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1、 PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit1 How Tall Are You?B Lets read 的教学设计及教学反思张艳利罗庄区第二实验小学2009-4-17 PEP小学英语Unit1 B Lets read 的教案及反思一。教学目标与要求 1。能够听、说、认读Lets read 部分的内容;特别是能听、说、认读单词:squid, lobster,shark,seal,whale和单位词ton,meter,kg,cm;2。能听、说、认读短语和句子:can dive into the deep cold water/jump out of water.Each up to 20 cm long.

2、并能正确完成填充句子的练习。二、教学重、难点分析1。本课时的教学重点是让学生理解、会读文段内容;并能正确理解几个单位词:ton,meter,kg,cm.2.本课时的教学难点是本部分语言知识含量大,教师需要帮助学生充分理解。三、课前准备1。教师准备录音机、本课时录音带和课件2。有关鲸鱼的图片四、教学步骤Step1.Warm-up1。师生用英语互致问候2。Free talk A: How tall/heavy are you? B: Im A:Im.Im than you. B:Yes,Im .than you.教师和一生做示范,然后让三、四组学生互相交谈。(设计意图:通过创设真实的情景,让学生巩

3、固对身高和体重进行比较的语言表达法,并对下一步的阅读理解打好基础。) 3。Lets chant Older ,older, Im older than you. Taller, taller ,Im taller than you . Stronger ,stronger, Im stronger than you . Younger, younger, you are younger than me . Shorter, shorter, you are shorter than me. Thinner, thinner ,you are thinner than me . But, my

4、hair is longer than yours. my eyes are bigger than yours.(设计意图:通过朗朗上口的儿歌,既复习了形容词的比较级,也提高了学生学习英语的兴趣,将学生的注意力转移到课堂中来,为提高课堂效率做好准备。)Step2。Pre-reading(1) 课件展示两只鱼,一条鲸鱼和一条金鱼teachet says: “Look, there are two fish,Which fish is bigger,the black one or the red one?” The students answer it together . Then teac

5、her says: “Yes,the black one is bigger,and we call the black fish whale.”板书“whale”,并教读。出示抹香鲸和虎鲸的图片,teacher says: “This is a killer whale. This is a sperm whale.”板书并教读单词 “sperm whale”和“killer whale”. 学生跟读并齐读数遍。 (2) 课件呈现两种鲸鱼的长度,教师说:“The sperm whale is 15 meters.The killer whale is 8 meters. 板书并领读 mete

6、r, teach:1meter=100cm, let the students guess the meaning of “meter” Teacher says 1 meter=100cm, 15 meters=1500cm, 8 meters=800cm. (3) 课件呈现两种鲸鱼的重量,Teacher says: “The sperm whale is 35 tons. The killer whale is 3600kg.”板书并领读3600kg. Teachet says: “1000kg=1ton.”板书并教读 “ton” Let the students guess the me

7、aning of “ton”.Teachet says: “1000kg=1ton,3600kg=3.6tons “ (4) 出示课件 Teachet says: “Look,they are sperm whales food. This is a squid, a lobster,a shark.” 板书并利用音节教读这几个单词。 课件呈现鱼、鸟、海豹和鲸鱼的图片.Teacher says: “They are killer whales food. This is a seal.”板书并教读单词seal. Teacher says : “The killer whale eats fis

8、h,birds,seals and even whales.”板书并领读单词even,让学生猜测even的汉语意思意思。(设计意图:本课的生词量特别大,为了解决这一问题,先是通过对两条鱼的比较,自然的引出新单词sperm whale 和killer whale ,通过联系旧知识,让学生自己猜测本课的新单词meter和ton, 然后通过图片的展示,教读本课的新单词squid, lobster, shark, seal, 最后帮助学生通过上下文来猜测单词even的意思,帮助学生扫除下一步阅读的障碍。)Step3。Inreading1。T: Boys and girls,open your book

9、 to Page 9, read the passage to know more about the whales,then answer the questions. 课件呈现:Read the passage and answer the questions.(阅读提示:快速阅读,找出关键词和关键句。) (1)How long is the killer whales tooth? Its each up to _cm long. (2)What is their skill(技能)? The sperm whale can _. The killer whale can _.Give

10、the students a few minutes,let them read the passage as quickly as they can. Check the answers together,and explain the meaning of “each up to”, 学生齐读句子:Its each up to 20 cm long.然后再个别读。课件呈现抹香鲸游到海底的过程,Teacher says :Look, the sperm whale can dive into the deep cold water .Whats the meaning of “deep”?C

11、an you guess? 学生猜测意思,再齐读句子:can dive into the deep cold water.课件呈现虎鲸跳出海面的过程。Teacher says:Look, the killer whale can jump out of the water.学生学生猜测意思,再齐读句子:can jump out of the water.(设计意图:让学生带着问题对文章进行有针对性的快速阅读,从整体上来感知短文内容,课件呈现抹香鲸游到海底、虎鲸跳出海面的过程,目的是为了帮助学生理解can dive into the deep cold water 和can jump out o

12、f water 的意思。通过阅读提示,指导学生掌握快速阅读的技巧。) 2。Let the students read the passage again and fill in the form. 课件呈现Let the students read the passage again and find out the numbers about their length(长度),weight(重量),teeth(tooth牙齿) and tail,then fill in the form.(阅读提示:仔细阅读,画出自己不明白的地方)。 Sperm whale Killer whale Dsg

13、sg length(长度) Weight(重量) Teeth(tooth牙齿) tail(设计意图:让学生对两种鲸鱼的区别有更系统的了解。通过阅读提示,指导学生如何进行精读。)呈现一生完成的表格,全体来确认答案是否正确,确认之后,通过对表格中两种鲸鱼长度、重量、牙齿数量和尾巴长度的比较,逐一呈现下列问题,让学生进行比较并回答问题。课件呈现:Compare the form and answer the following questions.1.Which whale is shorter?_2.Which whale is heavier?_3.Who has more (更多的)teeth

14、? _.4.Whose tail is longer?_.5.Which whale is smaller in its size?_.(设计意图:通过比较表格中的数字,回答问题,让学生对两种鲸鱼的区别有更深的了解,同时也巩固了学生对形容词比较级的用法。逐一呈现问题的目的是为了减轻学生的心理负担。)3。T:Now ,lets read the passage again,then fill in the blanks.(教师鼓励学生进行讨论;教师巡视,对有困难的学生给予帮助。)Let the students read the passage again and fill in the bla

15、nks.(阅读提示:仔细阅读,小组讨论,解决疑难点)。1A sperm whale is _than a killer whale in its length.2.A killer whale is _ than a sperm whale in its size.3.Asperm whale has 50 teeth.It has _more teeth than a killer whale.4 The length of a sperm whales tooth is _cm.Then check the answers together.(设计意图:帮助学生加深对本文的理解,提高学生的

16、阅读技巧。学会小组合作,达到自主学习的目的)4。Listen to the tape and repeat twice .Step4.PostreadingMake new dialogues(分角色做对话)A:How long are you ?B: Im .A: How heavy are you ?B: Im .A: How many teeth do you have?B: I have .A: How long is your tail?B: My tail is A: What is your food?B: I eat .A: What can you do?B: I can 先

17、教师和学生一起做示范,然后让学生之间做对话。(设计意图:把枯燥的说明文改成对话的形式,减轻可学生阅读的难度,增加了学生阅读的兴趣,同时也活跃了课堂的气氛。)Step5。Progress T:This class we learnd something about the sperm whale and killer whale,do you want to know more about the whales?Now lets read the following passage,and do the exercises.课件呈现: 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。v The whale is

18、 the biggest animal in the sea.Some whales can be 30 meters long,but some whales are only 1 meters long. The whales live in the water,and they can swim,they look like fish ,so we call them fish.But they are very different from the fish .The little whales drink their mothers milk, they are mammals(哺乳

19、动物).Now the people kill(杀) many whales every year.The number of the whales is less and less(越来越少). So we should protect the whales.v 1.The whales are fish.( )v 2.All of the whales are very very big.( )v 3.Protect means (意思是)kill.( ) Check the answers together,(让学生说出判断对错的理由,找出原文中的解释)(设计意图:增加学生的阅读量,开阔学生的视野,为提高学生的综合语言运用能力做铺垫。)Step6.Homeworkv Introduce something about the sperm whale and the killer whale to your parents.教后反思: 本节课是一篇说明文,主要内容是关于两种鲸鱼的长度、重量、牙齿的数量及长度、尾巴的长度、食物和技能。刚开始时觉得无从下手,后来考虑到教材编者的意图,笔者认为这篇课文应该和前面几课的形容词比较级有很大的关联。笔者认为教材的编写者不是只让我们去了解它们的有关数字,而


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