



1、How Golf Changes and MoldsOur Lifestyle and Behavior高尔夫运动如何改变和塑造我们的生活方式和行为Chris Hunkler, PGAManaging Director, Membership Programs The PGA of America职业高尔夫球手、美国PGA会员计划部总经理Golf in the United States高尔夫在美国 $62 billion annual industry (larger than motion picture industry) 高尔夫产业规模每年达620亿美元(大于影视产业) 28 mill

2、ion golfers 打高尔夫球的人达到2800万 28,000 PGA Golf Professionals 28,000PGA职业高尔夫球手 15,300 golf courses (10,000 public, 5,000 private) 15,300个高尔夫球场(其中公众球场10,000个,私人球场5,000个) 105 million golf fans 1亿500万高尔夫爱好者The PGA of America美国职业高尔夫球员协会 Founded in 1916 成立于1916年 20,000 members; 8,000 apprentices 20,000个会员,8,0

3、00个实习生 Experts in Growing the Game and Business of Golf 培育高尔夫商业和比赛发展的专家 Industry-Leading Education Programs 产业中领先的教育计划 Industry-Leading Research 产业中领先的研究 Elite tournaments/competitions 精英赛/对抗赛 Play Golf America 美国高球运动计划 Golf: For Business & Life 高尔夫:面向商业和生活Todays PGA of America Golf Professional

4、s今天的美国职业高尔夫球员协会 Owners, managers, teachers, stewards of the game 业主,经理人,教师,赛事工作人员 Extensively trained in the business of golf 在高尔夫商业领域得到广泛的培训 Encouraged to become more valuable in the workplace through certification 鼓励通过认证使自己在职场变得更有价值 Six different career paths to pursue 可以追求6种不同的职业道路PGA of America

5、Education美国PGA的教育 PGM Program (apprentice program) 职业高尔夫经理人计划(实习生计划) PGA/PGM University Program 职业高尔夫球员协会/职业高尔夫经理人大学计划 PGA Certified Professional Program PGA职业认证计划 PGA Master Professional Program PGA职业大师计划 Member Service Requirements 会员服务需求 Computer-Based Training (CBT) Testing 基于计算机的培训测试PGA of Amer

6、icaEmployment Services美国PGA就业服务 9 Employment Services Consultants 9个就业服务咨询机构 CareerLinks CareerLinks 网站 CareerNet CareerNet 网站 Expanded career paths 不断拓宽的职业道路 Online Resources through Member Web Site 通过会员网站提供在线资源PGA of AmericaGrowth of Game美国PGA赛事的成长 Play Golf America 美国高球运动计划 Golf: For Business &am

7、p; Life 高尔夫:面向商业和生活 PGA First Swing PGA的第一次挥杆 Golf in Schools 高尔夫在学校Play Golf America 美国高球运动计划 Started in 2004 开始于2004年 “Call to Action” for PGA Golf Professionals 向PGA高尔夫职业球手进行“行动呼吁” Addressing sluggish golf market 着手于疲软的高尔夫市场 Nationally marketed to consumers 全国范围内针对消费者的营销活动 Get new and existing go

8、lfers to play golf, play more golf, and play better golf 促使新加入和现有的高尔夫球手打球,打得更多、更好 Consumers directed to PlayGolfA 引导消费者浏览 PlayGolfA网站Play Golf America (continued) 美国高球运动计划(续) Development of programs and monthly promotions 发展各种计划和每月的促销活动 PGA Free Lesson Month PGA免费课程月 American Express Womens Golf Wee

9、k 美国直通女子高尔夫计划周 PGA Play Golf America Days PGA美国高球运动日 PGA Family Course PGA家庭场地 Activated by PGA members and facilities 通过PGA会员和相关设施进行培养 75 percent of PGA-staffed facilities have participated in Play Golf America programs 75 %的由PGA提供员工的设施都加入了美国高球运动计划 35 percent of active members have participated in

10、PGA Free Lesson Month 35%活跃的会员以及加入了PGA免费教程月计划Play Golf America (continued) 美国高球运动计划(续) Consumer participation 消费者参与 5.2 million Play Golf America League/Outing Participants 520万美国高球运动联盟成员及外部参与者 940,000 Play Golf America Group Instruction Participants 94万美国高球运动分组教学参与者 Positively Impacting Various Seg

11、ments of the Population 积极影响着各种不同的人口细分市场 Families 家庭 Women (EWGA) 妇女(EWGA) Businessmen and Businesswomen 男女商业人群Golf: For Business & Life高尔夫:面向商业和生活 Established in 1999 建立于1999年 PGA Golf Professionals teach basic golf skills, etiquette and golf terminology PGA职业高尔父球手教授基本高尔夫技能,礼仪和术语 24,000 ju

12、niors, seniors and graduate students have participated in the program 24,000个初中、高中和大学毕业生已经加入这个计划 Program operates at 65 colleges and universities 计划在65个学院和大学运作 $6.1 million has been provided to fund program 已经为这个计划提供了610万美元的资助Golf: For Business & Life (continued)高尔夫:面向商业和生活(续) Introduces non-golfers to the game 向非高尔夫球手介绍高尔夫比赛 Potential business uses in their futures 未来的潜在商业价值 Helps mold overall character 帮助塑造整体的特征 Supported by Tiger Woo


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