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1、Email josiscas ac cn http:/vvww jos org cn Tel/Fax +86-10-625625632014-02-17;:2014-04-29ISSN 1000-9825. CODEN RUXUEWJournal of Sofhfare.2Ql4925S) 1685-1695 dor 10 13328/jcnki jos 004664 ©物联网信息模型与能力分析水1.2U.210003)j,210003),E-mail ffbffhennjupt edu cn, http:/ www.njupt 关键词中图法分类号:TP393''&#

2、39;»,2014,25(8):1685-1695. http:/w-josorgcn/10009825/4664 htmMao YQ, Shen SB. Infbnrnhon model and capability analyi? of the Internet of thing? Ruan Jian Xue Bao Journal of Software, 2014,25(8) 1685-1695 (m Chinese). http www jos org cn/1000-9825/4664.htmInformation Model and Capability Analysi

3、s of the Internet of ThingsMAO "Lan-Qm1*2, SHEN Su-Bin1*2School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing Uxuvcmty of Posts and Tclccoinmuiucatioiu;, Nanjing 2 10003, China)"(School of Softw are, Nanjing Umx crsity of Posts and Telccomnouiucauons, hhnjing 210003, China)Corresponding auth

4、or: SHEN SuBin, E-mail sbshcnnppt cdu cn, http /Avww njupt edu cn/Abstract While the techiucal development and applications of the Internet of tlungs (IoT) grow rapidly in recent vean;, the theoretical research of the :oT is still in. the developing stage The loT is a typical lnfornution and communi

5、cation s3tem It possesses not only the capabilities of storing and transferring mfornntion as with the existing Internet, but also the capabilities of automatic capturing and processing the lafornntion of things. The IoT mforimtion modeling is an effective method to analyze the characteristic capabi

6、lities of the IoT In this paper, an information model of the IoT is described by unified modeling language according to the definition and characteristics of the IoT specified by International Telccommumcation Union (ITU) The capabilities of things association, autonomic operation, and prix aev prot

7、ection arc analyzed and ahdatcd based on the information model of the IoT The conclusion; of guiding the standardization of the IoT technology from the information model of the IoT are discussed, and the alues of the IoT information model in resoh ing the issues of debated concepts or opinions of th

8、e IoT arc analyzedKey vords Internet of things, mfornntion. model, tlung association, autonomic operation, pm acy protection.(Internet of things, IoT)1998,(Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, MIT丿(radio frequency identification,RFID丿(973)(20UCB302903);(NY21MI5)(electronic product code,EPC).2005,(I

9、aternational Telecommunication Union,ITU)ITU2005:i(Intranet of things/2.architecture,Sector, ITU-TIoT-A)ITU-T)2012 6,2011:20109,(Internet of things-(ITU Telecommunication Standardization(Internet of things global standards initiative,Io匚GSI)"【习.IoT-A 2013HOSI)OSIJ(open system interconnection, I

10、oT-AOSI6789 10111213(Internet engineering task force,IETF).IoT-A ,ITU-T(unified modeling language,UML丿168712UML341物联网信息模型的需求分析ITU-TUMLFig. 1 Abstract use case model of IoT14(ITU-T)2 一种物联网信息模型User proxyUser entity identifier +Nanx 十 Deception -Owner Privilege -Data1689ServicecompositionService entity

11、 +Idcntificr +Nanx Description -Provider -Privilege -DataM2M userM2M-ommumcation sen iceaProcessThing dataManagement resourceZomniuiucation resourceComputing resourceUser agentThing serviceUser agentAutonomicaDDlicatxon serviceApplication serviceManagement scniccResource entity +Idenufier 十 Name Des

12、cription -Owner -Privilege -Data<1Physical entitv+Idcntifier +Nanx +Descnption -Owner -PriMlcgc -Data<F<FManagement stationDeviceConnected thingPhys 心 1 connectionATagged thingScnsored thingAcuated thingTActuator deviceTag deviceFLg.2Architecture of IoT information model22(thing service)(th

13、ing data),4(connecting data;4y(thing user)2.1物联网物理实体类2 ,(router)(device)(server)( 丿(management station)2.2物联网资源实体类2.3物联网服务实体类1691(machine to machine,M2M丿M2M,M2M2.4物联网月户实体类2 ,M2MM2M2.5相关物联网信息模型分析6IoT-A2IoT-A( 2 ). IoT-A(1)(M2M 丿M2M3物联网特征能力的分析6JTU-T?3.1物品关联能力分析3.2自主操作能力分析16933.3隐私保护能力分析4物联网相关概念的分析4.1关

14、于''标签即是装置”的分析,44.2关于装置即是物品”的分析【町”4.3关于物联网中智能”的分析(smart object)c<<<致谢ITU-TMarco Carugi Yoshinon GOTO Alessandro BassiReferences1 Int'l Telecommunication Union ITU ITU Internet reports 2005 The Internet of things 20052 Zorzi M, Gluhak A, Lange S, Bassi A From today*s Intranet of t

15、hings to a future Internet of things A wireless and mobility related view IEEE Wireless Comnjumcations. 2010,17(6) 44-51. doi: 10 1109/MWC.2010.56757773 Int'l Telecommumcation Union, Telecommumcation Standardization Section. (ITU-T). Next generation networks Frameworks and functional architectur

16、e models Overview of the Internet of things Reconmxndation ITU-T Y 2060, GcncvxITU, 2013.4 Carrez E cd. Final architectural reference model for the IoT v3 0 Internet-of-Things Architecture (IoT-A) Project DeliverableD 1.5. 2013 httpeu/public/public-documents/d 1 5/viewInt'l Telecommumcation Unio

17、n, Tciecommuiucatioa Standardization Section (ITU-T) Information technology Open system mterconLcction. Basic reference model The basic model ITUT Recommendation X.200, 199416955 De S, Barnaghi P, Bauer M, Meissner S. Senice modeling for the Internet of things In Proc of the 2011 Federated Conf on C

18、omputer Science and Information Systems (FcdCSIS). IEEE. 2011 949-955.6 Zakriti A, Guennoun Z. Senice entities model for the Internet of things A bio-inspired collaborative approach. In Proc. of the 2011 Int'l Conf on Multinxdia Computing and Systems (ICMCS) IEEE, 2011 1-5S Perera C, Zaslaxsk>

19、; A, Liu CH, Compton M, Christen. P, Georgakopoulos D Sensor search techniques for sensing as a semce architecture for the Internet of thing; IEEE Sensors Journal, 2014.14(2) 406-420 doi: 10 1109/JSEN 2013 22822929 Xu LD. He W, Li SC Internet of things in industries A sun cy IEEE Trans on Industnal

20、Informatics. 2014 doi: 10 1109 TII 201 4.230075310 Dhananjav S, Gaurav T, Jan AJ. A survey of Internet-of-things: Future vision, architccnirc, challenges and services In Proc of the 2014 IEEE World Fomm on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) IEEE, 2014 2S7-292.11 Chen H, Jia XQ, Li H A brief introduction to loT gateway In Proc of the IET IntT C


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