



1、六、补全对话专题02补全对话2021F面是 群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容?从方框内所给的选项中选出能填空白处的最正确选项 ,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。A. When is it?B. rm afraid not.C. YouYe welcome.D. What are you doing?E. Are you going to see it?F. rm so proud of our hornet own.G. But you can watch it on your phone.2021六.补全对话每题1分,共5分项为多余选项。Book Lovers3 pers onsD

2、avid gCharlie Hi : guys!Joh nDavidHello: Joh n! Wh;at:s up?Fm read ing abook these days. It s so good that I can t put it down.Joh nCharlie John Hullo!31The Gay' Genius by Lin Yutaiig ?Joh nDavid32It's about Su Don gpo" experie nces an dhis works.Joh nCharlie33I want to read it: too.Dav

3、idMe; too. Where:can 1 get it? Joli n34Joh nCharlieThanks for telli ng us about the book.35 After we fin ish it : we can make a date to com muni cate our ideas. Joh nA. My pleasure.B. What's it about?C. How much is it?D. That sounds interesting?E. I got it last mon th.F. What's the name of t

4、he book?G. I bought it in the bookstore near our school.2021五、补全对话每题1分,共5分23. 5分根据对话内容,从对话前方框内的选项中选岀能填入空白处的最正确选项,使对话意思完整,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.选项中有两项为多余项.(At break, Amy meets Ken in the hallway)Amy: Hi, Ken. Janet birthday is coming ? Have you received her invitation?Ken: Yes. (31) Amy: Me too. I'm just t

5、hinking about the gift. (32 ) Ken : WelL she likes writing ? Why not get her pens and books?Amy: (33) I think she'll be happy to get them.Ken : Yeah? By the way, how will you buy the gift? Will you ask your parents for money?Amy: (34) Fve already saved my pocket money.Ken : YouYe right. I think

6、we should learn to manage pocket money. I just spend it on the things I really need Amy: That's true ? (35) Ken : What a kind girl!Learning to save and use money are both important to us.A. Yest please?B? Sounds good?C. Of course not.D? How about you?E? Can you come to my party ?F? Have you got

7、any good ideas?G? I also use it to help others in need.2021V?补全对话每题1分,共5 分根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选岀能填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。(Jack and Tom are talki ng at break.)Jack: HL TomTom: Hi, Jack. 26Jack: Frn reading an article about Kobe Bryant. You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries?Tom:

8、 27 His leaving made all his fans sad? including me? He is one of the greatest players in NBA.Jack: That's true. He has won first NBA champi on ships and two Olympic gold medals.Tom: He is a real basketball hero? 28Jack: Y es. He ofte n started to practice as early as 5 a.m.Tom: He has a real lo

9、ve for basketball? We should do things like him.Jack: 29Nobody can succeed easily uni ess he works hard.Tom: Brya nt can have some time to relax now.Jack: YouAre right. Oh、it's tune for class. 30 Bye.Tom: Me too. Bye.A. What a pity!B. I quite agree?C. Its a pleasure.D. Nice talking with you.E. W

10、hat are you reading?F. How long did he practice every day?G. Do you know how r hard he was working?2021VL补全对话毎小题1分共5 分 根据对话内容 . 从方框内所给的选项中选出最正确选坝 ?并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。(Alex meets Cindy at school on Monday morning)A: Hi. Cindy! How was your last weekend?B: Awful. You know, Alex, I was busy taking

11、after-school classes for the weekend ? 66 _A: Great. I went to the Science Museum and had a lot of fun there. Have you ever been there before?B: _ 67 _ I do nothing but studying all the time on weekends?A: That sounds bad? You should relax yourself on weekends? And you can try something new instead?B: _ 68 _ By the way, can tell me something about the museum?A: It's hard to say- ?- _69_ You'd better visit it if you're free.B: Oh, it must be a great way to spend weekends? Could you please go with me next Sunday aftern


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