1、河北体育学院外语系2017-2018学年第一学期2015级英语翻译实践(口译和笔译)III课程测试试题1交替口译对话翻译 Listen to the dialogue and try to interpret the English parts into Chinese and the Chinese parts into English.原文:王丽:请问,您是ABC公司的史密斯先生吗?Mr. Smith: Yes, I am John smith, senior manager of ABC. Are you from Oriental Company?王丽:是的,我是东方公司总经理王丽,这
2、是我的名片。董事长派我来机场接您。见到您很高兴。Mr. Smith: Thank you so much. Nice to meet you, too!王丽:您旅途还好吗?Mr. Smith: Yes, it was a pleasant trip. The weather here is nice. 王丽:按照您的要求,我们安排在海边的酒店下榻。Mr. Smith: Excellent! Thank you for your kind arrangement. 王丽:接下来的三天,我们公司董事会成员希望与您进行会谈,共同讨论有关合作的事宜。希望我们两家公司合作愉快。Mr. Smith: I
3、am quite sure that our meetings will be successful. I am looking forward to our cooperation in many areas.王丽:会议之后,我们还将邀请您游览我们这个城市的名胜古迹。您的三天的时间将会安排的很紧。Mr. Smith: Thank you so much for your hospitality. I am deeply impressed by the changes that have taken place in your city.王丽:今晚董事会将设宴为您接风。晚上6点钟我来酒店接您
4、好吗?Mr. Smith: Fine! I am looking forward to meeting everyone. 王丽:如果您有什么需要,请随时和我联系。我们将尽力使您在这里感到愉快。Mr. Smith: Thanks a lot! 河北体育学院外语系2017-2018学年第一学期2015级英语翻译实践(口译和笔译)III课程测试试题2交替口译对话翻译Listen to the dialogue and try to interpret the English parts into Chinese and the Chinese parts into English.原文:总经理:非
5、常高兴在这里接待您和您的家人。到目前为止,您对我们的安排还满意吗?Expert: Thank you for your hospitality and arrangement! My wife and I are deeply grateful.总经理:在接下来的一个月里我们将一起共事,希望您为我们的发展多提宝贵意见。Expert: I will try my best. Actually I already cannot wait to join you and I am very glad to be part of the project.总经理:有您的参与,我对这个项目的成功充满信心。
6、这个项目只是我们合作的开始。以后我们还有更多的合作机会,您知道现在中国的市场发展很快。Expert: Yes, I agree. We have been long studying this market of China. We are very happy to have the opportunity to cooperate with you. We will focus on research and development and staff training. Your side will work on the public relations and so on. 总经理:
7、好的。我为您准备了一份礼物来纪念我们这次合作,希望您喜欢。Expert: It is so nice. I hope we can return your generosity someday. 总经理:不客气。现在我提议:为了我们合作的成功,为了您和您家人的身体健康,干杯!Expert: Cheers 河北体育学院外语系2017-2018学年第一学期2015级英语翻译实践(口译和笔译)III课程测试试题3交替口译对话翻译Listen to the dialogue and try to interpret the English parts into Chinese and the Chin
8、ese parts into English.原文:记者:我们中国人都知道西方的圣诞节就像我们中国的春节一样,但并不是很多的中国人都知道感恩节。这个节日对美国人有多重要?Expert: Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States and is closely connected with the earliest history of the country. 记者:为什么它叫感恩节?感恩节究竟是哪一天?Expert: It is an annual one-
9、day holiday to give thanks to God for the things He has given one at the end of the harvest season. President Lincoln of the United States announced the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year, which has been observed until today. 记者:一个经常听到的问题是如何庆祝感恩节?Expert: Thanksgiving Day is c
10、elebrated in a way that has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead of the day. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges and grapes, and there will also be pudding, pie and other food. The best and most attractive among them are the roast turkey an
11、d pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years. 记者:火鸡?我们在电视上经常看到,不少中国人很原意多了解一点这种可爱的动物。Expert: Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around the roast turkey. The turkey is stuffed with bread to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. An
12、interesting thing is cooking varies with families and with regions. Thanksgiving Day is, in every sense, a national annual holiday. On this day, Americans of all backgrounds join in to express their thanks and sincerely ask for lasting blessings. It is one of their favorite festivals.河北体育学院外语系2017-2
13、018学年第一学期2015级英语翻译实践(口译和笔译)III课程测试试题4交替口译对话翻译Listen to the dialogue and try to interpret the English parts into Chinese and the Chinese parts into English.原文:问:很高兴与您交谈。您从哈佛大学毕业已经五年了。您能介绍一下哈佛大学吗?A:Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is more than 37
14、0 years old. It has more than 2,000 faculty members and about 18,000 undergraduates. 问:很多高中生梦想去哈佛读书。他们该如何准备?A:There is no formula for getting into Harvard College. But if you want to be a successful applicant, you need to have a good academic records, highly developed talents of interests, and stron
15、g motivation. We hope that every student who is committed to excellence will explore the opportunities at Harvard and consider applying to the college.问:一些想进哈佛大学的中国学生来自低收入家庭。他们有机会被录取吗?A:Harvard University encourages interested people to apply to study here regardless of their financial circumstances
16、. Harvard does not consider an applicants financial situation when they evaluate the application. Harvards financial aid policy is need-based, however, Harvard tries to meet the financial need of every admitted student. 河北体育学院外语系2017-2018学年第一学期2015级英语翻译实践(口译和笔译)III课程测试试题5接续口译礼仪祝词Listen to the speech
17、 and try to interpret it into Chinese.I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your factory. On behalf of all the board members of my company, I wantto take this opportunity to express our thanks to our hosts for their invitation and hospitality. Also I would to invitePresidents of Oriental
18、to our company in New York. We hope that Mr. President can visit at his earliest convenience, so as togive us an opportunity to return the warm reception we have enjoyed here. Over the last week, we have worked on every item on the agenda of annual board meeting. We have talked over various issues concerning our joint venture in such areas as research and development, manufacturing, accounting and human resources. This annual meeting g
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