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1、上海牛津版七年级下册Unitl Writing a travel guide 同步讲义单词回顾:央文词性中文补充拓展guiden.& v.导游为领路,带领guidebook 导游tourn.旅行,旅游tourist n.游客,旅游者reasonn.原因,理由reasonable adj.合理的,明智的grandadj.大的,宏伟的,宏大的(用 于大建筑物等的名称)the Grand Canyon 大峡谷theatren.剧院go to the theatre 去看戏orientaladj.东方的Orient n.东方centuryn.世纪in the 19th century19 世名己tec

2、hnologyn.科技;工艺;工程技术technologist n.技术员;工艺师,(工程技术)专家sightseeingn.观光,游览go sightseeing 去观光a sightseeing bus 旅游车viewn. &v.景色,风景;认为,以 看待;viewer n.电视观众thereforeadv.因此,所以therefore与so:两词同义,但词性不 同:前者是副词,而后者是连词surprisingadj.令人惊奇的surprise v.使吃惊;使感到意外 n.吃原surprised adj.感到惊讶的短语表达速背:央文中文write a travel guide写一个旅游向导

3、decide to take part in the competition决定参加比赛in the department store在大百货里Peoples Square人民广场iShanghai Botanical Gardens上海植物园Oriental Pearl TV Tower东方明珠Shanghai Science and Technology Museum上海科技馆in the east of China在中国东部would like to do sth想要做某事one of the largest cities没的喇电一an international city一个国际化的都

4、市be famous for its night view以夜景著名It is not surprising that 就不令人吃惊了the center of Shanghai上海中心30 km southwest of the city上海西南30公里the Grand Gateway Plaza港汇广场the floating restaurant水上餐厅Huangpu River cruises浦江游览Shanghai Wild Animal Park上海野生动物园重点词汇拓展积累1. guide n.&v.guide作名词时,可以表示:导游:The guide took us aro

5、und the Palace Museum.导游带我们参观了故宫。导游手册(相当于 guidebook) : Do you need a guide? It tells you a lot about the Forbidden City. 你需要 本导游手册吗?它会告诉你很多关于紫禁城的信息。指南(2) guide作动词时,可以表示为领路,带领”的意思。如:练习:(guide )A guide to English Grammar英语语法指南Martin guided him to the reception room.马丁把他领到接待室。2. tour n.旅行,旅游Last summer

6、, we had a tour of the oldest museum in the country. 去年夏天, 我们参观了这个国家最古老的 博物馆。【拓展】tourist n.游客,旅游者tour v.旅游,旅行,参观练习:(tour )She spent her vacation touring Italy.她去了意大利旅行度假。3. reason n.原因,理由The reason why she was late was that she forgot to set the clock.她迟至U的原因是因为忘记了定闹钟。【近义词】cause n.原因,起因,缘故;理由【拓展】rea

7、sonable adj.合理的,明智的4. grand adj.(用于大建筑物等的名称)大的,宏伟的,宏大的the Grand Canyon 大峡谷【拓展】grand还有很多其他的含义,如:(1)壮丽的,富丽堂皇的,重大的(2)宏大的,宏伟的,有气派的:The people in Tokyo built their city on a grand scale. 东京人大力兴建自己的 城市。练习:(翻译)Its not a very grand house. 这房子并非富丽堂皇。5. theatre n.剧院There are two theatres in the city.这个城市有两个剧院

8、。记忆链接 go to the theatre去看戏6. oriental adj.东方的oriental 一词常常用来表示东方的“或 鸵洲的文明或事物。oriental beauty 东方美人oriental civilization/art 东方文明/艺术【拓展】Orient n.东方练习:(翻译)oriental countries/languages/customs 东方国家/语言/风俗7. century n.世纪It was built in the 19th century.它建于 19 世纪。【拓展】century n.百年练习:(翻译)This book was writte

9、n centuries ago. 这本书是好几百年前写的。8. technology n.科技;工艺;工程技术The scientists today have put forward more and more technology theories. 当今的科学家提出了 越来越多的 科技理论。【拓展】technologist n.技术员;工艺师,(工程技术)专家9. sightseeing n.观光,游览Some people like to climb the mountains, but I prefer sightseeing. 一些人喜欢爬山, 但我更喜欢去观光。a sightse

10、eing bus旅游车a sightseeing tour 观光旅游【记忆链接】 go sightseeing夫又见光10. view n.景色,风景The view from the top of the tower is fantastic.从塔顶远眺景色颇为奇妙。【拓展】view作动词时,有如下含义。认为,以看待:She viewed holidays as a waste of time.她认为度假是浪费时间。(2)看,望view还可作名词时,有如下含义:(1)(可数名词)意见;观点:In my view, she has done nothing wrong.依我看,她没做错什么。(

11、2)(不可数名词)视野:The garden was hidden from view behind a high wall.那个花园因被一堵高墙挡住而看不见了。【拓展】viewer n.电视观众练习:(翻译)Viewed from this angle, the building 100ks much taller than it really is.从这个角度看,这幢大厦显得比它的实际高度要高很多。11. therefore adv.因此,所以I was ill, and therefore could not attend the conference. 我病了,所以不能参力口会议。He

12、 has broken his leg and therefore he cant walk.他摔坏了腿,因此走不了路。指点迷津: therefore 与 sc两词同义,但词性不同:前者是副词,而后者是连词。在用法上举例如下:It rained. Therefore, we didnt have the match.下雨了。因此我们没有举行比赛。 =It rained, so we didnt have the match.12. surprising adj.令人惊奇的It is surprising that he made friend with the stranger immedia

13、tely. 令人惊讶的是,他马上就与那个陌生人 成了朋友。【拓展】surprise v.使吃惊;使感到意外The news surprised us all. 这消息使我们大吃一惊。surprise n.吃惊:To my surprise, the plan succeeded.令我感到惊奇的是,那个计划居然成功了。surprised adj.感到惊讶的He was surprised that his father had sold the farm.他对父亲已卖掉农场一事感到惊讶。Daily expressions.日常表达1. take part in 参加(活动)We all took

14、 part in the discussion.我们都参加了讨论。Who will take part in tomorrows competition?谁将参加明天的竞赛?指点迷津:take part in 与join两者都有 参加”的意思。take part in表示参加某项活动,而 join表示参加或加入某种组织或团体。Sally will take part in the 100-metre-race at the school sports meet. 莎莉将参加校运会上的100 米赛跑。He joined the Party ten years ago.他 10 年前入党。2. g

15、et on with 进展How are you getting on with your project? 你的项目进展怎么样了 ?Im getting on well with the preparation.我的准备工作进行得很顺利。此外,get on with还可以表示 与相处”的意思。How are you getting on with your new classmates?你和新同学相处得怎样?常用get on well with表示 与相处融洽“。Do you get on well with your colleagues?你和同事们相处得好吗?3. be famous f

16、or 以而著名Albert Einstein is famous for the Theory of Relativity.爱因斯坦以其相对论而著名。Shanghai is famous for its night views. 上海以夜景而闻名。4. be known as以而出名Lu Xun is known as a great writer.鲁迅以一位伟大的作家而出名。The Great Wall is known as one of the seven wonders in the world. 众所周知,长城是世界七大奇迹之一。5. think of 想出I couldnt thi

17、nk of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。【拓展】 think of还有考虑”的意思。如:What do you think of his new job?你怎么看他的新工作?【随堂小练】I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.1. Shanghai is an city. (interest)2. We can read books in the library.(difference)3. She has to live in Canada. (decis

18、ion)4. He will take part in a maths next week. (compete)5. Look, so many (visit)from other countries are at the Peoples Square.6. You can eat a lot of local(snack)in Yu Garden.7. More and more fans in our country are (interest)in Super Junior from Korea.8. Could you give me some about how to be a go

19、od student? ( suggest)9. Millions of came to Shanghai during the World Expo 2010. (tour)10. His uncle is a famous. (write)【答案】 1. interesting 2. different 3. decided 4. competition 5. visitors6. snacks7. interested 8. suggestions 9. tourists10. writerII . Choose the right word to complete the senten

20、ce.1. They have decided to part in the activity. (taking/take)2. They can go to Square. (Peoples/the Peoples)3. We can design a guide now. (travelling/travel).4. They can buy things large department stores. (on/in)5. Could you give me a for your mistake? (reason/suggestion)【答案】1. take 2. Peoples 3.

21、travel 4. in 5. reasonStep 4: Important Sentences structures.1. Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai.基蒂和她的同学刚去过上海。have been to这个结构,表示 去过(某地);到过(某地)”。Simon has been to the Beijing Zoo once.西蒙曾去过一次北京动物园。指点迷津: have been to, have been in 与 have gone tohave been to是指被谈论对象曾经去过某个地方,但现在已经回来了;

22、have been in是指被谈论对象已经在某地待了一段时间,目前仍彳f在那里,还没有回来;have gone to是指被谈论对象去了某地,现在还没有回来。I have been to Beijing.我去过北京。(说明:我现在已不在北京了。)I have been in Dalian for 5 years.我已经在大连待了五年了。(说明:我现在还在大连。)-Where is he?他在哪儿?-He has gone to Beijing.他去北京了。(说明:他的北京之行还未结束,人还没回来。)2. They have decided to take part in a competitio

23、n.他们决定要参加 个竞赛。decide to do something意为 决定做某事“,其否定形式为 decide not to do something决定不做某事”。He decided to attend her birthday party.他决定去参加她的生日派对。I decide not to leave Shanghai.我决定不离开上海。3. Design a travel guide设计一份旅游指南design作动词时,意为 设计;画图样“。如:He designs for our dress department.他在我们的服装部做设计。Architects desig

24、n buildings.建筑师设计楼房。design作名词时,意为 设计;图样She attended a school of dress design.她就读于所服装设计学校。The architect showed us her design for the new theatre.那位建筑师给我们看她设计的新剧院的图样。4. Its in the centre of Shanghai.它位于上海中部。in the centre of意为 位于的中部“。in the centre of强调与四周距离相等的中心位置,常用来指空间;in the middle of强调两端之间的位置,并不强调中

25、心,既可用于指空间,也可用于指时间。There is a square in the centre of the city. 城市中央有一个广场。(指中心位置)There is a big hole in the middle of the road.马路中间有个大洞。(指空间)We usually have lunch in the middle of the day.我们通常在中午吃午饭。(指时间)5. Its in the south of Shanghai.它位于上海的南部。in the south of意为 位于的南部,强调在某一个范围之内。指点迷津:in the south of,

26、 on the south of 与 (to the) south ofA与B接壤B is in the south of A.B is on the south of A.A与B不相邻B is (to the) south of A.116. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop!因止匕,每年会 有许多游客来上海购物也就不足为奇了 !这个句型中,主语it不是该句真正的主语而是形式主语”,该句真正的主语是 that引导的从句部分。我们把这类句子称为

27、主语从句我们经常会使用“It is配容,十that从句”的结构来表达对某事的看法。It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre.能在上海世界金融中心第 91层上用餐真是太棒了!7. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons.(1)连词if引导的条件状语从句。if引导的条件状语从句要遵循主、从句时态呼应规律,即主句

28、用一般将 来时,从句使用一般现在时表将来。如:I won t go there with you if he goes too, tomorrow.如果明天他去的话,我就不和你一起去那儿了。Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain.如果天不下雨,消防队员将会没有水灭火。此外,主句也可以使用祈使句或含有情态动词(can, may, must等)的句子。如:Have a good rest if you are tired.如果累了,你就好好休息一下吧。You must see the doctor if you

29、 are ill.如果你生病了,就必须去看医生。大多数情况下,从句可以位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后。不过从句在前时,主、从句之间必须 用逗号隔开。Please tell me if he comes back.如果他回来了,请告诉我一声。=If he comes back, please tell me.(2) a huge open area意为 忆个大型的开放式区域 ”。8. The Maglev takes you to the International airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在大约八分 钟之内将你带到国际机场。take so

30、mebody to some place是 将某人带到某地”的意思。The father takes his son to the park nearly every weekend.这个父亲几乎每个周末都带儿子去公园。(2) “irH一段时间”的结构有两种含义:表示在一段时间之内”,句子常用一般现在时或一般过去时。如:There was once an artist. He could draw a beautiful horse in five minutes.从前有一个画家。他可以在五分钟之内画出一匹骏马。表示在一段时间之后”,句子常用一般将来时。如:What will you be l

31、ike in 10 years time? 10 年后你将会是什么样子 ?s bad for your eyes.【随堂练习】()1. Don t read the sun. ItA. onB. under C. in D. with【答案】C【解析】in the sun在阳光底下()2. Linda has to practise more for pass the P.E. test.A. English B. running C. run D. speaking【答案】B【解析】practise+ doing sth练习做某事()3. Two days, they found their

32、 pet dog and him.A. latertook homeB. latetook to homeC. later brought to homeD. late brought home【答案】A【解析】two days later两天后take sb home带某人回家()4. I saw your mum a motorcycle the street yesterday.A. ride on B. to ride in C. riding on D. riding in 【答案】D 【解析】see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事()5. It s cold outsi

33、de.your coat when you go out.A. WearB. InC. Put onD. Dress【答案】C【解析】put on穿上()6. We ike l our city a safe place.A. helping makeB. to help make C. helping made D. to help made【答案】B【解析】would like to do sth想要做某事()7.- What does a secretary usually do?-A secretary usually the phone.A. answersB. answer C.

34、answering D. answered【答案】A【解析】usually通常;此处用三单()8. Mr. Zhou wears glasses every day.A. a pair of B. a pier of C. aD. /【答案】A【解析】a pair of glasses 一副眼镜III. Rewrite the sentences with proper form.1. It took me three hours to finish this model.(对划线部分提问)did it take you to finish the model.2. We will use t

35、he matchbox for making bed.(对划线部分提问)we use the matchbox for?3. Jack has breakfast at home every morning.(改为否定句 )Jack breakfast at home every morning.4. Let s go to visit Mr. Smith改为反义疑问句)Let s go to visit Mr. Smith,?5. The doctors 100k after sick people.(对划线部分提问)the doctor?6. They have already packe

36、d their suitcases.(改为否定句)They packed their suitcases .7. Study hard and you 11 do better in your le arnng句转换) you study harder, you do better in your learning.8. It took Betty two years to travel around the world. (同义句转换)Betty two years around the world.9. Let s go to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower for

37、 the holiday.(同义句转换)go to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower for the holiday?10. Most of the students had a day off because of the typhoon.(就划线部分提问) most of the students a day off?【答案】I.How long 2. What will 3. doesn t have 4. shall we 5. What do do6.havenot yet7 If will 8 spent travelling 9.Shall we10.Why

38、 did have阅读提高【主要考点】完形填空*Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage:A white-bearded ancient man was walking over the hills and valleys of the world. On his back, he carried a bag which moved uneasily as if something was trying to escape from it, but he 1 it between his shouldersand walk

39、ed on.He was Father Time, traveling forever, and the bag he bore was filled with Tomorrows, all struggling to get 2.Each night at twelve oclock, he opened the bag and flew out a Tomorrow, just one, with its wings of blue, and its shining feathers rising with hope. All the 3 were kept back by Times s

40、trong hands and pusheddeep in the bag.Down flew the Tomorrow beating its lovely feathers, but as it touched the earth, off fell its blue wings and it changed to an ordinary white bird which could not fly. It had become a Today. Everyone knows that Today isnt as 4 as Tomorrow, for Today can be held i

41、n ones hands, accepted, unloved, but Tomorrow is full ofmystery and beauty. It is 5 by all the world. Even those who with little hope sigh (叹,息),Tomorrow maybring a change. Tomorrows life will be different.6 didnt want to catch the Tomorrow before it fell to the ground. People thought if they knewbe

42、forehand what the Tomorrow carries, they could 7 it. So they put great nets on the trees, seeking tocatch one before it changed his feather. Yet although they tried every means, the birds escape and flew to the ground as Todays.()1. A) relaxedB) settledC) pressed D) stuck【答案】C【解析】有东西想从袋子跑出来,所以他用手按着presso()2. A) offB) onC) outD) up【答案】C【解析】时间在袋子里,所以都想跑出来()3. A) restB) sameC) wayD) above【答案】A【解析】放出来一个明天,所有其他的都被按压回去()4. A) badB) common C) wonderful D) familiar【答案】C【解析】根据后面陈述的都是明天好,今天不好,所以今天不如明天wonderful()5. A) seenB) noticedC) foundD) desired【答案】


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