



1、第10次英语周考一、完形填空(共20题,每小题2分,满分40分) “My mum and dad were alcoholics (酗酒者), and my mum suffered from mental health problems,” says Eileen Benham, the 19-year-old. “I 1 getting into trouble, dropped out of school and went to live with a family friend in London when I was 15. _2_ , he died in a car accide

2、nt while I was in the car, which sent me over the edge and I suffered from terrible depression (抑郁).”“Yeah, it sounds a bit 3 for someone of my _4 ,” she adds. “But its all true!”Back home in Hertford, Eileen struggled at 5 and was told by one teacher that shed never make any 6 . Desperate (极需要) for

3、 help, she had a chance meeting with 7 from Future Hope, a local charity. “They try to 8 all the youngsters drinking on the streets,” says Eileen. “When I 9 them, it was the first time anybody had listened to my story 10 judging me. When you sink to the bottom like I did, I guess you can either 11 o

4、r you can start building something new. I 12 it was time for me to start 13 !” Eileen began volunteering at Future Hope, 14 with young people with learning disabilities, and immediately impressed everyone with her enthusiasm. Her street-dance classes, meanwhile, 15 local girls to make better use of

5、their time. “We had kids as young as eight or nine wandering (闲逛) the streets in the evening. They 16 needed somewhere they could make friends and be safe.” She helped Future Hope 17 the areas teenage drink and drug problems. “Maybe some of them find it easier to talk to me _18 Im the same age. Im 1

6、9 to see them looking better and happier.”“No matter how hard things get, Ill 20 to help other people,” she says. “In life, you only get something good out of doing something good.”1. A. admittedB. startedC. regretted D. avoided2. A. NaturallyB. Secretly C. Sadly D. Angrily3. A. mad B. size C. age D

7、. height4. A. name B. size C. age D. height5. A. hospital B. factory C. garden D. school6. A. difference B. preparationC. decision D. choice7. A. students B. teachersC. doctors D. volunteers8. A. look for B. talk toC. take awayD. call on9. A. waited forB. spoke toC. recognized D. understood10. A. wi

8、thoutB. by C. for D. from11. A. fight backB. catch up C. give in D. show off12. A. guessedB. dreamed C. explained D. realized13. A. buildingB. learningC. laughing D. describing14. A. drinkingB. playingC. working D. dancing15. A. warnedB. helpedC. ordered D. reminded16. A. stillB. justC. almost D. so

9、on17. A. solveB. expressC. record D. discuss18. A. whenB. thoughC. because D. unless19. A. sorryB. luckyC. curious D. proud20. A. agreeB. beginC. ask D. continue二、阅读理解(共4题,每小题5分,满分20分)“Hello” is a relatively new greeting. It first appeared sometime in the mid-1800s, but many people would not have dr

10、eamed of using it. “Hello” was considered a very impolite way to greet someone. Instead, people used formal expressions like “How do you do?” Back then, there were several words that sounded like “hello,” but they were used to get someones attention or to express surprise. For example, if you caught

11、 your little brother stealing your snack, you might have said, “Halloa there! Stop eating my cheese!” If you found a fly in your soup, you might have shouted, “Hullo! How did that get in there?”Everything started to change in 1876, when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The first telepho

12、nes didnt have numbers you could dial, nor did they have bells or ringers. Instead, your telephone sent signals along telephone lines to a central office where an operator would answer by saying something like “Are you there, sir?” or “What is wanted?” The operator would then connect your phone to t

13、he phone of the person you wanted to reach. There was just one small problem: Since telephones didnt ring, how would the person you were calling know that you were “on the line”? The answer is you would yell (大喊) into your phone and hope someone on the other end heard you. But what would you yell? A

14、nd what would the person you were calling say when they were going to answer? Bell suggested “Ahoy! Ahoy!” but it didnt catch on. Then the famous inventor Thomas Edison suggested the word hello. That caught on right away.“Hello” became so popular that by 1878 telephone operators were required to use

15、 it. In fact, operators received the nickname (绰号) “Hello Girls.” Soon, “hello” became not just the standard way to answer the phone, but an accepted way to greet people in person.21. Why was “hello” seldom used when it first appeared?A. It was too informal. B. It was hard to pronounce. C. It was co

16、nsidered to be rude. D. There were other words like “hello”.22. “Hullo” was used to show something _.A. interestingB. excitingC. boringD. unexpected23. Paragraph 3 is mainly about _.A. how “hello” was used to answer the telephoneB. the friendship between Bell and Edison C. the invention of the telep

17、honeD. how the telephone improved24. We can infer from the text that _.A. “hello” got popular as soon as the telephone was invented B. the telephone has changed the way people speakC. people liked simple expressions like “hello”D. Bell advised girls to use “hello”三、语法填空(共10题,每小题4分,满分40分)Many of us w

18、ere raised with the saying “Waste not, want not.” None of us, h_25_ , can completely avoid waste in our lives. Any kind of waste is thoughtless. Whether we waste our potential talents, our own time, our limited natural _26_(资源), our money, or other peoples time, each of us can become more aware and careful. The smallest good habits can make a big d_27_. It's a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our h_28_ in a world that is in serious t


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