山东省曲阜市书院街道办事处圣林中学八年级英语上册 Unit_第1页
山东省曲阜市书院街道办事处圣林中学八年级英语上册 Unit_第2页
山东省曲阜市书院街道办事处圣林中学八年级英语上册 Unit_第3页
山东省曲阜市书院街道办事处圣林中学八年级英语上册 Unit_第4页
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1、Im more outgoing than my sister【综合能力检测】一根椐题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。 1. A: How's the w_ _ther there? B: It's sunny.2. A: How l_ _ _ are you staying there? B: I am staying there for three weeks.3. A: W_ _ _ _ are you going for vacation? B: Italy.4. My mother often t_ _ _ _ walks after supper.5. My f

2、ather often goes f_ _ _ing by the river on Sundays.二. 连词成句 1.what, doing, Mary, is, vacation, for?_?2.they, visiting, are, friends, their , next, week._.3.can, I , some, you , questions, ask, your , about, vacation plans?_?4.we, going, to, are, Great Wall, the, morning, tomorrow_.5.how long, you, ar

3、e, staying , there?_?三补全对话leave rainwithweatherhave coolwesightseeing do visit    A: Hey, Lily. What are you doing for vacation?B: Im _1_ my uncle in London.A: When are you _2_ for London?B: Im leaving the first week in October.A: Who are you going _3_?B: Im going there with my p

4、arents?A: What are you _4_ there?B: _5_ are going _6_,visiting museums and going to the beach.A: And whats the _7_ like there?B: Oh, its very beautiful this time of the year. Its sunny and _8_. But sometimes it       _9_.A: I hope youll _10 _ a good time.B: Thanks a lot

5、.四. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。 1. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: Im going fishing and swimming for vacation. A: That _(sound) nice.2. A: What are you doing there? B: Im _ (take) walks after supper in the evening.3. I dont like _ (eat) junk food.   I eat it only three _(time) a month.4. A: What

6、did you do last night? B: I _ (watch) TV. A: How long _ you _ (watch) it? B: I _ (watch) it just for half an hour.5. A: What _ your father do on Sundays? B: He often _ (read) newspapers.五完成句子 1这个星期天我准备去远足。   I _ _ _ this weekend.2. 假期张力准备去游泳和骑自行车。   Zhang Li is going swimming and

7、 _ _ _ on vacation.3. 喝牛奶会帮助我保持身体健康。   Drinking milk can _ me _ healthy.4. 我正在考虑去广州度假。   I'm _ _ going to Guang Zhou for my vacation.5. 我决定在家里放松一下。   I decide _ _ relax at home.六. 写作 十一国庆节期间你准备去海南度假。请你写一个旅游计划。所给的提示词语必须都用上。During the National Day vacationleave foron

8、29th     by planewith stay beach fishing shopping sightseeing helpforget_    新目标英语八年级上册第三单元同步练习二听力部分(共20分)I. 听句子, 判断下列句子与你所听到的句子相同(S)或不同(D)。(5分)1. He lived here for four years.2. We're going to the park tomorrow.3. What's Helen doing for the weekend?4. The

9、children are relaxing at home today.5. Whom are you going traveling with?II. 听对话, 根据其内容, 回答下面的问题。(5分)1. What's Julia going to do?   _2. Where are the Hong Kong tourists?   _3. When is Diana going to Greece?   _4. What does Mike's grandpa often do?   _5

10、. When did Emma come to Ann's town?   _III. 看插图,从你所听到的A, B, C, D, E五组对话中找出与所给插图意思相同的选项。(5分) IV. 听短文, 根据其内容,填写下表。(分) 笔试部分(共80分)I. 根据句意及首字母,填入适当的单词。(10分)1. She often b_ her sister on Sundays.2. What's she doing for v_?3. I'm going c_ with my parents.4. They're r_ at

11、 home this weekend.5. Tom is playing football n_ week.II. 选择填空。(10分)1. -_are you staying there?-Just for two days.A. How often          B. When               C. How long   

12、60;     D. How many2. I have_ to tell you.A. anything exciting                        B. exciting somethingC. exciting anything        

13、                D. something exciting3. -I'm going to Tibet next Monday.  -_.A. I know                   B. That sounds e

14、xcitingC. I'm sorry to hear that   D. Thank you4. He doesn't know anything about Greece, because he has_ gone there.A. ever      B. always      C. never     D. often5. -What's wrong with you, H

15、enry? -_.A. I'm going to the hospital        B. I have a bad coldC. I'm visiting my grandparents     D. I want to go fishingIII. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Mr Johnson likes_(watch) TV in the evening.2. He_(go) fishing yesterday.3.

16、 What_ you_(do) this weekend?4. Listen! Someone_(sing) in the next room.5. Mrs Beet_(drive) very fast to work every day.IV. 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(10分)1. She's going to see us tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)   _ _going to see us tomorrow?2. We had a sports camp last Sunday. (用next Sunday 代替last Sunday后填空

17、)   We're_ _have a sports camp next Sunday.3. We're going to the Great Wall with our teacher. (就划线部分提问)   _are you going to the Great Wall_?4. We're going camping next Friday. (就划线部分提问)   _ _you going camping?5. I visited my friends in Beijing twice a month

18、last year.(就划线部分提问)   _ _did you visited your friends in Beijing last year?V. 根据所给情景,完成下列对话,每空一词。(10分)A: Hello, Wang Lin!B: Hi, Han Mei!A: What are you doing (1)_vacation?B: I don't (2)_. What about you?A: I'm going to Huang Mountain. I think it's a beautiful place.B: Yes. I (3

19、)_there last year. Who are you going (4)_?A: My parents.B: Have a good (5)_.A: Thank you.VI. 完形填空。(10分)Almost everyone_1_the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the family names of men. Mrs is for married(结婚的) women and Miss is for unmarried women. But_is Ms?Some businessmen(商人) in the U

20、nited States_Ms before a woman's name when they do not know whether(是否) the woman is married. Today, however, many women like Ms better_Mrs or Miss.The word "_5_" does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Some women want to be equal to(和.平等)_6_in this way. These women feel that

21、 it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.There are some problems with "Ms", however. _7_women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find_8_difficult to read. Ms_9_miz. Young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know w

22、hether Ms will be used by more American women in the future. What do you think_10_it?1. A. knows       B. know         C. knew         D. is knowing2. A. how     

23、60;   B. what         C. who          D. which3. A. use to      B. using        C. uses         D. u

24、se4. A. to          B. for          C. than         D. as5. A. Ms          B. Mrs     

25、;     C. Miss         D. Mr6. A. men         B. girls        C. ladies       D. boys7. A. None of     B. Not all &#

26、160;    C. All          D. Neither of8. A. this        B. that         C. them         D. it9. A. sounds like 

27、B. read like    C. is sounded like   D. is sound like10. A. at         B. of           C. on           D. toVII. 阅读理解。(10分)Th

28、e Wilsons decided to go overseas for vacation. They had a family meeting to plan the vacation."First," Mr Wilson said, "we should decide where we are going.""I don't agree," Mrs Wilson said, "I think we should decide when we are going first. We don't want t

29、o go to places when they are cold."Mr Wilson agreed, so the family's first decision was when to go on vacation. They decided to go in July."Now we can decide where to go," said Mr Wilson."But, Dad," Ben said, "don't you think that where we go depends on(依赖,取决于)h

30、ow we go? If we plan to fly, we can go a long way. If we plan to drive, we can't go far."Again, Mr Wilson agreed, and they discussed this. At last they agreed to travel by plane.And so the planning meeting went on. The next day, one of Mr Wilson's friends at work asked, "Where are

31、you going for vacation?""Well," Mr Wilson told him, "we are going in summer by plane, but I don't know where we are going!"根据短文内容回答下列问题。1. Why did the Wilsons have a family meeting?2. What did they decide first?3. When did they decide to go?4. How did the Wilsons decide

32、to travel?5. What they didn't decide?VIII. 写作。(10分)请用英语写一篇短文,内容为你和你的好朋友计划周末去北京看你们的一位老师,顺便在北京游玩。不少于50个单词。_  参考答案及录音原文录音原文与答案:I. 1. He lived here for four years.2. We're going to the beach tomorrow.3. What's Helen doing for vacation?4. The children are relaxing at home today.5. W

33、hom are you going camping with?   1-5 SDDSDII.1. M: Can you go camping with us, Julia?   W: I'm afraid not. I have some housework to do.2. W: I don't know the people in the zoo.   M: They're some Hong Kong tourists.3. M: Are you going to Paris next vacation,

34、 Diana?   W: No. I'm going to Greece.4. W: Does your grandpa like sports, Mike?   M: Yes. He often goes fishing.5. M: Do you know Emma, Ann?   W: Yes. She came to our town two years ago.1. She's going to do some housework.2. They're in the zoo.3. She's g

35、oing there next vacation.4. He often goes fishing.5. She came there two years ago.III.A. M: Where are you going fishing this weekend?   W: By the lake.B. W: When do you usually go camping?   M: During our vacation.C. M: How are you going sightseeing?   W: By bike. It

36、9;s interesting, I think.D. W: The children look tired, I think.   M: I agree. They're having a sports camp.E. M: Whom do you usually take walks with, Julia?   W: With my grandpa.   1-5 AECDBIV. My aunt works in Beijing. I visited her during last summer vacation. Be

37、ijing is a beautiful city. A lot of foreigners go sightseeing there. My aunt and I got up early on Saturday morning and we went to the Great Wall by car. We returned to the center of the city at four and visited the Palace Museum. The next morning we went to the Summer Palace by bike. That afternoon

38、, we rode to the Beijing Zoo. We saw pandas there. And after supper we took a bus to Beihai Park. We were tired, but I think we had a good time there.1. The Great Wall 2. The Palace Museum 3. Bike 4. Beijing Zoo 5. Bus 笔试部分I.1. babysits 2. vacation 3. camping 4. relaxing 5. nextII1. C. 根据答语可知问句

39、应该是提问"多长时间"。2. D. 形容词修饰不定代词应该放在不定代词的后边。3. B.4. C. never表示"从来不,从来没有"。5. B.III1. watching / to watch 2. went 3. are, doing 4. is singing 5. drivesIV.1. Is she 2. going to 3. Who, with 4. When are 5. How oftenV.1. for 2. know 3. went 4. with 5. timeVI. 1-5 ABDCD 6-10 ABDABVII.1. The

40、 Wilsons had a family meeting because they wanted to plan the vacation.2. First they decided when to go.3. They decided to go in July.4. They decided to travel by plane.5. They didn't decide where to go.VIII. (略) 新目标英语八年级上册第三单元同步练习三一. 词汇的运用A. 翻译下列词组  1. take walks _   &#

41、160;     2. help me forget problems _  3. return to _           4. decide on _  5. think about _         6. 骑自行车旅行_  7. 去观光_      

42、        8. 去度假_  9. 计划做某事_           10. 去野营_                           

43、60;     B. 根椐题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。1. A: How's the w_ _ ther there?   B: It's sunny.2. A: How l_ _ _ are you staying there? B: I am staying there for three weeks.3. A: W_ _ _ _ are you going for vacation? B: Italy.4. My mother often t_ _ _ _ walks after supper

44、.5. My father often goes f_ _ _ ing by the river on Sundays二. 单项选择1Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had     .   A. a time        B. a good time     C. happy    D. time happily2.

45、Would you please     us your pictures taken in Europe?   A. take          B. bring           C. show     D. find3. What are we going to do on Sunday?” 

46、; “ How about    _  ?   A. to go bike riding      B. going bike to ride C. going to bike riding      D. going bike riding4. “My father has bought a new car.” “     ?”   “Its b

47、lue and beautiful.”   A. What do you like?      B. Whats it like?       C. How is it like?        D. how do you think of it?5. I had wanted to go to England for vacation, but at last I decided &#

48、160;    Canada.   A. on      B. over        C. in       D. about6. The doctors said that there was      wrong with Janes legs. she could do   

49、60;  to help her.   A. something; something   B. something; nothing   C. nothing; anything      D. everything; something7.       a great party!       delicious the f

50、ood is!   AWhat; How     B. How, How      C. What, What       D. How, What8. “Im sorry I forgot      the letter for you!” “It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.”   A. to post&

51、#160;      B. posting       C. post             D. posted9. We all found     to play the game.   A. that interested     B. th

52、is interesting     C. it interesting     D. it's interesting10.The hospital is    far from the station.   A. quiet   B. quite    C. much   D. more11.Please tell us      th

53、e Science Museum.   A. how can we reach       B. how we can get.    C. how can we get         D. how we can get12.They decided    to the mountain.   A. hiking   B. o

54、n hike    C. to hike   D. not hiking13.She looks     because she has a      vacation.   A. relaxed, relaxed      B. relaxing, relaxing    C. relaxed, relaxing   

55、0; D. relaxing, relaxed14.I can't wait    the nice picture.   A. buy  B. to buy  C. buying  D. bought15.Don't forget    the pen    him.   A. to return, to     B. to return, for  

56、0; C. returning, to    D. returning, for三. 补全对话,选择适当的句子完成对话。A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation?B:     . Im leaving on Friday. How about you?A: Im going to sports camp.A: Oh , cool!        .   B: On the elevent

57、h.B:       .A: What about you, Tom?C: Im going to the beach with my family.     . a.When are you going?b.Sounds great!c.Who are you going with?d.We are leaving this weekend.e.Where are you going for vacation?f.I'm visiting my cousins in Cana

58、da. 四. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。1. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: Im going fishing and swimming for vacation. A: That _ (sound) nice.2. A: What are you doing there? B: Im _ (take) walks after supper in the evening.3. I dont like _ (eat) junk food.   I eat it only three _ (time) a month.4.

59、 A: What did you do last night?   B: I _ (watch) TV. A: How long _ you _ (watch) it?   B: I _ (watch) it just for half an hour.5. A: What _ your father do on Sundays? B: He often _ (read) newspapers.五. 完型填空  It must have been after two oclock in the morning when the last gue

60、st left. Though we had enjoyed their stay, my wife and I were very thankful to close the door on them. We  1  all the dirty dishes and glasses as they were ,and after opening several windows to let some   2  air in and the smell of food out, we climb in bed and  3 

61、 asleep.   I couldnt have been asleep for more than half an hour when I awoke with a strong smell of smoke.    4   Half asleep, I stepped into the living-room , and there, though heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of my curtains was on fire. I should have  5

62、0;  the windows first, _   6                         instead I tried to beat about the fire with a folded newspaper. When this failed ,I hurried into the kitchen to&

63、#160;  7  a bucket of the water. At the same time I shout to Barbara, who   8  called the fire brigade(消防员)before coming to helped me . we have to work at top speed carrying buckets of the water. From the kitchen to   9   the fire, fanned by the wind from

64、 the windows, spreading. We were unable to   10    out the fire .Luckily, the fireman arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty in putting out the fire.1. A. laid        B. left        C. was

65、hed       D. put2. A. hot         B .warm        C. fresh        D. cold3. A. fell        B. felt    

66、0;   C. fresh        D. went5. 4. A. Not      B. still       C. No           D. Only    6. A. broken    &

67、#160; B. opened      C. closed       D. removed7. A. and         B. but         C. so           D. or8. A

68、. bring       B. find        C .take         D. carry9. A. eagerly     B .nervously   C. hurriedly    D. certainly10. A. beat 

69、0;     B. fight       C. stop         D. make11. A. get        B. put         C. keep       

70、60; D. take                                                &

71、#160;    六. 阅读理解。ASam is a strong man. He likes sports and isnt often ill. One Sunday he went to visit a place of interest outside the city. On his way home, something was wrong with his motorbike and he had to mend it himself. Suddenly it began to blow and the clouds were flying

72、 one after another in the sky. Soon it began to rain heavily. He couldnt find any houses around and had stand under a tree. When the rain stopped, his clothes were wet through .He felt very cold, and he caught a bad cold when he got home. He went to see a doctor at once. The man looked him over care

73、fully and told him to be in hospital. He stayed there for about one week. He felt very terrible. He wanted to go out for a walk, but the doctor didnt let him do so.When he got a little better, the nurse told him to walk in the ward(病房).One day there was nobody in the ward except him, he went out. It was warm that day. The sun was shining and there were a lot of flowers in the hospital. Sam was very happy. Half an hour later he was tired. He went to a garden, and sat on


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