高一英语 Unit12 Culture Shock Lesson1 Visiting Britain导学案1 北师大版_第1页
高一英语 Unit12 Culture Shock Lesson1 Visiting Britain导学案1 北师大版_第2页
高一英语 Unit12 Culture Shock Lesson1 Visiting Britain导学案1 北师大版_第3页
高一英语 Unit12 Culture Shock Lesson1 Visiting Britain导学案1 北师大版_第4页




1、Unit12 Culture Shock(2)Lesson1 Visiting Britain寄语:All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 学习目标:1.复读课文,理解文章内容。 (B级) 2.学习并掌握本课重要的词语用法及句型。(B/C级)学习重点:知识点的掌握与应用(B/C级)学习过程:当堂检测:(导学案1)课文填空(B级)I am so happy you are coming to visit me in London. When I first came here I _1_find that London is such an international

2、city. Something that always confused me is tipping. If you want to_2_ confused, you should always check your bill. But when you come here you should _3_at a “Bed and Breakfast”. Some shopkeepers _4_ change £50 notes. Also, you shouldnt _5_ lots of cash. Anyway, I cant _6_ see you here.新授课:Step

3、I 词组听写。(听写上节导学案上词组)(B级)_Step II复读课文,学习下列知识点。(B/C级)1 owe 1)vi./vt. 欠(钱、物),欠情 常用owe sb. some money = owe some money to sbYou owe me 10 yuan.= You owe 10 yuan to me.翻译:_2) 将某事归因、或归功于某人/某物翻译:他将成功归功于母亲。_3) (对某人)负有(义务等)翻译:我应该向他道歉。_4) owing to意同 because of因为,由于。 _the shower,_was stoppedd.由于骤雨,足球赛被迫中断。【及时反馈

4、】1) He is the person_I will owe my success.A who B whom C to whom D to who2) I owe _the doctor that I am still alive.A to Bto it C it to D that to2 absorb vt.吸收,吸入聪明的孩子容易吸收知识。Clever children _ _ easily.短语 be absorbed in 专心于.,使全神贯注于.【及时反馈】完成句子1)_(专心于学习),he didnt know what happened outside.2) We need

5、some facilities _(吸收太阳的光和热)3 be/get confused 不知所措,困惑【练一练】1)Do you think geography _to learn?A is confused B is confusing C it is confusing D it is confused2)_ by so many rules in maths,we had to look for the teacher with the _problems.A Confused; confused B Confused; confusing C Confusing; confused

6、D Confusing; confusing4 I wish your visit wasnt going to be so brief but there is a lot we can do and see in a week.翻译:_导学 wish的用法1)希望,祝愿 I wish you a happy New Year. 翻译:_2) wish to do sth.希望做某事I wish to travel around the world.翻译:_3) wish sb to do sth.希望某人做某事We will do whatever the Party wishes us

7、to do.翻译:_4) wish后接that 引导的从句,从句中一般要用虚拟语气。A 用过去时表示和现在事实相反。我要是能返老还童该多好啊! I wish that I were young again!B 用过去完成时表示和过去事实相反。他希望那时要是留在家里就好了。He wished that he had stayed at home!C“would/could/might+动词原形”表示与将来事实相反。但愿有一天我能乘宇宙飞船飞上月球。I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day!完成句子:1) How I wish _(

8、我能像鸟儿一样飞)2) What you said yesterday is right.I wish_(我接受了你的建议)then I wouldnt have been refused.3) I wish you _the work on time,but you didnt.A had finished B finishes C finished D finish5 Talking of money-its really easy to exchange travellers cheques at banks or hotels so I advise you to get some o

9、f those before you come.翻译:_【句式分析】talking of money是_短语在句子中做时间状语。表示分词和谓语动词两个动作同时发生。相当于时间状语从句:When I talk ofHearing the news,they all jumped with joy.(把分词转化成状语从句)_【及时反馈】1)_(一到北京),he was warmly welcomed.2) _(知道了真相), he made an apology to me immediately.3)_many times,he finally understood it.A Told B Te

10、lling C Having tell D Having been told4) _around the lab,the visitors were taken to the playground.A Having shown B Having been showing C Being shown D To be shown自我提高:(附加)(C级)1. Im not used to _ in that rude way.A. being spoken to B. being spoken C. be spoken to D. be spoken 2. To get up late means

11、 _.A. to miss the early bus B. missing the early bus C. having missed the early bus D. to have missed the early bus3. Why didnt you make me a telephone call yesterday? I _ about it.A. ought to tellB. ought to have been toldC. might have told D. might have been told4. Dont forget to give this to him, _?A. can you B. wont you C. will you D. do you小结反思:答案:1 I think you owe us an explanation.2 We cant afford to go away for a holiday this summ


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