五年级英语上册 uint1 lesson1教案 人教新起点_第1页
五年级英语上册 uint1 lesson1教案 人教新起点_第2页
五年级英语上册 uint1 lesson1教案 人教新起点_第3页




1、Lesson 1教学重点:1、 认读本书中新出现的人物。2、 词汇:his, her, their, twins, blond, curly, slim, straight, freckles.3、 句型:(1)What does your classmate look like? (2) Tell me about your classmates. (3) Whats he/she like? He/she is friendly.教学难点:1、 三个形容词性物主代词his, her, their的理解。2、 可数名词既不可数名词与be动词的搭配,如:“Her hair is Their e

2、yes are His glasses are ”教学准备:录音机、单词卡片、教学挂图教学过程:一、 教师组织学生就主题情景图进行讨论,如:“Look! This is a classroom. What can you see in the classroom? Who are they? What color is Anns hair? 等等。在讨论的过程中,教师通过指挂图、做手势等方式,引导学生初步理解,学习生词及主句型。二、 Do Part A: listen and write down their names.1. First time listen and find which

3、one is right.2. Second time listen and write.3. Third time check and correct the answers.三、 Practice Part B: Choose, ask and answer.1. First time listen and repeat.2. Second time teacher makes an example for the pupils.3. Third time pupils practice in pairs.4. Fourth time ask pupils to show their di

4、alogues.四、 Do Part C: Draw, write and report.1. First the teacher asks the pupils to draw a picture of their friends on the left of the book.2. Second fill in the blanks.3. Third check and correct the answers.4. Fourth report the information 五、Homework: 1. Read the words and sentences2. Preview less

5、on2Lesson 2教学重点:1、 词汇:talkative, honest, careless, popular, hardworking, shy, lazy, quiet, helpful, friendly, funny.2、句型: (1) Tell me about your classmates. (2) Whats he/she like? He/she is friendly.教学难点:抽象形容词的理解,如: hardworking, popular等。教学准备:录音机、单词卡片、教学挂图教学过程:一、讨论主情景图,帮助学生初步理解、学习本课生词及主句型。教师可以用问话的方式

6、导入新课内容,如:“How many photos can you see on the board? Who are these students? What does Bob look like?” 让学生通过观察画面做出相应的回答。二、Do Part A: listen and number.1.First time listen and find which one is right.2.Second time listen and number.3.Third time check and correct the answers.三、Practice Part B: Ask and answer.1.First time listen and repeat.2.Second time teacher makes an example for the pupils.3.Third time pupils practice in pairs.4.Fourth time ask pupils to show their dialogues.四、Do Part C: Lets discuss.1.First let pupils to listen and repeat the dialogue.2.Second di


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