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1、专业资料音标课讲义国际音标简介?广义:国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,原义是“国际语音字母”,简称IPA,由国际语音协会制定?狭义:英语国际音标(DJ音标,由英国语音学家Daniel Jones创立)。 由于它用来标注英语的发音,一般都把它叫做英语国际音标,后来在国干 脆简称国际音标。学习音标的作用?打好音标基础是学好英语的基本条件?提高听说能力,培养良好的语感?有助于依靠读音记单词?“见其形读其音,听其音写其形”学习音标的要求?重视英语听说能力?结合单词识记音标?大胆开口练习,不要害怕犯错?不放过任何机会,用心体会标准的发音音标一览表专业资料I i:1

2、1ile eeLolo:J oju:J A3:8XXnBiei laioil aoao niiailes oe辆旨1PJ bt J IdJkJ19J IfvIs zIG 61ILL 151 tjl|d31tri dr Its Idz|m nJ 01 Ih111 rw J新旧英语国际音标对照表VDVi卍k*元&J新 Qk04-a2u:+oll旧-e9-2u:D-el.al6au.IG-ug旧Agel9U.i费eaU8H4CnmnrraniS歸音 1AhJ屮rZv|宀b1DKnLeh卜tfptrdr.26个英语字母的发音Eei:Ffefh刖d3呂呂ijMmNnenq|kju:JRrg g:

3、】:】UuVvHivy|waiZz妙妙Aa jeiGg取i:】HhleitJJKkkeiLI(elOo丽PpIM】Sses)TtWwdAtolju:XxeksDd di:Bb bi: Cc si:专业资料语音知识? 1)字母:语言的书写形式。元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u? 2)音素:音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素。即20个元音音素和28个辅音音素? 3)元音:发音响亮,口腔中气流不受阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语_ 中有20个元音。? 4)辅音:发音不响亮,口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。英语中有28个辅音。? 5)音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。apple,studen

4、t,teacher,un dersta nd。? 6)开音节:? a)辅 音+兀音+辅音+e女口:n ame, bike, home, house等? b)辅音+元音女口:he, go, hi7)闭音节:? a)辅 音+兀音+辅音女口:bad,bed,sit,hot,cup? b)元音+辅音 女如:it? 8)重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。音标分类?英语国际音标共有48个?元音(20个)?长元音/a:/?:/?:/ /i:/ /U:/?短元音/?/?/?/ / ? /?/ /e/ /?/专业资料?双元音/e?/a?/?/?/e?/?/?/a?/?辅音(28个)?轻辅音/p/ / t/ /

5、 k/ /f/ /9/ /s/?/h/ts/ /t?/tr/?浊辅音/b/ /d/g/ /v/e/z/ / ?/ /r/ /dz/d ?/ /dr/?鼻音/m/n/?/?半元音/j/ /w/?边音/?长元音i:?发音部位:舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不抵 上齿龈;?发音方法:嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状;气流从 口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音。? me? sheep? teach? people? receivei:常见的字母组合? ee: three treegree nsheep meet beef see seekea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher t

6、eam clea n pleasee: he she me we bemea n speak专业资料ie ei(eo ey i): people piece receiveceiling绕口令:A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.长元音c?发音部位:舌端离开下齿,舌身平展,舌中部稍微 抬起?发音方法:双唇扁平,向左右略微拉开,成微笑状?气流从口腔中冲出微振声带,发出此音。? her? bird? nurselearn workC常见的字母组合长元音a:?发音部位:舌端离开下齿,舌身平放后缩,舌位?ur: turn

7、burnnurseThursday burger?ear: lear nearnearthheard?er: termherserve?or: workwormworkworldir: girl shirt skirt thirty thirteenthird绕口令:The early bird catches the wormfirst.bird专业资料较低;专业资料?发音方法:口大,气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音glass car laugh heart arma:常见的字母组合a: grass glass classpla ntdance fast fat last half ar

8、: car stararm park March au: laugh aunt ear: heart绕口令:Its far to the farm from the park.长元音?:?发音部位:舌尖离开下齿,舌后抬高,上下唇 略为大,唇形较圆,并用力向前突出?发音方法:气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发 出此音。? smallmore autu mnfourhardgarde ndarki专业资料warmdoor? a: water?aw: drawstrawberry?al: ballwallcallsmall?or: horsemorni ngcornforkor?oor: floordo

9、or?au: autu mn?ar: warm?our: fourbought?绕口令:My daughter is forty-four.长元音u:?发音部位:舌端离开下齿, 古后部向软腭抬咼,舌位较咼;双唇尽量收缩成圆而小,并稍向前突?:常见的字母组合short出;?发音方法:气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。? fooddotruefruit专业资料soupshoeTaskReview and previewRewrite the form of 26 lettersRead the words and senten ces aloud1 练:与出卜列划线部分字母的发音,并找出发音不

10、同的单词。?ABCD?()1. hefeetbreadgree n?()2. livefishteacherwe?()3. taJJ_firstworkshirt?()4. treeseeclea nSunday?()5. fatherdoctor.skirtchina.o:dowhowhosetooo:foodmoontoosoonui:fruitjuiceu:rulerbluefullou:soupoe:shoeu:常见的字母组合room?绕口令:How do you do?You looked really cool.专业资料?()6. moonfoodeatfruit专业资料?()7.

11、 truebookwoodlook?()8. foursmallwalkbird?()9. busfootgoodbook?()10. cararmfoodgarde n【i1?舌尖轻抵下齿齿龈,角向后缩使双唇略扁?极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发出此音。舌前部向硬腭抬起;嘴in? ticket? busy? happy? money【i】常见的字母组合i: is En glish pigfishfiftee nsix ship? e: behi ndjacketbasketball? y: happyheavybusy sunnystudy twenty windyrainy? ey

12、: mon keymoney? u: busy?绕口令:His little sister is sitting in the middle.专业资料专业资料区分下列单词:? n eedsister rich weak agreemiss tree fish peoplee ?舌端靠近下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起;?双唇扁平,上下齿的距离相当于一个中指宽度;?极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出 此音。? get? breadbig swim keepagainegg? e:eggdesklegredpetten pen? ea:breadheadbreakfast? ai:aga insaid

13、【?】?舌端靠近下齿,双唇尽量向两边平伸,使嘴角肌肉感到紧;i:和i 1.it-eat2. seatsit3. treetrip 4. sheepshipe 常见的字母组合绕口令:Good, better, best. Never let it rest.专业资料【?】?舌中部向上鄂抬起,舌端离开下齿,舌身自然平展;唇形放松、扁平?极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此muchcup?极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带发出此音? thatmapcatchblackapple【?】 常a: dad hat capbag catcan bad apple baghandblack has

14、sta ndmap? I.patpet2. sat set3. sadsaid4.badbed5.daddead?区分下列单词:? wetbagactbedneverten? breadmanythanksevenhead专业资料somemoneytouch【?】常见的字母组合o: soncomecolourlovemoneyu: sunnutjumpus busbrushsupperduckou: touch cous in country绕口令:Come to the front on the double.?舌端离开下齿,舌身尽量降低并后缩;双唇自然成圆形,嘴角有紧绷的感 觉,保持口形不

15、变;?一股极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音? doghot ? doctor? what? watch? wash?常见的字母组合o: fox coffee dog shop hot doctor long sorrya: watch what wash绕口令:The little pot is so hot.专业资料?舌端离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起;双唇圆而 小,稍向前突出;?极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发 出此音。? good? foot? woma n? put? fullcould?常见的字母组合? o: woma nwolf? oo: lookgoodbook

16、footwoodclassroom? u: putfullbullet? ou: couldshouldwould绕口令:Look at the cookbook. Its really good.?舌端离开下齿,舌身平展而放松,舌中部向上颚抬起;?双唇略扁,使嘴微,舌尖靠近下齿龈,但不贴紧;专业资料?气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发出此音? motherwin ter? sugardoctor? chinaope n/?/常见的字母组合p-b?【p】是清辅音er:teachercleverbrotherrulerar:sugaror: doctora:pandaaboutabovecamera

17、e:ope nure: picturefatherChinasister?绕口令:The farmer?舌身自然平放在口腔中,双唇紧闭,呈不说话状态,在口腔形成一股气流;气流由双唇迸出,不振动声带,发出此音。? /p/: pen map help cheap pencilpaper apple happy?【b】是浊辅音?舌身自然平放在口腔中,双唇紧闭,呈不说话状态,在口腔形成一股气流;气流由双唇迸出,振动声带,发出此音/b/: bag by boy blue rabbit cabbagedinnersofas brother is a doctor.专业资料?【t】是清辅音?舌尖轻抵上齿龈,

18、嘴微;舌与硬腭之间聚集一股气流;气流由舌尖和上齿龈之间冲出,同时,舌尖迅速离开上齿龈,不振动声带。? /t/: ten time not table littlepretty?【d】是浊辅音?舌尖轻抵上齿龈,嘴微;舌与硬腭之间聚集一股气流;气流由舌尖和上齿 龈之间冲出,同时,舌尖迅速离开上齿龈,振动声带。/d/: desk door day dog daddy middlek-g?【k】是清辅音?舌后部抬高并使其紧贴软腭,嘴微;舌后部与软 腭之间聚集一股气流;气流由舌后部和软腭之间 冲出,同时,舌后部与软腭迅速分离,不振动声 带,发出此音。? /k/: cat come clock pictu

19、re book bikecake kite look ?【g】是浊辅音?舌后部抬高并使其紧贴软腭,嘴微;舌后部与软腭之间的气流由舌后部和软腭之间冲出,同时,舌后部与软腭迅速分离,振动声带,发出此音? /g/: girl big egg guess great glad gameaga indogglass专业资料Task? Review and preview? Finish your homework? Read the words and senten ces aloud作业校对:用音标给26个英语字母标音A aB bC cD de?bi:si:di:EeF fG gH hi:efd?i:

20、e?t?LiJ jK kL lM mN na?d ?e?|ke?e?emenO oP PQ qR rS sT t?pi:kju:a:es ti:U uV vW wX x丫yZ zju:vi:d?b?u:ekswa习zed/ zi:作业写出下列划线部分字母的发音,并找出发音不同的单词。ABCD()1. Pigisdogship()2.thirtybirdherfood()3.she_bijgjnmoney_专业资料【f】-【V】()1. hatfastcooklast()2. jeepdoorsunwho()3. dadcaphandwatch()4. starcarcutfrom()5. sk

21、irtsheepbirdher三、根据发音规则,找出每组中发?的单词。()1.ratbedfacesport()2.hearcupfatpear()3.ricebatfin gertree()4.seayoungknifeapple四、根据发音规则,找出每组中不发的单词。()1.catwelllegpen()2.sweatmappetelepha nt()3.eggtentalldesk()4.breadheadbedtoy练一练 :从B栏找出与A栏对应的单词或音标并连线。1、AB2、ABhurrybaik併?goathurtkeikd ?g pearlook Arig?ut thi ngca

22、kelukfeis dogbikeh?:tpe?face里画,有两种读音的画()4.teachersisteraboutg()5.happyseasitpicture()6. truejumpbuscut()7. bagshortmapflag()8. eggpenheadsmall()9. rabbitgoodwouldfoot()10.ratbatappleten二、写出下列划线字母的读音,有一种读音的在( 有三种的画专业资料?【f】是清辅音?上齿轻触下唇;气流从唇与齿之间的空隙泄出,产生 一定摩擦;不振动声带,发出此音。? /f/: five fish fine family fifte

23、e nphotophone elepha ntlaugh eno ughoff coffee?【V】是浊辅音?上齿轻触下唇;气流从唇与齿之间的空隙泄出,产生一定摩擦;振动声带, 发出此音。? /v/: very five have of leave voice visit visitor themselves【s】-【z】?【s】是清辅音?舌尖接近上齿龈,舌尖与上齿龈之间的距离较小; 气流从舌头与硬腭和齿龈之间摩擦而出;不振动声 带,发出此音。/s/: nice city cycle sit six some bus?【z】是浊辅音?舌尖接近上齿龈,舌尖与上齿龈之间的距离较小;气流从舌尖与齿龈

24、之间摩狭缝中擦而出,吐气较弱;振动声带,发出此音。useus desk booksmiss class专业资料/z/: is his please music lose husba nd apples leavesthieveskni vessize exercise prize zoo reas on91-【e】?【9】是清辅音?将舌尖略微伸出,放在上下齿之间,使舌尖两面轻触 上下齿;气流从舌和齿间流出,但口腔各部位保持不 动;不振动声带,发出此音。? /9/: threethank month thin thoughttooth teeth south north month mouth

25、through?【e】是浊辅音?将舌尖略微伸出,放在上下齿之间,使舌尖两面轻触上下齿;气流从舌和 齿间流出,但口腔各部位保持不动;振动声带,发出此音。? /e/: this the withtha nbreathe though motherfather there that these those【?【?1? ?【?】是双元音? ? 口形由【?】向【?】的舌位滑动,【?】发得响亮,【?】发得模糊短促;唇形从扁平到略圆,舌位由低到高;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带, 发出此音。three throw专业资料ago, no se, rose, hope, boat, coat, tomorrow,

26、kilo, know, pia no, yellow, grow,bowl, own, show, low, cold【u?】?【u?】是双元音?由【u】很快滑向【?】,【u】发得清晰响亮,【?】发得短促;唇形由圆形到扁平,舌位由高到低;气流从口腔中冲出。振动声带,发出此音。poor, sure, tour, tourist, jewel, cruel, Europe【i?】?【i?】是双元音?是从【i】向【e】的舌位滑动,【i】发得清楚响亮,【e】发得模糊短促;唇形扁平,舌位由到高低;气流从从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。? ear, deer, here, tear, beer, the

27、ater, museum, clear, cheer, appear,serious, fear, n ear, engin eer专业资料【?【?? ?】? ?【?? ?】是双元音? ?由【?】很快滑向【?】,发【?】时舌尖靠近下齿,唇形由扁平到自然,舌位由低到高;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。pair, air, chair, hair, fair, square, care, there, bear, where, wear, their【i?】?【i?】是双元音?是从【i】向【e】的舌位滑动,【i】发得清楚响亮,【e】发得模糊短促; 唇形扁平,舌位由到高低;气流从从口腔中冲出,

28、振动声带,发出此音。? ear, deer, here, tear, beer, theater, museum, clear, cheer, appear,serious, fear, n ear, engin eer专业资料【?【?? ?】? ?【?】是双元音?由【?】很快滑向【?】,发【?】时舌尖靠近下齿,唇形由扁平到自然, 舌位由低到高;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。pair, air, chair, hair, fair, square, care, there, bear, where, wear, their?【?i】是双元音?从【?】向【i】的舌位滑动,【?】发得清楚响

29、亮,【i】发得模糊短促;唇形由圆形变成扁平,舌位由低到高;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发 出此音。? boy, toy, coin, oil, boil, noise, point, joy, join, enjoy, voice, choice【?i】oT专业资料【ei】?【ei】是双元音?由【e】很快滑向【i】,【e】发得清楚响亮,【i发得短促;唇形由扁平到自然,舌位由高到低;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音? table, radio, take, make, same, play, great, stay, day, say, may, place, space,eight, wa

30、it, maybe, pain, save, way, always, gray, afraid【ai】?【ai】是双元音?从【&】向【i】的舌位滑动,【a】发得清楚响亮,【i】发得模糊短促;唇形扁平,由大到小,舌位由低到高;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发 出此音。专业资料? I, kite, bike, white, five, kni fe, rice, write, time, nine, eye, sky, pie, lie,die, light, right, night, fly, my, mind, quite, cry, buy, fineoT专业资料【a?】是双元音?

31、由【a】滑向【?】,【a】发得响亮,【?】发得短促;唇形由扁平到圆形,由小到大,舌位由低到高;气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。? house, how, now, dow n, out, mouse, flower, sound, mountain.count, hour, ground, foun d, ro und, brow n, crowdTask? Review and preview? Finish your homework? Read the words and senten ces aloud【a?】专业资料? Prepare for the exam作业Applefe

32、etbearkeepdeskelepha ntlampmouse/ be?/wait/ ?pl/ki:p / hed/ ?elif ? nt /、根据音标,填写正确的单词。headwhite专业资料/ maus / fi:t / desk / l?mp /一、找出画线部分读音不冋的单词,并与出划线部分的音标D. beach()1. A. teaB. meatC. weather()2. A. backB. fastC. haveD. map()3. A. warmB. garde nC. marketD. party()4. A. schoolB. toothC. chooseD.good()

33、5. A. bookB. moodyC. lookD.cook()6. A. JuneB. rulerC. putD. menu()7. A. pushB. funC. sunD. ugly()8. A. tigerB. herC. officerD. over()9. A. goB. noC. coldD. hot()10 .A. likeB. lio nC. pizzaD. Friday()11 .A. cakeB. faceC. appleD.late()12 .A. meB. legC. bedD. set()13.A. hutB. rulerC. duckD. cup()14 .A.

34、 clockB. hotC. goD. sock()15 .A. headB. deadC. deafD. sea()16.A. littleB. thingC. whiteD. with、选出划线字母正确读音1、toyA./ ? /2、hereA./ ? /B. / e ? /B. / ? /C. / a? /C. / ? /专业资料3、stairA. / e? /B./ ? /C. / e ?/4、ourA. / ? /B. / ? /C. / a ? /5、rideA. / ?/B. /a?/C. /a: /6、speakA. / ?/B. / ? /C. / i: /7、tallA.

35、/ ? /B. / e? /C. / ?: /8、carA. /a:/B. / ? /C. / ?: /9、skirtA. / ?: /B. / ?: /C. / ? /10、coldA. / ? /B. / ? /C. / ? /She sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.If she sell shells by the seashore,Im sure she sells seashore shells.练一练:找出所给单词划线字母与其他三个读音不同的单词?()1.A. cak

36、eB. n ameC. gradeD. hat?()2. A. heB. bedC. legD. get?()3. A. homeB. noseC. goD. n?()4. A. duck :B.busC. blueD. mug?()5. A. niceB. bigC. sixD. Miss找出划线部分发音不同的选项?1、A. coldB. oldC. homeD. sorry?2、A. playB. gameC. taxiD. name?3、A. tow nB. toyC. ourD. cow?4、A. thisB. rideC. whiteD. bike?5、A. smallB. appl

37、eC. walkD. horse?6、A. hereB. girlC. skirtD. shirt专业资料?7、A. readB. beeC. pleaseD. sweater?8、A. redB. seeC. sheD. we?9、A. hasB. bananaC. taxiD. bag?10、A. nearB. pearC. stairD. chair?l-【?】?【勺是清辅音间,通过齿龈和舌尖之间流出;不振动声带,发出此音/ ? she shoe short shop wash sureAsia special delicious【?】是浊辅音?舌叶接近上齿龈后部与硬腭前部,双唇略突出;

38、气流从舌身与硬腭前部之间,通过齿龈和舌尖之间流出;振动声带,发出此音/?/: usually televisi on pleasure garaget?l-【d?】?【t?l是清辅音?舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后舌尖与上齿慢慢分开,让气流从它们之间的狭缝中摩擦而出;唇形从自然开过度到的略微突出;不振动声带,发出此音/t ? chair much lunch China watch picture question?舌叶接近上齿龈后部与硬腭前部,双唇略突出;气流从舌身与硬腭前部之teach rich futureeach reach专业资料?【d?】是浊辅音?舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后舌尖与上齿慢慢分开,让气

39、流从它们之间的狭缝中 摩擦而出;唇形从自然开过度到的略微突出;振动声带,发出此音。? /d ?/: age page huge orange bridge judge jump jacket just san dwichIts】-【dz】?【ts】是清辅音?舌端抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍;舌端略下降,气流随即冲出口腔,摩擦成音; 不振动声带,发出此音。? /ts/: shirts hurts coats costs goatsLets kites gates dates?【dz】是浊辅音?舌端抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍;舌端略下降,气流随即冲出口腔,摩擦成音; 振动声带,发出此音。? /dz/: beds

40、 birds hands frie ndsdecides【tr】-【dr】?【tr】是清辅音?舌尖向上卷起,抵在上齿龈后部;双唇收圆,稍向前突出,气流冲破舌尖和齿龈之间的阻碍,不振动声带,发出此音专业资料trip try true truth train?【dr】是浊辅音?舌尖向上卷起,抵在上齿龈后部;双唇收圆,稍向前突出,气流冲破舌尖 和齿龈之间的阻碍,振动声带,发出此音。? /dr/: dress drivehun dredchildre ndrink dry drawdream半元音【j】-【w】?【j】:舌前部向硬腭抬起,舌位高,双唇向两旁伸展成扁平状;气流从抬起的舌身与硬腭之间通过,

41、产生摩擦;振动声带,发出此音。/tr/: tree/j/: yes you year yellowyoung onion review专业资料? /I/: let look please lake peopletell fullEurope?【w】:舌后部向软腭抬起,舌位高,双唇呈圆形并突出;气流从抬起的后舌与软腭之间的间隙通过,产生摩擦;振动声带,发出此音。/w/: we wi ndow work walk whatwhy where white舌侧音【I】-【r】【I】:舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌身前高后低,气流从舌头两边流 出;振动声带,发出此音。专业资料tall bell【r】:将舌尖卷起,停

42、在口腔中央,不要贴口腔任何部位;双唇稍微向外突出,不要太用力;气流由舌面和硬腭之间流出,振动声带,发出此音。/r/: red right three sorry worry hurry carry carrot write wrong喉音【h】?【h】是清辅音?双唇开,舌身平放于口腔中,并使其保持轻松状态;气流 通过声门时发生轻微摩擦,然后从口腔泄出;不振动声带, 发出此音。hard home helloTask? Review and preview? Read the words and senten ces aloud? Prepare for your exam【m】是鼻音 双唇闭拢,

43、舌部平放,呈不说话状态;气流由鼻腔;振动声带, 发出此音。/h/: he her have hand headhair whowhom whose专业资料/m/: man meat meet time com mon climb lamb autu mn【n】是鼻音舌尖轻触上齿龈,舌叶轻碰硬腭,嘴微;气流由鼻腔流出;振动声带,发出此音。/n/: n amenice ninen earun der know knife【?】是鼻音舌后部紧贴软腭,嘴微;气流由鼻腔流出;振动声带,发出此音/?/: sing long young morning tha nk think ink pink En gl

44、ish复习课、全部48个音标的读音和写法、26个英语字母的发音、元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u,英语中有20个元音和28个辅音四、i:three treegree nsheep meet beef see seek eat teameatleave leadteacherteam mean speak clea nplease hesheme pieceA: Tea or coffee?B:Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.c:girl shirt skirt thirtythirtee nthirdbird turnburnnurseThurs

45、daylear nearn earth heardtermher nerdserveworm workworldonion专业资料The early bird catches the worm first.a:grass glass classplantdance fast last half carstar arm park March hardgarde ndark laugh auntheartIts far to the farm from the park.?:smallwall talk tall hallballcall walk shortmore horseforfortys

46、portdoor floorstoreauthor caughtautu mnfourmour n court boughtwarmquarterMy daughter is forty-four.u: :foodmoon room gloom broom doom goose tooth doshoe two true blue fullHow do you do? You looked really cool.【i: isEnglishpigfishfifteensixshipbehi ndjacketbasketballhappyheavybusysunnystudytwentywind

47、yrainy mon keymoneybusyHis little sister is sitting in the middle.e : eggdesklegred pet tenpenbreadheadbreakfast aga insaidGood, better, best. Never let it rest.has sta ndmap复习课【?: dad hat cap bag cat canbad apple bag hand black/?/:son come colourmoney sun jumpus bus supper专业资料duck countryCome to th

48、e front on the double./?/: fox coffeedogwhatwashThe little pot is so hot.shophotdoctorlongsorrywatch/?/:womanlookgoodbookfootclassroomputcouldshouldLook at the cookbook. Its really good./ ?/:teacherbrotherdinnerfathersisterrulersugardoctor panda China ope npictureThe farmers brother is a doctor.专业资料/p/: penmaphelppen cilpaperapplehappy/b/: bagby boy blue rabbitcabbage/t/:


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