已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、marketing strict internalcost control,busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,price increase, electri cit,suppl, isguarantee d.In2012,thecompa n,with coali nventor ,,get rewards ofJiangsu provincia lgovernme nt power to266million kWh.Throele ctricit, 1.695 bi llion kWh,seek

2、i ngremovalcompensati on w hen t hepower 50million-kil owatt,116% marketshare in Jiangsu Provi nce ranked first in thesame ca pacit y,the same type units.Compa n, cl osel, tracke dcoallinkage poli cieson Jul,1 and August20respectivelyincreaseprice s2.08minute sand 2.5point s,profita bility increased

3、 significantly.Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreements into l ong-termcontractworkers compensationsystem,stimulating thee nthusiasm ofthestaff. -Further strengthening ofhuma n resources management.Full implementationofthe performanceappraisa lregulations,i ncentive effect. Completethe reservecad

4、reeval uation and selection,pr oduce d 10primar, reserve cadresand 11secondary reservecadres. Implementationofoperati on staffnhamapth.on agai nst corruption,strengtheningthehumanistic care a nd ps,chol ogical counsel ing,theconstructiontoading ofenterpriCompa nies adheretothe Shenhua lea d ofcorpor

5、ate culture, culture ofresponsibilityatthecore,t osafetyculture, acult ure oflear ning, ethicaon,electricityatthe core,e nhancethe operationof lean managementto realize l ow consumpti on, high efficienc,,re duce producti on cost s.Second is tostrengthen thebusi ness,financial, material931 基地武警营房10KV

6、电缆移位工程编制单位:四川三鑫建筑有限公司2014 年 7 月 4 日ecurit ,,pr ofit,maintain sta bilit, andpromearthquake, donated all thecompanynd theoptimizatioteharmoniousdevelopment"as themaincontentofthe "threeguarantees" themepraemplo,ee s,tol ove,t osupport the disa sterareas. Thi s,ear,t hecompa n,haswon the

7、"S- . IL . I I .I. . . . I - 一 - I.on oforganization and management,saving t heinter naltransa ction costs. Harmu . Cutti ngcostscan.1 .11-一-oni ous developmentofharmonious develone, shouldnot be wI. 一 n,partya ndfurtherimproveme nt of thelevel ofwoney sou no ews to constr uct a"foreign&qu

8、ot;envirhe "interntanalyork.Staffparticipating in the honest anagement qual it,, impr ove cost contI . >_ 1.11.1e curit,firmandi nternalmanagement oftheirolcapacitya nd marketcompetitive.II_ -nternalmanagemeness.nt measure s areeffective, harmonious".Innovation of science a nd technol o

9、gy-science ad b, hone stinspe ctors teamcomposed"Foreign currency" means "Enterdinatiof12 employees tobr oade n the channel s ofsupervision.he role ofscie nceaAdhereto estabetter."(B)XXblish "fourg ood" leadership auseof new tpriseswmaterials,technologies,ne wmaerials,

10、new p es buildi ng intrinsic safet, power compan, gnew processe s,newequipme一- e s, neweqoalsare:nt,increaseinvestorkdynamic.unplanned outage 0times. Classmentin sciePromoti ng the ope nneof disornceaders0,0 iand techno logicaltraini JInjury acciothevitalinterestuptransformingscientifi-.I -I - 一s of

11、thestaffTrade Union delqui pment a ccdientscand technologi 一一 -egation l eader meeti ng ofthe 26s,stem tonotoccur,cala chieveme nts,forming anumber一.一 .II.IL. . .Lno fire, no environmentaldiscussand safeguardtheir democraticrights.Im provethe organizati onal struct ure ofthe mission,the wcor e compe

12、titivene ss.Resour .11-chi eve zero cases ofviolation, zeroace-saving -the-resourcessavi ng enter prise-.I . - I vng - e-resourcessav ng ener prcci dent s,zero. Qualit, goalis:wheork ofstrengthening.wastoreducecoalOrganize mai ntenance la bor em ulation and"healthn generati ngcaaci,.consum ptio

13、n, water consumptiCup"competition, enhancethe skills ofstaff.Organized avarietyofculturalactivities,physicala nd mentalhealthWen chuanmarketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance. -Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase, electri citysupplyi sguarantee d.In20

14、12,the compa nywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provi ncia lgovernme nt powerto266mil lion kWh.Throele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50milli on-kil owatt,116% marketshare in Jiangsu Provi nce ranked firstin the same ca pacit y,the same type units

15、. Compa ny cl oselytracke dcoallinkage poli cieson July 1 and August20respectivelyincrease price s2.08minute sand 2.5 point s,profita bility increase d significantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreeme nts into l ong-termcontractw orkers compensationsystem,stimulatingthe e nthusiasm ofthest

16、aff. -Furtherstrengthening ofhuma n resource s management.Full implementationofthe performanceappraisa lregulations, i ncentive effect. Complete thereservecadre eval uationand sele ction, pr oduce d 10primary reserve ca dresand 11 secondary reserve cadres. Impleme ntation ofoperati on staffnhua lea

17、d of corporatecult ure, culture ofresponsibilityatthecore,t osafetyculture, a cult ure oflear ning, ethicainformation a nd theoptimizati on oforganization and management,saving t he inter naltransa ctioncosts. Harm oni ous developmentofharmonious devel opment-is to constr uct a"foreign"env

18、irnalse curityfirm andi nternalma nagement ofthe i nternalmanageme ntmeasure s areeffective, harmonious"."Foreign currency" means "Enterprisecoor dinationgwit hthe neighbors better."(B)XX 2013five enter prises buildi ngintrinsic safety powercompany goalsare:unplanned outage

19、0times. Class of disor ders0,0 injury a cci dent,materialand e qui pment a ccdients do notoccur, no fire, no environmentalpollutionaccide nt.Enterpriseintegratedtoachi eve zero cases ofviolation, zeroa cci dent s,zero. Qualitygoalis:whe.52目录一、编制依据二、工程概况三、施工工期四、人员体系及机械投入五、任务目标六、施工方案七、注意事项八、附图ecurit y

20、, pr ofit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment" asthe mainearthquake, donated al lthecompany em ployee s,tolove , to supportthe disasterareas.Thicontent ofthe"three g uarantee s" themepracti ce activitie s and"stressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexample"campai

21、gn,syear,the company ha swon the"Su . Cutting cost scan be controlled,moneyshould notbewasted "managementparty andfurtherimprovementofthe level ofwork.Staffparticipating in thehonesta nd cle an cultur e construction seminarphil osophy, manageme nt analy sis, to impr ovemanageme ntqua lity,

22、impr ove costcontrol capa city andmarketcompetitiveness.Innovationofscie nceand technology-scienceand technologyinnovatid byhonest i nspect orsteam com pose dof12em ployeest obroa den t hechannels ofsupervision.Adheretoestablish "fourgood"leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rateof98% t

23、otheteam.-Group woductiveforce ,active useofne w technol ogies, new materials, new proce sses,newe qui pment, i ncrease investmeorkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora love letterbox,tothe vitalinterests ofthe staffTrade Union delegati onlea dermeetingofthe26 systemtodi scus

24、sa nd safeg uardtheir democratic rights. Improve tnt in scie nce andtechnolnd te chnol ogicala chieveme nts,forming a number of proprietarytechnolhe organi zationalstructure of themission,thework ofstrengt hening. Organizemai ntena nce la borem ulation and"healthCup"competitice-saving -the

25、 -resource s saving e nterpri se was to re ducecoalconsumpti on,waterconsumption, electivities, physi caland mentalhealthcare staff,tocreate aharmctricityatthe core,e nhance t he operation oflean managementto realize lowconsumpti on,high efficie ncy, reduce production costs.Second is tostrengtoni ou

26、s atmosphere. DuringtheWe nchuanhen t he busi ness, financial,material,marketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasi ng ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase, electri citysupplyi sguarantee d.In2012,the compa nywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provi nci

27、a lgovernme nt powerto266mil lion kWh.Thr ough t he"small" and bilateral trade,accesstoele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50milli on-kil owatt,116% marketshare in Jiangsu Provi nce ranked firstin the same ca pacit y,the same type units. Compa ny cl

28、 oselytracke dcoallinkage poli cieson July 1 and August20respectivelyincrease price s2.08minute sand 2.5 point s,profita bility increase d significantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreeme nts into l ong-termcontractw orkers compensationsystem,stimulatingthe e nthusiasm ofthestaff. -Further

29、strengthening ofhuma n resource s management.Full implementationofthe performanceappraisa lregulations, i ncentiveeffect. Complete thereservecadre eval uationand sele ction, pr oduce d 10primary reserve ca dresand 11 secondary reserve cadres. Impleme ntation ofoperati on stafficnudltuucrteion g,acno

30、gstsycult ursetceumlt,u1r4e sstyasfftepmostsbe -assistepdr,othmrotedo.uSgtrehvarionugsthceulntiunragl tihnteecguralttiivoant,iohnaofsprboofoesstsei donbausilnteechnsicsaclelentardee,rtsh,isels year haesctwe dcovonetrahgee"C9h1i3 fanctese coruylt-levuerlalmaprnoafgeessmientoana landdtveacnhcneid

31、 unitc",al"lNeaatdioenrsa.lTAodvea nha ncnecsetadffUsnkitillisnttrainihebuilndgi,8ngstoafffetnetcehrni priseciacnuslt.ur eofrefLoarbmorancodnotrpae ctlnianwgcuopm3p0l"iaandothnce,contrearcthsonoraofryutpittleo100%s. -T-hStealriateabmili-tbyuiolfthe cdoinmgpta noyacduvlaturnec:efurstol

32、vinghemr.aEstabnliashgeam"ehnotldpir nobglsysetemms iomfpcloermeporatecunlttautireon,and pprroje ctowmasotainwgart hdeedwt hhoelCe"EtCeamnatio-bnualiledlie ngctgroicalps,oswtrerenegthenntegrrporuispemcault urenaagcehmieevnetm.Tenteaawm buil ardodfinegxcienllteoa ncpe.erformance revieTheacc

33、iw,dperntoemaorltyinwgatr hencinognsatrnd uprcetivenotinonsyosfttehmeswtaarstreaatemddae pth. s Chi na'sThpisowyeerar,roefsipnnecotvivaetilon y,1mtarnaackg,e4mteenat,minfnouorvati staornramteadnafgiveem-setar ntofbeyleDcatrtiangcaponwdertheentteeram. prise i nJiaFnogusru, inPrsoisvits onnce"

34、;.s-ixPartycualntudrtahlei constrnudcteiopneofn"dheanrtmCoonmioumisssion againsdtevceolrorpumpteionnt,creoantinuestlolystgroeodjob ofpartyconstruncgttihoenna.nWa s carrie dd tohuetto "imndaienpteai ndentCommissi on agai nst corruption, strengtheningthe humanistic careand psychol ogical cou

35、nsel ing,the enterpri seculture constructiontoa newlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culturei s fruitful. Compa nies adheretothe She nhua lea d of corporatecult ure, culture ofresponsibilityatthecore,t osafetyculture, a cult ure oflear ning, ethica一、编制依据1 、工程设计施工图纸;2、对现场和周边环境的调查;3、 电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范

36、GB50168-2006;4、 电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范GB50169-2006;5、电气装置安装工程10KV及以下配电工程施工及验收规范;6、国家、省、市相关法律法规及相关规范要求。二、工程概况1、本工程为931基地武警营房工程室外10KV架空高压线拆除及位移工程。2、工程地址位于化工材料研究所基地,由于新建武警营房工程,需拆除位于新建建筑物上空的10KV架空高压线,改换为沿新建围墙外敷设电缆。3、工程内容有:拆除10KV架空高压线(3x120铝芯线),长度约390ml拆除一根12m预制混凝土电杆;新建安装一根 12m预制混凝土电杆;新埋设 YJV22-8.7/10KV 3*9

37、5 电缆;设置电缆标示桩等内容。4、工程量详附图。三、施工工期拟定工期7 个工作日。计划新建安装一根12m预制混凝土电杆1天;土方开挖及新埋设YJV22-8.7/10KV 3*95 电缆 4天;设置电缆标示桩及回填土方1 天;计划拆除10KV架空高压线及预制混凝土电杆1天。四、人员体系及机械投入1 、项目经理:杨弟荣全面负责本分项工程质量、工期、成本、安全。组织制订内部管理制度,落实职责,监督实施。2、项目技术负责人:郭俊负责工程的技术工作。编制本施工方案、施工措施,主管施工准备,处理技术问题。ecurit y, pr ofit,maintainstabilityand promoteharm

38、oniousdev elopment" asthe maincontent ofthe"three g uarantee s" themepracti ce activitie s and"stressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexample"campaign,partyandfurtherimprovementofthe level ofwork.Staffparticipating in thehonesta nd cle an cultur e construction seminar s, staff

39、's sense ofprobityand enhanced. Foundedbyhonestinspectorsteamcomposedof12em ployeest obroa den t hechannels ofsupervisi on.Adheretoestablish "fourgood"leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rateof98% totheteam.-Group workdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora lo

40、ve letterbox,tothevitalinterestsofthestaffTrade Union delegati onlea dermeetingofthe26 systemtodi scussa nd safeg uardtheir democratic rights. Improve theorganizationalstructureofthemission,theworkofstrengthening.Organizemai ntena nce la borem ulation and"healthCup"competition,enhancethesk

41、illsofstaff.Organizedavariety of culturalactivities,physicalandmentalhealthcare staff,tocreate aharmoni ous atmosphere. DuringtheWenchuanearthquake, donated al lthecompany em ployee s,tolove , to supportthe disasterareas.Thisyear,thecompanyhaswonthe"Su . Cutting cost scan be controlled,moneysho

42、uld notbewasted "management phil osophy, manageme nt analy sis, to impr ovemanageme ntqua lity,impr ove costcontrol capa city andmarketcompetitiveness.Innovationofscie nceand technol ogy-scienceand technologyinnovationistoplayther oleofsci enceand technologyasthe primaryproductiveforce ,active

43、useofne w technol ogies, new materials, new proce sses,newe qui pment, i ncrease investme nt in scie nce andtech nol ogy, strengthe ning scientificandtechnologicaltraining,speedinguptransformingscientificandtechnologicalachieveme nts,forming a number of proprietarytechnology, enhancing core competit

44、iveness.Resource-saving-the-resourcessavingenterpri se was to re ducecoalconsumpti on,waterconsumption, electricityatthecore,e nhance t he operation oflean managementtorealizelowconsumption,high efficie ncy, reduce production costs.Secondis tostrengt hen t he busi ness, financial,material,informatio

45、n a nd theoptimizati on oforganization and management,savingtheinternaltransa ctioncosts. Harm oni ous developmentofharmoniousdevelopment-i s to constr uct a"foreign"environmentfordevelopment."XING"referstothe"internalse curityfirm andi nternalma nagement ofthei nternalmanag

46、eme ntmeasure s areeffective, harmonious"."Foreign currency" means "Enterprisecoordinatingdevelopmentofhome opathy,well, getal ongwit hthe neighbors better."(B)XX 2013five enter prises buildi ngintrinsic safety powercompany goalsare:unplanned outage 0times. Class of disor de

47、rs0,0 i s equivalent forced outage rate. Nopersonal injury a cci dent,materialand e qui pment a ccdients do notoccur, no fire, no environmentalpollutionaccide nt.Enterpriseintegratedto a chi eve zero cases ofviolation, zeroa cci dent s,zero. Qualitygoalis:whe3maketng strct ierna l cst control bus .e

48、ss ad inovainpefrmanceIceasingcrclyaccess, pri increase, eecri ciy supy i s guaatee d I 2012, the compa ny wih ca i nvetor y, get rewards of Jangsu provi ncla l ggvenme e power .216 mi in kWh. Thr ought he "smal" a.biaara ta , accsstoeecrcly1195bilin kWh, seek ngremova cmpe nsatonw ethepow

49、er50 mH onil,tt 16% maketshae i JangguProvincerankedisithesamecapaciythesameyeunitsCmpaiycoseytrakedcaikagepolc.njuy1a. August 20 respec 1yiceaseprces218miuesand25poits,pria. icease d sgniianty *.Jobgadigremunerationoflabourageementsitlongtemcontrol w orkes cmpe-in.sem, stm.oiingtheenlhuSao of the s

50、af Futer sengteingofhumanour s management lul imp eiaiionoftheperformanceappaisale.oiin* i nceie effect Cmpiee tereservecadree uatin ad see cin, pr o_ce d lOprmay reserve des a. 11 secony reserve cades Imp e .lain e opeat onSafb-cbn gang . sem 4 saf poss bepromottd.Stengheningte .u - inofpre ona l e

51、cnial eaes.l Ice d coverge I 3 fct Inalandecnicae,es To e nha sf sk- taii ng, 8 saf tchni casLaorcntactlawcomplanie, cntacs of u t o .% Sta ebbidigtoa-alie ur Ie. Esais a "old ng .sem imp e ntaton, ad pr omotig t he w holl" e buidi ng gals stegten group managgmetTembuldigintapefmaneevew,pr

52、omotigthecnstuctonoftestatemdepth.Ths e,ec y, 1 t k 4 efusaatdfsar by latag a nd the tam.Fu,inisson、x .lual cnstucin o" hamoniusdopment, rra god job of paty cnstucin and teideeIdetCmmi on -ins corruin, steg lei ng the huma nstc cae a nd pschol ogca cusl Ing, te entepri se culue cnsucinta new el

53、>ui dig of etepr lue i s friul Cmpa nis adee to the She nhua - d of culueculueofr-onni at thec.to-fey cilue a cil ue of lea nig, etia一,e , cs cul ue culue systma- td, tr oog h vaius culu* ittgain, hasboosedbusie- cete ti s yar hhs w ont、e "Ci nee cl ual manment a d'anced uni", "

54、;NainalAvancedUniithebuidngofentep ,re of rfrm and openingu" ad ay tiesThe-bi of te cmpa ny .,e: slig ma nng-et pr oil -s of cr porae - ,re proe ct w m a-wa ded t he CEC natona ee ctc po-we e nteprie cul ue *et awadofexe- nc.Theicc det eay r nig a d prevetin systmws atd asCinas powe of ino<a

55、in managmet inovatonmange nt of leecr c po-we ete prie i n,aglu Prv nc. Pay ad the i ndepe nnent Cmmisin ist corupin coniues to stenghen.s care d out to、anta3、施工员:张劲负责施工任务安排,现场施工管理,向专业管理人员作 技术交底。4、安全员:张刚负责安全施工。5、材料员:李东负责材料。6、劳动力安排:1)劳务人员选用技术水平高,有丰富施工经验的施工作业人员,在人 力资源的数量和素质上确保施工安全和施工进度的需要。2)劳动力按不同施工部位

56、、不同的工种,分阶段组织综合作业班组, 各专业工种在班长的统一指挥下协调工作,提高操作的熟练程度和劳动生 产率。3)、具体施工人员的安排见下:主要劳动力需用量安排:普工20人、电工8人4)本工程拟投入具体施工机具材料详见后附表。序 号设备 名称型号 规格数量国别制造 年份额定 功率生产 能力用于 施工 部位备注1电焊机BX1-3002成都200227KVA2兆欧表500VWR-251上海20041.3KW3万用表DC-051北京2005五、任务目标1、本着对工程质量的高度责任感和对业主的负责,确保工程“质量优、 速度快、造价低、操作性强”。2、本工程严格按照工程图纸、相关规范、规程等技术资料、工程实际情 况、建设单位要求及有关要求进行质量策划后编制的。在人员、机械、材4marketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance. -Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase, electri citysupplyi sguarantee d.In2012,the c


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