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1、 初三英语秋季经典同步词组背多分第十讲拓展词汇get (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词)sleep v. 睡过头 (过去式) (过去分词)break (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词)fool n. 愚人 Adj.愚蠢的embarrass Adj.局促不安的 Adj.令人尴尬的announce n.广播员 n. 宣布、宣告convince Adj.令人信服的 Adj.坚信的、确信的flee (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词)重点短语County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, bel

2、ieve, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work71. a of: 一片、一块2. get : 结婚3. sell : 卖完4. set : 激起、引起5. show : 出席6. break : 出故障7. time : 准时8. run : 跑掉9. go : 发出响声10. :到的时候考点考题对接完成句子:Why are you in such a (匆忙)? Because I am goin

3、g to have a meeting in five minutes.(南京中考)单项填空:1. Enough sleep is good for health. If you for your favorite TV programs, youll fell sleep. (哈尔滨中考) A. stay up B. set up C. pick up 2. She hurt herself badly she had to see a doctor.(威海中考) A. too; that B. so; that C. very; that D. too; to 3. Which of th

4、e two T-shirts will you take? Ill take , one for my brother, the other for myself.(江西中考) A. either B. neither C. all D. both【励志语录】1、一只木桶,最短的一块木板决定其容量。2、一个人,素质最差的一面决定其发展。3、你可以独来独往,但不能让人觉得你有敌意。4、你可以自命清高,但不要让别人觉得你瞧不起他们。5、奋斗人生的诀窍就是经营自己的长处,经营自己的短处只会使人生贬值词汇金钥匙看点一、Leave 含义细分辨leave动词离开leave for 动身前往leave sc

5、hool 毕业留下忘带leave sb. by oneselfleave sth sp名词假期ask for a leave练练吧1. -Sorry, Mr Black.I my notebook at home. -It doesnt matter. But dont to bring it to school this afternoon. A. left; forget B. forgot; leave C. left; leave D. forget; forget2. -May I your English-Chinese dictionary? -Sorry, I it at ho

6、me. A. lend; left B. borrow; left C. lend; forgot D. borrow; forgot-我是华美丽的分割线-看点二、喜欢“露面”的show upshow 带某人参观 show sb around on show 展览、陈列把某物给某人看 show sb sth show off 炫耀 show sth to sb练练吧1. They didnt appear until 10:00. They didnt until 10:00. 2. He showed me some photos. He some photos me. -我是华美丽的分割线

7、-看点三、婚嫁迎娶找marrry1. get married 结婚,表动作。 They got married last year2. be married 结婚,常用于婚姻状况,表示状态。 They have been married for three years.3. 在表达“与某人结婚”时应用“marry sb”. Bill married Melinda French on January 1, 1994.4. marry和get married 都是非延续性动词,不与时间状语连用;假设要表示和某人结婚多久,用be married for They have been married

8、 for ten years. 我们结婚10年了。练练吧1. Mary a doctor in August,2007. A. married with B. married C. married to D. got married2. After ten yearsloving, the couple last month. A. were married B. got married C. be married with D. got married with3. -Who did the man last month? -A girl from Zhejiang. A. marry B.

9、 married C. marry with D. marry to-我是华美丽的分割线-辨地开花看点一、“急匆匆”的rush 与 hurry单词词义用法常用搭配rush冲、奔,急行rush at/on/upon sb.冲向rush into (out of) 闯进出hurry急忙,匆忙in a hurry 匆忙地hurry up 赶快hurry off 匆忙离去练练吧用rush与hurry 填空。1. I am late. I must up. 2. When they felt the building shake, the students out of the building.同义句

10、转换1. Tom hurried to school this morning. Tom to school . went ; 2. If you dont hurry up, well be late for school. , well be late for school. -我是华美丽的分割线-看点二、关注“sothat”拓展 So that 与 such that 用法So + adj./adv. + thatSuch + a/an + adj. + n. + that = So + adj./adv. + a/an + n. + thatSo + many/ much/ littl

11、e/ few + n. + that tooto:太以致于不能他是一个如此聪明的男孩,他能答复所有问题。 考题回放1. He did his homework carelessly he made a lot of mistakes in it.A. to; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; that2. Mom was very excited about the game. She stayed up very late.(合并为一句) Mom was about the game she stayed up very late. 语法加油站过

12、去完成时:第一关:含义By the time I got there, my mother had already left. 过去的过去 过去 现在had left got过去时间由by, before, when, after, until,for, since 等引导。第二关:构成 had + 过去分词第三关:过去分词变化规则规则变化:构成说明例词一般情况加edstarted以e结尾加darrived以y结尾y前为辅音y i加edstudiedy前为元音加edplayed以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母双写辅音字母再加edplannedstopped不规则变化需逐个记练练吧用所给词

13、的适当形式填空。1. By the time I reached home, my mother (cook) supper already.2. Catherine (finish) the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.3. He told his mother that he (run) out of money to buy new clothes.翻译:1. 当张先生出来的时候,公交车已经开走了。 By the time Mr Zhang , the bus already .2. 就在你报警的时候,那几个小偷已经逃离了

14、超市。 By the time you the police, the had the supermarket. 3. 那天王兰得知三班的同学从来不熬夜那么晚。 -我是华美丽的分割线-期末了,你是不是也有这种心情!-基础题一、单项填空。1. Our bus on the half way because the gas ran out.A. broke upB. broke downC. broke awayD. broke2. My uncle didn t show for our wedding.A. upB. toC. onD. in3. I am very tired because

15、 I up very late last night.A. gotB. stayedC. putD. showed4. -Did you see Tom at the party? -No, he by the time I got there.A. leftB. was leavingC. had leftD. has left5. After having breakfast, he to the bus stop this morning.A. ran offB. put offC. took offD. turned off6. When I heardthe news, he for

16、 one year.A. has been deadB. was deadC. has diedD. had been dead7. The camera is expensive I can t afford it.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; as toD. enough; that8. He a doctor last year.A. marriedB. marryC. marriesD. marrying9. the end of the match, we had kicked three goals.A. WithB. InC. OnD. By10.

17、 -How long have Mr and Mrs ? -For more than twenty years.A. marriedB. had marriedC. got marriedD. been married二、选择意义相近的词组。A. In the end B. broke down C. goal D. risen 1. Finally, John noticed that the customer was very happy. 2. The number of foreign players in the NBA has invreased. 3. My alarm clo

18、ck didn work this morning. 4. What is the aim of learning English? -我是华美丽的分割线-篇章类题型完型填空Mr Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. So the day after her birthday, Mrs Smith went shopping. She waited for a bus, got 1 and sat down next to an old lady. After a while, she n

19、oticed that the old ladys handbag was 2 . Inside it, she saw a wad of notes一叠钞票。They were just like what her husband 3 her. So she quickly looked into her own bag. They were not there! Mrs Smith was sure that the old lady had stolen them. She thought she would have 4 the police; but later she change

20、d her idea. She decided to take the money 5 the ladys handbag and not to say nothing about it. She 6 round the bus to make sure nobody was watching and then she carefully put her hand into the ladys 7 , took the notes and put them in her own bag. When she got home that evening, she 8 her husband the

21、 beautiful hat she had bought. How did you pay for it? he asked. With the money you 9 me for my birthday, of course, she answered. Oh? Whats that, then? he asked, as he pointed to a wad of notes-ten pounds on the table.1. A. onB. inC. intoD. off2. A. closeB. closedC. openD. opened3. A. gaveB. had gi

22、venC. givesD. has given4. A. calledB. callC. to callD. calling5. A. outB. out ofC. fromD. back from6. A. lookedB. sawC. turnedD. went7. A. basketB. bagC. coatD. pocket8. A. gaveB. showedC. gave toD. showed to9. A. gaveB. showed C. gave toD. showed to10. A. whenB. whileC. asD. after阅读理解On a cold wint

23、er afternoonI was walking home from a supermarketI was feeling a little tired,as I was carrymg my shopping bagsThey were so heavy that I decided to stop to have a rest in the parkI walked towards the gate of the parkI noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of meHe was holding a pa

24、per bagHe walked to a nearby dustbin(垃圾箱) and started looking through itI suddenly felt sadI knew this man would take all that he could get,so I went up to him and gave him some fruitThe man,with wrinkles(皱纹)on his face,looked up in surprise and took what I gave himA big smile appeared on his face a

25、nd I felt very happyThen he said,“Wow!First someone gave me this sandwich,then this drink,and now some delicious fruitThis is my daughters lucky dayThank you,boy”Then he went away,singing a song Just then,I understood what the saying“Giving is getting”really meantEveryone in the world needs help,eve

26、ryone can offer help and everyone will be helped by showing kindnessGiving sometimes doesnt cost much,but it means a lot to the people who you help The mans happiness at that moment comes into my mind every time I have the chance to help others1The writer felt a little tired because_Ahe worked so ha

27、rd Bhe carried heavy shopping bagsChe walked too fast Dhe helped the poor man carry the dustbin2The writer gave the poor man some fruit because_Ahe couldnt carry so much fruitBhe knew the mans daughter liked the fruitChe wanted to help the poor manDthe pool man asked him for some fruit3The poor mans

28、 daughter couldnt get_that dayAa new skirt Ba sandwich Csome drink Ddelicious fruit4Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe poor mans daughter might be sadBIt was the poor mans daughters birthday that dayCThe poor man had no money to buy such delicious food for his daughterDGivi

29、ng sometimes costs much5The passage mainly tells us_Anot to look through the dustbins Bnot to be a poor manCto give others fruit Dgiving is getting-我是华美丽的分割线- 能力拔高题 完成对话:A: Hi, Alice! A nice day, isn t it?B: Yes. Spring is 1 . What about 2 trees tomorrow?A: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not a good day for p

30、lanting trees!B: 3 do you know、A: I 4 to the weather report. It says it s going to be 5 and windy.B: What a 6 !If it rains, we have to stay at home and 7 some reading.A: 8 not come to my home to play computer games? My father bought different parts of the computer and put them together. He made our own computer last week.B: Great! But, 9 is your home?A: My home is nea


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