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1、Unit 1 Friendship第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AI think a close friend is someone you get on really well with, who helps you when you have problems, who gives you advice, and who always has time for you. I didnt use to have many close friend

2、s when I was at school or at university as I was very shy, but now I have several. They are all women  I think its difficult to have a close friend of the opposite sex (异性). MarieI dont really have any close friends. I know a lot of people but mainly through work, and the kind of soci

3、al occasions (场合) when we meet are business dinners and evening parties. I think if you come from a really close family, then friends are a bit unnecessary. The little free time I have I prefer to spend with my family. RichardI think a close friend is someone who youve known for a long time, an

4、d who you still get on with. They probably have similar hobbies to you so you can do things together. Ive got three close friends who I was at high school with and we often go away together (without our parents of course). We always go camping and somewhere we can go walking, play football and be ou

5、tside in the open air. DavidFor me close friends are the people you spend your free time with. I go out at weekends with a group of people there are about seven of us, and Id say we are all close friends. We also live near each other. I dont think you can have close friends at a distance (在远处);

6、 you need to be able to see each other often. But I dont think you need to be doing the same things. I mean Im at university but none of my friends are. Ana21. What does Richard say about friends?A. Its hard to make friends at work.B. Theyre less important than family.C. Friends need to have a

7、lot in common.D. Women and men cant be close friends.22. What does David enjoy?A. Physical activity.   B. Parent-child camp.   C. Going to evening parties.   D. Playing out in the open alone.23. What do we know about Anas friends?A. They are college stude

8、nts.  B. They are doing the same things.  C. They dont live far away.D. They dont see each other often. 24. Who has more friends now than before?A. Ana.    B. David.    C. Richard.    D. Marie.BWhat a day! I started at my new scho

9、ol this morning and had the best time. I made lots of new friends and really liked my teachers. I was nervous the night before, but I had no reason to be. Everyone was so friendly and polite. They made me feel at ease. It was like Id been at the school for a hundred years!The day started very early

10、at 7:00 am. I had my breakfast downstairs with my mom. She could tell that I was very nervous. Mom kept asking me what was wrong. She told me I had nothing to worry about and that everyone was going to love me. If they didnt love me, Mom said to send them her way for a good talking to. I couldnt sto

11、p laughing.My mom dropped me off at the school gates about five minutes before the bell. A little blonde (金发的) girl got dropped off at the same time and started waving (招手) at me. She ran over and told me her name was Abigail. She was very nice and we became close straight away. We spent all morning

12、 together and began to talk to another girl called Stacey. The three of us sat together in class all day and we even made our way home together! It went so quickly. Our teacher told us that tomorrow we would really start learning and developing new skills.I cannot wait until tomorrow and feel as tho

13、ugh I am really going to enjoy my time at my new school. I only hope that my new friends feel the same way too.25. How did the author feel the night before her new school?A. Tired.B. Excited.C. Worried.D. Relaxed.26. What did the author think of her mothers advice?A. Clear.B. Funny.   

14、;   C. Reasonable.D. Excellent.27. What happened on the authors first day of school?A. She met many nice people.B. She had a hurried breakfast.C. She learned some new skills.D. She arrived at school very early.28. What can we infer about Abigail?A. She disliked Stacey.B. She was shy a

15、nd quiet.C. She got on well with the author.D. She was an old friend of the author.CA snowboarder was feeling lucky to be alive yesterday after a helicopter rescue (直升机营救).Ben Akintola, 30, was snowboarding in the French Alps under a clear blue sky in the afternoon when a large amount (数量) of snow f

16、ell down the side of the mountain. He didnt have time to escape (逃脱) and it hit him with full force and knocked him senseless.He woke in the middle of the night in total darkness. He was lying on an icy rock. Amazingly, he still had a mobile phone signal (信号), so he called a friend a thousand kilome

17、ters away in Britain. His friend called the French rescue services.“I was waiting for what seemed like hours on that rock. I was beginning to give up hope when I heard the sound of a helicopter. It was circling around in the darkness, looking for me. I was trying my best to wave my mobile around. Fo

18、rtunately the helicopter pilot saw the light.“I was overjoyed when the helicopter headed my way. It stayed above me and began lowering a rope.”Ben was in hospital last night but he was not being treated for any serious injuries. Hes looking forward to going home today.The French rescue services said

19、: “We were very pleased that we were able to save Ben. The risk of snowslide off-piste (非滑雪场地的) is much higher at this time of year. All snowboarders and skiers should stay on the ski runs and not go off-piste. Ben was very lucky.”29. What happened to Ben?A. He got lost in the French Alps.B. He

20、 had a snowboarding accident.   C. He was separated from his friends.   D. He was knocked down by falling rocks.  30. The French rescue services learned about Bens difficulty _.A. from his friendB. in the early afternoonC. after receiving his callD. when seein

21、g his mobile31. How did Ben feel about the wait?A. It made him strong in the darkness.B. It caused him to hope for the best.C. It was shorter than he expected.D. It was a little discouraging.32. Whats the best title for the text?A. A Lucky EscapeB. A Rocky MountainC. Risks of SnowboardingD. French R

22、escue ServicesDKenyas long-distance runners are among the best in the world. Is their food and daily routine (常规) a key to the secret of their success? We spent a week at a training camp with ten top athletes (运动员) to find out. This is what we discovered.They eat five times a day:08:00  &#

23、160;   Breakfast10:00      Mid-morning snack13:00      Lunch16:00      Afternoon snack19:00      SupperThe Kenyan runners food is based on bread, rice, potatoes, porridge, cabbage, beans and

24、 ugali (balls of cornmeal). Ugali is usually eaten with vegetables.Meat is eaten in fairly small amounts, just four times a week. The athletes drink a lot of tea with milk and sugar. They get all the vitamins (维生素) they need from their food  they never take vitamin pills.They usually train

25、 as a group twice a day. The first run is at 6 oclock in the morning and the afternoon run is at 5 oclock. They run 10 to 15 kilometres in the morning and 6 to 8 kilometres in the afternoon. Once a week, the two 1,500-metre runners in the group run shorter distances at higher speeds.An amazing part

26、of the Kenyan food is its richness in carbohydrates (碳水化合物). Every 24 hours, they have about 600 grams of carbohydrates to give them energy for their training. They only eat a little fat, most of it coming from the milk they have in their tea. They drink about a litre (升) of water every day. Surpris

27、ingly, they drink more than a litre of tea every day, too. They always eat soon after training.Rest and sleep are also an important part of the athletes programme. They are always in bed early and they always get a good nights sleep.33. Why did the author go to the training camp?A. To improve his ru

28、nning.B. To report who are the best runners.C. To learn from the athletes good habits.D. To find out why the athletes do so well.34. What do we know about the first group run of the day?A. It starts at midmorning.B. It happens before breakfast.C. It is shorter than the second run.D. It is led by two

29、 1,500-metre runners.35. What surprised the author about the athletes?A. They drink a lot of tea.  B. They eat five times a day. C. They never take vitamin pills.  D. They take in a lot of milk and sugar.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Be at you

30、r best!What does your brain need to work well? Here are some things it needs.Good foodExperts say that breakfast is much more important than any other meal.  36 . So dont miss breakfast especially before an exam! But you need to eat a good breakfast junk food wont work.A regular suppl

31、y of energyYour brain needs a regular supply of energy, so you need to eat carbohydrates. Theyre found in bread, rice, pasta and beans.  37 . They work more quickly than bread and rice, so they give you a short burst (爆发) of energy, but afterwards you feel more tired.A continuous supp

32、ly of oxygen (氧气)Your brain needs oxygen, which it gets from exercise.  38 . You also need a good supply of iron because iron helps your blood to carry oxygen round your body.Water 39 . Not getting enough water will stop your brain from working well. And remember, water

33、 isnt as expensive as sweet drinks! 40 Your brain needs several hours sleep, so it can update itself, just like a computer. Experts say that when you study for a test or an exam, you should get some sleep as quickly as possible after youve finished studying. This helps you to remember what

34、 youve learnt.A. A short breakB. A good nights sleepC. It works best in the morningD. Exercise improves your memory tooE. Water is much better than sweet drinksF. Your brain works better when you have eatenG. Chocolate, biscuits and sweets are not good for your brain第三部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分

35、)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I went to a camp last month, and I met this strange girl, Elizabeth. When I saw her sitting alone in the sun at lunch, I said, “Want to come  41  with us under that tree over there?”Elizabeth said, “

36、No.”When we   42  another person for our volleyball team and invited Elizabeth to play with us, Elizabeth said, “ 43  I wanted to play volleyball, Id  44  be playing volleyball.”After a few more  45  comments (

37、评论) like that, I  46  to stay away from Elizabeth. But  47 , I was paired with her on a nature walk.“What do you like to do for fun?” I said, trying to make small talk  48  we started out.“I like to walk in peace and quiet,” Elizabeth replied.“O

38、K,” I said, getting the  49 .Then we had the quietest, most peaceful walk in human history. Until “Hey!” I said. “Why is that  50  in the middle of the path?”“Oh no!” said Elizabeth. “I think he is hurt!”As we got  51 , the bird flew away.“Thats

39、 good,” I said. “He might be taking a rest over there.”Elizabeth whispered (小声说道), “But what if hes in  52 , like my granddad?” “Your granddad?” I said.Elizabeth looked at the ground. “He fell and broke his leg the day camp started. Hes  53  in the h

40、ospital and is in so much pain.” “Oh, no thats  54 !” I said. “Im so sorry.”Elizabeth shook her head. “Im sorry. For some  55 , whenever I get really sad, Im  56 . I guess its because I just want to be  57  or something.”“I&#

41、160; 58  it,” I said. “I dont always know how to  59  it when Im feeling down.” “Thanks,” she said. “I really  60  your granddad gets better soon, too,” I said. “Thank you,” she said, smiling.41. A. eat        

42、             B. playC. study                       D. walk42. A. forgot               

43、0; B. needed      C. accepted                D. showed43. A. When                 B. Because     C. Though   &

44、#160;                D. If44. A. also                    B. againC. already                 

45、60;D. ever45. A. unfair                 B. unfriendly        C. short                        D. honest46. A. f

46、ailed                   B. continued         C. decided                    D. refused47. A. unluckily    

47、         B. interestingly     C. naturally                  D. silently48. A. unless                 B. soC. since      

48、                D. as49. A. point                   B. adviceC. problem                   D. result50. A. student                

49、B. granddadC. patient                     D. bird51. A. older                    B. closerC. out                       D. away52. A. pity  

50、                    B. fearC. pain                       D. anger53. A. soon                    B. stillC. only          

51、;             D. once54. A. terrible                 B. strange      C. dangerous                 D. foolish55. A. purpose &#

52、160;             B. duty   C. chance                      D. reason56. A. shy                       B. wrongC. rude         &

53、#160;              D. slow57. A. alone                    B. clearC. polite                        D. happy58. A. make           &

54、#160;         B. getC. have                         D. try59. A. answer                 B. change      C. care for          

55、           D. deal with60. A. mean                   B. realize              C. hope                    

56、    D. promise第  卷第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Last week I 61. _ (take) on a difficult task of showing kindness. The idea came from a few posts on a website. I decided 62. _ (reach) out to a few people I hadnt talked to f

57、or the past few years.One was a cousin, 63. _ I had lost touch with for 25 years. She was very happy when we got 64. _ touch. The other two were friends I hadnt talked to in nearly 10 years. It was really good to talk to 65. _ (they) both.With one of them, I reached out at a great time for him. He h

58、ad forgotten my name 66. _ (entire) but remembered I disliked 67. _ (run) when young because I had asthma. He was grateful that I called him and said some very kind 68. _ (thing) to me about our past. I am glad our friendship mattered to him.I think 69. _ is good to be the one to take the initiative

59、 (主动性) to be kind and reach out. Even if it seems difficult at the time, in the end it offers 70. _ (wonder) rewards!第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在

60、错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Miss Yang is one of my neighbor. As a young child he never got any pocket money from her parents, but she could earn a little by do small jobs around the neighborhood. Like most young people

61、 she dreamt being rich and famous, but she made her dream to come true. Shes now very rich, but she remembered where she came from. She has given away the lot of money over the years to setting up schools and to help poor families. She says, “For me its just a little money, but for much of these peo

62、ple its the difference between life or death.”第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Amy来信说她每逢重要考试都会倍感焦虑。请你给她回一封信,内容主要包括:1. 表示理解并给予安慰;2. 提出具体建议(对考试持正确的态度,考前保证充足的睡眠,多做户外活动来放松身心)。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Amy,Im sorry to hear that you feel rather nervous wh

63、enever youre taking any important exam.                                           




67、60;                                                  &#

68、160;                                                 &#

69、160;                                                 &#

70、160;                                              I hope you will find

71、 my suggestions helpful.Yours,Li Hua选做题阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Josh Katz works at the New York Times. His job is to use information to tell interesting stories. In December 2013, Katz built a quiz (测试) on the Times website. It asked people about the words they use to describe things

72、and events. It also asked how they pronounced common words. The quiz then used peoples answers to decide where in the United States they were from.The quiz got more than 350,000 results. Katz turned the results into a book. In Speaking American, he studies regional (区域的) differences i

73、n how Americans talk.“A lot of peoples language shows who they are and where theyre from, in a very personal way,” Katz said.Katz says people are often surprised to learn that the way they talk can show where they grew up. Most Americans dont realize they use regionalisms or words and phrases specif

74、ic to a particular part of the country. But just about everyone does. Almost every major U.S. city has a few unique (独一无二的) terms. For example, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the night before Halloween is known as Mischief Night. Anyone who calls it that is likely to be connected to the city.Katz hi

75、mself was taken aback by how many common words are regional. “There are a lot of words I use that I just thought were standard words,” he says. “Then I found out some of these words were actually a product of my upbringing.”For example, he says, “I thought everyone said sneakers (运动鞋)

76、 and not tennis shoes.” But it turns out sneakers is connected mostly to the Northeast. Thats where Katz is from.Some scholars think that language in the U.S. is growing more homogeneous (同类的). But Katz disagrees. “These regional differences are here to stay,” he says.Not only are peo

77、ple still using common regionalisms, but there are new ones appearing all the time, according to Katz. Theres no way to predict how language will change in the future. But Katz sees more change coming. “The only sure thing about language is that its going to keep moving,” he says.1. Whats the purpose of the


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