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1、practical project designcourse orientation (2005)presented by: jia lin (dana)beiwaionline2welcome to practical project design (ppd)!lpractical project design is a course that advanced students can take at the end of their third year at bwo.lppd follows english language teaching methodology i and ii

2、as part of a series.lstudents will be expected to apply what they have learned about teaching methodology to solving a practical eltm problem.lby the end of the course, the students should have completed two assignments and a proposal for conducting research in teaching.beiwaionline3outline for ppd

3、orientation1. general introduction2. ppd course units3. course requirements and evaluation4. questions and answersbeiwaionline41. general introductionbeiwaionline5course objectiveslbecome familiar with research methodslgain experience in english language teaching.lbecome actively engaged in the rese

4、arch process by designing and implementing an independent project.lwrite a research proposal.lprepare for writing a bachelors thesis.beiwaionline6prerequisiteslknowledge of english language teaching methodology and the communicative approach.lan understanding of problems associated with language tea

5、ching.lsome language teaching experience and access to a group of students on which one can do research (discussed in faq section).lanalytical ability and an interest in doing research.beiwaionline7schedule for ppdlthe course is approximately 12 weeks in length.ldiscussion sessions and vobs will hel

6、p students in preparing their assignments.lstudents should submit 2 assignments to the e-platform.lfeedback on student work will be provided in written comments and during tutorials and vobs.lassignments can be submitted a second time if necessary.lcheck the schedule on the e-platform for dates and

7、deadlines.beiwaionline8ppd textbook overview1 . g e t o ff th eg ro u n d2 . p r o b le ma n a ly s is3 . p r o je c td e s ig n4 . p r o je c tim p le m e n ta tio n5 . p r o je c te v a lu a tio n6 . p r o je c tr e p o r tp ra c tic a l p ro je c td e s ig nbeiwaionline9steps in completing ppdlno

8、te that the 6 steps are not of equal length. some will take more time than others.lfirst, you will need to describe a problem that can be solved by applying eltm. (use unit 1 in the ppd textbook as a guide.) lsecond, you will need to analyze the problem in steps to find ways to solve it. (unit 2 can

9、 be your guide.)lthird, you will need to determine your objective, hypothesis, rationale and teaching methods. (use unit 3.)lfourth, draw up an outline of the design of your teaching activities (unit 3).lfifth, design and describe your activities in detail (unit 3).lsixth, write a proposal for teach

10、ing students using your activities and collecting data on the results.beiwaionline10after ppdlyou will need to actually implement your activities by teaching a group of students (unit 4).lwhile teaching, you will need to collect data, just as you said you would in your proposal.lyou will need to sho

11、w your tutor proof of your implementation.lthen, you will need to organize and evaluate your results (unit 5).lfinally, you will need to report your results and what they mean, and write your bachelors thesis based on your work (unit 6).beiwaionline11before you startlread the textbook to get an over

12、all understanding of the project.lspend time learning about eltm and how to conduct research by reading some research papers.lstart thinking about a problem in language teaching that you are interested in solving using communicative methods. lthink about ways of collecting data from your own elt stu

13、dents.beiwaionline12value of the research processlexperience in research and analysis trains your mind in a way that rote learning cannot.lyou need to go through the process of doing research in order to fully understand it.lppd provides you with a valuable learning experience that is part of acquir

14、ing a b.a. degree and attaining international levels of scholarship.beiwaionline13evaluation of your work in ppdassignment 1 (describe project problem)5%assignment 1 (analyze problem)15%assignment 2 (project basis, activity design)60%assignment 2 (project proposal)20%note that all elements must be c

15、ompleted in order for your project to be assessed.beiwaionline14resources and information lthe course handbook provides basic information about the course, along with a list of 13 reference books and 17 suggested topic list is also provided in the handbook.lthe e-learning platform lists

16、some recommended books to help you with thesis writing skills.lthere is also a course-based forum on which you can pose questions, get answers and follow discussions between students and instructors.beiwaionline15help provided as you need itlface-to-face tutorials allow you to meet your tutor for di

17、scussion and feedback.lvoc and vob broadcasts allow you to listen to discussion and feedback from the comfort of your own computer. questions can be posed during each other times, you can contact your tutor by phone or email for personal assistance.beiwaionline162. ppd course unitsbeiw

18、aionline17unit 1: get off the groundlthe first thing you need to do is think about and describe a researchable problem.lthe ppd handbook contains a list of topics.lyou will also need to make sure that the problem is realistic in relation to your teaching situation.lyour tutor will guide you in the s

19、election process and help you to narrow your research problem so that it is specific enough.beiwaionline18unit 2: problem analysislnext, you will need to become familiar with 6 methods of investigating and analyzing a problem.lyou should practice these methods and select one or more of them to be de

20、veloped in detail in your assignment.lyour analysis should be progressive and lead to conclusions that suggest an approach to solving the problem.lconsult your tutor for help and guidance during the problem analysis stage. beiwaionline19submit assignment 1.lin the first assignment, you will need to

21、describe your research problem and how it relates to your teaching situation.lyou will need to work out a detailed problem analysis using suitable methods.lfinally, you should arrive at sensible conclusions on how to solve the problem.beiwaionline20unit 3: project designlduring the third step, you w

22、ill need to formulate your project objective and this point you should be reading books and articles related to your topic, gathering ideas and preparing citations to be included in your bibliography (discussed in unit 6).lyou will also need to work out a detailed design for your proj

23、ect.lyou may find it helpful to participate in discussion sessions and see how other students plan their projects, with your tutors guidance.beiwaionline21submit assignment 2.lin the second assignment, you will need to describe your objective and hypothesis in a way that is clear and demonstrate tha

24、t your project is relevant and realistic.lyou will also need to write a rationale, including several paragraphs about why you chose to solve the problem in that particular way, based on what you have learned about eltm.beiwaionline22submit assignment 2 (contd).lassignment 2 requires you to list the

25、communicative teaching methods you will use.lyou will need to fill in the teaching activity outline, providing a summary of the original teaching activities that you have designed.lyou will also need to describe your activities and data collection methods in detail.beiwaionline23submit assignment 2

26、(contd).lthe last thing you must complete in assignment 2 is a project proposal.lthe proposal is an article in which you summarize your ideas and explain your plan for conducting the end of the proposal, you should predict what you expect to find and how this will prove your hypothesis.

27、beiwaionline24units 4-6lunits 4 to 6 of your textbook cover implementation, evaluation and report writing.lyou will do these things after you complete assignments 1 and 2 for ppd.lnevertheless, you should be aware of what these units contain, since your work in ppd will directly affect the bachelors

28、 thesis that you must write later.beiwaionline25unit 4: project implementationlthis is where you will use the elt activities that you designed in ppd with real students.lyou will need to collect data as you teach, since this data will be required for your bachelors thesis.lso, you should organize yo

29、ur time for teaching students well in advance, and collect data in an organized way.beiwaionline26unit 5: project evaluationlanother thing you will need to do is evaluate your data and show whether it provides support for the hypothesis you came up with in ppd.lthe evaluation of your data and the co

30、nclusions that result from it will be included in your bachelors thesis.beiwaionline27unit 6: project reportlunit 6 discusses how to write a project report that includes a title page, abstract, body, conclusions and a bibliography.lit also shows how to include relevant materials (questionnaires, tab

31、les of results etc.) in the appendix of your report.lthis unit is one of the resources that will help you in planning your thesis.beiwaionline28focus on ppdlbut since the bachelors thesis is still in the future, you need to focus on ppd assignments 1 and 2 for now.lnext, i will present an overview o

32、f these assignments.beiwaionline293. course requirements and evaluationbeiwaionline30course requirementslthere are no progress reports or exams associated with this course.levaluation is based on the results of 2 assignments.lassignments must be submitted on the e-platform in the proper order.lstude

33、nts who fail after submitting an assignment will be given only one additional chance to pass the course! (must resubmit by the second deadline.)beiwaionline31evaluation of assignmentsasstassignment titlefull pointspassing points1problem identification and analysis (units 1-2)20122project basis, acti

34、vity design, and proposal (unit 3)8048beiwaionline32using the assignment specifications姓名: 学籍号: 年级:_ 学习中心: 辅导教师: 总分:_ for tutors: you are required to comment on the students writing paragraph by paragraph or immediately following flow charts and tables. write your comment after each paragraph/table/

35、flow chart using a contrasting font color .lyou should complete the first four blanks at the top of each assignment.linclude your name, student number, year that you began study at beiwaionline, and the name of your learning center.beiwaionline33assignment 1 (part 1)lyou must explain your topic and

36、link it to a general or specific topic on the list (in the handbook).lthe topic must be discussed with the tutor and approved before the assignment is submitted.lyour teaching situation must be explained clearly and honestly.full points criteria for assigning points 1 point the problem was discussed

37、 with the tutor and approved. 1 point the problem was related to personal experience. 2 points the teaching situation (e.g. classroom or private tutoring) that will be used to research this problem was described. 1 point description was presented in clear, accurate and unambiguous english. 5 points

38、tutors comment: write your overall comment here. beiwaionline34assignment 1 (part 2)lyou should state which analytic method was used.lanalysis questions should relate to the specific problem and should progressively search for helpful conclusions.lanswers to questions cannot be too simple or superfi

39、cial.lyour analysis should result in a better understanding of the problem and ways of solving it.f u ll p o in ts c r ite r ia fo r a s s ig n in g p o in ts 2 p o in ts o n e o r m o re a n a ly tic m e th o d s w e re c o rre c tly a p p lie d to th e p ro b le m . 2 p o in ts r e le v a n t a n

40、d in s ig h tfu l q u e s tio n s h a v e b e e n a s k e d a b o u t th e p ro b le m . 2 p o in ts t h e p ro b le m w a s a n a ly z e d p ro g re s s iv e ly in s ta g e s b y p o s in g q u e s tio n s th a t p ro m p te d fu rth e r a n a ly s is le a d in g to c o n c lu s io n s . 2 p o in t

41、s t h e a n a ly s is re s u lte d in th e p ro b le m b e i n g m o re c le a rly d e fin e d i n t h e e n d th a n a t th e s ta rt. 2 p o in ts s e n s ib le c o n c lu s io n s a b o u t h o w to a p p ro a c h re s e a rc h in g t h e p ro b le m h a v e b e e n d e riv e d fro m th e a n a ly

42、 s is . 2 p o in ts t h e p ro b le m w a s s h o w n to b e re s e a rc h a b le . 3 p o in ts t h e a n a ly s is w a s p re s e n te d in c le a r, a c c u ra te a n d u n a m b ig u o u s e n g lis h . 1 5 p o in ts t u to r s c o m m e n t: w r ite y o u r o v e r a ll c o m m e n t h e r e . b

43、eiwaionline35assignment 2 (part 1.1)p r o je c t o b je c tiv e : p r o je c t h y p o th e s is : p r o je c t r a tio n a le : c o m m u n ic a tiv e t e a c h in g m e th o d s : lthe project objective should be a single statement about what you hope to achieve.lthe hypothesis is a statement abou

44、t what you expect will happen as a result of the implementation.lthe rationale should include several paragraphs showing reasons for the research methods that have been selected.lunder “communicative teaching methods”, specific methods from eltm such as enacting role-plays, using error sheets, and t

45、raining listening for gist should be listed.beiwaionline36assignment 2 (part 1.2)lthe teaching activity outline provides a quick overview of activities by date. it is also a checklist to remind you of important elements (e.g. materialsname of textbook, computers). it should be filled in with words a

46、nd short phrases only (e.g. data collection methodssurveys), not sentences.lunder “detailed descriptions.”, you should provide longer explanations of each activity listed in the table and how you will collect research data.t e a c h i n g a c t i v i t y o u t l i n e : d a t e ( p r o p o s e d ) a

47、 c t i v i t y d e s c r i p t i o n ( t o p i c , m e t h o d ) o b j e c t i v e s ( m u s t b e r e l a t e d t o h y p o t h e s i s ) m a t e r i a l s ( i n c l u d e c l a s s r o o m a i d s ) d a t a c o l l e c t i o n m e t h o d s ( t a b l e s , s u r v e y s e t c .) c l a s s t i m e

48、( m i n u t e s ) 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . d e t a i l e d d e s c r i p t i o n s o f p r o c e d u r e s f o r t e a c h i n g a c t i v i t i e s a n d d a t a c o l l e c t i o n : beiwaionline37assignment 2 (part 1.3)lcheck to make sure that each of these criteria have been met (e.g. your objective is c

49、lear and relevant).lyour rationale should explain reasons for your approach, based on what you learned in eltm.lacceptable methods are described in eltm.lthe objectives of activities are related to proving the hypothesis.assessment checklist for tutors: full points criteria for assigning points 1 po

50、int the project objective is clear, relevant and realistic. 4 points the project hypothesis is clear, realistic and provable. 8 points the rationale explains the basis for the approach taken in researching the problem and proving the hypothesis. 2 points communicative language teaching methods have

51、been listed. 10 points the teaching activity outline has been completed properly, giving a clear overview of activities to be implemented. 3 points objectives of activities are clearly related to proving the hypothesis. beiwaionline38assignment 2 (part 1.4)2 p oin ts s ource of teaching m aterial is

52、 stated (e.g. nam e of school tex tbook w ith units and pages listed in relation to the activities). 5 p oin ts a ctivities are sufficient to occupy students for 3-4 w eeks and prove the hypothesis. 5 p oin ts a ctivities are original and show that the c om m unicative a pproach (learned in e l t m

53、1 and 2) has been applied effectively. 15 p oin ts a detailed description of activities and procedures has been given for each class, including details of the ex ercises (e.g. handouts, questions, diagram s). 5 p oin ts a ctivities are described in clear, accurate and unam biguous e nglish. 60 p oin

54、 ts t u tors c om m en t: w rite you r overall com m en t h ere. lactivities that are original should be described in specific details and show evidence of your creativity.ldescriptions are “detailed enough” if another teacher could conduct the class easily based on the instructions.lyour descriptio

55、ns should be written in clear, accurate and unambiguous english.beiwaionline39assignment 2 (part 2.1)lyou should create your own titles for the “table of contents” which also appear in the body (main part) of the report.lthe introduction to the proposal should provide background information, the bod

56、y should provide detailed explanations, and the conclusion should summarize your expectations in terms of the hypothesis.lthe body and conclusion should generally be written in the future tense, since the proposal explains the project plan.2. your proposal should contain the following elements: titl

57、e page. table of contents. (list your own titles/headings for this section, such as “m y teaching experience”, “current students”, “m y approach” etc.) introduction. (briefly summarize the problem, the results of problem analysis and your hypothesis. list your main ideas for solving the problem and

58、proving the hypothesis.) body. (organize your writing under the titles/headings. things to include: a description of how you plan to conduct your activities with your students and an explanation of how you intend to collect data to prove your hypothesis.) conclusion. (briefly explain what you expect

59、 to find and how this will prove your hypothesis.) beiwaionline40assignment 2 (part 2.2)assessment checklist for tutors: full points criteria for assigning points 1 point the cover page lists all relevant information and is properly formatted. 1 point the table of contents lists the titles/headings

60、contained in the report. 5 points the introduction clearly and accurately summarizes the problem, problem analysis, the hypothesis and the main ideas for solving the problem/proving the hypothesis. 3 points the teaching conditions and students to be involved in the implementation of the project are


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