



1、根据句意,从所给的选项中选出最佳选项。(  )1. Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry?        Sure. It is one of _ cartoons I have ever seen.         A. wonderful          B. the most wonderful   &

2、#160;     C. more wonderful     D. most wonderful(  )2. Remember not to speak _ when we are in the reading room.        A. fast  B. slowly C. politely    D. loudly(  )3. Nowadays many Chinese people a

3、re _ enough to buy cars.        A. rich   B. weak    C. poor      D. strong (  )5. Mum, I think I am _ to get back to school.       Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for ano

4、ther day or two.        A. so well         B. so good     C. well enough     D. good enough(  )6. Which is _ season in Beijing?          I think

5、its autumn.         A. good  B. better   C. best    D. the best       (  )7. _ do you have an English party?        Once a month.       

6、; A. How old        B. How far       C. How often        D. How long(  )8. This is the hour _ the place is always full of women and children.       A. which  B.

7、 when    C. where  D. what(  )9. When are you going to see your uncle?         _ next week.       A. Some time     B. Sometime     C. Some times   

8、60;   D. Sometimes(  )10. Mr. Chen is _ older than I.        A. very   B. more   C. much   D. quite(  )11. Wait a minute, Li Ming. I have _ to tell you.        A. anything importan

9、t    B. nothing important         C. something important  D. important everything(  )13. Who is _ of you four?        A. elder  B. older   C. eldest  D. the oldest (  )21. Now the

10、air in our town is _ than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.        A. very good       B. much better        C. rather bad          D. even

11、worse(  )22. Im fourteen. My friend is sixteen. So Im _ him.        A. as old as         B. not younger than         C. not so young as  D. two years younger than(  )23. What

12、do you think of our city?           I think its becoming _.        A. more beautiful and more beautiful    B. more and more cleaner        C. more and more beautiful

13、        D. clean and clean(  )24. Our monitor takes more exercise every day because he believes _ he does, _ hell be.        A. the less; the stronger    B. the more; the thinner        C. the more; the stronger  D. more; stronger(  )25. My _ brother is a worker. He is four years _ than I.   


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