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1、吉林省长春市九台市城子街镇2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期中课程改革教学质量测试试题2017-2018 亍:度第一学期期中课程改革教学质宣测试八年级英语试卷題号- 二二四五总分1得分1听句子.选择量佳答语 G分)听简朝对话和对话后的问题,选择嵐枠再案(5分)10. A. Where Wan Da heater isIk Which theater is the closest.C. Which theaterLSthe best in town【L听描述选岀与其相符的图片。貳中有BBIHMM&分))1. A. 1( was wonderful.)2. A. Once a week.)3

2、. A. Tina is at school.)4. A. tTs relaxing.)5, A. sotnetiines read.B. I went to Hong Kong.B. A week ago.B. Tina is sicnilar to me.B. Its about a movie star.B, I do it evert day,C. Sounds good.C.C. For自eek.C,C, Tina ts hard-working.C.C. 1 e watching tliernC. It wcis sunny.()6. A. The South I.akc()7.

3、A. Twice a month.()8. A. Mik巴R. New York Ciiy BhJtike watching TV.R. Sara.)9. A. To do housework.B. To finish her work.C. HongHong Kong,Kong,CHIt It has thethe best movie.C. Jack.C. To re ad a bi)ok.八年英语试卷第 E 页 果 K 513IV, 听较长对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) 听第段对话,回答第 1677小题口()16. What did Julie do on National Day?A.

4、She went to the movies.B. She stayed at home and watched TV.C She stayed al home and studied for tests.()17. How did Julie think of ier National Day?F*A. It was great.B. It was boring. C. k was interesting.听第二段对话,回答第 I 卜 20小题。(! & What arc thev laking about?A. An English class. B. A piano lesson. C.

5、 A talent show.()19” What does the boy think of Steve and Tony?A. They are the funniest. B. They are the best. C. They are the most creative*()20 What can Jason play?A* i he piano.B. The guitar.C. The violin.二、基础知识共 25分)V. 根据旬最或苗母提示煩入讣适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确.(5 分丿21. Kelly is going to be a w_ as Mo Yem wh

6、en she grows up+22. My friend. Lany often helps lo bring _ _the best in me.23. Our sofa is very c_ ahhough it is a iirtle cheap.24. The two girls have a lot in_ _ . They both like reading and are both quiet.25* Jsnc isn t tccling well, i d like to_ _her plucc to have a niccting.VL用姑号内所给单词的适当形式填空口 (5

7、 分)My mother is the_ _(busy) in my family. She always has much housesork(o do every day;27. I cairt hear what you said. Could you speak_(loud) ?2&” i come to see my parents (wo or three(time) a month.29+ Thanks for_ (tell) me the news.30. Sanya is a good place_ (visit) on vacation,训.选择填空。(15分)()31.

8、Sam likes playing _ football.A. theB, aC, anD. /()32. _ did he go on vacatEon?八年英语试卷第 2页共 8肛4一Shanghai.A. Where B. WhenC. Why J. I low)33,1 bought some bear toys the lovely children two days ago,g1*V一A+forB, onC, withD. to)34+ Maijy is very kind and she always_ _ evetything with other kids.Afreaches

9、B. shares C. touches D. seems)35. Tomorrow is quite_for me. 1 have no time to play with you.A. fuliB. freeC, freshD. much36. Do you often play computer games?Mo,_ . 1 dont like it at all.A, always B, sometimes Ctnever D, usually )37. Dont wony Im old enough to look afterrA. meB. usC. ID. myself)38.

10、My math is the_ of all the subjects. 1 can help you.A. worseB. betterC. bestD, worst)39. At about six oclock, the sun started to _from lhe east of the sea.A. come ouiB, make upC. stand upD. find out)40. Who jumps higliei; your brotherher brother?A. soB.orC. andD. but)41 .We often see Yaoin+A. sitcom

11、sB. talk showsC” sports showsD soap operas)42, What did you do last Sunday?)43. He has a bad cold, so he doesnt feel like_A. i am doing my homeworkC I have tiood timeB. I vvas busv doirm houseworkD. I visited my grand a parentsA. eat anythingB, to eat anything()44, My favoriteis. A friend isA. telli

12、ngB.saying()45. 1_ what you are doing now.AtwonderB. act交际运用(共 5分)C. eating anythingD. eating somethinglike a mi【丁 or.C, speakingDrtalkingC. tryD. seem5VIII.根据对话内容及方框中所绪戢佝子补全对话。其中有一项是多余的 (5分)八年萸语试卷第 3贝共嚣页Peter: Do you know Lily, Sue?Sue: Yes, shes my best friend.Peter: 46_Sue: Because she likes to d

13、o the same things as I do. 47_Peter: Do you like playing table tennis, loo?Sue: Yes. But Pm more athletic(强壮)than Lily. What about you, Peter? 48_Peter: My best friend is Tony.Sue:斗 9_Peter: l ie is tall and has short hair.Sue: 50_Peter: Yes. Some people say that we look the same. BuL Tony is a litt

14、le heavier than I.A. What does he look like?B. She likes playing table tennis,C. Wrhy is she your best I He nd?D. Are you more athletic than Lily?E+ Do vou look the same?*F. Whos your best frifiici?46_ 47_ 4849_ 50_PS.阅读(共 35分)IX 立型填空(10 分Henry is a little tatter than he wants to be. He 5L to lose s

15、ome weight(减肥).So he is on the diet(节食),He tries 52 more fruit and vegetables, he also eals very little meat because it will make him53* He also does exercise every 5H . He swims veryoften. 5 he runs about two kilometers a day. Mow he is 56 _ than be I ore,Henrys sister. Susan, is about healthier th

16、an Henn. 57 is also younger and thinner than he. Shedoes 58 evety day; too. She docsift eat 59 meat. But she eals a lot of fruit and vegetables because shethinks 60 are better for health.()5 L A. plansB. likesC. decideD. want()52. A. eatB* ateC. catsD. to eat()53. A. thinK fatC, illD. tired()54, A,

17、monthB, weekC davD. year6()55+ A. andB. becauseC+ butD. when八年英语试卷笫4贞 共 x()56. A. laterB. shorterC longer1 stronger)57. A. SheB. HeC. TheyD. WE()58. A. shoppingB* houseworkC homeworkD. exercise()5. A. lessB* muchC. IiuleD. many(A. youFk themU theyDrweX.阅读理 M (25 分)(A)1 iive in a bus town, and there:

18、 are many kinds oT shops in the tovML 1 here are a three rtstaurants. Thc are Mr Lis, Mr Coo Is and Mrs Zhaos.Peoplehavedifferent views. the most expensive()64+ Which of the following is Not right?A* Mr Lis has the worst noodles and the most comfortable scats.B+ Mr Cools has the hardest seats and th

19、e worst service,C Mr Zhaos has lhe best food and Lhe most corn Portable seats.D. These three restaurants are in a busy town.()65, The underlined word cuslotriers* means _ _ in Chinese.A.游客B.乘客C.宾客 D.顾客(IDIn the morning IM 匚 Smith came into the garden at the back of his house. He saw loomuch snow in

20、rhe garden. Mr Smith wanted to take his car out. so he asked a man to clean7八年英谄试伏聲 5贞理 X贞the road from his garage (车库)to the gate (大门).HEsaid to the man, “Dont throw(扔) any snowon the flowers, and dont throw any on the wall, and dont throw any into the street, or the police manwill come/ The he wen

21、t out.When he came back, the road was clean. There was no snow on the flowers, on the wall or inthe street. But when he opened the garage to get liis car out, he saw: there is full of snow, the snowfrom the road, and his car is under the snow!根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F) (5分)66. MLSmiths garden is behind

22、his house.)67. He wanted a man l)clean the road because lie wanted to take his car out.)68. He lol cl the man lo throw the snow in lhe street,)69. 1 lie man threw the snow into the garage.)70. Mr. Smith was very happy when he opened the garage to get his car out.(C)i”, , 上!. 一 -“T L 一A一一 二二 Hello Ki

23、ttv Land* Hello kittv show * Photo time_ _ _fet_ _一 iW -. i= . ,”MrB. Tokyo DisneylandMickey Mouse show Exciting rides * Disney cinema- 何- _ _ 討丁 - -_ _C. Tokyo HotelLois of s;hop$big or 呦 aII:E. Central Hotel二Large swimming pool *Cinema *Close to lhe train station*-W- - - -请根据下面对五名学牛-想去的旅游景点或住处的描述,

24、从 I:面所给的五个景点或住处 的介绍中找出与其相匹配的选项。(5分)()71. Kate enjoys shopping. She wants to visit a place where she can shop al l the time.()72, Tom is interested in computer games. I Ic evert wants to slay in a hotel with acomputer center.()73. Belly wants to be a reporter when she grows up. She enjoys taking phot

25、os verymLie 11. So she likes to go somewhere interesting.八無换诰试卷第6页共8页八年英语试卷第7页 共R页八年英诰试卷第$页 共X页8*1 .arge souvenir shop 冷 Rif computer centerj- - - rJ-kE 1. mi- -D* Ginza()74rBen likes exciting rides. He thinks nothing is more exciting than that. He canthelp going there.H5. Jane ants to slay in a hot

26、el lor a week. Slie likes swimming and seeing. Ilhns.(D)SurtniEi the lnternel( 1;M) is popular now. Many studcnis really like surling llie Internet. Whydo ihc Jikc surfing the Internet? I asked some of my students. Here are llieir answers.TomI like playing online games. 1 want to play after school e

27、xery day, but my parents are vt?巧strict w itli me. ! can only play games on Sunday al tern non fbr ivvo hours.BillSnr ting the Internet helps me a lot in learning English. 1 listen to English programs on theInternet, such as the BBC and VOA. I do that for an hour every day. So my English is pictty g

28、ood.AnnI enjo) reading aniclvs on the hiternet, can learn a lot. My writing skills are improving i- j : alot. I surf the Internet twice a week lor an hour each time.KateI like %Lir fing the In Lei net because it helps me with my scliool subjects. When I meet somethings that I can t v oik out, can ask for help on the Internet ft helps me get good grades. So mparents always lei me surf the I nternet w


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