



1、人教版高一英语必修2第一单元阅读课教学设计预案Reading In search of the Amber Room一、教学目标(1)知识目标:让学生了解琥珀屋的历史,熟悉本课的重点词组和句型。(2)能力目标:提高学生的阅读能力,即形成快速获取信息和处理信息的能力。(3)情感态度目标:通过自主学习和合作学习,培养学生热爱文化遗产保护文化遗产,尊重人民智慧的意识。二、教学设计(1)教学思路整个教学过程以“ 以学生为学习主体,学生预习先学,教师后教” 为设计理念,笔者采用设置任务和小组讨论的形式组织教学,将学生的自主学习活动作为课堂的主体,引导学生完 成学习任务。(2)课前准备要求学生收集有关琥珀

2、屋以及世界著名文化遗产的信息资料,并预习课文 In search of the Amber Room。完成课后练习一和练习二,以便更好地解读课文。三、教学过程Step I Lead-in (3分钟)用多媒体展示几张图片:图1.埃及金字塔. the Great Pyramid in Egypt ,图 2 . 中国万里长城 the Great Wall in China,图3.紫禁城 the Forbidden City in China,图4.英国史前巨柱 Stonehenge in England,请同学们说出其中英文名称。设计说明使用多媒体播放图片,形象、直观、生动,能吸引学生的注意力,激发

3、学生的兴趣。同时,对学生的课前预习有所了解。Step Skim the reading passage and then answer.(9分钟)要求学生在课前预习的基础上再快速浏览全文,并回答问题:、Why is it called the Amber Room?、Check Exercise One and Exercise Two on Page2 of the Students Book .Exercise One( )How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?( )How was a new Amber

4、 Room built?( )How did the Amber Room get lost?( )How was the Amber Room made?( )Why did the king of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?Exercise Two1.Frederick A. stole the Amber Room.2.Frederick William B.sent a troop of his best soldiers to the king of Prussia.3.Peter the

5、Great C. had the Amber Room made4.Catherine D. had it moved outside St Petersburg.5.The Nazi army E. gave it to the Czar as a gift.6.The Russians and Germans F. built a new Amber Room after studying pictures of the old one. 设计说明通过课后练习一,对本文出现的人物及相关历史事件的配对练习,以及课后练习二,对段落和各段落大意的配对练习,检查学生对全文内容的理解情况,培养学生学

6、会快速捕捉文章表层信息的能力,从而进一步理解文章的中心内容,为下一道判断正误题打好基础。、Do the“ True”or “False”exercise.( ) 1. The Amber Room was made for a short time.( )2. Catherine II didnt like everything about the Amber Room when she firstsaw it.( ) 3. The Amber Room was taken to Konigsberg and hidden there in 1941.( ) 4. The Russians d

7、idnt care about the AmberRoom.( ) 5. The Russians have known what happened to the Amber Room and have made a new one.设计说明通过判断正误题,有效地检查出学生的理解结果,而教师对错误答案的订正更有效地帮助学生理解课文。Step Careful Reading (18分钟).Listen to the tape, and get the students go through the whole text paragraph .by paragraph.听完Paragraph On

8、e.后,要求学生完成表格the material of the Amber Roomthe design of the Amber Roomthe decoration of the Amber Room设计说明这表格旨在调动全班同学共同参与课堂活动,激发学生阅读的兴趣。Paragraph Two听完后,请第1组学生回答下列问题:Q1、Was the Amber Room made to be a gift?Q2、Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia?设计说明创设问题情境有利于培养学生的自主学

9、习能力和探究能力。教师恰如其分地把握学生的知识能力情感储备,才能创设出适合学生思考的问题,这两个问题要求学生与同伴讨论(Group Discussion),然后请他们踊跃回答。使学生在小组合作和交流中开拓思维和创新能力。Q1、Who had the Amber Room moved outside St.Petersburg?Q2、What did she do with the Amber Room?教师启发学生理解Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a place outside St.Petersburg(where she s

10、pent her summers)设计说明要求学生回答问题的同时,注意重点词组,句型的掌握,关注重点语法定语从句在文中的运用。Paragraph Four.Q1、When did it get lost?Q2、Were the Russians able to remove the Amber Room?What happened to the Amber Room?Paragraph Five.Q1、Who rebuilt the Amber Room?Q2、How was a new Amber Room built?以上问题的设置立足于课文内容,但又不局限于课文,引导学生学习新知识时能配

11、合其中的趣味性和导向性,培养学生的问题意识,激发其探究动机,使其产生明确而强烈的学习期待心理,从而促使学生学习的热情有增无减。同时教师指导学生在阅读文章时注意欣赏文章中的优美语句,在日后的写作中可以借用。Step Post-reading (6分钟)Get the students to summarize the reading passage by filling in blanks.Frederick had the Amber Room made for his palace. But the next king, Frederick William , _ the amber roo

12、m _, gave it to the Czar as a gift._, the Czar _ him _ of his best soldiers. Later, Catherine had it _ outside St Petersburg. She asked her artists to _ more details _it. Then, the Amber room was _one of the wonders of the world.In September 1941, a time when Germany and Russia were _.The Nazi army

13、_ the Amber Room. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains _. Recently, the Russians and Germans _Amber Room after _ old photos of the _Amber Room.设计说明 让学生在教师的帮助下,根据全文,能熟练掌握并且灵活运用本课学到的词组、单词,实现自如表达语言的愿望。让学生对自己的学习进行初步的评价,有利于培养学生自主学习和探究学习的能力。教师核对完学生的答案后,让学生齐声朗读summary, 强化对课文的理解和记忆,同时培养学生热爱朗读

14、的良好习惯。Step 欣赏文物图片(2分钟)学生在一系列的读写练习之后,教师用多媒体播放博物馆的一些“国家级文物”的图片。多媒体展示的秦朝的兵马俑、商代的四平方尊、隋朝的“镶金边白玉杯”等让学生赞叹不已。笔者从学生好奇又兴奋的神情中读懂了他们热爱这些文物,参与保护文物的热情。设计说明通过文物展示,再度激发学生热爱文物,保护文物的热情,同时,让学生头脑得到暂时的放松。Step (2分钟) 课后作业布置与讨论1.Find out important expressions and drills. Meanwhile, underline and copy the Attributive claus

15、e in the reading passage.2.文物的保护现状不太乐观,有些建筑物的砖被损甚至遗失,更严重的是常有游客随意抛弃垃圾,提出口号:Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints!(除了带走照片,其它的别带走,除了留下脚印,其它的别留下!)不仅道出所有爱护文物者的心声,也使每个游客必须遵守的行为准则。通过小组讨论,要求学生能熟练运用以下句型,发表自己的观点。I think/ dont think thatAs far as Im concerned,In my opinion/view人教版高一英语必修2第一单元阅读课

16、学案Reading In search of the Amber Room一、教学目标(1)知识目标:让学生了解琥珀屋的历史,熟悉本课的重点词组和句型。、重点词组,英汉互译。1. the Amber Room 2.寻找 3.被用于做某事 4.几吨 5.in the fancy style 6.the Baltic Sea 7.属于 8.winter palace 9.四米长 10.the wonders of the world 11.在交战 12.回报 13.art objects 14.少于 15.wooden boxes 、句型与填空。1.In fact, the room was no

17、t made (be) a gift.2.it is now (miss).3. (毫无疑问 )the boxes were then put on a train.4.Recently,the Russians and (German ) have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace.5.This was a time (引导词 ) the two countries were at war.6.Is it worth (rebuild ) cultural relics ?(2)能力目标:提高学生的阅读能力,即形成快速获取信息和处理信息的

18、能力。(3)情感态度目标:通过自主学习和合作学习,培养学生热爱文化遗产保护文化遗产,尊重人民智慧的意识。二、教学过程Step I Lead-in (3分钟)Step Skim the reading passage and then answer.(9分钟)要求学生在课前预习的基础上再快速浏览全文,并回答问题:、Why is it called the Amber Room? 、Check Exercise One and Exercise Two on Page2 of the Students Book .Exercise One( )How did the Amber Room beco

19、me one of the wonders of the world?( )How was a new Amber Room built?( )How did the Amber Room get lost?( )How was the Amber Room made?( )Why did the king of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?Exercise Two1.Frederick A. stole the Amber Room.2.Frederick William B.sent a troop

20、 of his best soldiers to the king of Prussia.3.Peter the Great C. had the Amber Room made4.Catherine D. had it moved outside St Petersburg.5.The Nazi army E. gave it to the Czar as a gift.6.The Russians and Germans F. built a new Amber Room after studying pictures of the old one.判断正误题、Do the“ True”o

21、r “False”exercise.( ) 1. The Amber Room was made for a short time.( )2. Catherine II didnt like everything about the Amber Room when she firstsaw it.( ) 3. The Amber Room was taken to Konigsberg and hidden there in 1941.( ) 4. The Russians didnt care about the AmberRoom.( ) 5. The Russians have know

22、n what happened to the Amber Room and have made a new one.Step Careful Reading (18分钟).Listen to the tape, and get the students go through the whole text paragraph .by paragraph.听完Paragraph One.后,要求学生完成表格the material of the Amber Roomthe design of the Amber Roomthe decoration of the Amber RoomParagra

23、ph Two听完后,请学生回答下列问题:Q1、Was the Amber Room made to be a gift? Q2、Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia? Paragraph Two 提问Q1、Who had the Amber Room moved outside St.Petersburg? Q2、What did she do with the Amber Room? Paragraph Four. 提问Q1、When did it get lost? Q2、Were the

24、 Russians able to remove the Amber Room? Q3.What happened to the Amber Room? Paragraph Five. 提问Q1、Who rebuilt the Amber Room? Q2、How was a new Amber Room built? Step Post-reading (6分钟)Get the students to summarize the reading passage by filling in blanks.Frederick had the Amber Room made for his palace. But the next king, Frederick William , _ _ the amber room _ _, gave it to the Czar as a gift._ _, the Czar _ _ him _ _ of his best soldiers. Lat


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