高中英语 Unit 6 lesson2《Design》Great buildings学案2 北师大版必修2_第1页
高中英语 Unit 6 lesson2《Design》Great buildings学案2 北师大版必修2_第2页
高中英语 Unit 6 lesson2《Design》Great buildings学案2 北师大版必修2_第3页
高中英语 Unit 6 lesson2《Design》Great buildings学案2 北师大版必修2_第4页




1、Unit 6 Design Lesson 2 Great buildings辅导与练习一、怎样区别kind,sort和type    三个词都可以表示种类。其中kind侧重指有共同特征,性质相同或非常相似的事物,尤其指动物、植物、水果等生物界的同一类属。与sort相比较为正式。例如: An orange is a kind of fruit橙子是一种水果。    Sort表示种类,可以与kind互换,但它侧重指大体相似或相近的事物,而且常常带有轻蔑或否定的意味,与kind相比较为口语化。例如:  

2、;  She is not my sort of(a girl)她不是我喜欢的那种(小女孩)。    Type也可表示种类,但它侧重指具体的类型,作“型号”、“式样”解。例如:A new type Of plane can be seen flying in the sky可以看到天上飞着一架新型飞机。    A type of与a kind of和a sort of的用法基本相同。Of后的名词通常用单数,名词前不用冠词或其他限定词。例如:The engineer designedanew ki

3、ndsorttype Of plane这个工程师设计了一种新型飞机。但在美国英语中,a type of中常常省去of,直接用type修饰名词,如a new type(of) car,a new type(of)bike等。A type of作“典范”解时,其后的单数名词可以被限定词所修饰。例如:Guo Moruo is a fine type of the modern writer in China。郭沫若是中国现代作家的典范。二、as if 是从属连词,引导方式状语从句,其用法和意义与as though相似,都表示"好像","仿佛"之意,但as if

4、 较通俗。(1) 如果as if从句中所说的内容为非真实情况时,从句中的动词应该使用过去时或过去完成时,be动词在第一、三人称可用was或were。例如:She talks as if she knew everything. He looks as if he had seen a ghost. He treats me as if I were a stranger. (2) 如果as if从句中所说的内容是事实时,从句中的动词应该使用陈述语气。例如: It looks as if it is going to be very hot today. (3) 当as if引导的从句中的主语与

5、主句中的主语一致时,从句中的主语可以省略。例如: He stood up as if (he wanted) to leave.He talks as if he knew everything. / He talks as if knowing everything一、单项:1. The supermarket has so little parking space, _ is really a problem. A. which B. what C. it D. as2. The salesman said that _ thief was a young man with _ brown

6、 hair. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. a; 不填 D. a; a 3. Tom has hurt his leg. -Really? _. A. Who did that B. Whats wrong with him C. How did that happen D. Why was he so careless4. EBay, Amazon and WalMart are popular websites _ people can sell goods to each other. A. where B. which C. when D. whose5. One o

7、f the most significant happenings in the year 2005 was the success of Shenzhou VI, _ all Chinese were proud. A. of which B. for which C. which D. in which6. Ill be able to come to see your performance at 8:30 tomorrow evening. -Im sorry, by then my performance _ and I _ reporters in the meeting room

8、. A. will be ended; will meet B. is to end; will meeting room. C. will have ended; will be meeting D. will be ended; am going to meet7. While driving through the city, she showed me the building _ she once worked as a lift operator. A. when B. which C. by which D. in which8. It was an easy test and

9、he should have passed, but he _. A. doesnt B. wasnt C. didnt D. hadnt9. I hope _ the little _ I have been able to do has been of some use. A. that; that B. 不填;by which C. what; what D. 不填;with which10. Could you tell me _ you got the money for the gift? -Well, I sold some of my toys. A. why B. when

10、C. where D. how11. Could I take a few days leave, sir? -Im afraid you cant _ the work is being done. A. as B. until C. before D. after12. The boy wanted to go to the net bar after supper, but his mother told him _. A. not to do B. not do it C. not to D. didnt13. She was educated at Beijing Universit

11、y, _ she went on to have her advanced study broad. A. after this B. from that C. from which D. after which14. The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. A. what B. that C. how D. as15. I was given three books on cooking, the first _ I really enjoyed. A. of that B. of

12、 which C. that D. which二、完形:Bill worked on the night shift(夜班) in an old coal mine(矿). 16 180 miners worked underground there. They all took the 17 of night work, but Bill 18 worked at night. He said he 19 it.One day he came home 20 at half past seven in the morning. He had his “supper”, 21, and wen

13、t to bed. An unusual dream 22 his sleep. Afterwards, the only thing he remembered about it was a throbbing(= beating) blue light.23 Bill got up in the afternoon, he could 24 see the blue light in front of his eyes. 25 the evening grew darker, the light grew stronger. But 26 eight oclock the blue lig

14、ht was so bright that he could 27 see anything else.“Dont go to work,” his wife said. “If it isnt better by tomorrow, Ill have to 28 the doctor.”Bill didnt go to work. He sat in an armchair, 29 but with his eyes closed.At ten oclock, there was a long loud explosion(爆炸) under the ground. Bill opened

15、his eyes and jumped 30. The blue light was gone! He rushed out. 31 shouted, “Gas! Gas in the mine! Oh pity, the night shift!”The gas explosion killed 32 men in the mine. The bodies remained 33 in their deep grave(坟墓). And Bill has never 34. That blue light: Why did it make him, the only man 35 that

16、night?16. A. All day B. Day and night C. In days and nights D. During the day and night17. A. place B. time C. share D. hours18. A. often B. hardly C. always D. almost19. A. wished B. hated C. rather chose D. agreed to20. A. usually B. like usually C. as often D. as usual21. A. like he called B. as

17、he called to C. as he said D. as he called it22. A. terrified B. worried C. woke D. troubled23. A. While B. Until C. When D. As soon as24. A. still B. yet C. already D. nearly25. A. As B. Because C. For D. Before26. A. before B. since C. by D. for27. A. never B. seldom C. almost D. hardly28. A. send B. go to see C. send for D. call at29. A. waken up B. awake C. awaken D. work up30. A. to his feet B. off his feet C. on his feet D. on his head31. A. Anyone B. Someone C. Certain man D. There was a man32. A. some B. any C. all D. certain33. A. to his


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