



1、如何报告论文:我的建议吉利报告论文并非简单地朗读论文,建议你的演讲突出3 个问题:( 1) What is it?论文的研究主题。( 2) Why is it interesting?论文为什么值得一读,其实就是论文的贡献或创新。( 3) How is it done?论文的研究过程。虽然以下并非一篇学术论文的组成部分,但建议你以以下内容来结束你的演讲:( 4)评论和讨论。作为一个报告者,你的任务不仅仅是报告论文,而且还要带领全班就论文的长处、 不足以及其中蕴含的更广的含义进行讨论。 为了更好地使全班的讨论集中起来,你可以以 2、 3个主要问题 /争议来结束你的演讲。( 1)论文的研究主题应该
2、首先将论文的研究主题介绍给听众, 简要阐述论文的研究背景, 如果是众所周知的热点、难点问题(比如金融危机与公允价值计量、 会计改革的经济后果) ,则无需多言,但应明确地定义论文所提出的命题。( 2)论文的贡献或创新报告论文与写作的一个最大不同在于:应首先报告论文的主要结论, 突出与前人研究的不同,就是用几句话告诉听众你将把他们引向何处。(比如 “虽然之前的研究发现投资者并不关心综合收益, 但在此论文中, 我们将看到一定条件下, 综合收益的市场反应。 ”)( 3)论文的研究过程你可以用回归模型、 调查问卷、实验流程图等和计算机统计分析输出的图表来描述论文的研究过程, 不要把论文中的细节部分都放在
3、演讲中。 (听众如果感兴趣可以在演讲结束后提问。)( 4)评论请用 2、3个需要讨论的问题来结束你的演讲。 这些问题可以是:论文本身的问题,你认为合适的、需要改进的;论文给我们的启示(要将论文放到整门课程,乃至你的研究生涯这个大背景中)。在这一点上,应特别鼓励听众讨论,但你应该提前准备好,提出问题来引起听众讨论。(比如在最后一张幻灯片上列出这些问题。)内部资料其他提示:掌控进度。对多数演讲来说, 在演讲过程中不应打断, 提问应在演讲结束后进行。对于这门课程宽松的讨论氛围来说, 你可以选择鼓励提问或者将所有问题 (除澄清之外的问题)推迟至演讲结束后回答。表现出热情。热情和无聊都有感染性。练习,练
4、习,再练习。 95%的工作在你进行演讲之前完成:幻灯片要按照以上所讲到的主要话题进行组织; 你的幻灯片应当是整洁的, 字体大,并且没有杂乱的东西;你了解每张幻灯片的要点, 并已练习过如何叙述这些要点; 你已经练习了整个的演讲,并解决了所有的 “变数 ”;因为你的练习,你很自信你的演讲可以在期望的时间内进行, 所以不需要赶时间或者考虑时间问题。 你可以享受精心准备和展示的过程。内部资料How to present a paper(网络资源)在准备一个 paper presentation(别人的 paper),查到了这个贴士感觉很实用Some tips for preparing your pa
5、per presentationFirst, organize your talk:1. Read the entire paper at least 3 times.You need to be able to explain the details in the paper (even the ugly tricky notation)You need to be able to provide a critical analysis of the paperCheck out referencesin the relatedwork sectionof the paper. (thisw
6、illhelp you put the paper in contextof a largerbody of work andwill help you critique the paper's results/contributions)Look atPaper Reading Advicefor more details.2.Find the important ideasA paper has many details but only one or two main ideas; structure your talk around these main ideas.3. Cr
7、eate a Talk OutlineYour talk should be organized in a top-down manner. You should have the following main sections in your talk:o Introduction, The Big Picture: what, why, how, and why we should care (motivation). Be sure to include:a statement of the problem being solved (what)motivation and puttin
8、g the work in context (why and why should we care)a high-level view of the author's solution (how)o Details of solutiono Results demonstrating/proving their solutiono Critic of Work (possibly compare to related work)o Conclusions & Future Directions for this workThe talk should be organized
9、as the important ideas first, thedetailssecond, conclusionslast.Each sectionof your talkshouldbe organized in a similarmanor: high-levelimportantpointsfirst,内部资料details second, summarize high-level points last. If the paper is well written, you can use the paper's organization as a guide.Next, D
10、esign your slides1. Slide OrganizationYour slidesshouldbe organizedlike an outline-afew main points,with sub points under each one.Your slides are a guide for your talk not a word-for-word copy ofyour talk. List specific points that you want to talk about assub-topicsof each main topic.If thereare p
11、articulardetailsthatyou want to discuss,outlinethem on theslideand keep writtennotesfor you torefer toin yourtalkratherthanwritingallthe detailson the slide.2. Summarize Main PointsYou should have a summary slide of the main ideas at the end. If applicable, Include a list of open questions from the
12、paper3. It is okay to waste spaceAdd justenough prose prose topresentthe main pointsand highlightthe main parts of each point. Use phrases rather than completesentences and use large fonts. You can use acronyms andabbreviations sparingly, however you should say the complete namewhen you talk about a
13、bout them. For example, if you abbreviateprocessestoprocson a slide,say "processes"when you talkaboutthe pointnot"procs".Similarly,if yourcreatean acronym foryoursuper fastmulti-castimplementationSFMCand referto the oldslowmulti-cast implementation as OSMC, then say "our sup
14、er fastmulti-cast" and "the old slow multi-cast" rather than "SFMC" and"OSMC". The exceptionis forwell-known acronyms such as PVM, MPI,API, JVM, etc.4. A picture is worth a thousand wordsUse figures and graphs to explain implementation and results. Itis very hard t
15、o describe a system implementation without having apictureofthe components of the system. Ionce attended a talkaboutIntel's I64 architecture where the speaker tried to discuss thedetailsof the layoutof thechipand theinteractionsbetween thecomponents withouthaving any figures.Itmadefor a very bad
16、 talkand a very hostile audience.内部资料5. Number of SlidesAs a general rule, it should take 2-3 minutes to talk through thematerial on one slide, so for a 45 minute talk you should have about 20 slides.If there is too much material in a paper to present completely in45 minutes,then pick one part (the
17、most interesting/importantpart)that you will discuss in detail, and present the other parts at ahigher level. You can create back-up slides for specific details that you don't plan to talk about, but may get questions about.Next, preparing your presentation1. Provide a talk road-mapTell audience
18、 where you are going with your talk.o Give audience a road-map of your talk at the beginning by using outline slidesImmediately after the title slide, put up an outline slide and tell the audience the main organization of your talk.Another alternativeis to firsthave a few slidesmotivatingthe paper
19、39;sgeneral topic,then put up an outlineslidegivingthe audience a road-map of your talk.o It should be clear when you start a new high-level part of your talkUse good transitionsfrom one slideto the next,and from onemain topic to the next."We just talked about theimplementation of foo now we wi
20、ll look at how well fooperforms for synthetic and real workloads.You may want to use the outlineslideat otherpointsin yourtalk to provide a visual transition between parts.2.Repeat Your PointThere isa rule that says youhave to tellyour audience somethingthree times before the really hear it:1. Tell
21、them what you are going to say.2. Say it.3. Summarize what you said.This is particularlyimportantforfiguresand graphs. For example:内部资料1. This graph show how the A algorithm performs better than the B and C algorithms as the number of nodes increase2.The X axis is number of nodes, the Y axis is exec
22、utiontimein seconds The red curve shows the execution time of A as the number of nodes increases The blue curve shows .3.Thus you can see thatas the number of nodes increasesaboveN, the A algorithm performs better. This is because of increased message traffic in algorithms B and C as shown on the ne
23、xt slide.3. Explain concepts in your own wordsIt is certainly okay to lift key phrases from the paper to use inyour talk.However, you should also tryto summarize the main ideasof the paper in your own words.4.Talk to the AudienceDon't read your slideoff the screen,nor directlyoffthe projector.It
24、isokay to stop fora second and referto your notes ifyou needto.5. PracticeGive a practice run-through of your talk. Stand in a room for 1 hour and talk through all your slides (out loud). This should be a timed dress rehearsal (don't stop and fix slides as you go).Members of your reading group s
25、hould provide a practice audience for you.6. Nervousness: How to fight backA wellorganized, practicedtalkwillalmost always gowell.If you draw a blank,thenlookingat your slideswill help you get back on track.Taking a deep breath will clam you down. One trick isto try to remember to take a deep breath
26、 between eachslide.Slow down. Take a few seconds tothinkabout a questionthat is being asked before you answer it. It is okayto pause for a few seconds between points and between slides; a second or two of silence between points is noticeable only to you, but if you are talking a mile a minute everyo
27、ne will notice.Bring notes. if you are afraid that you will forget apoint or will forget your elegant transition between内部资料slides 11 and 12,write thesedown on a pieceofpaperand bringitwithyou. However, you don'twant tohavea verbatim copy of your talk, instead write down keyphrases that you want
28、 to remember to say.Give at least one practice talk to an audience.Be preparedto answer questions.You don'thave toknowthe answer to every question, however you should beprepared to answer questions and able to answer mostquestions about the paper. Before you give the talk,think about what questi
29、ons you are likely to get, andhow you would answer them. You may want tohave back-upslides ready for answering certain questions.It is okay to say "I don't know" or better yet "gee,I hadn'tthoughtabout that,butone possibleapproachwould be to." or to refer to your notes to
30、 answerquestions.内部资料,仅供参考。内部资料赠送以下资料XX 学院本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告姓名*性别女学号*院系教师教育学院专业小学教育(文科方向)年级2006 级论文题目浅论小学语文课堂教学情境的创设教师推荐题目自拟题目题目来源教育教学题目类别理论研究指导教师*内部资料选题的目的、意义( 理论意义、现实意义):选题的目的:本文通过对教学情境及语文课堂教学情境的定义、教学情境在小学语文课堂中的作用的分析和阐述,提出创设有效语文课堂教学情境的措施及创设时应注意的问题, 目的是为小学生营造一个较好的学习环境,让小学生在愉快的课堂情境中,学会思考、陶冶情操、调动学生学习的积极
31、性,让学生真正成为学习的主人,变“要我学”为“我要学”。同时也便于教师充分发挥主导作用,达到最佳的教学效果。选题的意义:1. 在新课程改革理念的指导下,如何营造自主、合作、探索的空间无疑显得很重要。而创设课堂教学情境,实现师生互动是营造这一空间的有效方法。语文课程标准中指出:语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯,为学生创设良好的自主学习情境。苏联心理学家赞可夫说:“教学法一旦触及学生的情绪和意志领域,触及学生的精神需要,这种教学法就会产生高度有效的作用。”因此,创设一个积极、和谐、融洽的教学情境,不仅可以有效地提高教学效果,还可以促进学生的个性发展,也符合语文课程标准
32、的要求。2. 创设教学情境有利于学生循着知识产生的脉络去准确把握学习的内容;有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。3. 有利于激发学生的思想感情。积极健康的学习心态是儿童开展智力活动的助推器,也是优化课堂教学的催化剂,而语文课堂教学的情景创设则是调动学生内心情感的基本手段。4. 在语文课堂教学中创设教学情境,不仅可以优化语文教学过程,使学生产生浓厚的兴趣,而且可以获得比传统教学更明显的教学效果。选题的研究现状(理论渊源及演化、国外相关研究综述、国内相关研究综述):国外的相关研究:情境教学的教学模式在教学实践中的运用不是现在就有的。在西方古希腊罗马时期的教育思想里,就有情境教学思想的萌芽。三百多年前,捷克教
33、育家夸美纽斯在大教学论中写道:“一切知识都是从感官开始的,假如有一个东西能够同时在几个感官上面留下印象,它便应当和几个感官去接触。 ”而且夸美纽斯认为这是教学中的 “金科玉律” 。情境教学不仅能让学生在愉悦轻松的氛围中学习,促使学生始终情绪饱满,而且能使学生如临其境,激发学生的学习情绪和学习兴趣,使学习活动成为学生主动的自觉的活动。 5 在苏霍姆林斯基的教学思想中, 就十分重视自然情境的教育作用。他在帕夫雷什中学一书里说到: “大自然是美育的重要源泉。 ” 6 他经常带领孩子们到大自然中去,细心地观察、体验大自然的美,从而使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习知识,激发学生的学习兴趣,发展学生的想象力和
34、审美能力。国内的相关研究:高俊霞在 新课程周刊 中发表的“情境教学:创设充满智慧和情趣的空间”一文中对情境教育的探索始于 20 世纪 70 年代末以及时任语文教师的李吉林开始了语文情境教学的探索进行了阐述 7 ,范凤兰在运城高等专科学校学报发表了“浅谈课堂教学情境的创设”中对课堂教学情境的含义、 课堂教学情境创设作用、做法都进行了阐述。8 朱丽荣在 吉林省教育学院学报发表的 “浅谈语文课堂教学中的情境创设”中对教学情境的概念、怎样创设有效地教学情境、创设课堂教学情境要注意的问题进行了相关的阐述。9王丽萍在 成才之路 发表的 “浅谈小学语文课堂教学中的情境创设”一文中阐述了如何在语文教学中进行情
35、境创设。(后面还有一页,略)内部资料论文 ( 设计 ) 主要内容(提纲) :一、引言:(一)教学情境的定义及语文课堂教学情境的定义二、语文课堂教学情境的作用三、创设小学语文课堂教学情境的对策(一)小学语文课堂教学情境特征(二)小学语文课堂教学情境原则(三)小学语文课堂教学情境方法1. 生动讲述法2. 游戏法3. 实物演示4. 图画5. 音乐6. 课件展示7、实际生活四、创建情境需要注意的问题拟研究的主要问题、重点和难点:主要问题:通过了解小学语文课堂教学情境的作用、特征和原则之后,怎样去创设有效的小学语文课堂教学的情境。重点和难点 :怎样去创设有效的小学语文课堂教学情境及创建情境时需要注意的问
36、题。内部资料研究目标:通过从教学情境的及语文课堂教学情境的定义、教学情境在小学语文课堂中的作用的研究,提出创设有效地语文课堂教学情境的对策及创设时应注意的问题,为小学生营造一个较好的学习环境,让小学生在愉快的课堂情境中,学会思考、调动学生学习的积极性,让学生真正成为学习的主人,同时也便于教师充分发挥主导作用,达到最佳的教学效果提供帮助。研究方法、技术路线、实验方案、可行性分析:研究方法:采用文献研究法,通过广泛地查阅相关资料和文献,借鉴别人研究的成果之上,深入分析、思考,形成自己的观点。技术路线:一、选择导师、确定研究方向二、选题三、收集相关资料,并对资料进行整理和深入分析四、根据资料和研究计划拟写开题报告五、进行开题报告的答辩六、撰写论文初稿七、对论文反复修改、定稿八、参加论文答辩可行性分析:主观上: 1、对课堂情境教学有一定的认识和看法2 、在教学见习、实习过程中的观察及做过相应的探讨客观上: 1、通过网络和图书馆收集了大量的文献资料2 、有教师耐心、精心的指导3 、有充足的时间来完成论文研究的特色与创新之处:目前随着新
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