1、 虚拟语气结集号虚拟语气结集号The Bssembly of English Subjunctive Mood 让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱听歌听歌学虚拟学虚拟 If you were the only girl in the worldand I were the only boy!Nothing else would matter in the world todaywe could go on loving in the same old way!A garden of Eden just made for twowith nothing
2、to mar our joyI would say such wonderful things to youthere would be such wonderful things to doIf you were the only girl in the worldand I were the only boy! (byClifford Grey)一、非真实条件句中的虚拟语气一、非真实条件句中的虚拟语气二、宾语从句中的虚拟语气二、宾语从句中的虚拟语气三、主语从句中的虚拟语气三、主语从句中的虚拟语气四、表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气四、表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气五、状语从句中的虚拟语气
3、五、状语从句中的虚拟语气六、几种特殊的虚拟语气六、几种特殊的虚拟语气让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱!让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱!1.何为语气?何为语气? 语气表示说话人对事物所持的态度语气表示说话人对事物所持的态度,它的语法特征以动它的语法特征以动词方式表现出来。词方式表现出来。1陈说语气陈说语气 She is very clever.2祈使语气祈使语气 Dont be late for the meeting.3虚拟语气表示假设的情况、客观愿望等。虚拟语气表示假设的情况、客观愿望等。 If there were no gravity, we would not be ab
4、le to walk.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱!让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱!2. 真实条件句真实条件句 :真实条件句用于陈说语气,假设的情况能:真实条件句用于陈说语气,假设的情况能够发生。够发生。 时态关系时态关系句型:句型: 条件从句条件从句 主句主句 普通如今时普通如今时 shall/will + 动词原形动词原形If she comes, she will bring her violin.典型例题典型例题The volleyball match will be put off if it _. A.will rain B. rains C. rained D.
5、 is rained留意:留意: 在真实条件句中,主句不用在真实条件句中,主句不用be going to表示未来,该表示未来,该用用shall, will.(错错) If you leave now, you are never going to regret it.(对对) If you leave now, you will never regret it.答案答案B。真实条件句主句为未来时,从句用普通如今时。真实条件句主句为未来时,从句用普通如今时。3. 非真实虚拟条件句非真实虚拟条件句 1时态:可以表示过去,如今和未来的情况。它的时态:可以表示过去,如今和未来的情况。它的根本特点是时态
6、退后。根本特点是时态退后。a.同如今现实相反的假设。同如今现实相反的假设。句型句型 : 条件从句主句条件从句主句 普经过去时普经过去时should( would) +动词原形动词原形 If they were here, they would help you.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱时态时态从从 句句主主 句句表示如今表示如今过去时过去时(be-were)should+动词原形动词原形would +动词原形动词原形could +动词原形动词原形might +动词原形动词原形1.和如今的现实相反和如今的现实相反3. 非真实虚拟条件句非真实虚拟
7、条件句 b.表示与过去现实相反的假设。表示与过去现实相反的假设。句型:句型: 条件从句条件从句 主句主句过去完成时过去完成时 should(would) have+ 过过去分词去分词 If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded. The rice would not have been burnt if you had been more careful. If my lawyer had been here last Saturday, he would have prevented me from going. 让一切的花儿都开放,
8、让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱If he had come yesterday, I should / would have told him about it. 含义:含义:He did not come yesterday, so I did not tell him about it.If he had not been ill and missed many classes, he would have made greater progress. 含义:含义: He was ill and missed many lessons, so he did not
9、 make greater progress.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱时态时态从从 句句主主 句句表示过去表示过去 had +过去分词过去分词should+have+过去分词过去分词would +have+过去分词过去分词could +have+过去分词过去分词might +have+过去分词过去分词c.表示对未来的假想表示对未来的假想句型:句型: 条件从句条件从句 主句主句 普经过去时普经过去时 should+ 动词原形动词原形 were+ 不定式不定式 would + 动词原形动词原形 should+ 动词原形动词原形If you suc
10、ceeded, everything would be all right.If you should succeed, everything would be all right.If you were to succeed, everything would be all right.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱时态时态从从 句句主主 句句表示未来表示未来 should+动词原形动词原形would +动词原形动词原形could +动词原形动词原形might +动词原形动词原形1)were to+动词原形动词原形2)should+动词原形动词原
11、形3)动词过去式动词过去式条件状语从句主句与过去事实相反 had + 过去分词should/would/could/might + have + 过去分词与现在事实相反 一般过去时(be用were)would/should/could/might + 动词原形与将来事实相反一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形Would/should/cold/might + 动词原形虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中时,主句和从句谓语动词虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中时,主句和从句谓语动词的方式:的方式: 让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱规律总结规律总结:从
12、句都往过去推一个时态,如从句都往过去推一个时态,如:与如今相反的与如今相反的if从句就用过去时从句就用过去时;与过去与过去相反用过去完成时相反用过去完成时(即过去的过去即过去的过去)特别阐明特别阐明1、l would/should/could/might主句谓语中的主句谓语中的should主要用于第一人称后主要用于第一人称后;would表示结果还表示过去经表示结果还表示过去经常经常做某事,常经常做某事,might表示能够性,表示能够性,could表示才干、表示才干、允许或能够性。比较允许或能够性。比较:If you tried again ,you would succeed. 要是他再试要是
13、他再试一试,他就会胜利的。一试,他就会胜利的。 (would表结果表结果)If you tried again, you might succeed. 要是他再试一要是他再试一试,他能够会胜利的。试,他能够会胜利的。 (might表能够表能够)If you tried again ,you could succeed. 要是他再试一要是他再试一试,他就能胜利了。试,他就能胜利了。(could表才干表才干)1.wish后面宾语从句中的虚拟语气,表示与现实相反的愿后面宾语从句中的虚拟语气,表示与现实相反的愿 望。望。其表达方式普通是将从句的谓语动词退后一个时态。例如其表达方式普通是将从句的谓语动词
14、退后一个时态。例如: 1)与如今现实相反与如今现实相反 : wish + (that)+did(were) I wish I were as healthy as you. I wish that I had a plane. 2)与过去现实相反与过去现实相反 : wish + (that)+had done I wish I had been to the concert last night. I wish you had written to him. 3)与未来现实相反与未来现实相反 : wish + would/could/might+do I wish he would forgi
15、ve me. did/were(如今) S+wish+that+S+ had done(过去) would/could+do (未来)wish与hope接宾语从句的区别在于:hope表示普通可以实现的希望,宾语从句用陈说语气。wish表示很难或不大能够实现的希望,宾语从句用虚拟语气。试比较:(1) We hope they will come. (We dont know if they can come.)(2) We wish they could come. (We know they are not coming.)让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿
16、都歌唱2. 在某些动词后的宾语从句中需用在某些动词后的宾语从句中需用should+动词原形的虚拟语气动词原形的虚拟语气方式。方式。“should可以省略。可以省略。 常见的动词有常见的动词有:建议建议advise, suggest, propose, recommend倡议倡议advocate命令命令order, command恳求恳求ask, demand, require, request提议提议move, vote指示指示direct 督促督促urge 希望希望 desire坚持坚持insist 计划计划intend 安排安排 arrange 喜好喜好prefer留意留意: sugges
17、t表表 暗示阐明暗示阐明 时时 insist表坚持以为时不用虚拟语气表坚持以为时不用虚拟语气:HeinsistedthatIhadreadhisletter.HeinsistedthatIshouldreadhisletter.Thedoctorsuggestedthatshe(should)haveanoperationatonce.Heorderedthatit(should)besentback.HeurgedthattheygotoEurope.。HerequiresthatI(should)appear.Imovethatweaccepttheproposal.Hearrangedt
18、hatIshouldgoabroad.Shedesiresthathedoit.Thegeneraldirectedthattheprisonersshouldbesetfree.特殊宾语从句中的虚拟语气Would you mind if +S did sth? eg. Would you mind if I smoked here? l would rather后句子用虚拟语气 只分如今和过去。 在would rather, would sooner, would just as soon后的that从句中, 句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气, 表示宁愿做什么 ,详细用法为: 普经过去时表示如今或
19、未来的愿望 Id rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿他明天(如今)去。 用过去完成时表过去的愿望 Id rather you hadnt said it. 我真希望他没有这样说过。让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱1.Iwenttobedearlylastnight,butIwishIso.A.didntdoB.hadntdoneC.haventdoneD.couldntdo2.HowIwisheveryfamily_alargehousewithabeautifulgarden.A.hasB.hadC.willha
20、dD.hadhad3.Theteacherorderedthatstudents_.A.mustntsmokeB.notsmokeC.smokedD.hadsmoked4.Theteacherdemandedthatthework_before4oclock.A.finishedB.finishC.shouldfinish D.befinishedBBBD考题点击:考题点击:I am not free today. If I _free today , I _ and visit some of my friends . A. am will go B. were , would go C.
21、shall be D. be , must go2. If my lawyer _ here last Saturday, he _ me from going . A. had been , would have prevented B. had been, would prevent C. were, would prevent D. were, would have prevented3.If I were to see Tom, what _ you _ me to tell him? A. are ,going to ask B. do , ask C. would , ask D.
22、 did, askBAC根本句型:1.Itbe+过去分词+that+(should)+动词原形+过去分词:desired,suggested,requested,decided,reported,proposed,ordered,recommended,Itisrequiredthatnobody(should)smokehere.Itssuggestedthateverybody(should)buyadictionary.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱2.Itbe+描画词+that+(should)+动词原形+描画词:incredible,su
26、dtellC.hadtoldD.hastold3.Itwasorderedthatnosmoking_inthelibrary.A.shouldallowB.beallowedC.willbeallowedD.isallowedDBB考题点击:考题点击:His suggestion that you _ once more sounds reasonable. A. try B. tries C. must try D. can try2.He gave an advice that they _ each other. A. helped B. must help C.help D.had
27、helped3.My suggestion is that a few more people _ there to help me.A. be sent B. have sent C. sent D. should sentACA1.用在由asif,asthough引导的状语从句中,表示和如今现实相反或对如今的疑心,用过去时;表示过去想象中的动作或情况,用过去完成时;表示未来用would+动词原形。Itseemsasifthemanwerehisbrother.Thisdeviceoperatedasthoughithadbeenrepaired.Heactsasifheknewme.The
29、indowslestshecatchcold.考题点击:考题点击:1. We felt as if we _ each other for years.A.knew B.were knowingC.had known D.have knowing2. He took away the oxygen tank for fear that it _. A. may explore B.exploded C. explode D.had explodeCC虚拟倒装句虚拟倒装句 1.Were it (=If it were) not for their help,we couldnt have got
30、 over the difficulties.2.Had I (=If I had) known about it,I would have told you.3.Should anyone (=If anyone should )call,please take a message.What would have happened, _ as far as the river bank? Bob had walked fartherB. if Bob should walk fartherC. had Bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked fartherC考题
31、点击:考题点击:虚拟条件句的倒装虚拟条件句的倒装 虚拟条件句的从句部分假设含有虚拟条件句的从句部分假设含有were, should, 或或had, 可将可将if省略,再省略,再把把were, should或或had 移到从句句首,实行倒装。移到从句句首,实行倒装。 Were they here now, they could help us.=If they were here now, they could help us. Had you come earlier, you would have met him=If you had come earlier, you would have
32、 met him. Should it rain, the crops would be saved.=Were it to rain, the crops would be saved.Had he taken my advice, he would have succeeded.Were it not for the expense, I would go to Britain. Were I a boy, I would join the army.留意留意:假设省略的条件句中的谓语动词能否认方式时,不能用动词的缩略方式。假设省略的条件句中的谓语动词能否认方式时,不能用动词的缩略方式。如
33、如:我们可以说我们可以说:Were it not for the expense, I would go abroad now. 但但不能说不能说:Werent it for the expense, I would go abroad now.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱DIfyouhadntboughttheticketlastweek,howwouldyougonow?考题点击:考题点击:混合型虚拟语气错综时间虚拟条件句 即条件从句与主句所指时间不一致,如从句指过去,而主句即指的是如今或未来,此时应根据详细的语境情况,结合上面提到的三种根本
34、类型对时态作相应的调整:If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now. 要是昨晚下过雨的话,如今地面就会是湿的。You would be much better now if you had taken my advice. 假假设他当时听我的话,他如今就会好多了。If they had worked hard, they would be very tired.(从句说的是过去,主句指的是如今)3) 介词短语表条件介词短语表条件 用介词短语替代条件状语从句。常用的介词有用介词短语替代条件状语从句。常用的介词有with, wi
35、thout, but for。如。如:What would you do with a million dollars? ( = if you had a million dollars)We couldnt have finished the work ahead of time without your help. ( = if we hadnt got your help)But for your help, we couldnt have succeeded.Nothing could live without the sun.考题点击:考题点击:Without your help,
36、we _ such rapid progress.A. couldnt make B. wouldnt makeC. will not have made D. wouldnt have madeDIf虚拟条件句的否认(含蓄条件句) 常考两个句型:If it werent for和If it hadnt been for,其意为假设不是(有) 要不是。如:If it werent for water, no plant could grow. 要是没有水植物就无法生长。If it hadnt been for your assistance ,we wouldnt have succeeded
37、.=But for your assistance ,we wouldnt have succeeded.=Without your assistance ,we wouldnt have succeeded.假设没有他的协助,我们不会胜利的。4情境中提供虚拟语气含蓄型虚拟语气情境中提供虚拟语气含蓄型虚拟语气: 有时为了表达的需求,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现有时为了表达的需求,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现if引导的条引导的条件句,而经过其他手段来替代条件句。用件句,而经过其他手段来替代条件句。用otherwise、or(or else),even though等表示与上文的情况相反,从而引出虚拟等表
38、示与上文的情况相反,从而引出虚拟语气。如语气。如:I lost your address.Otherwise,I would have visited you long before. I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meet. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday, or I would have known nothing about it. He would have given you more help,but he was to
39、o busyHe would lose weight,but he eats too much.让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱Amanwhostoppeddrinkingwaterwouldbedeadinaboutsevendays.Imighthavegivenyoumorehelp,butIwastoobusy.Everythingtakenintoconsideration,theywouldhaveraisertheiroutputquickly.Supposetherewerenogravity,objectswouldnotfallt
41、y.连词Givenmoretime,wecouldhavedoneitbetter.分词短语Suchmistakescouldhavebeenavoided.经过上下文5) 比较比较if only与与only if I if only 与与 I wish一样,也用于表示与现实相反的愿望,其一样,也用于表示与现实相反的愿望,其后所虚拟语气的时态与后所虚拟语气的时态与 wish后所接时态的情况一样后所接时态的情况一样:If only she had had more courage! 她再英勇一些就好了。她再英勇一些就好了。If only I had listened to my parents!
42、 我要是当时听了父母的我要是当时听了父母的话就好了。话就好了。If only she would go with me! 她要是情愿和我一道去就好了她要是情愿和我一道去就好了!*if only 通常独立运用,没有主句。通常独立运用,没有主句。考题点击:考题点击:If only grandmother _ this together with us now.A. will see B.could see C.must see D.should seeB5) 比较比较if only与与only if II only if 表示表示“只需;只需; I wake up only if the alar
43、m clock rings. if only 那么表示那么表示“假设假设就好了。其从句中的谓语动词就好了。其从句中的谓语动词用过去时或过去完成时。用过去时或过去完成时。If only I knew more.If only the alarm clock had rung.If only 也可用于陈说语气。也可用于陈说语气。If only he comes early. 6) Its (high/low) time 从句:从句:It is (high) time that 后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用或用should加动词原形,但加动词原形,但should不可省
44、略。不可省略。 It is time that the children went to bed. It is high time that the children should go to bed. 类似的构造为类似的构造为 would rather 从句:从句: I would rather you attended the meeting this afternoon.考题点击:考题点击:It is time that you _ the whole book.A.must go over B.can go overC.went over D.have gone overC7虚拟语气在
45、一些简单句中的运用。情态动词的过去式用于如今时态时,表示说话人谦虚、客气、有礼貌或语气委婉,常出如今日常会话中。如:It would be better for you not to stay up too late.Would you be kind enough to close the door?用于一些习惯表达法中。如:Would you like a cup of tea?I would rather not tell you.表示祝愿话语中也可以用虚拟语气。May godbless you.愿上帝保佑他。May you enjoy many years of health and
46、happiness.祝您安康长寿美满幸福。让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱让一切的花儿都开放,让一切的鸟儿都歌唱高考链接高考链接: :1. I didn1. I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she , she would have met my t see your sister at the meeting. If she , she would have met my brother.brother. A. has come B. did come A. has come B. did come C. came C. came D
47、. had come D. had come 2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it .2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it . A. breaks A. breaks B. has broken B. has broken C. were broken C. were broken D. had been broken D. had been broken 3. You didn3. You didnt le
48、t me drive. If we in turn, you so tired.t let me drive. If we in turn, you so tired.A. drove ; didnA. drove ; didnt get t get B. drove ; wouldnB. drove ; wouldnt gett getC. were driving ;wouldnC. were driving ;wouldnt get t get D. had driven ; wouldnD. had driven ; wouldnt have got t have got 4.With
49、out the air to hold some of the sun4.Without the air to hold some of the suns heat, the earth at night ,too s heat, the earth at night ,too cold for us to live.cold for us to live.A. would be freezing cold B. will be freezing coldlyA. would be freezing cold B. will be freezing coldlyC. would be froz
50、en cold D. can freeze coldlyC. would be frozen cold D. can freeze coldlyDCDA5._ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the meeting. A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will 6. Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _ a medical examination.A. be; should have B. was
51、; have C. should be; had D. was; has 7. _ for the free tickets, I wouldnt have gone to the films so often.A. If it is not B. Were it notC. Had it not been D. If they were not8.Yesterday Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she _something.A. had said B. said C. might say D. might have saidBBCDShould Have-Could Have-Would Have I by Bobbi Ann Duffy IshouldhavehadthecouragetostandmygroundTobewhatIwantedtobenotwhatyouexpectedmetobeIfIcouldhave,IwouldhavebeenAsuccessinmyowneyesInsteadofafailureinyoursIshouldhaverejectedyourstandardsformylifeAndlivedonlybymyownIfIcouldhave,Iwouldhavebeen
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