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1、心情加工的脑时空动态机制Spatiotemporal Dynamics for Emotional Processing美国圣路易斯大学医学院神经手术系脑磁研讨中心;罗倩美国国家卫生研讨院心思安康研讨所;彭聃龄 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室;刘宏艳关键词 emotion; 心情心情 brain; 大脑大脑 fMRI; 功能磁共振成像功能磁共振成像 MEG; 脑磁图技术脑磁图技术 spatial; 空间空间 temporal 时间时间研讨内容 Showing the neural basis for emotional processing at the subliminal l

2、evel. 阈下心情加工阈下心情加工(相对于阈上程度相对于阈上程度)的神经机制的神经机制 Spatiotemporal dynamics and func-tional connectivity between regions involved in emotional processing. 参与心情加工的脑区之间的动态时空关系参与心情加工的脑区之间的动态时空关系及功能结合及功能结合 The interaction between emotion and attention. 心情与留意之间的交互作用心情与留意之间的交互作用阈上程度与阈下程度下的心情加工 Can emotional stim

3、uli receive biased processing and this could occur even subliminally? 心情刺激能否可以接受偏见加工以及这能心情刺激能否可以接受偏见加工以及这能否会在阈下程度发生?否会在阈下程度发生?阈上程度与阈下程度下的心情加工 A region sensitive to emotional mani-pulation of the subliminal repetition priming effect, the left fusiform gyrus 左梭状回左梭状回,对阈下反复启动效应的情感支配对阈下反复启动效应的情感支配敏感。敏感。

4、 The involvement of the left fusiform gyrus in automatic affective priming effect 左侧梭形回参与了自动化心情启动效应左侧梭形回参与了自动化心情启动效应阈上程度与阈下程度下的心情加工 Both fMRI and MEG studies shown that even when presented at the subliminal level and unattended, emotional stimuli as distracters to targets are still pro-cessed in the

5、 brain (e.g. amygdala and visual cortex). 功能性磁振和脑磁图的方法阐明功能性磁振和脑磁图的方法阐明,当呈现阈当呈现阈下程度刺激且未被留意到时下程度刺激且未被留意到时,作为目的感受作为目的感受的情感刺激依然在大脑中得以加工例如的情感刺激依然在大脑中得以加工例如杏仁核和视觉皮质杏仁核和视觉皮质阈上程度与阈下程度下的心情加工 These studies demonstrated the neural basis for emotional processing at both sub- and supra-luminal level. 心情加工的神经根底同时

6、存在于阈上和阈心情加工的神经根底同时存在于阈上和阈下两个程度。下两个程度。 Amygdala and visual cortex are acti-vated even when emotional stimuli are unseen 杏仁核、视觉皮层即使在心情刺激不可见杏仁核、视觉皮层即使在心情刺激不可见的情况下也能被激活的情况下也能被激活心情加工的脑时空动态机制 The amygdala is thought to be crucially involved in fast detection of environ-mental threat. 杏仁核被以为是对于环境要挟的快速侦测杏仁核

7、被以为是对于环境要挟的快速侦测的至关重要的部位。的至关重要的部位。 Dual-route hypothesis by LeDoux(2019) 双通道假说双通道假说心情加工的脑时空动态机制 It is proposed that the amygdala re-ceives information on potential threats by two parallel routes: a crude but fast subcortical route thalamusamygdala) and a slower route allowing cortical analysis (thala

8、mussensory cortex amygdala) (LeDoux, 2019) 杏仁核接纳潜在要挟的信息有两条平行通杏仁核接纳潜在要挟的信息有两条平行通路:一条是粗糙但是快速的皮质下通路路:一条是粗糙但是快速的皮质下通路丘脑丘脑-杏仁核通路,另一条是允许皮质杏仁核通路,另一条是允许皮质分析的慢通路丘脑分析的慢通路丘脑-觉得皮层觉得皮层-杏仁核通路杏仁核通路心情加工的脑时空动态机制 SAM,Synthetic Aperture Magneto-metry合成光圈磁强:合成光圈磁强:MEG的源模型的源模型分析方法分析方法 A spatial filtering technique based

9、 on the nonlinear constrained minimum-variance beamformer. 合成光圈磁强是一种空间滤波技术合成光圈磁强是一种空间滤波技术,即基于即基于最小方差的非线性约束的波束构成器最小方差的非线性约束的波束构成器实验 Stimuli:fearful, angry or neutral expressions presented for 300ms followed by a 200ms blank screen. 所用刺激分为恐惧、生气和中性的表情,所用刺激分为恐惧、生气和中性的表情,呈现呈现300毫秒,紧随其后呈现一个毫秒,紧随其后呈现一个200毫

10、秒毫秒的空白屏幕。的空白屏幕。 A sliding window SAM analysis enabled us to obtain a spatio-temporal features starting from 150 ms before the stimulus to 500 ms after the stimulus. 我们能获得一个从刺激前我们能获得一个从刺激前150毫秒开场到刺毫秒开场到刺激后激后500毫秒终了的时空特征毫秒终了的时空特征实验 Early event-related synchronizations (ERS) in response to fearful face

11、s Hypothalamus/thalamus area (1020 ms) the amygdala (2030 ms). The ERS response seen to fearful faces in visual cortex (4050 ms) To an angry expressions the ERS response in the amygdala to angry expressions had a late onset (150160 ms)心情和留意力的交互 Is emotional processing dependent or independent of att

12、entional control? 心情加工是依赖还是独立于留意力控制的心情加工是依赖还是独立于留意力控制的呢呢? In Luo (2019, PhD dissertation), using fMRI, I modulated the attentional emand of the task and demonstrated how emo-tional processing although automatic, can also be modulated by attention. 心情加工虽然处于自动化程度心情加工虽然处于自动化程度,但其同时也但其同时也遭到留意力的调制。遭到留意力的

13、调制。实验 Magnoencephalography and an advanced beamformer source locali-zation technique and the sliding window analysis are ideal for this purpose. 美国国家卫生研讨所进展了一次脑磁图实美国国家卫生研讨所进展了一次脑磁图实验。运用到了脑磁图和高级波束构成源定验。运用到了脑磁图和高级波束构成源定位技术以及滑动窗口分析。位技术以及滑动窗口分析。实验 This paradigm involved a 2 (task load: high, low) 2 (dis

14、tracter: fearful, neutral) design. Each trial involved the participant responding to a stimulus array containing a face (fearful or neutral) 此实验为一个此实验为一个2义务难度:高难度、低难义务难度:高难度、低难度度2干扰项:可怕的、中性的实验干扰项:可怕的、中性的实验设计,每一组实验中都包括了参与者对外设计,每一组实验中都包括了参与者对外界刺激组其中包含一张恐惧或中性的面界刺激组其中包含一张恐惧或中性的面孔的反响孔的反响心情和留意力的交互 Amygdal

15、a automaticity was a function of time. Early amygdala responding to emotional stimuli (40 140ms) was unaffected by attentional load, later amygdala response (280410 ms), subsequent to frontoparietal cortex activity, was modulated by attentional load.心情和留意力的交互 The early amygdala response to emo-tiona

16、l distracters may be automatic. 早期的杏仁核对心情干扰项的反响是可以早期的杏仁核对心情干扰项的反响是可以自动化的自动化的 the reduced time for frontoparietal cortex to augment the representational strength of task-relevant stimuli. 额顶叶皮质减少时间来加强事件相关刺激额顶叶皮质减少时间来加强事件相关刺激的笼统表现力的笼统表现力心情和留意力的交互 In contrast,later amygdale response is modulated by task load because frontoparietal cortex has had sufficient time to augment the representation of task-relevant information. 相比之下,后期杏仁孔反响遭到义务难度相比之下,后期杏仁孔反响遭到义务难度的调理,由于


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