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1、thinking:first aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injuried before a doctor can be found.often the illness or injury is not serious,but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives.what is first aid? what words can you think of when y

2、ou talk about accidents and first aid?accidentaccidentfirst aidfirst aiddrownbleedchokeburncuta bloody nosea snake bitesprained anklea broken armwhat has happened to them?what can you do to help?a snake bite1. lay the person down and keep him still.2. do not wash the venom (毒液毒液) off the skin.3. app

3、ly pressure to the bitten part with your hands. 毒蛇的牙痕为单排毒蛇的牙痕为单排, 无毒蛇的牙痕为双排无毒蛇的牙痕为双排。 bleedingput a bandage on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding.a sprained anklefirst, have the patient sit down and raise the foot.second, put a bandage around the foot and ankle.third, put an ice pac

4、k on the ankle to reduce the swelling. chokingmake him / her spit by patting him / her on the back.dont slap (拳击拳击) his back, which may make things worse.a broken armndo not move the patient. nkeep the arm still using a bandage. nget medical help immediately.a bloody nosesit down and bend his head f

5、orwardand pinch(捏捏) his nosewhat has happened?thinking:the girl has pulled boiling water onto herself.can you guess what will happen to the girl?she will get bad burns.how will her mother deal with the burn?first aid for burnsfirst aid for burnspre-reading1. what does the passage talk about?2. what

6、do they tell you about the passage? first aid for burns. causes, types, characteristics and first aid treatment for burns.n_the three types of burnsn_what to do if someone gets burnedn_the purpose of skinn_the symptoms of burnsn_how we get burns1.in which order are these topics covered in the text?

7、number them from from 1 to 5.part 1: the purpose of skinthere are _ layers of skin.threethe skin is the _ organ, and also very _. 1)protect you against _, _ and _;2) keep you _ or _;3) prevent you from _;4) give you _.diseaseslargestessentialpoisons the suns harmful rayswarmcoollosing watersense of

8、touchcareful readingthe top layerthe second layerthe third layer tissue under the skinnervepart 2 causes of burnshow can you get burned?h2so4hot liquidssteamfirethe sunchemicalspart 3 types of burns there are _ types of burns depending on which _ are burned. first degree burns affect only the _ laye

9、r and should feel better within _. second degree burns affect both the _ and the _ layer. these burns are _ and take _ to heal. threelayerstopa day or twotopsecondseriousa few weeksfirst degree burnsdry, red and mildly_._ painful.turn white when _.second degree burns_, red and swollen.extremely pain

10、ful._ watery surfacethird degree burnsswollen; _ can be seen._ or _ pain.black and white and _.part 4 characteristics of burnstypescharacteristicsswollenroughtissuemildlylittlenopressedblisterscharredbacblisters andwatery surfacemildly swollentissue under them often can be seen characteristics of bu

11、rnsfirst degree burnsecond degree burn third degree burn1. _ clothing and jewelry near the burns.2. _ the burns with cool water.3. _ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns.4. _ the burned area gently.5. _ the burned area with a dry clean bandage.6. _ the burned area _ than the heart, if possible.7. _ t

12、he victim _ the doctor or hospital, if possible.part 5 first aid treatmenttake offcool place dry cover keep higherget to1.sam knocked over a kettle(水壶水壶) full of boiling water onto his legs. his legs became red,swollen and covered with blisters. sam broke the blisters and poured icy waters from the

13、fridge onto the skin. ( ) wread the first aid treatments for these burns. are they right or wrong? 2.while ironing(熨烫)(熨烫) clothes, miss good accidentally touched the iron. her wrist blistered and became watery. it hurt a lot. she put her wrist under the cold water tap and then kept placing cool,cle

14、an, damp cloths on it until it was less painful. then she went to see the doctor. ( ) r3. mrs caseys sleeve caught fire while she was cooking. her arm looked terrible but it didnt hurt. the skin was charred. her husband took off her blouse and picked off bits of the blouse stuck to the burn. he then placed butter on the burn and covered it with a wet bandage. ( )w 4 after an hour in the


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