



1、精品文档呼啸山庄英文读后感Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not wellreceivedby the reading public,many ofwhomcondemnedit as sordid,vulgar,and unnatural-andauthorEmilyBrontewent toher grave in1848 believingthatheronlynovelwas afailure.Itwasnot until1850,whenWUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with

2、 anintroductionby Emily ssisterCharlotte,thatitattracted awide readership. And from that point thereputation of the book has never looked back. Todayit is widely recognized as one of the great novels ofEnglishliterature.Evenso,WUTHERINGHEIGHTS continuestodividereaders. It is not a prettylove story;

3、rather, it isswirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught upin obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It iscruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many peoplefind it extremely unpleasant. And yet-it possesses agrandeurof languageand design,a sense oftremendouspity and great lothat sets it ap

4、art from virtually every other novel written2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创1 / 3精品文档Thenovelistoldintheformofanextendedflashback. After a visit to hisstrange landlord, anewcomer to theareadesirestoknow the historyofthefamily-which he receives from Nelly Deans, a?servant who introduces us to the Ear

5、nshaw familywho onceresidedinthehouseknownasWutheringHeights.Itwas once a cheerfulplace,butOld Earnshawadopteda “Gipsy ” childwho he named Heathcliff.AndCatherine, daughter of the house, found in him theperfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruelasshe.ButalthoughCatherineloveshim,evenrecog

6、nizeshimashersoulmate,shecannotlowerherself to marry so far below her social station. Sheinsteadmarriesanother,and insodoingsetsinmotion an obsession that will destroythem all.WUTHERINGHEIGHTS isabitdifficultto“ getinto;” the opening chapters areso dark in theirportrait of the end result of this obs

7、essive love thattheyaresomewhatoff-putting.Buttheyfeedintotheflowof thework ina remarkableway,settingthestagefor one of the most remarkable structures in all ofliterature,a storythatcirclesupon itselfina series2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创2 / 3精品文档of repetitions as itplays out acrotwo generations

8、.Catherineand Heathcliffareequallyremarkable,bothvicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed theirimpossible love nomatter how brutally one may woundthe other.Asthenovelcoilsfurtherintoalcoholism,seduction, and one of the most elaborately imaginedplansofrevengeitgathersintoaghostlytone:Heathcliff, driven to madneby a woman who is not therebut whoseemsreflectedineverypartofhisworld-draggingher corpse fromthegrave,hearinghercallingtohim fromthemoors, escalatinghis brutalitynot for the sake ofbrutality but so that her memorywill never fade, so that she may never leave his min


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