1、ENGLISH电大英语电大英语2 2考试要点主 讲:刘永红一、词汇: 掌 握 的 常 用词汇 应达 1500 个。二、语法:一七种时态 * 如今完成时; * 如今完成进展时; *未来进展时;*过去进展时; *过去未来时; *过去完成时; *未来完成时二七种被动语态方式二七种被动语态方式 普通如今时的被动语态;普通如今时的被动语态; 普经过去时的被动语态;普经过去时的被动语态; 如今进展时的被动语态如今进展时的被动语态如今完成时的被动语态; 普通未来时的被动语态; 带情态动词的被动语态; 动词不定式的被动式 (三状语从句方式、退三状语从句方式、退让、结果、目的、比较让、结果、目的、比较 (四名词
2、性从句包括主四名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句句和同位语从句 (五动词不定式用法小结五动词不定式用法小结(六间接引语六间接引语(七冠词的用法七冠词的用法(八可数名词与不可数名词八可数名词与不可数名词三、考试:I 听力部分15分(一)听9个简短对话只放一遍: 1、What are they talking about? 2、Whats the relationship between the two speakers? 3、Where does the conversation most probably take place? 4、Whats th
3、e telephone number? 5、In which year was the man born? (二)听一段对话A和一篇短文B,每段内容各放两遍,但问题只放一遍,找出最正确答案共6分II、笔试部分共85分 三选择正确答案10分, 词与词组: 1、I didnt ask him, but he _ to help with my homework. A. gave B. offered C. paid D. supplied 2、Lao Wang will my duties a week after I leave. A.take over B. take outC. take p
4、lace D. take off (四)找出错误项10分,语法) 1、Great changes took place in A B in the past three years. C D 2、This table is made from A B C wood . D (五阅读了解两篇短文,各300词,30分 六阅读两段短文,然后从所给的12个词AL分别选出8个A段或7个B段分别填入短文的空白处15分 七翻译取自教材:A、英译汉4句,8分B、汉译英4句,12分 Unit 1Unit 1语法:现代完成时语法:现代完成时 一、一、 概念;概念; 1 1、表示从过去延续到如今、表示从过去延续到如
5、今的动作或情况。的动作或情况。 2、表示过去的动作对如今产生的结果或影响。 3、表示阅历或阅历。 二、构成: have / has + 过去分词 英语中的动词verb有以下五种方式;即动词原形、单数第三人称方式、过去式、如今分词与过去分词。 如: 1、live, lives, lived, living, lived 2、make, makes, made, making, made (不规那么的)见学生手册:P2及P118123 三、用法举例: 1、Xiao Wangs parents have lived in for 30 years. 2、He has been in the army
6、 for three years. 3、I have lost my key. (I cant open the door;I cant enter my room.) 4、Have you had your lunch ? (Are you hungry now ?)Yes, I have (had my lunch). (Im not hungry now.) 5、She has not /never been to Tibet. Note: (一一)如今完成时是如今完成时是如今时的范畴,不是属如今时的范畴,不是属于过去时的范畴。因此于过去时的范畴。因此不能与表示普经过去时不能与表示普经过
7、去时的时间状语的时间状语yesterday, three days ago, in 1998连用。连用。 (二)有些动词属于“瞬间动词(或称“点动词),不能用如今完成时(die, enjoy) 1、Xiao Wangs father has died for ten years . X 2、Xiao Li has joined the army X for ten years. 如今完成时与普经过去时如今完成时与普经过去时的区别:的区别: (一一)如今完成时强调过去发如今完成时强调过去发生的动作对如今产生的结果生的动作对如今产生的结果或影响,或影响,或者表示过去发生的动作不断延续到如今,而普经
8、过去时那么仅表示动作发生在过去,不强调与如今的关系。例如: 1、I have lost my pen. I l o s t m y p e n yesterday. 2、 We have planted 200 trees around our university. We planted these trees last year. 二普经过去时常与 yesterday, last year, three weeks ago, in 1990等表示过去时间的状语连用,而如今完成时属于如今时态的范畴,不能与过去时间状语连用,但可与since(自.以来),for长达以及表示不确定的时间副词 al
9、ready, n e v e r , e v e r , y e t , notyet等连用,也可以与包括说话时间在内的时间状语连用,如:now, today, this week, these days等连用。 1、Li Ping has been an engineer since 1990. 2、 I have alr eady bought a new bike.3、We have been very busy these days. 4、We were very busy yesterday evening.5、He has not finished his homework yet
10、. 如今完成进展时 二.构成:have/has + been + 三.举例: 1、It has been raining for three hours.如今分词如今分词 2、I have been reading Lu Xuns works this week. 3 、 W e h a v e b e e n l o o k i n g f o r y o u anywhere. Where have you been?否认式:否认式:I have not been reading .疑问式:疑问式:Have you been reading? .与如今完成时的区别:与如今完成时的区别: 二
11、者均可以表示刚终了的二者均可以表示刚终了的动作,但如今完成进展时强动作,但如今完成进展时强调动作在不久前继续进展的调动作在不久前继续进展的情景;而如今完成时那么强情景;而如今完成时那么强调动作的结果。调动作的结果。 Now we have cleaned the room, and we can move the things in .(强调扫完了的结果) You look tired.What have you been doing?他干什么来着? I have been playing football. John has painted the door . (已漆完,强调动作的结果)
12、John has been painting the door. (还在漆) Ive written a letter . (已写完) Ive been writing a letter . (还在写)ve been writing Note:在与表示一段时间的状语连用时,两种时态可以互换运用,但在口语中倾向于用如今完成进展时: Ive been singing all afternoon. (Ive sung.)当句子的主语是动作的接受者动作的对象时,用被动语态。 自动语态:The workers in this factory make different kinds of machine
13、s. 被动语态:Different kinds of machines are made by the workers in this factory.be + 过去分过去分词词二、构成:二、构成:was/wereis/are beingwill be (be going to be)have/has beenareisam 三、用法举例: 一当强调动作的接受者动作的对象时; 二当动作的执行者不易说出、不宜说出或不用说出时; 1、These books are written for children. 2、This machine was made in 1990.(这台机器是1990年制造
14、的 3、The question is being discussed. 4、A hospital will be built here next year. (is going to be built) 5、Lu Xuns works have been translated into many languages.(鲁迅的著作已译成多种言语) 6、Football is played all over the world . (全世界四处都踢足球) 7、Many students are reading this book. T h i s b o o k i s being read b
15、y many students. 8 、否认式:The cars are not made in Japan. 9、疑问式:Are the cars made in Japan?10、带情态动词的被动语态: can , may , must , should/ought to+ be +情情 态态 动动 词词 1These exercises can (may , must) be done by him . 这些练习能可以,必需由他来做。 2This should/ought to/be done at once.这事该当立刻就办这事该当立刻就办 (二)构成:will/shall + be
16、+ 如今分词三用法举例:1.This time tomorrow Ill be flying to Xian.2 2、I Ill be waiting for ll be waiting for youyou in my office tomorrow. in my office tomorrow.3 3、 I won I wont be waiting t be waiting for for you in my office you in my office tomorrow.tomorrow.二、未来完成时:二、未来完成时:一概念:一概念: 表示未来某一时辰或某表示未来某一时辰或某一段时
17、间即将完成的动作。一段时间即将完成的动作。二构成:二构成:will + have + will + have + 过去分词过去分词三用法举例:三用法举例:1 1、I Ill have retired by ll have retired by thethe year 2019. year 2019.2 2、WeWell have finished ll have finished the the work before next Friday.work before next Friday.3 3、When you come When you come back from Japan, bac
18、k from Japan, your daughter will your daughter will have graduated from have graduated from a middle school.a middle school.二、构成:二、构成:was / were + was / were + 如今分词如今分词三、用法举例:三、用法举例:1 1、I was watching TV at I was watching TV at seven yesterday evening.seven yesterday evening. 2、What were you doing a
19、t 7 yesterday evening? Unit 9 I、过去未来时: 表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的形状。Would / Should + 动词原形1 1、Yesterday he told Yesterday he told me he would leave for me he would leave for Shanghai.Shanghai.2 2、 They wanted to They wanted to know when you would know when you would finish the article.finish the article
20、.IIII、过去完成时:、过去完成时: 表示在过去某一时间或动表示在过去某一时间或动作以前曾经完成了的动作。简作以前曾经完成了的动作。简言之,过去完成时所表示的时言之,过去完成时所表示的时间就是间就是“过去的过去过去的过去had + had + 过去分词过去分词 Unit 10、11间接引语与间接疑问句间接引语与间接疑问句 直接引语变成间接引语时要直接引语变成间接引语时要留意以下各种变化留意以下各种变化:一、直接引语是陈说句:一、直接引语是陈说句:一时态的变化:一时态的变化: 主句中的谓语动词是过主句中的谓语动词是过去时态,变成间接引语须作去时态,变成间接引语须作以下变化:以下变化: 普通如今
21、时变为普经过去时但直接引语假设是普通真理,普通如今时那么不变;如今进展时 过去进展时;如今完成时 过去完成时;普经过去时 过去完成时;过去完成时 过去完成时;普通未来时 过去未来时二人称的变化:二人称的变化: 要根据句子意思改动人要根据句子意思改动人称称 ,如:,如: I He I He、She;She; We They We They 等等。等等。三指示代词、时间状语、地点状语的变化: this that; these those; now then; today that day yesterday the day before; tomorrow the next day; next w
22、eek (month, year) the next week (month , year); ago before; here there(四) 某些动词也要变化:如:said to told用法举例: 1、 He said:“I am busy. He said that he was busy.2、Mary said:“I have read up to page 25. Mary said that she had read up to page 25.3 3、 She said : She said :“WeWell ll help in the kitchen help in th
23、e kitchen tomorrow. tomorrow. She said that they She said that they w o u l d h e l p i n t h e w o u l d h e l p i n t h e kitchen the next day.kitchen the next day.4 4、The teacher said to The teacher said to the pupils: the pupils: “The earth The earth goes around the sun.goes around the sun. The
24、teacher told The teacher told the pupils that the the pupils that the earth goes around the earth goes around the sun .sun .二、直接引语是疑问句:二、直接引语是疑问句:一普通疑问句变为间接引一普通疑问句变为间接引语时须由语时须由whetherwhether或或ifif引导,引导,动动词多用词多用askask等。等。 1、Tom asked me,“Do you study English? Tom asked me whether(if) I studied Englis
25、h.(用陈说句的语序)2 2、He said.He said.“Are you a Are you a TVU student thr ee TVU student thr ee years ago, Mary?years ago, Mary? H e a s k e d M a r y H e a s k e d M a r y whether (if) she was a whether (if) she was a TVU student thr ee TVU student thr ee years before.years before.(二)特殊疑问句变为间接引语时须由疑问词引导用
26、陈说句的语序 1 、“Where did you find your pen? Li Ming asked me. Li Ming asked me where I had found my pen.2 2、 Mary asked , Mary asked ,“When When did you get up did you get up yesterdayyesterday,Tom?Tom? Mary asked Tom Mary asked Tom when he had got up when he had got up the day before.the day before.三直接
27、引语是祈使句,三直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语时须将动词变为间接引语时须将动词原形变为动词不定式,并原形变为动词不定式,并在动词不定式之前用在动词不定式之前用tell, tell, ask, order, command ask, order, command 等等及物动词加宾语。及物动词加宾语。 1 1、He said,He said,“Please sit Please sit down.down. He asked us to sit He asked us to sit down.down.2 2、 He said, He said,“DonDont talk !t talk ! He
28、 told us not He told us not to talk.to talk. Unit 13、14 动词不定式动词不定式infinitive 一、一、 构成:构成: 不带不带to的不定式即动词原的不定式即动词原形和带形和带to的不定式的不定式,是一种是一种非谓语动词,非谓语动词,没有人称和数的变化。它具有动没有人称和数的变化。它具有动词的特征,可以带表语、宾语、词的特征,可以带表语、宾语、状语等。状语等。二、用法二、用法: : 1 1、To learn English well is To learn English well is our duty (our duty (责任责任
29、) It is our ) It is our duty to learn English duty to learn English well.(well.(主语主语) ) 2 2 、 T h e i r w o r k i s t o T h e i r w o r k i s t o produce more machines. (produce more machines. (表语表语) )3 3、He wants to study He wants to study English. (English. (宾语宾语) )4 4、I have something to I have s
30、omething to do this afternoon (do this afternoon (今天下今天下午我有事要做午我有事要做) )定语定语 常和它修饰的词在意义上有动宾关系,因此,假设不定式是vi,后面要加必要的介词: Give me a piece of paper to write on . (给我一张在上面写字的纸) He is a good comrade to work with .(他是一位很好共事的同事)5、Early in 1938 he went to Yenan to study. (38年初,他到延安去学习,目的状语) 6 6、His brother alwa
31、ys His brother always gets up early so as to/in gets up early so as to/in order to catch the first order to catch the first bus.(bus.(以便赶上第一班车。目以便赶上第一班车。目的状语的状语) )7 7、 She lived to be ninety. She lived to be ninety. ( (她活到九十岁。结果状语她活到九十岁。结果状语) )8 8、 He was too excited He was too excited to sleep.to s
32、leep.Tooto Tooto 太太以致不以致不能能 结果状语结果状语 他当时太激动了,以致不他当时太激动了,以致不能入睡。能入睡。 9 9、This room is big This room is big e n o u g h t o h o l d a e n o u g h t o h o l d a hundred people .hundred people . ( (大的足以包容一百人。大的足以包容一百人。 结结果状语果状语) )1010、 I saw him come I saw him come here this morning.here this morning. (
33、 (今天早晨我看见他到这儿来今天早晨我看见他到这儿来了。了。 作宾语补语作宾语补语) )在在see, hear, feel, make see, hear, feel, make ( (使使) )、have (have (使使) )、let (let (让让) )等动词后面要求不带等动词后面要求不带toto的不的不定式作宾补定式作宾补1111、He was seen to He was seen to come here this e here this morning. ( (今天早晨有人看见他来这里今天早晨有人看见他来这里了。作主语补语。了。作主语补语。) )1212、 He asked
34、me not to He asked me not to do so .do so .( (他要求我别那么做。不定式的他要求我别那么做。不定式的否认式否认式) )1313、 She asked to be She asked to be sent to the countryside.sent to the countryside.( (不定式的被动式不定式的被动式) )1414、Who will show Who will show John how to use it . John how to use it . ( (疑问词疑问词 + + 不定式,作宾语不定式,作宾语) )1515、 W
35、hen to start has When to start has not been decided. (not been decided. (作主作主语语) )1616、 带逻辑主语的不定式带逻辑主语的不定式构造:构造:“ for + for + 名词或代词名词或代词+ + 不定式不定式1 1、 It is very important It is very important for us to learn English for us to learn English well.(well.(作主语作主语) )2 2、 We think it possible We think it
36、possible for us to learn English for us to learn English well in a few years.(well in a few years.(宾语宾语) )3 3、The question is The question is too difficult for him too difficult for him to answer.(to answer.(作状语作状语) ) 4 4、 He opened the He opened the window for the fresh window for the fresh air to
37、come in .(air to come in .(作状作状语语) ) 称为名词性从句 主语从句、 宾语从句 表语从句、 同位语从句 一、用法:一、用法:一一) ) 主语从句在主从句中主语从句在主从句中作主语作主语1 1、 That they will come to That they will come to our party is certain .our party is certain .It is certain that they will come to our party.(他们来参与我们的聚会是一他们来参与我们的聚会是一定无疑的定无疑的) 2 2、 Who did th
38、e work Who did the work is unknown.is unknown.( (这任务是谁干的,大家都不这任务是谁干的,大家都不知道知道) ) 3 3、Where the Where the conference will be held conference will be held has not been decided has not been decided yet.yet. It has not been It has not been decided yet where the decided yet where the conference will be h
39、eld. conference will be held. (二)宾语从句: 2、They say (that) he is much better. (他们说他好多了) 3 3、She asked me She asked me which I liked best.which I liked best.4 4、 I Im sure (that) m sure (that) our experiment will our experiment will succeed.(succeed.(我一定我一定) ) 5 5、 Do you know when Do you know when we
40、are going to the we are going to the Great Wall?Great Wall?6 6、 I was surprised at I was surprised at what he said.(what he said.(他讲的话使他讲的话使我吃惊我吃惊) )7 7、 Do you have any Do you have any idea of what you are idea of what you are looking for?looking for? (三三)表语从句:表语从句:1、 That is why she is so happy.(这
41、就是她为什么这样高兴这就是她为什么这样高兴的缘由的缘由) 2 2、This is what we want .This is what we want . ( (这正是我们所需求的这正是我们所需求的) ) 3 3、 T he question is T he question is whether we whether we can finish our work by can finish our work by tomorrow evening. tomorrow evening. ( (四四) )同位语从句:同位语从句:1 1、Here comes the news Here comes
42、 the news t h a t s o m e f a m o u s t h a t s o m e f a m o u s professors will come to professors will come to our university.(our university.(音讯传来音讯传来说,说,) ) 2 2、 All of you know All of you know the fact (truth) that the fact (truth) that paper was first made paper was first made in China.in Chi
43、na. 由连词由连词as, as if, as though, the way(that), in the way(that)等引导,等引导, 普通置于主语之后。普通置于主语之后。 1、We should work and study as Lei Feng did.2 2、 This fish isn This fish isnt t cooked as I like it.cooked as I like it.3 3、I feel as if/as I feel as if/as though though I Im getting worse m getting worse every
44、 day.every day. 4、I was never allowed to sing the way I wanted to.二退让状语从句:二退让状语从句:由连词由连词though, although, even if, even though 等引导,可置等引导,可置于主句之前或后。于主句之前或后。1、Though he has lived in London for years, he writes in German.2 2、Although he is old, Although he is old, he studies English he studies English
45、very hard.very hard.3 3、I have to go to the I have to go to the railway station to railway station to meet them even if it meet them even if it rains.rains.三、结果状语从句:三、结果状语从句:由连词由连词 sothat(如此如此以以致致);so that, such that, such (a/an)that 等引导。等引导。1、It is so hot that I must take off some clothes.2 2、 We arrived early , We arrived early , so that we got good so that we got good seats.seats.3 3 、 H e i s s u c h a H e i s s u c h a marvelous joker that marvelous joker that you canyou cant help laughing.t help laughi
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