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1、 The Expensive Fantasy of Lord WilliamsUnit 1 : Section ANew Horizon College EnglishBackground informationCompound dictationQuestions & AnswersWatch & DiscussPre-reading ActivitiesHow to apply to our real life the typical expressions and patterns taken from the textExpressions & Patterns

2、All the exercisesfor Section AExercisesMain idea and devices for developing itText AnalysisBlank fillingSummary议论文写作技巧议论文写作技巧WritingDirections: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:2. What attitude should we take toward money?key1. Whats your definition of money?keyI. Pre-reading A

3、ctivities: Listen, Look & SayVideo watching上一页上一页BackIII. Expressions & PatternsA. Compatible Expressions活学活用活学活用Back下一页下一页上一页上一页1.1.向向祝贺,向祝贺,向干杯干杯 to raise a glass to sb. (L. 2)婚礼上,人们举杯向这对新人祝贺,婚礼上,人们举杯向这对新人祝贺,祝福他们永远幸福。祝福他们永远幸福。At the wedding party, people raised a glass to the new couple wi

4、shing them a happy life for ever. arose随着孩子们年龄的增长,他们对周围世界随着孩子们年龄的增长,他们对周围世界的好奇心与日俱增。的好奇心与日俱增。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsAs children get older, their curiosity about the outside world around them is aroused over time.下一页下一页上一页上一页2. 2. (疑心疑心 / / 兴趣兴趣 / / 好奇心)与日俱增好奇心)与日俱增 (ones suspicions /

5、 interest / curiosity) to be aroused over time (L. 7)Backout听说要涨价,市民们纷纷到商店大量抢购。听说要涨价,市民们纷纷到商店大量抢购。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsWord of price rise sent the citizens to shops to buy up as much as they could.下一页下一页上一页上一页 3. 3. 全部买进全部买进 to buy up (L. 8)Back to provide a large injection of cash

6、 into (L. 9) to pour money into (L. 19) to sink money into (L. 40)活学活用活学活用政府投入了大量的资金去改善生活环境。政府投入了大量的资金去改善生活环境。III. Expressions & PatternsThe government provided a large injection of cash into bettering the living environment.下一页下一页上一页上一页4. 投入大量资金投入大量资金 / 投资于投资于Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions &

7、Patterns下一页下一页上一页上一页5. 使使起死回生起死回生 / 使使焕发生机焕发生机 to bring sth. / sb. back to life (L. 10) 改革开放政策使深圳这个过去的小镇焕发了改革开放政策使深圳这个过去的小镇焕发了生机生机。The policy of reform and opening-up brought Shenzhen, a small town in the past, back to life.Back她年轻的时候幻想着自己是个电影明星,过她年轻的时候幻想着自己是个电影明星,过着和她们一样的奢侈生活。着和她们一样的奢侈生活。活学活用活学活用II

8、I. Expressions & PatternsWhen young, she led an extravagant life, living out a fantasy that she was a movie star.下一页下一页上一页上一页6. 6. 实践梦想,生活在幻想中实践梦想,生活在幻想中 to live out a fantasy (L. 12)Back经过努力,这位年轻人很快升为公司的总经经过努力,这位年轻人很快升为公司的总经理。理。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsThrough his own effort, the

9、young man soon rose to a position as the general manager of the company. 下一页下一页上一页上一页7.7.提升为提升为 to rise to a position as (L. 16)Back当那个地区的人民遭受当那个地区的人民遭受不幸时,政府和社会各不幸时,政府和社会各界都表示了他们的关怀界都表示了他们的关怀和爱心。和爱心。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsWhen the people in that area fell upon dark days, both the go

10、vernment and the people from all walks of life showed their concern and love. 下一页下一页上一页上一页8.8.遭到不幸,倒霉遭到不幸,倒霉 to fall upon dark days (L. 21)Back尽管球队目前处于低谷,但忠实的球迷们继尽管球队目前处于低谷,但忠实的球迷们继续支持她。续支持她。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsAlthough the team is at the lowest point, the devoted football fans st

11、ick by her as they used to.下一页下一页上一页上一页9.9.(尤指在困难时刻)继续支持,忠于(尤指在困难时刻)继续支持,忠于 to stick by sth. / sb. (L. 22)Backout to at by闻名遐迩的秦兵马俑位于西安城东闻名遐迩的秦兵马俑位于西安城东20公里。公里。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsTwenty kilometers down east of Xian, there stands the well-known Museum of Qin DynastyTerracotta Warr

12、iors and Horses.下一页下一页上一页上一页10.10.距广场几家之遥距广场几家之遥 a few doors down the square (L. 28)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsThis enterpriser sunk a large amount of money into the town with no intention of getting it back but with the mere purpose of repaying his hometown for her love and care for

13、 his growth. 下一页下一页上一页上一页11. 11. 收回,撤回收回,撤回 to get sth. back / take sth. back (L. 30) 这位企业家在此小镇投入巨资,并无意收这位企业家在此小镇投入巨资,并无意收回,而只是为了回报家乡的养育之恩。回,而只是为了回报家乡的养育之恩。Back这个地区置于联合国维和部队的单独管辖之这个地区置于联合国维和部队的单独管辖之下。下。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsThis region is placed under the sole control of the Peace T

14、roops of UN. 下一页下一页上一页上一页12.12.在他的单独管辖之下在他的单独管辖之下 under his sole authority / control (L. 33 )Back被占领国的人民被占领国的人民举行各种活动反举行各种活动反对这个超级大国对这个超级大国的入侵。的入侵。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsThe people of the occupied country conducted various activities against the invasion of the superpower.下一页下一页上一页上一

15、页13.13.开展活动,反对开展活动,反对 / / 支持支持 to conduct activities against / for (L. 34)Back电影电影“泰坦尼克泰坦尼克”以以它那美妙的音乐和感它那美妙的音乐和感人的情节深深地打动人的情节深深地打动了许多年轻人的心。了许多年轻人的心。活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & PatternsTitanic, a wonderful movie, captured many young peoples hearts with its fascinating music and touching plots.下一页下

16、一页上一页上一页14.14. 深深地吸引了某人深深地吸引了某人; ;因因使某人着迷使某人着迷 to capture ones heart with (L. 40)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & Patterns当夜幕降临时,整个村庄消失在黑暗中。当夜幕降临时,整个村庄消失在黑暗中。As evening came, the whole village disappeared in the dark / into darkness. 下一页下一页上一页上一页15.15.消失在远方消失在远方/ /夜幕中夜幕中/ /人群中人群中 to disappear into

17、 the distance / in the dark / in the crowd (L. 42)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & Patterns部队唱着歌,迈着整齐的步伐向远方前进。部队唱着歌,迈着整齐的步伐向远方前进。Singing songs, the troops are marching in step over the horizon.下一页下一页上一页上一页16.16.向远方行进向远方行进 to march over the horizon ( L. 43)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & Pattern

18、s令国际社会极为失令国际社会极为失望的是,两国最终望的是,两国最终未能达成和平协议。未能达成和平协议。To the worlds terrible disappointment, the two countries eventually failed to reach a peace agreement.下一页下一页上一页上一页17.17.令他们极为尴尬的令他们极为尴尬的/ /失望的失望的 to their terrible embarrassment / disappointment (L. 56)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & Patterns花农们原

19、打算卖个好价钱,但因市场疲软,他花农们原打算卖个好价钱,但因市场疲软,他们蒙受了巨大的经济损失。们蒙受了巨大的经济损失。The flower growers intended to sell their flowers at a satisfying price, but due to the sluggish market, they had to sell them at a substantial loss.下一页下一页上一页上一页18.18.蒙受巨大损失蒙受巨大损失 at a substantial loss ( L. 59)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions &

20、amp; Patterns通过收购其股票,这家国有公司很快控制了那通过收购其股票,这家国有公司很快控制了那家私营公司绝大部分的股权。家私营公司绝大部分的股权。Through purchasing the stocks, the state-owned company soon acquired the bulk of the stocks of that privately-run company. 下一页下一页上一页上一页19. 19. 获取,得到获取,得到 / / 占领占领的绝大部分的绝大部分 to acquire / conquer the bulk of sth. (L. 60)Bac

21、k活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & Patterns生意人应当以诚信为本,生意人应当以诚信为本,公平交易。公平交易。A businessman must take honesty as his cardinal principle and make fair deals.下一页下一页上一页上一页20. 20. 和和打交道打交道 / / 作交易作交易 to strike / make a deal(s) with(L. 61)Back活学活用活学活用III. Expressions & Patterns获取文凭和学历并不是她们读研的唯一获取文凭和学历并不是她们

22、读研的唯一动机。动机。To obtain a diploma and degree is not at all the only motive that drives them to pursue their postgraduate studies.下一页下一页上一页上一页21. 的动机的动机 the motive for sth. or doing sth. (L. 64)Back原句原句: : Estimates are that he poured nearly 5 million of the stolen money into the village and gave jobs t

23、o 43 people . (L. 19)III. Expressions & Patterns1. Typical patterns for evidence citing句型提炼句型提炼下一页下一页上一页上一页Back1) Estimates /A research / A report / A poll are / is that 据估计据估计/ /研究研究/ /报告报告/ /调查调查应用应用:a.a.根据教育部的一份调查报告,农村失根据教育部的一份调查报告,农村失学率是全国平均的七倍,从而导致他们的失业学率是全国平均的七倍,从而导致他们的失业率是全国平均的两倍左右。率是全国平均

24、的两倍左右。A report by the Department of Education is that in the countryside, the school dropout is seven times the national average, which leads to their unemployment rate twice the national average.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back应用应用:b.b.专家估计奥运会的举办将会给这个城专家估计奥运会的举办将会给这个城市带来几十亿美元的收入和几百万个就业机会。市带来几十亿美元的收入和几百万个就业机会。 Esti

25、mates by the experts are that the Olympic Games will produce a revenue of billions of dollars and millions of job opportunities for this city.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back原句原句: : I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be described as greed. (L. 65)III. Expressions & Patterns2. Typical p

26、atterns for emphasizing the changes in sth. / sb.句型提炼句型提炼下一页下一页上一页上一页Sb. or Sth. goes from the + n. to do to what is described (known) as / called 由由变得只能说是变得只能说是Back应用应用:a.a.那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌。Those corrupt officials went from the desire to gain petty adva

27、ntages to what can only be described as greed.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back应用应用:b.b.他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴。放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴。His love for pop music went from the need to relax himself to what can be described as craziness.应用应用:c.c.那位普通的青年起初只是出于道义跳那位普通的青年起初只是出于道义跳水救人,而后来则可以说是一种伟大的精神促水救人,而

28、后来则可以说是一种伟大的精神促使他一次又一次地跳下冰冷的河水,直到献出使他一次又一次地跳下冰冷的河水,直到献出了自己的生命。了自己的生命。That ordinary young man went from the moral need to save the drowning person to what can be called a great spirit that drove him to dive into the cold river time and again till his death.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back原句原句: :3. Mr. Williams bough

29、t up property after property, providing such a large injection of cash into the village( L. 8 )III. Expressions & Patterns句型提炼句型提炼下一页下一页上一页上一页上述三个句子均为渐进句,它是由一个基础句上述三个句子均为渐进句,它是由一个基础句式引出,再逐渐增加具体细节(通常是以独立式引出,再逐渐增加具体细节(通常是以独立结构和分词短语形式出现),使基础句的内容结构和分词短语形式出现),使基础句的内容得到补充或深化。得到补充或深化。Back应用应用:a.a.在危难之机

30、,全社会向这些灾民奉在危难之机,全社会向这些灾民奉献了爱心,捐钱、提供生活必需品和解决实献了爱心,捐钱、提供生活必需品和解决实际问题。际问题。During the difficult times, the whole society devoted love to the victims, donating money, providing life necessities and solving practical problems. 下一页下一页上一页上一页Back应用应用:b.b.他的务实精神得到完美的体现:说实他的务实精神得到完美的体现:说实话、办实事、诚恳待人话、办实事、诚恳待人。A

31、lways telling the truth, doing practical things, and exercising honesty in interpersonal contact, he fully displays the spirit of realism.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back下一页下一页“Lord Williams” was a _ noble, arriving in a small village in the mountains of Scotland. At the _, there were some villagers who were _about

32、 the _ of Anthony Williams though they were happy with him. And there were others who, with time passing by, became more and more _ of Mr. Williams despite the fact that he invested a _ amount of money into the village, giving _ to it. But _ of the villagers was able to_ the truth that Mr. Williams

33、was not a lord atwealthy beginningdoubtfulidentitysubstantiallivelinessnonesuspiciousguess上一页上一页all, but_ a government employee, who _ of becoming a Scottish noble so as to _ the money from a secret fund to realize his dream. In spite of this, all agreed that he _ a great amount of money into the vi

34、llage. His money was used to _ many properties. Many people thought he was charming and _ and did not suspect that he was _ them. But where did his money come from? He deceived everyone , telling them that he _ the money fromdreamedstealinjectedrestoreconsideratemisleadinginheritedmerely下一页下一页上一页上一页

35、a rich uncle. Certainly he was satisfied to _ his money into the old village, making it beautiful and_. But later the bank exposed his _ and _ the police of the real fact. _, he was _ into court and ended up in prison, feeling _ for his crime.gloriousdeceptioninformedConsequentlybroughtregretfulpour

36、(批驳分析类)(批驳分析类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文What Attitude Should We Take to Sth.1. 1. 社会上对某事物的错误观念社会上对某事物的错误观念2. 2. 分析批驳其错误所在分析批驳其错误所在3. 3. 给出如何看待该事物的建议给出如何看待该事物的建议(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(批驳分析类)写作模式(批驳分析类) 1) With the arrival / birth of , sth. is becoming more and more in our life. 2) Hit / Affected wi

37、th this trend, some / many people come to believe / contend that .( (错误观念错误观念) ) 3) But their viewpoint / belief could not arouse any echo in my mind.( (作者的立场作者的立场) ) 4) It is true that sth. is a key ingredient in ones ( (让步法分析让步法分析) ) 5) On any scale of , in fact, there is almost nothing heavier th

38、an sth. 6) If we see sth. in its true colors, however, it isBack(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页nothing but ( (批驳分析批驳分析I)I) 7) . ( (进一步阐述进一步阐述) ) 8) And moreover, laying any undue stress on sth. may lead one to , as can be easily seen in the cases of ( (批驳分析批驳分析II)II) 9) Therefore, it is necessary to

39、take a correct attitude towards sth. 10) On the one hand, ( (正确看法正确看法I) I) 11) On the other, . ( (正确看法正确看法II)II) 12) In sum, sth. means but not to our life. ( (结论句结论句) ) BackBack What Attitude Should We Take to Money1. 社会上对金钱的错误观念。社会上对金钱的错误观念。2. 分析批驳其错误所在。分析批驳其错误所在。3. 给出如何正确看待金钱的建议。给出如何正确看待金钱的建议。下一页下一页上一页上一页 1) With the arrival of market-based economy, money is becoming more and more importan


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