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1、 毕业设计(论文 外文资料翻译题 目 : Introductions to temperature control and PID 院系名称: 信息科学与工程学院 专业班级: 电子信息科学与技术08级3班 学生姓名: 闫红敏 学 号: 200848360328 指导教师: 李智慧 教师职称: 讲师 起止日期:2012年3月25日 地 点: 河南工业大学 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2. 外文原文。附件1外文资料翻译译文外文出处:Specialized English For Architectural ElectricalEngineering and Automation温度控制简介和P

2、ID 控制器过程控制系统 自动过程控制系统是指将被控量为温度、压. 力、流量、成份等类型的过程变量保持在理想的运行值的系统。实际上过程是动态的。变化总是会出现,此时如果不采取相应的措施,那些与安全、产品质量和生产率有关的重要变量就不能满足设计要求。为了说明问题,计我们来看一下热交换器。流体在这个过程中被压缩的过热蒸汽加热,如图1所示。 图1热交换器这一装置的主要目的是将流体由入口温度Ti(t.加热到某一期望的出口温度T (t。如前所述,加热介质是压缩的过热蒸汽。只要周围没有热损耗,过程流体获得的热量就等于蒸汽释放的热量,即热交换器和管道问的隔热性很好。很多变量在这个过程中会发生变化,继而导致出

3、日温度偏离期望值。如果出现这种情况,就该采取一些措施来校正偏差,其目的是保持出日温度为期望值。实现该目的的一种方法是首先测量r(0,然后与期望值相比较,由比较结果决定如何校正偏差。蒸汽的流量可用于偏差的校. 正。就是说,如果温度高于期望值,就关小蒸汽阀来减小进入换热器的蒸汽流量;:若温度低于期望值,就开大蒸汽阀,以增加进入换热器的蒸汽流量。所有这些操作都可由操作员手工实现,操作很简单,不会出现什么问题。但是,由于多数过程对象都有很多变量需要保持为某一期望值,就需要许多的操作员来进行校正。因此,我们想自动完成这种控制。就是说,我们想利用无需操作人员介入就可以控制变量的设备。这就是所谓自动化的过程

4、控制。为达到上述日标,就需要设计并实现一个系统。图2所示为一个可行的控制系统及其基本构件。 图2热交换器控制循环首先要做的是测量过程流体的出口温度,这一任务由传感器(热电偶、热电阻等 完成。将传感器连接到变送器上,由变送器将传感器的输出信号转换为足够大的信号传送给控制器。控制器接收与温度相关的信号并与期望值比较。根据比较的结果,控制器确定保持温度为期望值的控制作用。基于这一结果,控制器再发一信号给执行机构来控制蒸汽流量。下面介绍控制系统中的4种基本元件,分别是:(1传感器,也称为一次元件。(2变送器,也称二次元件。(3调节器,控制系统的“大脑”。(4执行机构,通常是一个控制阀,但并不全是。其他

5、常用的执行机构有变速泵、传送装置和电动机。这些元件的重要性在于它们执行每个控制系统中都必不可少的3个基本操作,即:(1测量:被控量的测量通常由传感器和变送器共同完成。(2决策:根据测量结果,为了维持输出为期望值,控制器必须决定如何操作。(3操作:根据控器的处理,系统必须执行某种操作,这通常由执行机构来完成如上所述,侮个控制系统都有M ,D 和A 这3种操作.有些系统的决策任务简单,而有些很复杂. 设计控制系统的工程师必须确保所采取的操作能影响被控变量,也就是说,该操作要影响测量值. 否则,系统是不可控的,还会带来许多危害。PID 控制器可以是独立控制器(也可以叫做单回路控制器 ,可编程控制器(

6、PLCs中的控制器,嵌入式控制器或者是用Vb 或c#编写的计算机程序软件。PID 控制器是过程控制器,它具有如下特征:连续过程控制;模拟输入(也被称为“测量量”或“过程变量”或“PV ” ;模拟输出(简称为“输出” ;基准点(SP;比例、积分以及/或者微分常数;“连续过程控制”的例子有温度、压力、流量及水位控制。例如:控制一个容器的热量。对于简单的控制,你使用两个具有温度限定功能的传感器(一个限定低温,一个限定高温 。当低温限定传感器接通时就会打开加热器,当温度升高到高温限定传感器时就会关加热器。这类似于大多数家庭使用的空调及供暖系统的温度自动调节器。反过来,PID 控制器能够接受像实际温度这

7、样的输入,控制阀门,这个阀门能够控制进入加热器的气体流量。PID 控制器自动地找到加热器中气体的合适流量,这样就保持了温度在基准点稳定。温度稳定了,就不会在高低两点间上下跳动了。如果基准点降低,PID 控制器就会自动降低加热器中气体的流量。如果基准点升高,PID 控制器就会自动的增加加热器中气体的流量。同样地,对于高温,晴朗的天气(当外界温度高于加热器时 及阴冷,多云的天气,PID 控制器都会自动调节。模拟输入(测量量 也叫做“过程变量”或“PV ”。你希望PV 能够达到你所控制过程参数的高精确度。例如,如果我们想要保持温度为+1度或-1度,我们至少要为此努力,使其精度保持在0. 1度。如果是

8、一个12位的模拟输入,传感器的温度范围是从0度到400度,我们计算的理论精确度就是4096除以400度= 0. 097656度。我们之所以说这是理论上因为我们假定温度传感器,电线及模拟转换器上没有噪音和误差。还有其他的假定。例如,线性等等。即使是有大量的噪音和其他问题,按理论精确度的1/10计算,1度精确度的数值应该很容易得到的。模拟输出经常被简称为“输出”。经常在0%到100%之间给出。在这个热量的例子中阀门完全关闭(0%,完全打开(100%。基准点(SP很简单,即你想要什么样的过程量。在这个例子中你想要过程处于怎样的温度。PID 控制器的任务是维持输出在一个程度上,这样在过程变量(PV和基

9、准点(SP上就没有偏差(误差 。在图3中,阀门用来控制进入加热器的气体,冷却器的制冷,水管的压力,水管的流量,容器的水位或其他的过程控制系统。 图3 PID 控制PID 控制器所观察的是PV 和SP 之间的偏差(或误差 。它观察绝对偏差和偏差变换率。绝对偏差就是PV 和SP 之间偏差大还是小。偏差变换率就是PV 和SP 之间的偏差随着时间的变化是越来越小还是越来越大。如果存在过. 程扰动,即过程变量或基准点变化时,PID 控制器就要迅速改变输出,这样过程变量就返回到基准点。如果你有一个PTD 控制的可进入的冷冻装置,某个人打开门进入,温度(过程变量 将会迅速升高。因此,PID 控制器不得不提高

10、冷度(输出 来补偿这个温度的升高。一旦过程变量等同于基准点,一个好的PTD 控制器就不会改变输出。你所要的输出就会稳定(不改变 。如果阀门(发动机或其他控制元件 不断改变,而不是维持恒量,这将造成控制元件更多的磨损。这样就有了两个矛盾的目标。当有“过程扰动”时能够快速反应(快速改变输出 。当PV 接近基准点时就缓慢反应(平稳输出 。我们注意到输出量经常超过稳定状态输出使过程变量回到基准点。比如,一个制冷器通常于打开它的制冷阀门的34%,就可以维持在零度(在制冷器关闭和温度降低后 。如果某人打开制冷器,走进去,四处走,找东西,然后再走出来,再关上制冷器的门PID 控制器会非常活跃,因为温度可能将

11、上升20度。这样制冷阀门就可能打开50%,75%甚至100%目的是赶快降低制冷器的温度然后慢慢关闭制冷阀门到它的34%。让我们思考一下如何设计一个PID 控制器。我们主要集中在过程变量(PV和基准点(SP之问的偏差(误差 上-。有三种定义误差的方式。绝对偏差他说明的是PV 和SP 之间的偏差有多大; 。如果PV 和SP 之间的偏差小那我们就在输出时作一个小的改变。如果PV 和SP 之间偏差大那我们就在输出时作一个大的改变。绝对偏差就是PID 控制器的比例环节。累积误差给我们点儿时问,我们将会明白为什么仅仅简单地观察绝对偏差(比例环节 是一个问题。累积误差是很重要的,我们把它称为是PID 控制器

12、的积分环节。每次我们运行I'ID 算法时,我们总会把最近的误差添加到误差总和中。换句话说,累积误差=误差1+误差2+误差3十误差4+.。滞后时间滞后时间指的是PV 引起的变化由发现到改变之间的延时。典型的例一子就是调整你的烤炉在合适的温度。当你刚刚加热的时候,烤炉热起来需要一定时间。这就是滞后时问。如果你设置一个初始温度,等待烤炉达到这个初始温度,然后你认为你设定了错误的温度,烤炉达到这个新的温度基准点还需要一段时问。这也就被认为是PID 控制器的微分环节。这就抑制了某些将来的变化因为输出值已经发生了改变,但并不是受过程变量的影响。绝对偏差/比例环节有关设计自动过程控制器,人们最初想法

13、之一是设计比例环节。意思就是,如果PV 和SP 之间的偏差很小那么我们就在输出处作一个小的修改;如果PV 和SP 之间的偏差很大那么我们就在输出处作一个大的修改。当然这个想法是有意义的。我们在MicrosoftExcel 仅对比例控制器进行仿真。图4是显示首次仿真结果的表格。(滞后时间等于0,只含比例环节 图4 仿真表格比例、积分控制器PID 控制器中的积分环节是用来负责纯比例控制器中的补偿问题的。我们有另外一个Excel 的扩展表格,表格上仿真的是一个具有比例积分功能的PID 控制器。这里(图5 是比例积分控制器最初的仿真表格(滞后时间等于0,比例常数等于0.4 。 图5 仿真表格众所周知,

14、比例积分控制器要比仅有比例功能的比例控制器好得多,但是等于0的滞后时间并不常见。;微分控制微分控制器考虑的是:如果你改变输出,那么要在输入(PV处反映这个改变就需要些时间。比如,让我们拿烤炉的加热为例。如果我们增大气体的流量,那么从产生热量,热量分布烤炉的四周,到温度传感器检测升高的温度都将需要时间。PID 控制器中微分环节具有抑制功能,因为有些温度增量会在以后不需要的情况下产生了。正确地设置微分系数有利于你对比例系数和积分系数的确定。附件2外文原文Introductions to temperature control and PID controllers Process control

15、systemAutomatic process control is concerned with maintaining process variables temperatures pressures flows compositions,and the like at some desired operation value.Process are dynamic in nature.Change are always occurring ,and if actions are not taken,the important process variables-those related

16、 to safety,product quality,and production rates-will not achieve design conditions.In order to fix ideas,let us consider a heat exchange in which a process stream isheated by condensing steam.The process is sketched in Fig.1. The purpose of this unit is to heat the process fluid from some inlet temp

17、erature, Ti(t, up to a certain desired outlet temperature, T(t. As mentioned,the heating medium is condensing stream.The energy gained by the process fluid is equal to the heat released by the steam, provided there are no heat losses to surroundings, that is, the heat exchanger and piping are well i

18、nsulated.In this process there are many variables that can change, causing the outlet temperature to deviate from its desired value. If this happens,some action must be taken to correct for this deviation. That is, the objective is to cntrol the outlet process temperature to maintain its desired val

19、ue.One way to accomplish this objective is by first measuring the temperature T(t, then compareing it to its desired value, and, based on this comparison, deciding what to do to correct for any deviation. The flow of steam can be used to correct for the deviation. This is, if the temperature is abov

20、e its desired value,then the steam value can be throttled back to cut the stearr flow (energy to the heat exchange. If the temperature is below its desired value,then the steam value could be opened some more to increase the steam flow (energy to the exchanger. All of these can be done manually by t

21、he operator, and siince the procedure is fairly straightforward, it should present no problem. However, since in most process plants there are hundreds of variables that must be maintained at some desired value, this correction procedure would required a tremendous number of operators. Consequently,

22、 we would like to accomplish this control automatically. That is, we want to have instnnnents that control the variables requring intervention from the operator. So this isd what we mean by automatic process control.To accomplish his objective a control system must be designed and implemented.A poss

23、ible control sysatem and its basic components are shown in Fig.2. The first thing to do is to measure the outlet temperature of the process stream. A sensor (thermocouple, thermistors, etc dose this.This sensor is connected physically to a transmitter, which takes the output from the sensor and conv

24、erts it to a signal strong enough to be transmitter to a controller. The controller then receives the signal, which is related to the temperature, and compares it with desired value. Depending on this comparison, the controller decides what to do maintain the temperature at its desired value. Base o

25、n this decision, the controller then sends another signal to fiinal control element, which in turn mainpulates the steam flow.The preceding paragraph prsents the four basic components of all control systems. They are(1 sensor, also often called the primary element.(2 Transmitter, also often called t

26、he secondary element.(3 Controller, the brain of the control system.(4 Final control system, often a coontrol value but not always.Other common final control elements are variable speed pumps, conveyors, and electric motors.The important of these components is that they perform the three basic opera

27、tion that must be persent in every control system. These operations are(1 Measurement (M : measuring the variable to be controlled is usually done by the combination of sensor and transmitter.(2 Decision (D : Based on the measurement, the controller must then decide what to do to maintain the variab

28、le at its desired value.(3 Action (A : As a result of the controllers decision, the system must then take an action. This is usually accomplished by the final control element.As mentioned, these three operations, M, D, and A, must be present in every control system.PID controllers can be stand-alone

29、 controllers (also called single loop controllers, controllers in PLCs, embeded controllers, or software in Visual Basic or C# computer programs.PID controllers are process controllers with the following characteristics:Continuous process controlAnalog input (also known as measuremem or Process Vari

30、avle or PV Analog output (referred to simply as output Setpoint (SPProportional (P, Integral (I, and/or Derivative (D constants.Example of continuous process control are temperature, pressure, flow, and level control. For example,controlling the heating of a tank. For simple control, you have two te

31、mperature limit sensors (one low and one high and then switch the heater on when the low temperature limit sensor tums on and then the heater off when the temperature rises to the high temperature limit sensor. This is similar to most home air conditioning & heating thermostats.In contrast, the

32、PID controller would receive input as the actual temperature and control a value that regulates the flow of gas to the heater. The PID controller automatically finds the correct (constant flow of gas to the heater that keeps the temperature bouncing back and forth between two points, the temperature

33、 is held steady. If the setpoint is lowered, then the PID controller automatically reduces theamount of gas flowing to the heater. If the setpoint is raised, then the PID controller automatically increases the amount of gas flowing to the heater. Likewise the PID controller would automatically for h

34、ot, sunny days (when it is hotter outside the heater and for cold, cloudy days.The analog input (measurement is called the process variable or PV . You want the PV to be a highly accurate indication of the process parameter you are trying to control. For example ,if you want to maintain a temperatur

35、e of or one degree then we typically strive for at least ten times that or one tenth of a degree. If the analogy input is a 12 bit analog input and the temperature rangs for the sensor is 0 to 400 degrees then our theoretical accuracy is calculated to be 400 degrees divided by 4, 096(12 bits = 0.097

36、65625 degrees. We say theoratical because it would assume there was no noise and error in our temperature senor, wiring, and analog converter. There are other assumptions such as linearity, etc The point being - with 1/10 of a degree theoretical accuracy even with the usual amount of noise and other

37、 problems one degree of accuracy should easily be attainable.The analog output is often simply referred to as output . Often this is given as 0100 percent. In this heating example, it would mean the value is totally closed (0% or totally open (100%.The setpoint (SP is simply what process value do yo

38、u want. In this example what temperature do you want the process at?The PID controllers job is to maintain the output at a level so that there is no different (error between the process variable (PV and the setpoint (SP.In Fig.3, the value could be contorlling the gas going to a heater, the chilling

39、 of a cooler, the pressure in a pipe, the flow through a pipe, the level in a tank, or any other process control system. What the PID controller is looking at is the difference (or error between the PV and the SP. It looks at the absolute error and the rate of change of error. Absolute error means i

40、s there a big difference in the PV and SP or a little difference? Rate of change of error means is the difference between the PV or SP getting smaller or larger as time goes on.When there is a process upset ,meaning, when the process variable or the setpoint quickly changes the PID controller has to

41、 quickly change the output to get the process variable back equal to the setpoint. If you have a walk in cooler with a PID controller and someone opens the door and walks in, the temperature (process variable could rise evry quickly. Therefore the PID controller has to increase the cooling (output t

42、o compensate for this rise in temperature.Once the PID controller has the process variable equal to the setpoint, a good PID controller will not vary the output. You want the output to be evry steady (not changing. If the valve (motor, or other control element is constantly changing,instead of maint

43、aining a constant value, this could cause more wear on the control element. So there are these two contrsdictory goals. Fast response (fast change in output when there is a process upset, but slow response (steady output when the PV is close to the setpoint. Note that the output often goes past (ove

44、r shoots the steadystate output to get the process back to the setpoint. For example, a cooler may normally have its cooling valve open 34% to maintain zero degrees (after the cooler has been closed up and the temperature settled down. If someone opens the cooler, walks in, walks around to find some

45、thing, then walks back out, and then closes the cooler doorthe PID controller is freaking out because the temperature may have raised 20 degrees! So it may crank the cooling valve open to 50, 75, or even 100 percentto hurry up and cool the cooler back downbefore slowly closing the cooling valve back

46、 down to 34 percent. Lets think about how to design a PID controller. We focus on the difference (error betwwen the process variable (PV and the setpoint (SP. There are three ways we can view the error. The absolute error This means how big is the difference between the PV and SP. IF there is a smal

47、l difference between the PV and the SP then lets make a small change in the output. If there is a large difference in the PV and the SPthen lets make a large change in the output. Absolute error is the proportional (P component of the PID controller. The sum of error over time Give us a minute and w

48、e will show why simply looking at the absolute error (proportional only is a problem. The sum of errors over time is important and is called the integral (I component of the PID controller. Every time we run the PID algorithm we add the latest error to the sum of errors. In other words Sum of Errors

49、 = Error1 + Error2 + Error3 + Error4+. The dead time Dead time refers to the delay betwwen making a change in the output and seeing the vhange reflected in the PV. The classical example is getting your oven at the right temperature. When you first mm on the heat,it takes a while for the oven to heat

50、 up. This is the dead time. If you set an initial temperature,wait for the oven to reach the initial temperature,and then you determine that you set the wrong temperature then it will take a while for the oven to reach the new temperature Setpoint. This is also referred to as the derivative (D component of the PID controller. This holds some future changes back because the changes in the output have been made but are not reflected in the process variable yet. Absolute Error/Proportional O


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