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1、Brainstorm In China, youre (not) supposed to youre (not) expected to you should (not) its polite/impolite to1. Whats Lin Yues biggest challenge ? 2. Did she solve the problem? Her biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.Yes. Read the para 1 and answer the questions :1. Why is

2、 Lin Yue in France?2. Does she enjoy staying with her host family? How do you know?3. How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French?Because she is on her student exchange program in France.Yes. Her host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make her feel at home.She fee

3、ls nervous. Read the para 2 and make notes about French customs in the chart. Dos DontsYoure expected to put your bread on the table.Youre not supposed to put your bread on your plate.Youre expected to cut up your fruit and eat it with a fork.Youre expected to say that was delicious if you dont want

4、 any food.Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread.Youre not supposed to say youre full.Youre not supposed to put your elbows on the table.1. (something) worry (someone)2.be comfortable (doing)3.went out of their way4.gradually gotten used to beingReviewingTaking notes or summ

5、arizing the main ideas canhelp you move language from your short-term to long-term memory.中国人去德国餐厅吃饭为何被特殊照顾中国人去德国餐厅吃饭为何被特殊照顾.餐厅和其他酒店一样布置的错落有致,让你感觉你是一部西方生活片优雅的男主角。我步入餐厅熟练的挑拣好自己的早餐,刚刚落座,一个东方面孔的女孩疾步走了过来: “对不起,先生,你是中国人吧?”在国外好像没有纯粹泪汪汪的搭腔,没等我搭腔,女孩紧接着说:“你是那个中国旅行团的吧,请你跟我到那边用餐好吗?”。 女孩带我到另一间餐厅,一个没有任何装饰、并排放着五六

6、排简易长桌、连一束花都没有的狭小房间。尽管这些十米长的条桌铺着洁白的餐布,我眼前忽然浮起了二战集中营囚徒们吃饭的情景,似乎觉得它好像还是上世纪的遗物。 我问女孩:为什么非要叫我们在这里就餐?女孩板着职业的笑容说:那边是散客吃饭的地方,团队的人一般很吵闹,为了不打扰人家用餐,就专门设了这个地方。 中国人在公共场合吃饭喧嚣,是被人诟病的恶习。可这也是民族文化特点,中国人聚众吃饭社交的意义大于吃饭本身,叽叽喳喳是一种常态。Output :You will be an exchange student to France and a French student will come to China too, please tell and show each other about the Chinese or French table manners and what he/she is supposed to do or not. You also can ask your friends to help you ,please list the costumes you want to tell him/her first. Table mannersDosDontsYoure(not) supposed to Youre(not) e


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