1、PROCESS AUDIT GUIDELINES制程稽核准那么1.0 SUGGESTED CONTENT包含的内容1.1 WORK INSTRUCTIONS 作业指导书Available at each process step每个步骤是否被执行Work In structio n un der revisi on con trol and at curre nt revisi on level作业指导书是否有版本管制及当前版本。Calls out curre nt product ion part nu mber and revisi on level有没有注明产品编号及版本。Calls o
2、ut direct materials P/N, description, usage, and designator有无直接罗列所用材料料号,规格,用量,点位。Calls out operati on mach ine n ame & stati on nu mber, mach ine program n ame & revisio n, fixtures n ame/part nu mber & revisi on有无机器名称/编号,机器程序名/版本,治具名/编号/版本。Call out tools/gages with part nu mber or n ame, in direct
3、materials with detailed descripti on, and their work ing con diti ons有无罗列所用工具及计量器名称或编号,以及用到的间接材料如胶,锡丝有无具体说 明,包括他们工作条件。Calls out work process/i nstructi on for the stati on每一站有无罗列作业步骤及作业指导。Call out highlights/special no tes for the operati on在作业指导书中有没有对相关考前须知做重点标识。1.2 OPERATOR 作业员Is operator certifie
4、d for operati on作业员是否有受过相关作业资格培训If operator is in training, verify adequate supervisi on在训新职工上线是否有人做足够的监督检查Ongoing program for re-certificatio n of operators对作业员是否有再认证方案.Is operatio n staffed per Work In struct ions作业指导书是否规定各操作负责人员Is operati on being performed per Work In struct ions作业指导书上规定的操作是否都被执
5、行Is the operator mon itored for his/her performa nee作业员的绩效是否被考核1.3 MATERIALS 材料VL controlProduction materials for each operation specified in Work Instructions and under A 作业指导书是否有罗列出每站所需用到的生产材料 , 并列入管制 .Verify production materials are revision controlled & current 检查生产材料是否有版本管制及目前版本状况Handling & sto
6、rage guidelines called out in Work Instruction 作业指导书中是否认义材料处理 & 存储方法 .Compliance with handling & storage guidelines documented 材料处理 & 存储方法是否被有效执行Scrap and nonconforming material is isolated from normal production 废料和不良品是否与良品隔离Material preparation operations documented and controlled 备料动作有无文件说明并被控制Co
7、ntrolled by an effective FIFO system 是否有一个有效的先进先出的系统 ,并被执行Verify traceability of materials 验证材料的可追溯性Self audit system to ensure correct material usage 有无自检系统以确保材料的正确使用Materials are clearly marked/identified on line and storage area 在产线上及存储区的材料是否有清楚的鉴别标识1.4 EQUIPMENT / TOOLING / FIXTURES仪器 / 工具 /治具Ca
8、libration 校准Preventive maintenance (PM) records and schedules, maintenance log 预防保养履历记录 ,时间表 ,保养日志Hour log maintained between PM s, replacement, etc.预防保养,更换等有无做时间记录,按小时数实施Tooling & fixtures identified by part number and revision 工治具编号与版本Operating procedure available at each operation 是否有对应于每一操作的作业程序
9、Cycle count management / hour log for tooling 对工具模具有无做周期循环 /小时数管理ECO/ECN tracking工程变更单 /工程变更通知跟踪Machine & tool capability studies performed and on file 是否完成仪器工具性能研究并保存相关文件1.5 ESD CONTROL (IF APPLICABLE) 静电管制 (如 可适用 )Training records for all personnel 对所有相关人员的培训记录Daily test logs in place现场测试日报All ESD
10、 systems in good working order and are properly installed and maintained所有正常控制的静电系统是否被恰当地安装并保养维护ESD earth ground rod is checked for grounding impedance and recorded on annual basis 是否每年检查 ESD 接地棒对地阻抗并记录ESD grounding main system is checked for grounding impedance and recorded on monthly basis 是否每月检测
11、ESD 接地系统对地阻抗并记录Instrument/fixtures/benches are checked for grounding impedance and recorded on weekly basis 是否每周检测并记录仪器设备/治具 /椅子等对地阻抗Wrist/heel strip, and/or conductive shoes are checked and recorded by shift 是否每班检测并记录静电手环或传导鞋。Wireless wrist strip is not allowed unless used with ionic blower and con
12、ductive floor 无线手环是不被允许的,除非在离子吹风机和传导地板环境中使用All semiconductor materials are in ESD free container, package or bin when/during storage, transfer, and handling所有半导体材料在存储,运输及搬运中必须用防静电容器,防静电袋等进行静电防护。People, semiconductor materials, machines, instrument, tools, fixtures, and working benches at ESD sensiti
13、ve operation stations are grounded 在静电敏感站的人员,半导体材料,机器,工具,治具及工作桌椅必须接地。1.6 QUALITY CONTROL 品质控制Effective SPC in place and closed loop corrective action is taken when out-of-control occurs 现场是否有做有效的 SPC管制,当超出管制点时是否做CLCA。Control limits of control chart are reviewed on monthly basis 是否每月审查管制图之上下限Effectiv
14、e Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) in place 现场是否实施有效持续改进过程Quality acceptance/rejection criteria established for each process step 每段制程是否建立允收 /拒收标准Effective quality inspection and measurement capability in place at each inspection station 在每一个检验站是否有进行有效的品质检验与测量Evidence that operators receive qual
15、ity feedback and are responsible for the quality of their work 是否保证作业员可收到品质反应并改进他们作业品质。Self audit system in place and effective 是否有自我稽核系统并有效实施1.7 PRODUCTION PROCESS / FLOW 生产制程 /流程Does layout prevent misrouting of product and minimize handling 线体设置是否能保证制程顺畅产品不滞流以达成最少的人工处理。Evaluate physical layout fo
16、r proper line balance and potential bottlenecks 线体规划有无对其平衡及潜在瓶颈进行评估Is flow of defective product documented 是否有文件定义不良品的处理流程Is line stop criteria documented and enforced to prevent excessive buildup of defective product 是否有文件定义停线标准以强迫防止生产额外不良品Is customer sprocess flow documented 是否文件化客户制程流程1.8 TEST PR
17、OCESS 测试过程Verify that test process is documented 检查测试步骤方法是否文件化Is test equipment and software under revision control 是否有对测试仪器与软件进行版本管制Test yield and defect data collection system exists, is automated and collects all data 现有的测试单元及不良数据收集系统是否是自动化以及是否能够收集到所有数据 Feedback to the defect source from test yie
18、lds and defect data for improvement 测试区域是否能及时反应不良以加以改善Test process and production flow prevents test escapes or misrouting of product 测试过程以及生产流程是否可以防止测试漏失及保证生产顺畅1.9 FAILURE ANALYSIS PROCESS 不良分析过程Is process documented 该制程是否文件化orAre production materials and repair materials effectively controlled to
19、prevent misrouting wrong parts being used对生产及维修材料进行有效地控制以防止用错料。Are there proper skills, training, and equipment to support failure analysis 是否有适当的技巧,培训及设备支持不良分析Age and quantity of debug WIP is controlled 是否对调试工具的使用年限及数量进行控制。Effective method to prioritize debug activities 使用有效的方法对调试动作优先顺序进行区分Failure
20、analysis output drives corrective actions 是否能从不良分析之结果得出改善措施Failure analysis data communicated to 客户 on regular basis 是否能定期将不良分析数据传送给客户Process in place to verify effectiveness of FA and corrective actions 是否有适当的过程来验证不良分析及改善措施的有效性Process in place to evaluate No Fault Found defects (also CND -Can Not D
21、uplicate) 使用适当的方法评估 no fault found 不良。Rework Process rework 过程Procedures for each type of rework operation确定每种类型返工的流程Proper tools in place to rework all production materials and components used 在适当地方中使用适当工具 rework 所有的制造材料和元件Data collection for all rework performed收集所有 rework 数据Data collection automa
22、ted / filing computerized数据收集自动化 / 用电脑进行整理Data feedback to defect source将数据反应到不良源中心Accept/reject criteria defined and available at rework stationVerification of rework quality 验证 rework 质量Documented process flow for rework operations对 rework 操作的流程进行文件化Reworked material marked (physical marking or computer scan) 对已 rework 材料进行标注 ( 对其本身进行标注或电脑扫描 ) Rework history available for all reworked materials 将所有 rework 材料列入可用的 rework 档案Reworked materials go through proper test and inspection re-flow channel 对已 rework 材料进行适当的测
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