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1、Ones who make the decisions on what went into the system are programmers.Ones who claim ECT is both effective and safe, in fact, cannot prove it.There are two 300MW thermal power units in this power plant. One is made in China; the other is imported from Germany.决定要把什么写进系统的人是专业编程人员。 那些宣称电痉挛疗法既有效又安全的

2、人,实际上并无法证明他们的观点。 这家电厂有两台30千瓦火力发电机组,一台是国产的,另一台是从德国进口的。There are two kinds of electric currents. One is the direct current; the other is the alternating current.电流有两种,一种是直流电流,另一种是交流电流。Chapter Four Translation of Pronoun 第第5节节 翻译练习翻译练习7This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous, too.Some parts re

3、quire a hard, tough metal and others may be made of softer metals.The coolant serves no other purpose than to remove excess heat.Some atomic nuclei undergo spontaneous disintegration while others do not.冷却剂除了排除多余的热以外没有任何其他用处。这些化学制品有毒,别的化学制品也有毒。 有些零件需要由硬的韧性金属制成,而有些则可由软的金属制成。有的原子核会同时裂变,而另外一些却不会。第第5节节

4、翻译练习翻译练习8Another method is available to increase the system capacity.Heat is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is any difference in temperature.凡有温差的地方,热都会以这样或那样的方式传输。还有另一种可增加系统容量的方法。Chapter Four Translation of Pronoun 第第5节节 翻译练习翻译练习9Some metals burn more readily than other

5、s.To specify a distance, we must use some unit of length.When an object is warmer than the surrounding region, it loses some of its heat by radiation.The particles require some a day to reach the earth.为了确定距离,我们必须使用某种长度单位。有些金属比另一些金属更容易燃烧。 当一个物体比周围环境热时,该物体会通过辐射失去它的一些热量。这些粒子大约需要一天的时间才能到达地球。4.6 it及其句型的

6、译法及其句型的译法it作人称代词的译法作人称代词的译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习1)it作指示代词的译法作指示代词的译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习2)无人称代词的译法无人称代词的译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习3)形式主语形式主语it的译法:的译法:(1)顺译法)顺译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习4)(2)倒译法)倒译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习5)(3)增译法)增译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习6)(4)约定俗成表达法)约定俗成表达法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习7)(5)分译法)分译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习8)形式宾语形式宾语it的

7、译法的译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习9)it在强调句中的译法在强调句中的译法 (第(第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习10)Chapter Four Translation of Pronoun 第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习1It moves or rotates by a fixed amount each time an electrical pulse is applied to it.To help avoid information overload, it (virtual convergence) will do this intelligently.The earth rota

8、tes as it travels through space.As current flows through a conductor, it sets up a magnetic field.为了避免信息过载,它(虚拟连接)将会智能化地进行操作。对它每加一个电脉冲,它就移动或旋转一个固定的量。地球在空间运行时,它还要自转。电流通过导体,便产生磁场。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习2It is a $12-billion industry whose factories, numbering in the hundreds, are found all over the world.It is

9、twenty meters in height.那个行业资金达120亿美元,工厂有上千家,遍布世界各地。高度为20米。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习3It is very far to the airport.It is raining hard.到机场很远。雨下得很大。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习4It is recommended that the screw be used to increase accuracy of measurement.By using a laser, it is possible to throw very large and very clear telev

10、ision pictures on to a screen.It was pointed out that while the lead obtained from the disintegration of radium possessed all the characteristics of ordinary lead, it differed from it in atomic weight.使用激光器,可以将很大很清晰的电视图像投射到屏幕上。建议使用螺杆调节,以提高测量的精确度。 前已指出,虽然由镭蜕变而获得的铅具有普通铅的一切特性,但其原子量与普通铅不同。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习

11、5It necessitates careful design of the apparatus to get rid of the heat.It is unknown when to begin to make transportable transformers.It is interesting to compare the energy needed to place a satellite in orbit with the energy that would be required to cause it to escape.什么时候开始制造移动式变压器还不知道。除热需要对设备进

12、行仔细设计。 把一颗卫星送入轨道所需的能量和使卫星脱离地球所需要的能量进行比较是很有意思的。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习6It used to be thought that when you see a word and speak it, several stages of processing are involved.It must be remembered that the condition may be silent until haematemesis, melaena or perforation occurs.It is known that electronic com

13、puters play an important part in science and technology. 大家必须记住,在呕血、黑便,或穿孔发生之前,该病可能无症状。 过去人们常常认为一个词从看见到念出来包括好几个处理阶段。我们知道,电子计算机在科学和技术方面起着重要作用。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习7It follows that any form of preheat adds to the welders difficulties and causes discomfort, particularly when welding at high preheat temperatur

14、e levels inside vessels.It can be concluded that temperatures on the surface of Venus is too hot for life as known on earth.It had been calculated that actual error probability for the value was of the order of 0.5 percent. 由此可见,任何形式的预热都会增加焊工的困难,使他们身感不适,在容器内高温预热下施焊时尤其如此。 可以断定,金星表面的温度过热,地球上的生物是不能适应的。

15、据计算,这个数值的实际误差概率约为0.5%。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习8It makes no difference when inducing an e.m.f., which moves, the coil or the magnet.It is essential that the body of the machine is effectively earthed. 在感应出电动势时,是线圈运动还是磁铁运动,这没有区别。这机器的机身必须有效接地,这一点十分重要。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习9The heating effect makes it possible to produce

16、 the light.We find it possible to transform a.c. into d.c. by using a rectifier.We think it true that the human body is also a good conductor.热效应使产生光成为可能。我们发现能用整流器将交流电变成直流电。人体也是一种良好的导体,我们认为这点是正确的。第第6节节 翻译练习翻译练习10It is the voltmeter which we use to measure the voltage.It is through this interface tha

17、t the substation operator must control and monitor the entire substation.It was not until I came in that he began to repair the old generator.我们用来测量电压的就是伏特计。变电站运行人员正是通过这个界面控制和监视整个变电站的。直到我进来,他才开始修理那台老式发电机。It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.直到19世纪,热才被认为是能的一种

18、形式。第第4章章 总复习题总复习题The rise in temperature could not have happened of itself.Be the shape of a body complicated, it is possible to find out its volume.The more energy we desire to send, the higher we make the voltage.The most typical humanlike characteristic of a robot is its arm.温度上升不可能是出于自身的原因。不论物体的

19、形状如何复杂,人们均可求出它的体积。要求输送的电能越多,就得使电压升得越高。机器人最具人性化的特点就是它的机械臂。In our studies of the implications for the First Law, we were able to see the importance of the distinction between state and path functions.The first job of an electron tube is to get the electrons apart from their nuclei.That type of turbine

20、 usually rotates at a very low speed.那种汽轮机通常以非常低的速度运转。 我们研究第一定律时,可以明白区分状态函数和路径函数的重要性。电子管的第一项工作就是使电子与其原子核分开。Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.The same has happened to the central control system.Theres hardly any

21、room for any impurities in such a microfiber.中心控制系统也发生过同样的事故。 小物体,比如尘粒和水珠,仅仅下落了一小段距离后便失去了其大部分的加速度。在这种微纤维中,杂质几乎没有存在的可能。His instances were Lennard and Stark, both of them were Nobel laureates but later became fervent followers of Hitler.The primacy function of a regulator is to supply constant pressur

22、e to each device.The best use of these equations is in checking the theoretical analyses using the other approaches. 他举出勒纳德及史塔克为例子。这两个人都得过诺贝尔奖,但后来却成了狂热的希特勒信徒。 这些方程式最大的用处是可对采用了其他方法的理论分析进行检验。调节器的基本功能是给每个装置提供稳定的电压。It is desirable to characterize electrical noise as accurately as possible.It is known th

23、at local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away from here.需要尽可能准确地表征电噪音。 我们知道,当地的天气在几天内会受到几千英里以外地区气象状况的影响。5.1 数词的译法数词的译法 数字的译法 (第1节 翻译练习1) 不定数量的译法 (第1节 翻译练习2) 倍数增加的译法 (第1节 翻译练习3) 倍数比较的译法 (第1节 翻译练习4) 倍数减少的译法 (第1节 翻译练习5) 百分数的译法 (第1节 翻译练习6) 特殊数量词词

24、组的翻译(第1节 翻译练习7)Chapter Fiver Translation of Numerals and Adjective & Adverb 2022-2-424教材的补充:教材的补充:pThe expression of fractional numeralsp The usage of numeralsChapter Fiver Translation of Numerals and Adjective & Adverb The expression of fractional numerals1、一般表达法的公式为:分子(用基数词)/分母(用序数词,分子超过1时要用复数)例如:三分之一 one


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