1、Inaugural Address of the US Presidentsby一、演说背景一、演说背景奥巴马在竞选总统中得到了肯尼迪家族的支持, 被视为是可以继承肯尼迪政治遗产的“年轻人”。巧合的是, 奥巴马生于肯尼迪就任总统的1961年。奥巴马与肯尼迪确有几分相似, 两人的祖辈都具有移民背景: 肯尼迪的祖父移民自爱尔兰, 而奥巴马的父亲来自于非洲肯尼亚。他们的父辈都曾经历初到美国时的不公正待遇, 激发了他们努力奋斗的决心和意志。两人都毕业于哈佛大学,都是参议员出身, 都因在民主党全国代表大会上的精彩发言而一夜走红。也都写过畅销书: 肯尼迪在1956年出版的勇敢者的画像, 被译成了几十种文字
2、, 并为他赢得了普利策传记文学奖; 时隔50年后全面阐述奥巴马政治理念和政策主张的无畏的希望: 重申美国梦, 也为民主党和他本人赢得了广大选民。1961年1月21日肯尼迪就任总统时, 美国国内正处于战后第四次经济危机, 民权运动高涨; 国际上, 苏联的咄咄逼人、西欧和日本的迅速发展、亚非拉的崛起, 都使美国的全球扩张受挫。于是,肯尼迪在大选中就提出了“新边疆”的口号, 倡导在科学技术、经济发展、战争与和平等各个领域开拓新天地; 加上他年轻气盛、身世显赫, 美国人纷纷投票支持他。而奥巴马在竞选中以“变革”为主题, 强调结束伊拉克战争、实现能源自给、停止减税政策和普及医疗保险等, 并承诺实现党派团
3、结、在国际上重建同盟关系、恢复美国领导地位。奥巴马就职演说的主题和目的, 就是唤醒人民的信心、决心以及对国家的责任感, 共同渡过美国现在面临的经济危机难关。 美国第35任总统肯尼迪和第44任总统奥巴马 都是美国历史上较为年轻的当选总统。 他们都有着法学的教育背景, 擅长公共演讲; 他们借助当时的科技媒体发表就职演说, 影响范围都达到了空前的程度。当年, 肯尼迪之所以能够战胜尼克松, 在很大程度上归功于广播电视的力量, 而今奥巴马战胜麦凯恩, 则得益于网络媒体的发展对美国人产生很 大的感召力, 从而获得广大选民的支持。二、演说内容二、演说内容 在演说中, 两位总统都提到先辈的忍辱负重, 追求自由
4、平等和独立。用先辈的经历说话, 既表明 了该政府建立在各届政府执政理念基础上的合法性 和形象, 也是政治上的煽情, 起到了更大的鼓舞 作用。 美国人有着浓重的领袖情结, 即使面临巨大的 危机, 美国人依然看重世界的领袖地位。 两位总统都欲平衡社会各个阶层的力量。在为 富人阶层谋利益的同时, 针对中下层民众减税, 加 大公共开支, 加强医疗保障, 加大教育投入等。 肯尼迪号召“建立一个把东西南北联在一起的伟大的全球联盟来对付这些敌人, 以确保人类享有更为富有成效的生活”; 而奥巴马在演讲中说, “对于每个追求和平和自尊的国家和个人而言, 美国都是朋友,我们愿意再次领导大家踏上追寻之旅。”力主在维
5、护美国霸主地位的同时, 使世界格局发生一些变化。肯尼迪相信, 如果什么事物有足够的力量去感动人民, 并且在历史上留下痕迹, 就可以离人民的心更近一些。而奥巴马在演说中强调“偏袒富人的国家无法长久”, 与肯尼迪的“一个自由社会如若不能帮助众多的穷人, 也就无法保全少数的富人”,具有相同的含义。肯尼迪通过较为特殊的结构聚焦“自由”(1 iberty) 这一全体国民乃至整个世界都熟知和关注的话题, 表达了确保自由的存在和自由胜利的勇气和决心。 三、演说策略三、演说策略-修辞手段。 两位总统在演说中都采用了第一人称的复数使 用。一方面, 这样的演说使听众感到亲切, 容易赢 得支持; 另一方面, 可以唤
6、起一种团体意识, 使演 说具有很强的煽动性。为了使就职演说充分体现它 所负载的美国历史与文化含义, 给听众留下深刻印 象, 他们主要采用了以下几种修辞手段。1. 排比parallelism。排比是指用结构相似、语气一致、关系并列的一组语句, 接连表达几个相关意思的一种修辞方式。运用排比演讲, 可使演讲产生感人肺腑、振奋人心的威力; 可使演讲的气势如同磅礴的江水, 汹涌向前; 可使人感情奔放四溢、豪情万丈。肯尼迪的演讲中在如何处理“两大强大阵营”的关系问题上, 运用了结构相同的四个短语“让双方 ”表示强调和层层深入。通过排比, 既使得他对这些团体的承诺划分出层次, 也与对敌对国家的要求显示出差异
7、, 展示其政策的区别性和思维的严密性。奥巴马在缅怀先辈时接连用了三个“为了我们 忍辱负重, 辛勤耕作, 乃至征战、牺牲 ”排比句的使用可谓是别具匠心, 使整篇文章布局合理, 层次分明, 加强语气。这种结构方法是极讲究的, 既能全面深刻地表达主旨, 体现出层次和分寸, 又能使演讲从整体上产生朗朗的节奏、激越的韵律和明快向上的气势。 2. 反复repetition。反复是指通过重复同一单 词、词组或语句使人加深印象, 重复部分往往含有 强烈的情感或优美的节奏。演讲中相同的语言形式 反复地使用叫“重复”。演讲中为加强印象、突出 主题及展现情感等, 经常运用相同语言形式的 “重复艺术”, 不断对重要词
8、语进行重复。如: 肯 尼迪的就职演说中针对不同的对象运用了“ To those (对那些 ) ”; 奥巴马在讲到面临的 挑战时, 连续三个段落的开头都用了“Today (今 天) ” 3. 头韵alliteration。头韵是英国文学作品中使 用相当广泛的一种语音修辞手法。这种押韵的技巧 在肯尼迪的演说中也有所体现, 读起来朗朗上口、 音韵优美。如: “friend and foe” (朋友和敌人) 在 肯尼迪和奥巴马的演说中均有出现。“foe (敌 人) ”是“enemy (敌人) ”的较为文雅或古老的 形式, 一般来说, 人们会使用“enemy”。在这里 使用“foe”是为了和“frien
9、d”重复辅音 f , 增 强了节奏感、感染力和演讲的气势。4. 对照antithesis。对照是运用在意义或感情上对立的词, 以形成鲜明的对比或对照。对照不同于比喻, 它把两个概念对比, 不是指出其相似点,而是指出其差异。使用对照法来增强语势和使演说更为生动形象。如: 肯尼迪的演说中, “如果一个自由的社会不能帮助贫穷的大多数, 那么它也不能拯救富有的少数人”的“the many (多数) ”和“the few (少数) ”与“the rich (富人) ”和“thepoor (穷人) ”。这和奥巴马演说中“你们不可能拖垮我们, 我们定将战胜你们”的“you (你们) ”和“we (我们) ”
10、与“outlast (拖垮) ”和“defeat(战胜) ”, 在两个分句中交错使用, 使句子整体上达到一种平衡。表现出他们期望在历史与现实的衔接时刻, 唤起民众的信心、力量和献身精神, 以牢牢地抓住听众的心。 5. 隐喻metaphor。隐喻又称“暗喻”, 它直接 把被比喻物说成比喻物, 是明喻的隐含形式。在肯 尼迪和奥巴马的就职演说中, 大量隐喻的使用让听 众意会, 从而增强了演说的美感和表现力。如肯尼 迪的演说中把“美洲”比作“家园”, 把不容许别 国干涉美洲的事务, 形象地说成“仍然想做自己 家园的主人”。而奥巴马在演说中将美国所面临的 世界经济危机和国际形势比喻成“严峻的寒冬” 和“
11、可能会发生的风暴”。比喻形象、贴切、有 力, 既简练、含蓄, 又寓意深长。 此外, 肯尼迪与奥巴马在就职演说中还引用了 圣经中的话语, 使演讲表达准确、富有感染 力。又引用了一些名人先贤的话, 或采撷一些警 句、成语、谚语和典籍中的话, 使演讲生色增辉。 把奥巴马与前总统肯尼迪的就职演讲进行比较, 从 很多角度和不同程度上可以说, 奥巴马是肯尼迪的 传承者。一、Parallelism平行)英语Parallelism,意即alongside one another(并排)其基本用法是将结构相同或类似、意义相关或并重、语气也前后一致的语言成分平行并列在一起。平行的构成可体现于各个语言层次,如单词、
12、短语、从句、句子。这篇演说词中平行的构成不仅体现在这些方面,而且还体现在段落之间。(黑体字部分表示运用了修辞格,阻下与此相同)。单词方面的有:The energy,the faith,the devotion which we bring to thisendeavor will短语、从句方面的有: bom in this century,tempered by war,disciplined by ahard and bitter peace,proud of our ancient heritage,and unwillingto wimess or permit the slow und
13、oing ofthese human rightsto which this nation has always been committed,and to whichwe are committed today at home and around the world仅仅这一段话就包含三组平行结构。第一组是过去分词引起的短语,第二组是形容词引起的短语,第三组是个定语从旬。句子方面的有:Together let US explore the stars。conquer the deserts,eradicate disease,tap the OC,ean depths and encoura
14、ge the arts andcofTmlerce奥巴马在演说中主要使用了三种修辞手法: 排比、重复及头韵。211 排比排比是把结构相同或相似、意义相关、语气一致的几个词组或句子并列使用。奥巴马当选演说使用排比多达12 处, 用于由浅入深抒发感情, 一步步说服听众。例1: If there is anyone out there who still doubtsthat America is a p lace where all things are possible;who stillwonders if the dream of our founders is a livein our t
15、ime; who still questions the power of our de2mocracy, tonight is your answer1例2: There is new energy to harness and newjobs to be created; new schools to build and threats tomeet and alliances to repair1重复。奥巴马所采取的措施就是奥巴马紧紧抓住“美国的变革”这一主题, 在演讲中5 次使用“let us”, 6 次使用“change”一词, 7 次使用“Yes we can”。通过重复, 奥巴马
16、引起听众的注意, 使以上三个重点留下较深的印象。例1: For that is the true genius of America22thatAmerica can change1This victory alone is not thechange we seek22it is only the chance for us to makethat change1Let us resist the temp tation to fall back on the same partisanship. Let us remember that itwas a man from thisstate
17、 who first carried the banner of the RepublicanParty to the White House11次 头韵 .block by block, brick by brick, ca lloused hand by calloused hand1 It cannot happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrif ice1. 对比( contrast)奥巴马的总统获胜演讲中大量使用了对比。对比可以使听众更好地理解演讲者的意图, 突出其讲话的重点。本
18、篇演讲中也不时地运用对比手段来进一步阐释演讲者的观点,例如:(1) It s the answer spoken by young and old, rich andpoor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian,Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. . . 这里将年轻人和老人,有钱人和没钱人,民主党的和共和党的,黑人,白人,西班牙裔人,亚裔人,美国本土人,同性恋,异性恋,残疾的和不残疾的进行罗列对比,这在各类公众演讲中都实属罕见。这种对比的使用
19、显示了奥巴马仁慈、博大的心胸以及人人平等的美国基本理念。(2) It grew strength from the young peop le who rejected themyth of their generations apathy; who left their homes and theirfamilies for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from thenot - so - young peop le who braved the bitter cold and scorchingheat to knock on
20、the doors of perfect strangers. 这里将youngpeop le与not so young peop le进行对比。4. 暗喻(metaphor)暗喻作为一种非常重要的修辞手段, 是将两种本质不同的事物进行比较, 从而突出其共性的手法。 7 在奥巴马的演讲中也有一些运用,例如:(1 ) It s the answer told by lines that stretched aroundschools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; bypeop le who waited three hou
21、rs and four hours, many for the veryfirst time in their lives, because they believed that this timemustbe different; that their voice could be that difference. 这里“声音”用来暗喻“民主”、“民声”。(2). . . Americanswho sent a message to the world thatwehave never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: wear
22、e, and alwayswill be, the United States ofAmerica.“红色阵营”暗喻“共和党”,“蓝色阵营”暗喻“民主党”。(3). . . that led those who ve been told for so long by somany to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful aboutwhatwe canachieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it oncemore toward the hope of a better day.
23、这段中的“arc”与“bend”暗喻“美国这几年的历史走了弯路,我今天的当选让历史回到了它正确的轨道上来了”。Barack Hussein Obama, born on August 4, 1961, is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 United States presidential election.Obama stands on stage with his wife and two daughter
24、s just before announcing his presidential candidacy in Springfield, Illinois, Feb. 10, 2007.Throughout the campaign, Obama emphasized the issues of rapidly ending the Iraq War, increasing energy independence and providing universal health care.Ambitious program Although he doesnt officially take up
25、the reins of office until his inauguration on January 20, 2009, Obama and his economic team - including nominee Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and nominee Chief of the National Economic Council Larry Summers - have already outlined an ambitious raft of policy measures designed to kick-start the
26、 flagging U.S. economy. At its heart lies a fiscal stimulus package estimated to be worth $500-700 billion - precise figures have yet to be released - of which the centerpiece will be one of the largest public works programs since Roosevelts New Deal of the 1930s, aimed at saving and creating up to
27、2.5 million jobs by 2011. Other proposed measures include tax-relief for small businesses, a New American Jobs tax credit, raising the minimum wage (currently $6.55 per hour), a reform of bankruptcy laws, the extension of unemployment insurance benefit - the list goes on and on. The Current Situatio
28、nPresident Obama inherited a terrible mess: a $1.3 trillion deficit, two wars, rising unemployment and unprecedented crises in our banking system. The Obama Administration has worked tirelessly to address our immediate problems of rising unemployment, falling home prices and limping credit markets,
29、while taking a longer view in laying a strong foundation for future economic growth that benefits all Americans. We are fighting for economic recovery on all fronts.经济危机影响不断美国失业率糟过预期经济危机影响不断美国失业率糟过预期Bringing Stability to Financial MarketsThis crisis has taught us the real impact that financial marke
30、ts and institutions can have on working families. President Obama has worked to get credit flowing again so that small businesses can rebuild and hire workers and families can afford to send their children to college. At the same time, the President has demanded accountability and transparency both
31、on Wall Street and in Washington, taking steps to ensure that banks use taxpayer assistance to support lending and create sustainable economic growth. For the long term, the President will create a new regulatory framework that holds market players responsible for their actions and stops fraudulent
32、practices before they take hold.Creating JobsPresident Obamas first priority in confronting the economic crisis is to put Americans back to work. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan signed by the President will spur job creation while making long-term investments in health care, education, e
33、nergy, and infrastructure. Among other objectives, the recovery plan will increase production of alternative energy, modernize and weatherize buildings and homes, expand broadband technology across the country, and computerize the health care system. The recovery plan will save or create about 3.5 m
34、illion jobs while investing in priorities that create sustainable economic growth for the future.The Position of Diplomacy Policy:Senator Obama opposed the war in Iraq. He advocates a regional conference involving Syria and Iran as one part of an ultimate Iraq solution . He partnered with GOP Senato
35、r Richard Lugar in efforts to fight proliferation of nuclear weapons . Obama has also spoken out on the importance of energy independence and the need for US leadership in dealing with global climate change. He seeks significant changes in US-Cuba policy.natural-born American citizen of and over 35
36、years of agethe candidates nominated by the two major parties, the republican and the Democratic.each party holds its national convention every four years, in the summer before the general election. The convention is an assembly of party bosses and activists. American presidential election system1th
37、e aspirants for nomination begin their personal campaigns within the party. His purpose is to have his supporters chosen as delegates to the convention. the primary election. a candidate has to spend many millions of dollars which comes from its personal collection, partys help and grant from the Go
38、vernment. American presidential election system2He has to travel all over the country, make countless speeches and shaking hands with countless voters, face his rival in debates on television, arouse public confidence in him. A candidate must also try to profit from his rivals disadvantage.collect i
39、nformation about his rivals so as to employ the most profitable tactics. American presidential election system3The general election , held on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each election year.Following the November general election,the President elected will happily prepare
40、 his inaugural address for the inauguration ceremony taking place before the U.S. Capitol Building on January 20. American presidential election systemHe will be busy framing his administration and getting ready to move into the White House. The White House is not a place for a President to stay per
41、manently. He can never live in it for more than 8 years.American presidential election systemOrganizersSince 1901, all inaugural ceremonies at the United States Capitol have been organized by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.AttendeesIn addition to the public, the attendees
42、at the ceremony generally include Members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, high-ranking military officers, former presidents, living Medal of Honor recipients, and other dignitaries.Inaugural ceremoniesInauguration Day On January 20 since 1937 On April 30,1789, George Washington stepped onto a b
43、alcony of Federal Hall in New York City, placed his hand on a Bible and swore to preserve, protest and defend the constitution of the United States.Inauguration Day He then read an earnest speech, calling for united and effective government. Thus began a unique American institution - Inauguration Da
44、y - those dramatic hours when a new president faces the people for the first time. He must tell the people what hes going to do as presidentThe solemn presidential oath: Traditionally administered by the Chief Justice, is prescribed in Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of the United States.
45、The oath runs as follows:“ I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States.”Inauguration day and presidential oath一、Morning Worship Service 4二、Proce
46、ssion to the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony5三、Vice Presidents Swearing-In Ceremony Until 1937, the Vice President was sworn into office in the Senate chamber. 新一届美国副总统拜登宣誓就职。四、Presidents Swearing-In Ceremony There have been 54 formal Presidential Inaugural ceremonies, held at over 10 different
47、 locations. 五、Inaugural Address Since George Washington in 1789, every President has delivered an Inaugural address, ranging from 8,445 words, to just 135. 1961年肯尼迪就职大年肯尼迪就职大典典六、Departure of the Outgoing President the outgoing President and First Lady leave the Capitol to begin their post-presidenti
48、al lives. 1965年约翰逊就职大典年约翰逊就职大典 1969年年尼克松尼克松就职大典就职大典 七、七、Inaugural Luncheon Since 1953, the JCCIC has hosted a luncheon at the U.S. Capitol for the new President, Vice President, and guests. 1997年克林顿就职典礼演说 八、Inaugural Parade While early parades were mostly military escorts, by 1841, floats, citizens
49、groups, and bands became standard. 九、Inaugural Ball The first Inaugural ball in Washington was thrown for James and Dolley Madison in 1809, at Longs Hotel. There have been as many as 14 balls. The purpose of a political speech to persuade to explain to convince people : to accept his point of view,
50、to accept what he says so as to support himGeneral analysis of a political speech1.successful appeal to the emotion of the audience2. specific policy3. The speech must be concise and short4. clever-choice of words .5. the use of biblical.6. the use of a lot of rhetorical devices.6Inaugural Address M
51、emorable words have been uttered in inaugural address. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson : “absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority.” Abraham Lincoln, in 1861:“the mystic cords of memory, stretching forth from every battlefield and patriot grave.” In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt:“the only thing we h
52、ave to fear is fear itself.” In 1961,Johnn F . Kennedy said, “My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you -ask what you can do for your country.” 7Not all inaugural speeches have been a success. Martin Van Buren was overshadowed by the outgoing President Andrew Jackson, and the cro
53、wd barely listened to him. Franklin Pierce, in 1853, tried in vain to make himself heard above a howling snowstorm. Rutherford B. Hayes, winner of the disputed election of 1876, had to endure boos, catcalls, and assassination threats.Some presidents contributed personal touches to the ceremony. Wash
54、ington added too his oath “so help me God”, and kissed the Bible. In 1905, Theodore Roosevelt wore a ring containing a lock of hair cut from Lincolns head after he was shot. In 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt rode bareheaded down Pennsylvania Avenue in an open car, sharing the driving rain with the spec
55、tators.In American history, George Washingtons second address was the shortest(135 words) and William Henry Harrison delivered the longest (8495 words) .Monday, March 4, 1793Fellow Citizens:I AM again called upon by the voice of my country to execute the functions of its Chief Magistrate. When the o
56、ccasion proper for it shall arrive, I shall endeavor to express the high sense I entertain of this distinguished honor, and of the confidence which has been reposed in me by the people of united America. 1 Previous to the execution of any official act of the President the Constitution requires an oa
57、th of office. This oath I am now about to take, and in your presence: That if it shall be found during my administration of the Government I have in any instance violated willingly or knowingly the injunctions thereof, I may (besides incurring constitutional punishment) be subject to the upbraidings
58、 of all who are now witnesses of the present solemn ceremony.Kennedys inaugurationThe First American Revolution The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden and violent overturning of the political and social framework, such as later occ
59、urred in France and Russia, when both were already independent nations. Significant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. What happened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During the conflict itself people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. M
60、ost of them were not seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of the more isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on. The first shots of the American Revolution were fired in Lexington, Massachusetts, on April 19, 1775. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting
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