



1、文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 1 2019应届生英文求职信4篇dearsir/madam:areyousearchingforatelecommunicationsmanagerwithexpertiseinprojectmanagementandteamleadership?ispecializeincreatingandimplementinghigh-performancestrategiesthatdirectlyimpactgrowthandprofitabilityoflargetelecommu nicationscompanies.inadditiontomyknowledge

2、ofbusinessprocesses,ialsoofferproficiencyintelecomsoftwaredevelopmentandcutting-edgetechnologies.iamrelocatingtoshenzhenandwouldbeinterestedinopportunitieswithyourfirm.currently,iserveasmanagerforbitcompany sinformationindustrydivision.briefly,someofmyaccomplishmentsinclude:developedatooltotrackandf

3、orecastprice,quantity,andrevenue,whichenablesclienttomonitorbusinessperformanceimplementedacustomizedend-to-endtestingprocessandsqldatabasmybusinessacumen,technicalexpertise,andleadershipcapabiliti文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 2 eshavecontributedtoanumberofsuccessfulprojects.theenclosedresumeoutlinesmycredentialsa

4、ndaccomplishmentsingreaterdetail .iwouldwelcomeanopportunitytomeetwithyouforapersonalintervi ew.sincerely,gubin应届生英文求职信gentlemen,i wish to apply for the position advertised in . i feel thati amcompetent to meet the requirements which you have specified.i am twenty-seven years of age. after graduatin

5、g from schooli took a two years business course in city commercial college. sincegraduating i have worked for three years in a lawyers office, where i am atpresent employed. i now wish to enter an office where the work requiresgreater individual responsibility and judgement than here, and where ther

6、eis more opportunity for advancement.i have permission to refer you to mr. james white, principal of the citycollege, for statements as to my character and ability. if your wish furtherreferences, please communicate with mr. horace greene, president of thetaipan wood company.文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 3 very tr

7、uly yours 路政管理应届生英文求职信范文 dear leaders:hello: thankyou very busy schedule to read my personal statement!my name is xxx,yes xxxx vocational and technical college 200 x term students, professionalis the road administration, school classes during the tam highways 07301sports member and life member of th

8、e school and teachers are alike.hanchuang years of studying, i time in accordance with wide professional,deep foundation, strong capacity, high-quality standard to the training anddevelopment of self, in the continuous learning and practice to improvetheir overall quality,has established himself as

9、a solidprofessional foundation of knowledge structured and adaptable,collaborative spirit of the era of rich young people. college to study andgrow honed my will, to improve my accomplishment! no pain, no gain! iwill exert myutmost efforts, working hard to realize their own value of life.as a new ce

10、ntury, college students, i had a kind of dare torecommendyourself for daring to explore and innovative spirit. honest andupright character made me really understand how to use and to pay toacquire someone else s return, i will use the efforts and wisdom to fightfor myspace, so that the community to

11、accommodateme.just beforegraduation, i began to further study and improve their practical ability tobetter work in the future for your company s development of the best ican for the cause of our province highways contribute their youth.i willtreasure every opportunity to grasp. at school during whic

12、h i develop a文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 4 good learning attitude, and organizational and managementcapacity, ibelieve that future work will play a significant role. i consider myself fit andcompetent in this post, make achievements for the companyto createvalue is my goal, is now handed my resume!i will be your

13、 company as anew starting point in my life, if fortunate enough to become a member ofyour company, would be my great honor, i will in future work with a goodwork attitude and excellent performance, to reward the company. thelimited time i will work that into the infinite. looking forward to yourcomp

14、any for giving me a chance, i will also honor you.sincerelysalutejobseekers: xxx应届生英文求职信范文i wish to apply for the position advertised in . i feel that i amcompetentto meet the requirements which you have specified.i am twenty-seven years of age. after graduating from school i took atwo years busines

15、s course in city commercial college. since graduating ihave worked for three years in a lawyers office, where i amat presentemployed. i now wish to enter an office where the work requires greaterindividual responsibility and judgement than here, and where there is moreopportunity for advancement.文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 5 i have permission to refer you to mr. james white, principal of the citycollege


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