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1、用心爱心专心- 1 -天津市蓟县 2013 届高三英语 10 月月考试题(无答案)外研版单项选择:1 -It is said Joh n will be in a job pay ing over $60000_year.-Right, he will also get paid by_ week.A the, the B a, the C the, a D a, a2 Before you take the medici ne, you had better read_first.A expla nati ons B in structi ons C in formatio n D in t

2、roduct ion.3 We had to _ a lot of no ise whe n the childre n were at home.A go in for B hold on to C put up with D keep pace with4. -I felt left out at the party last ni ght.-Really?_ , you should have said someth ing.A If possible B If so C If n ecessary D If any5.-We havent been to the Great Wall

3、in Beijing for ages.-No, I dont remember_I last visited it.A whe n was it that B whe n it was that C it was whe n that D whe n it was6 Despite the bad weather, the boy looked forward_the sport meeti ng.A to putt ing off B not to putti ng off C not to put off D to not putti ng off7 -I n eed to advert

4、ise for a roommate for n ext term.-_ ? Mary is in terested.A Why bother B Why not C So what D What for8-It is a long time_I saw you last.-Yes, now it will be a long time_we see each other again.A before , since B sin ce, whe n C since, before D whe n , before9 Although the boy lost his legs in the a

5、ccide nt, his mother loves him so much thatshe will_ aba ndon him.A by no means B by all means C by means of D by any means10 I would appreciate_if you could help me carry the box.A you B this C it D myself11 My mother was over the age limit and_ , her applicationfor the job was refused.A as a resul

6、t B in conclusion C worse still D whats more12 Joh n , make sure the table_before the guests arrive.A be set B have set C are set D are sett ing13 Tsin ghua Uni versity,_in 1911, is home to a nu mber of outsta nding figures .A found B founding C foun ded D to be foun ded14 It is not right for offici

7、als to ask people for gifts or money_fovor to themA in preference to B in place of C in exchange for D in agreement with15 We would have called a taxi yesterday if he_ us a ride home.A didnt offer B wouldnt offer C hasnt offered D hadnt offered完形填空:While I was wait ing to en ter uni versity, I saw i

8、n a n ewspaper a teach ing job 16_at a school about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short of 17 and wanting _to do something 18 I applied (申请),19_as I did so, that without a degree andwith no 20 of teach ing my cha nces of gett ing the job were 21 ._However, three days later, a letter arriv

9、ed, call ing me to Croyd on for a meet ing with the headmaster.用心爱心专心- 2 -It proved to be a 22 journ ey: a train to Croydo n stati on, a ten-minute bus ride and the n a walk of at 23 aquarter of a mile. As a result I arrived there, feeli ng toohot to be n ervous. It was clearly the 24himself that25

10、the door. He was short and round.The school, he said, is made up of one 26 of twen ty-four boys betwee n seve n and thirtee n. Ishould have to teach all the subjects except art, 27 he taught _himself. I should have to divide the class into 28 groups an d teach them in tur n at three differe nt 29 ,

11、and I was 30 at the thought of teach ing mathsasubject at which I wasnt very 31 at school. Worse perhaps was the idea of 32_to teach them on Saturday after noon because most of my friends would be 33 themselves at that time.Before I had time to ask about my salary, he got up to his 34 . Now he said,

12、youd better meet my wife. She is the one who really35 this school.16. A. keptB. lostC. wan tedD. fou nd17. A. moneyB. timeC. stude ntsD.clothes18. A. harmfulB. usefulC. funnyD. secret19. A. expect ingB. whisperi ngC. fearingD. con sideri ng20. A. materialB. experie neeC. meansD. books21. A. niceB. g

13、reatC. slightD.helpful22. A. difficultB. pleasa ntC. comfortableD. short23. A. mostB. leastC. lastD.first24. A. teacherB. door-keeperC. stude ntD. headmaster25. A. shutB.openedC. repairedD. kicked26. A. groupB. classC. dozenD. score27. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. this28. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four29.

14、A. classesB. subjectsC. levelsD. places30. A. excitedB. angryC. gladD.disappo in ted31. A. poorB. i nterestedC. weakD.good32. A. forci ngB. havi ngC. forgett ingD. man agi ng33. A. watchi ngB. study ingC. enjoyingD.helpi ng34.A. letterB. feetC. handsD. wife35.A. runsB. startsC. observesD. likes阅读理解:

15、AThere are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walk ing into a n eighborhood store to look at itsannoun ceme nt board. Local stores ofte n have areas where people can put small sig ns tell ing what kindof service they n eed or can provide. Such services in clude cari ng for childre n or cl

16、ea ning houses.Or, job searchers can look in the n ewspaper. Local n ewspapers have employme nt announ ceme ntsplaced by compa nies seek ing workers.用心爱心专心- 3 -Another popular tool for finding jobsis the Internet. For example, people in fourhundred and fifty cities around the world can use the Craig

17、slist Website to buy objects, meet people or finda job. Craigslist says that it receives two millionnew job listingseach mon th.Ano ther useful way to find a job is through a college or uni versity. For example, students at theUniversity of Texas in Austin can go to the Career Exploration Center to

18、get help in finding a job. Of course,looking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to do. For example, there is a book called“What Color is YourParachute (降落伞)?”by Richard Bolles. This book has been helping people choose a career (职业)since it was first published in nin etee n seve nt

19、y.Some experts also help people find jobs. Susan W. Miller owns a company called California CareerServices in Los Angeles. She says her company helps people find jobs by firsthelping themunderstand their strengths,goals and interests. Then sheprovides them with methods and resources to help them fin

20、d the right job.36. What is the passage mainly about?A. Finding a job. B. College stude ntspart -time jobs.C. Craigslist Web site. D. The relatio n betwee n study and work.37. By logg ing on the Craigslist Web site, you can_.A. sell your old thingsB. do some shopp ing on li neC. create your own anno

21、un ceme nt board D. get useful in formati on about 450 cities38.“What Color is Your Parachute?”is a book which gives tips to those who wantto_.A. work on the airpla ne B. buy a parachute C. publish a book D. find a suitable job39. It can be lear ned from the passage that_.A. compa nies often put job

22、 in formati on in local shopsB. the Internet is the most popular tool for job hun ters in the USAC. Susan W. M illers company is helping people choose careersD. California Career Services mai nly serves uni versity stude nts40. How many ways of finding a job are mentioned in the passage?A. Three. B.

23、 Four. C. Five. D. Six.BTeach ing materials for lear ning Chin ese are provided here. There are sites where you may find interesti ng in struct ions suitable for you. Here are some sites to beg in your surfi ng.You may start with these pages from this website just to get a little taste ofit without

24、work ing too hard.A Is For LoveFlash cards for lear ning a few Chin ese wordsListe ning to the sound of Chin esePlay a few words of Chin ese on your computer.A few Chin ese words用心爱心专心- 4 -Each word is en larged for easy study.If you are study ing Chin ese, these tools can help.Zho ngwen siteMore th

25、a n a dict ion ary!Clavis Si nicaExcellentprogram by Professor David Porter. It displays a whole document in ChineseGB or BIG5, and gives in dividual words defi niti on, pronun ciati on as well asmuch more in formati on whe n you click on that word. If you are study ing Chin ese, this is a very usef

26、ultool.Chi nese Character Visual Dictio naryIf you like to know more, go to the following sites on the Internet.The Chin ese OutpostPronun ciatio n, Character and Grammer By Mark An drew Baker. The best. A must-visit site.Learn Can to nese / Man darin On li neInternet Based Chin ese Teach ing and Le

27、ar ningRain la nd Kids discover Chin eseSite is in Germa nyIf you want to have a better un dersta nding of China, go to this one.Wanfang DataAs an affiliate (分支) of Chin ese Min istry of Science & Tech no logy, Wanfang Data has bee n the leading in formati on provider in China since 1950s. With

28、a wide range of database resources and value-addedservices, Wanfang Data has become a gateway to un dersta nding Chin ese culture, medici ne, bus in ess,scie nee, etc.41. The un derl ined lines are probably some_ .A. books B. websites C. tips for lear ning Chin ese D. dicti on aries for lear ning Ch

29、in ese42. This passage is most probably from_.A. a TV programme B. a teachers lecture C. a newspaper D. the Internet43. If you want to know each Chinese characters definition,pronunciationand muchmore information, youd better surf_ .A. Zhongwen site B. A Is For Love C. Clavis Sinica D. A few Chinese

30、 words44. If you want to know China about itsculture, medici ne, bus in ess, scie nee, youdbetter surf_.A. Lear n Man dari n on li neB. Wanfang DataC. Rainland kids discover Chin ese D. The Chin ese Outpost45. The underlinedword“gateway”in the last paragraph probably refers to _.A. an ope ning in a

31、wall that can be closed by a gateB. a place through which you can go to ano ther placeC. the space whe n a door is ope nD. a means of gett ing or achiev ing someth ingCEnglishis the most widely used Ianguage in the history of our planet.One in everyseven humanbeings can speak it. More than half of t

32、he worlds books and three quarters of intern ati用心爱心专心- 5 -onal mail are in En glish. Of all Ian guages, En glish has the largest vocabularyperhaps as many as twomillio n words.However, lets face it: English is a crazy Ianguage. There is no egg in an eggplant, n either pine norapple in a pin eapple

33、and no ham in a hamburger. Sweet-meats are can dy, while sweetbreads, whicharent sweet, are meat.We take En glish for gran ted. But whe n we explore its paradoxes (探讨它的矛盾),wefind that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths in them.And why is it that a writ

34、er writes, but fin gers dont fing, grocers dont g roce,and hammers dont ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldnt the plural ofbooth be beeth? One goose, two geeseso one moose, two meese?How can a slim cha nee and a fat cha nee be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?How can

35、overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can theweather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next?En glishwas inven tedby people, not computers, and it reflects (反映)thecreativity of human beings. Thats why, when stars are out, they are visible (能看见的)

36、;but whe n the lights are out, they are in visible. And why, whe n I wind up my watch, I start it; butwhe n I wind up this essay, I e nd it.46. Accord ing to the passage_.A. sweet-meats and sweetbreads are differe nt things B. there should be egg in an eggpla ntC. pin eapples are the apples on the p

37、ine tree D. box ing rings should be round47. Which of the followi ng is the correct plural?A. Beeth. B. Geese. C. Meese. D. Tooth.48. Which of the following includes two items which have the similar meaning?A. A wise man and a wise guy. B. Overlook and oversee.C. Quite a lot and quite a few. D. Hot

38、as hell and cold as hell.49. The underlinedwords“wind up”in the last paragraph probably mean “_A. blow B. roll up C. get hurt D. fin ish50. Through the many paradoxes in the English Ianguage, the writer wants to show thathuma n beings are_ .A. clever B. crazy C. lazy D. dullDHomestay provides Englis

39、h Ianguage students with the opportunityto speak Englishoutside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.What to ExpectThe host will provide accommodation and meals. Roomswill be cleaned and bedcovers cha nged atleast once a week. You will be give n the house key and the host

40、 is there to offer help and advice as wellas to take an in terest in your physical and men talhealth. Accommodation ZonesHomestays are located in London mainly in Zones2,3 and of the transport system. Most hosts do notlive in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residentia

41、l(居住的). Zones3and 4often offer larger accommodation in a lesscrowned area. It is very convenient to travel in London by Underground.用心爱心专心- 6 -Meal Plans Available ? Continental Breakfast ? Breakfast and Dinner ? Breakfast, Packed Lunch andDinnerIts important to note that few English families still

42、provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Youraccommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal(谷物类食品),bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally part of a Continental Breakfastin England. Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with

43、 vegetables followed by desert, fruit and coffee.FriendsIf you wish to invite a friend over to visit. you must first ask your hostspermission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion oftheir privacy.Self-Catering Accommodation in Private Homes

44、Accommodation on a room-only basis includes sharedkitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room. This kind of accommodation offersanindependentlifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student. However,it does not provide the same familyatmosphere as an ordinary homestay and ma

45、y not benefit those who need to practise English at homequite as much.51._The passage is probably written for .A. host willing to receive foreign students B. foreigners hoping to build British cultureC. travellers planning to visit families in LondonD. English learners applying to like in English ho

46、mes52.Which of the following will the host provide?A. Room cleaning. B Medical care. C Free transport. D Physical training.53.What can be inferred from Paragraph3?A. Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2. B. The business centre of London is in Zone. C. Hosts disliketravelling to the city centre.54. Acc

47、ording to the passage. What does continental Breakfast include?A. Dessert and coffee B. Fruit and vegetables.C. bread and fruit juice D. Centre and cold meat.55.Why do some people choose self-catering accommodation?A. To experience a warmer family atmosphere. B. To enrich their knowledge of English

48、C. To entertainfriends as they like.D. To enjoy much more freedom.听力测试:56 Who was at the door?A the Browns B the neighbor C the postman57 How often was the magazine published in the past?A once a month B once a week C twice a month58 Why cant the woman play her records?A because she has broken them

49、B because she has left them in thecafeC because she has forgotten where she put them.59 How much does one dollar equal?A 2 quarters B 4 quarters C 10 quarters60 What did the man buy yesterday?A shirts B shoes C trousers用心爱心专心- 7 -61 what is Mr. Smith doing/A answering the phone B having a meeting C

50、working in the office62 when will Mr. Smith return to the office?A after 2 oclock B in an hour C at 3 oclock63 what can we infer from the dialogue?A the man will take a message for Mr.SimthB Anne will ring the office againC Mr. Smith will ring Anne back64 what are they talking about ?A visiting the

51、museum B sightseeing C collecting coins65 why doesnt the man want to go to the museum?A because he is not interested in the museumB because he is not interested in birds C because he is not interested in coins66 what does the man want to see most on the island?A some plants B some birds C some flowe

52、rs67when can people hear the speaker?A in the morning B in the afternoon C in the evening68 which is the best show according to the speaker?A the news B nighttime C the Childrens Room69 On which channel can people ask questions and get money?A three B six C eleven70 What does the speaker most probab

53、ly do ?A a newspaper reporter B a TV host or hostess C a radio manager阅读表达:The old man walked with a cane(拐杖) slowly into the restaurant. His poor jacket, patched (打补丁的) trousers, and worn-out shoes made him stand out from the usual Saturday morning breakfastcrowd. Unforgettable were his pale blue e

54、yes that sparkled like diamonds, large rosy cheeks, and thin lipsheld in a steady smile.He walked toward a table by the window. A young waitress watched him and ran overto him, say ing, Here, Sir. Let me give you a hand with that chair.Without a word, he smiled and no dded a tha nk you. She pulled the chair away from the table.Steadying him with one arm, she helped him move in front of


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