



1、预备篇假设你叫Jenny,你班里来了一位新同学叫Bob,他正好是你的同桌,请你用英文向他问好,并向他介绍你的学习用品。注意一定要用“Whats this in English?”和“Its”句型哦!来吧!是这边一个对话吧。Jenny:Hello! Bob:Hello! Jenny:Whats your name? Bob:My name is Bob. Jenny:Hello,Bob Im Jenny. Bob:Hi,Jenny,How are you? Jenny:Im fine,and you? Bob:Im OK.Hoe old are you? Jenny:Im 12,How old

2、are you? Bob:Me too!What is this? Jenny:Its a pen. Bob:Spell it,please. Jenny:P-E-N. Bob:Thanks.早晨汤姆见到林涛,互相问好。林涛指着一个橘子问汤姆:这个用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问它是什么颜色。就此情节用英文编一段对话。不少于8句。L-Lintao T-TomL:Good morning! T:Good morning! L:Whats this? T:Its a orange. L:Spell it please. T:O-R-A-N-G-E. L:What color is it? T:Its

3、orange. L:Thanks.Unit1自我介绍<1>Hello. My name is David Smith. My first/given name is David. My last/family name is Smith. I am a boy. I am 14. I am in Class 19,Grade 7.I have a good friend. His name is Jack. I like my school. I like my teachers, too.<2>向同学们介绍一下你自己吧。包括:姓名、年龄、性别、你喜欢的食物、颜色、运动

4、等。不少于60词。My name is Cindy. Im a 13 years old girl. I like ice-cream, hamburgers and French fries. I like white and black best. I like black and white T-shirts, I like black and white pants. I like play -ing tennis.Unit2介绍照片中的人物。<1>Heres my family photo. Look at the old man. He is my grandfathe

5、r .This is my grandmother .These are my parents .My fathers name is Bill. My mothers name is Mary. This is my uncle. He is an English teacher. This boy is me. I love them.<2>假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。Hello ,everyone! I'm Li Mei. Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother.

6、 She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36, and my mother is 36, too. Whos that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students.Unit3失物招领与寻物启事Found: Pen Lost: My notebook.Is this your pen? My name is Tony.Please call Mary. Please call 6754398Phone # 34567

7、54 Unit4介绍你的房间<1>Heres my room .My TV is on the desk .My baseball is on the floor under the bed .My CDs are in the backpack .The flowers are on the table .My books are in the bookcase. This is my computer. It is on the desk, next to the window .I like it very much.<2>假设这是TOM的房间,请你用80词左右介

8、绍他的房间。Look! This is Toms room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Toms baseball? Oh, Its under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Toms shoes, socks and computer games. W

9、hat do you think of Toms room?Unit5写一段话,谈谈你和同伴各喜欢什么球类运动,不喜欢什么球类运动。 Yang Fang likes soccer .I also like soccer .He likes volleyball, but I dont like volleyball. I like basketball and ping-pong. He likes sports very much. I like them, too. We like watching sports on TV.Unit6 谈论饮食爱好谈谈你和你的同学早,中,晚餐各喜欢吃的食

10、物 My friend Lucy and I like different food. For breakfast,she likes eggs, bananas and apples, but I like eggs ,milk and hamburgers .For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears ,but I like rice, salad and apples. For dinner, She likes chicken ,tomatoes ,French fries and ice cream ,but I like ric

11、e, chicken, tomatoes .I dont like ice creamUnit8请你根据下列课程安排写一封信,告诉你的朋友你上星期五的上课情况。FridayTimeSubject8:00-8:50English9:10-10:00Chinese10:10-11:00math2:00-2:50history3:00-3:50art4:00-4:50musicHow are you? Let me tell you about my classes. On Friday, I have six classes. I have three classes in the morning

12、 and three in the afternoon. In the morning, classes begin at 8:00 and finish at 11:00.We have English, Chinese and math. In the afternoon, classes begin at 2:00,at finish at 4:50.we have history, art and music. What about you? Please write soon.Unit 9以 My Favorite为题,写一篇短文My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a little English. I join the school English club.


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