和底板的结合面作为计算控制面,分别按运用期(闸门关闭挡水)和检修期(一孔检修其它孔过水)两种工况,计算中墩墩底水平截面垂直正应力、剪应力、门槽应力、墩底水平截面侧向应力,并分析计算结果,进行配筋设计。底板应力分析以闸门为界,将底板分为上下两部分,分别在两部分中央垂直水流方向取单宽板条进行分析。按完建期和运用期两种工况,计算作用于板条上的荷载。包括底板自重,中、边墩及上部结
19、构重,水重 ,扬压力及不平衡剪力并对其进行分配,按弹性地基梁郭氏法查表计算,求得地基反力及计算板条各截面的内力,分析计算结果进行底板配筋设计。6、平面钢闸门设计门叶结构门叶结构布置:确定门叶结构所需的各种构件,数目及所在位置,梁格及联结系的型式、连接方式,行走支承及边梁的型式。 6面板设计:在充分发挥面板强度的前提下,设计一经济合理的面板厚度。并在主梁截面确定之后校核面板的局部弯曲与整体弯曲的折算应力强度。水平次梁、顶、底梁设计:均采用型钢。由各构件的内力,选择各梁的截面,并进行强度、刚度验算。主梁设计:确定主梁数目、位置、截面型式,断面尺寸,截面改变,翼缘焊缝设计及主梁局部稳定验算。竖直次梁
21、;平面闸门;防渗排水;主梁 7DesignDesign thethe leaderleader The sluice is irriated and arranged one of the main buildings among the project,it is a kind of low flood peak water conservancy project builing utilizing the gate to block water or sluice, can control the adjustable water level of the flow. While clos
22、ing the gate, it can block the big conservation storage, the tide of the shelf or improving the water level in front of the floodgate, can release floodwater, drain flooded fields or supple water of the downstream river or the channel while opening the gate. We design the check gate built on plain a
23、nd river mainly this time.The check gate generally crosses over the river to build, used in dry season conservation storage, redound water level for sluice fetch water, turn on floodgate release floodwater flood period. In canal is it prop up to lie in generally among the department, lateral canal d
24、ivide into water mouth low reaches slightly, use for redounding the water level of branch canal, for propping up, the lateral canal fetch waterThis design is divided into six following parts mainly:1.It is analysed that the materials and sluice pivot are fixed up. The materials that have already bee
25、n offered are basic bases designed, in order to edable designing the achievement safe, suitable, economy, should be familiar with and analyse various kinds of materials at first, for instance topographical, geological situation, each about high Cheng, characteristic water level and corresponding flo
26、w, ect, then according to floodgate location, topography, geology, rivers, etc, terms and every building of function, characteristic, use demanding to confirm the pivot is decorateds of the pivot this, accomplish the structure compactness, rational, coordinates, beautiful.2.Water conservancy is calc
27、ulated: Including floodgate hole design, is it can is it wash the design, prevention of seepage drain off water and design to defend to 8disappear mainly. The hole is designed in the floodgate give design flow definitely confirm according to sluice form and materials that draft above floodgate hole
28、clear width and suitable floodgate hole count at first, then checking computations plan floodgate hole size pass flow satisfied with the requirement of releasing floodwater for the first time. Disappear and can defend and print designing for dispel water flow through energy of floodgate,is it disapp
29、ear strength pool, sea overflow and defend and wash the trough to design. Disappear in the strength pool calculate in design water storage level under the terms, gate turn on in various kinds of form, operating mode of operation and hole of floodgate, one pair of holes is turned on symmetrically, th
30、ree holes open and different flow of letting out while opening the height at the same time,confirm whether to need to set up and subdueing the strength pool or not. If is it design to need, want according to condition of can disappearing,is it disappear depth, strength of pool to calculate, thicknes
31、s of the length baseplate and construction material used. The sea overflowing disappear strength pool can dispel rivers 50% energy,other energy all over the place to dispel from sea,according to different letting out amount of the sluice,confirm long degree and construction material of sea. Defend a
32、nd wash the trough calculate sea overflow end wash hole depth, is it wash trough section form and size to defend to design. The prevention of seepage drains off water and designs: Draft the underground outline line at first, confirm the length tentatively, then confirm the floodgate room baseplate,
33、length of the bedding and material sequentially, design and strain layer and drain off water in the hole position instead, calculate the base osmotic pressure of the floodgate finally, draw the distribution map of the osmotic pressure.3.The floodgate room is decorated and floodgate room stability is
34、 9calculated: Confirm the size of the outline line of floodgate room confirmed the floodgate room is always wide by the water conservancy condition, floodgate high Cheng, floodgate mound, gate, pattern, size and floodgate room top structure job bridge, traffic bridge, open and close pattern and size
35、 of the equipment of baseplate very. The floodgate room is calculated steadily choosing the unit of calculating, build one according to finishing, normal conservation storage one, normal conservation storage issue add special to is it make up three opeerating mode checking computations floodgate roo
36、m resist slippery stability and ground bear the weight of strength checking computations to load, distribute state and subside to ground stress difference carry on computational analysis, judge sluice ground meet strength of bearing the weight of, is it slip steady and out of shape requirement to re
37、sist. The deep layer of floodgate room is slipped and the subsiding amount of ground is calculated according to design soil physics characteristic index that materials provide, checking computations foundation is it drive some ground soil slip to the low reaches to happen under loading function, con
38、firm whether to carry on the subsiding amount of the ground to calculate or not.4.Tow sides join building-bank,structure pattern, wing of wall, assign and the stability is calculated: By physical dimension and ground terms, floodgate of room, confirm bank, level, wing of wall assign the pattern and
39、size of section.Building an two kinks of operating modes of one and normal conservation storage according to finishing, the ground on other bank, wing wall bears the weight of strength, basis heavy minimum stress ratio count bottom surface of the base is it calculate to go on steadily to slip to res
40、ist most.Facilities of prevention of seepage in the wing wall of the upper reaches and pumping equipment on the downstream wing wall are designed. 105.The structure of floodgate room is calculated: Mound stress analysis of the floodgate: Regard as floodgate firm to connect cantilever beam at basepla
41、te by mound, regard the combination surfaces of the mound of the floodgate and baseplate as and calculate the chain of command, separately according to use issue (gate is it block water to shut off ) and overhaul issue two kinds of operating modes , mound vertical direct stress of horizontal section
42、, shearing stress, trough stress of the door, mound bottom level sectional side direction stress of mound bottom while calculating, analyse result of calculation, is it mix muscle design to go on. Stress analysis of the baseplate: Make gate as the boundry, divide baseplate into two part from head to
43、 foot, fetch single wide lath analyse in two part central vertical rivers direction separately. Accord to finishing and building one and using the operating mode of an improved variety, calculate the load on function and lath. Including the baseplate conducts oneself with dignity,china, mound and to
44、p structure are heavy, raise pressure and uneven to cut strength and is it assign to go to it, France check the watch calculates according to elastic ground roof beam guo, try to get ground and calculation lath each sectional internal force against strength, is it carry on baseplate mix muscle desig
45、n to analyse.6.The level gate is designed: Leaf structure of the door. The layout of the structure of leaf of the door:Confirm door leaf various kinds of component structure need, figure and position , Ge Liang and pattern, way of connecting, connection of department, pattern of walking and supporti
46、ng and roof beam. The panel is designed :On the premise of giving full play to the intensity of the panel, design one thickness of panel with rational economy. And check some and crooked intensity of conversion stress with crooked whole of the panel after the girder section is confirmed. 11 Level ro
47、of beam once, carrying, the botttom roof beam is designed: Adopt the section steel.By the internal force of every component, choose the section of every roof beam, carry on intensity, rigidity checking computation. The girder is designed: Confirm girder figure, position, sectional form, the size of
48、section, the section changes, wing reason welding seam design and some steady checking computations of girder. Vertical roof beam once and horizontal vertical connection department design:Confirm its pattern and position , is calculated and chosen sectional size and intensity checking computations b
49、y the internal force. The roof beam is designed:Is it confirm to support to walk roof beam structure patern is according to construct requirement design roof beam, and carry on the intensity to check to its dangerous section. Walk and support designing: Confirm its structure pattern, size carry on i
50、ntensity checking compitation. Lead the device to design: Confirm the inside out, side and walk and support the pattern, the position and way of connecting. Stagnant water, lifting lug are designed:Confirm the type of the stagnant water and assign the way, is opened door strength to design, hang the
51、 axle and board measurement of the lifting lug and carry on checking computations to the intensity of the lifting lug board. The door trough is buried the component underground. Confirm every track pattern of the door trough, the size of section, carry on the intensity to check to the main rail . Co
52、nfirm stagnant water seat and door trough protect the horn component pattern.Lock the room device to design in the gate. Open and room device to design in the gate. Calculate and open the strength of the door, comfirm the type of headstok gear, type. Calculate and close the strength of the door, sho
53、uld take 12the project measure to lower the door to check. The hoist is designed: Opened door strength and designed the sling.Key word: Sluice; floodgate room; level gate; prevention of seepage drain off water and design to defend to disappear; girder 13第一章第一章 水闸枢纽布置水闸枢纽布置1.1 总体布置总体布置本设计为节制闸,一般跨越河道修
54、建,故又称为拦河闸。它是一种利用闸门进行挡水或泄水的低水头建筑物,既可控制流量又可调节水位。关闭闸门时,它可拦洪蓄水,挡潮或抬高闸前水位;开启闸门时,又可泄洪,排涝或对下游河道或渠道供水。这次我们主要设计修建在平原道上的 节制闸。节制闸一般跨越河道修建。用于枯水期蓄水,抬高水位以及供进水闸取水,洪水期开闸泄洪。在渠系中一般位于支、斗渠分水口稍下游,跨越干、支渠修建也称节制闸。用于抬高干、支渠水位,供支、斗渠取水。闸址一般应设置在河道直线段上。闸址处于上下游河道直线段长度均不短于 510 倍水面宽度,且不宜小于 300m。坝址选择是水闸规范设计中的一项重要工作,闸址合适与否,不仅涉及到水闸建设的
55、成败,并且关系到整个地区的经济发展,因此对闸址选择的工作应十分重视。水闸的类型较多,按其任务不同,可分为以下几类; 进水闸:为了农田灌溉或其他水利事业的需要,进水闸往往建在河道,水库或湖泊的岸边,用于引水灌溉,发电或其他进水需要而控制流量。节制闸:由于农田灌溉,发电引水或改善航运要求,常需横快河道或渠道修建水闸,以控制闸前水位和过闸流量,这类水闸成为节制闸。河道上的节制闸也也称为拦河闸。在洪水时期,拦河闸还起排泄洪水作用。挡潮闸:滨海地区的河流都受潮水影响,为了防止海水倒灌而抬高内河水位,常在入海处河口附近修建水闸,即为挡潮闸。涨潮时关闸,防止海水倒灌;当内河水位过高落潮期间开闸排水。挡潮闸的
56、特点,是承受双渣向水头,而且闸门启闭频繁。排水闸:为使低洼地区大的渍水通过排水渠排入江河或湖泊,常需在排水渠末端设置水闸,这当河道类水闸称为排水闸。排水闸除开闸排水外,在枯水季还可向内引水灌溉;洪水时可关闸挡水,防止外水倒灌,也可蓄水灌溉。特点是:是承受双向水头。分洪闸:当河道遭遇洪水而对下游可能造成洪灾时,可将部分洪水泄入湖泊或洼地以消减洪峰。在分洪道首部需设置水闸,即为分洪闸。分洪闸常建于河道的一侧,用来将超过下游河道安全泄量的洪水泄入分洪区或分洪道。冲沙闸(排沙闸):冲沙闸(排沙闸)建在多泥沙的河流上。用于排除进水闸,节制闸或渠系中沉积的泥沙。此外,还有为排除冰块,漂浮物等而设 14置的
57、排冰闸,排污闸等。1.1.1 水闸位置时应考虑的几个因素地基条件 是影响水闸总体布置的主要因素之一应尽可能选择土质密实,均匀。压缩性较小和承载能力较大的良好地基。此外,由于闸基土质的抗冲能力直接影响单宽流量的选择和闸后消能防冲设备的设计,而地下水位的高低及承压水的有无对地基的稳定性和施工期的排水措施也有所影响,故在选择闸址时应考虑这些条件。水流条件 是另一主要因素闸的位置应使进闸和出闸水流平顺,防止上,下游 产生有害的冲刷和淤积。施工、管理条件 也是闸址选择时要考虑的一个因素要求有足够宽广的施工场地,并且尽可能使土方工程量最小。当水闸是整个枢纽的一个组成部分时,应就枢纽工程总体布置做方案比较,
58、得出水闸最优位置,以达到技术上先进与经济上合理的要求。1.2 结构布置结构布置1.2.1 闸室的结构布置水闸一般由上有连接段,闸室,下有连接段三部分组成。水闸的主体是闸室,其结构型式是多种多样的,主要取决于泄放水流的方式以及闸门的构造和操作方式。按照闸室的泄流特点分类,可以分为以下几种型式:1.堰流式闸室当闸门全开时过闸水流具有自由水面的水闸成为溢流式闸室,也称开敞式闸室。一般堰槛高程较高,挡水高度较小的水闸都采用这种型式,依靠闸门挡水。当闸门全部打开时,水闸的过水面积和泄流量都随水位的抬高而增大,对于需要泄放洪水的拦河闸和分洪闸来说,这是一个很大的优点。2.孔流式闸室当闸门全开时,自由水面仍
59、受阻挡,水流只能通过固定洞孔泄入下游,称为孔流式闸室,也成为封闭式闸室。当闸槛高程较低,闸室高度较大,需要泄放或取用底层水流时,常采用这种型式。一般把闸室顶部封闭。例如设置胸墙挡水,底部设置孔口泄水,这样可以减少闸门尺寸。这种泄流方式最适合于冲 15沙闸的工作条件,有其突出的优点。3.混合泄流式闸室这是一种既具有面流溢流能力,又具有底孔泄流能力的闸室结构。构造上分为上下两层,分别装设闸门。开启上层闸门,利用面层溢流泄放洪水和漂流物。开启下层闸门,则利用底孔冲刷闸前淤泥的泥沙。这种类型的闸室多用于拦河节制闸或引水系统的进水闸上。有时在特别软弱的淤泥质地基上建闸,为了加强闸室的横向刚度,借以减小地
60、基的不均匀沉降和闸室的结构变形,在闸室的过水断面中设一层水平横隔板,型式上亦构成了上下两层泄水通道,但常常共用一个闸门,在运用要求上与混合泄流式闸室不尽相同。本水闸设计闸门全开时具有自由水面,挡水高度较小,且依靠闸门挡水,故可采用开敞式闸室。根据已知资料,初步采用开敞式闸室。 底板 是整个闸室结构的基础,承受水闸上部结构的重量及荷载并向地基传递的结构,同时兼有防渗及防冲作用,防止地基由于受渗透水流作用可能产生的渗透变形并保护地基免受水流冲刷。本设计初步采用平底板。 闸墩 是闸门和各种上部结构的支撑体,由闸门传来的水压力和上部结构的重量和荷载通过闸墩传布于底板。闸墩通常采用实体式,其外形轮廓设计
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