



1、1宁乡六中“ 241 ”高效课堂教学模式导学案科目 英语 日期 20140412 总第_ 课时 高一年级 _ 班 姓名 _课题M4U3 Readi ngRealC ine virtual reality for every one主备人刘殷审核人夏富授课人刘殷课时1学习 目标知识与技能1.Read a bus in ess prese ntati on and learn the basic characteristics ofa bus in ess prese ntati on.2.Learn some information about RealCine.过程与方法Task-based

2、approaches情感价值观To love scie nee and tech no logy and cultivate their creativity重点The basic characteristics of a bus in ess prese ntati on and the readi ng skills难点How to read a bus in ess prese ntati on导学环节导学过程笔记栏自主学习Task 1 Look at the picture on P43 and an swer the questi ons.1. What can you see on

3、 the picture?2. What are they wearing?3. Can you guess what are they doing?4.Do you like to have such experienee?5. Today we are going to learn a new product-RealCine (real cinema).Task 2 Readi ng strategy: read ing a bus in ess prese ntati on and fill in the bla nks.A bus in ess prese ntatio n is a

4、n in troducti on of a new 1.or bus ine,2. It has to be 3.and 4. Agood prese ntati on in cludes convincing5.or6. .;s2Task 3 Skim and find out the main idea of each part of the text.A. Why it is better than a film.B. The introduction of the product.C. How it can be used in other ways.D. How it works.T

5、ask 4 Fast readi ng1.What is the main idea of the passage?A.It is about RealCine-virtual reality ci nema.B.How RealCi ne works.C.How RealC ine can be used in other ways.D.People like the new tech no logy.2.RealCi ne can connect with your sen ses below EXCEPT_ .A. sightB. heari ngC. touchD. thoughts3

6、. The special VR headsets DONT allow the users to _ .A.see in 3-DB.touch the people and objects.C.hear the sound all around them.D.move to in dicate the directi on4.RealCi ne provides tech no logy for urba n pla nning. In the long term, this kindof urban planning is _ .A. cheap and fastB. cheap and

7、practicalC. expe nsive but practicalD. expe nsive and fast5.The authorattitude towards RealCi ne is_ .A. positive (积极的)B. negative (消极的)C. n eutral (中立的)D. not mentioned (未提及)Part 1 (Para 1)Part 2 (Para 2)Part 3 (Para 3)Part 4 (Para 4,5,6,7 )合作探究3合作探究U 1XI dn au Lyoee 3Wil4_ es in胆c収alsseee Rdm a aa

8、也r XI y whh d让n wa CteHnnm nns o站cngd .n ana ae n hyy o ,acchtwage esiIV也ofactseenmnnna )uein yorrchHUMpPyos5也esrsialow也usepeaHaaesshhTh nd aleo pe e也es.ccseUytoeent aatchaeyts也eessobifofmsetoofng.fofentearcmeskiMin leyIc.n uoo、Ey-ab)k吹entt Vssmee odssnlloutburst 307ahae - gvva8 c/vwin泊ahhJ doveoedr

9、y-rrpp bhhppeelu n w诃仙曲呵nncaw丄a ho 3Pn.lcn打al/Ree/Rrr击et20 V pvgA9trgR1 展示、点评4Task 6 DebateIs RealC ine good to people?A: Those who support virtual reality believe that, with this tech no logy, people cando almost everyth ing, eve n things that cannot be realized in no rmal life. We donn eed to travel any more or spend so much time with friends any more. Virtualreality can provide any n ecessary features that we n eed in our life.B: Others in sist that real life and in terpers onal com muni


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