1、?下册to see a filmn Cityi ng1. How are young on withlw“进展;“与相处(融洽)”I mng on wellwn.wwwm(以/由于岀名(w )-(以/作为被人r e are a lot ofes.被誉为“购物天堂”,因为有很多百货商店和大型购物中心。.It is + adj. + that (主从句),表示w“太了I wrful thatIthat mmshop.It is + adj. + to do sth.Il b wg and Puxi.=wg and PuxiIble to have=ble.If you go,you will se
2、e a hw一般 将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。34m s for its fish and rice.e.m en will have wis no rain.Weg if itrow.year tons.主句用If you go,you can findh.you tortm es.磁悬浮列车 可以在八分钟之内将你 带到国际机 场。带某人去某地in +时间段,表示 “在 之内”;“在之后”r used to take me to the parkwnd.Itmlv.wmes.I werm .r will be back malia in a week.haiII
3、mwww”Iare a lot ofmIIwm The Mamwmmhai.myear!6 ()=()m?=sth.不喜欢,讨厌Im .(Igm./ I hate to seei ng.(爱情片)i ng film(惊险片)(恐怖片);“充满,挤满(状态)w“灌满,装满 ”(动作)e is full ofm (ed with milk.)time, the scg roomws full ofe.er is a many.e.(句意不变)t isw ed withe.8 In mn film(武打片,动作片)on(卡通片);w(西部片);10.-How long is the film?电影片
4、长多久?es.(警匪片);my(纪录片)”cw8 mes.to pay forof hard work.12. for prep.达(时间段)之久;prep. & conj.自从(过去时间has bee n in the Army for 3)以来=(d the Armyago.)wdmny2005.=(ed wmny in 2005.)=(wdmny.)I have hadma=Itmaago.es.I paid 90 yua n forday.pay for tday?The coat costday.mng()s h.Ionem m wIItmwn by car.Itmmwmng
5、.You can take a bus.(You can goby bus.)Wecarmain.mani ons:hai?an?wwan?wImwmmmain.lIIwmcostin the old townhe was born.you for a long time.r has bee n inhaing, _rpy,Itmw wm mm w,it?ra lie, does she?Sheyse, can she?He wml , was he?I amer,I?(注:回答此类问题时,应按实际情况当一般疑问句作答,用Yes或ND;但回答“前否后肯的句子时,它的中文意思则不同。-Yo(你不
6、会做这事,是吗?)-N I(是的,我不会。)-Yes, I can.(不,我会的。)IhaiIwImw ,wmmI ww mmNms anIwIwN wIwhammI mhai.14. -Do you likeww belt or the ones with the blue belt?-I like the ones with the blue belt.-Do you likewes or the onewes?-I like the onewes.(注:选择疑问句朗读时要先升后降,回答时不用yes和no,应直接回答;theones替代前面对应的复数名词,theone替代前面对应的单数名词
7、)Iwr s. Have you got any red on es?Our newr msive tha n the onewe.book. Show her mg one.m“劳驾,借光”;与丨m(.)(对不起,请原谅)e me, wn?Can you pass me the ball?17. -What do you n eed to buy-I注意否定句的改写:m wmw?(常用Nmind.回答I mmlate.I mwng for so long.(常用.NIm16. buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth.give sth to sb.= give sb. sth
8、.rwfor merday.=m wrday.d Tomook to me.=m mook.Mum, can youm mday cake?=Mum, can youmday cake for me?)Can you pass the ball to me?r.回答)Wei ng.(实义动词)Wei ng19. WhoWhatr is a m(情态动词).(实义动词).(实义动词).(情态动词).(情态动词r lifel lifent.of hard work.(s?”句中用作插入模范)ms m .(模特)rd Fred.过去分词短 作定(后置)(介词短作定)The man with a bo
9、ok in his handcult forit up.cult for对有难处,对而言是困难的e such a long text.em?sth. (give it up; give them up)r gave it upng与wr v. n.Theytow.(v.)I havto mr. (n.)You mustwraway.(v.)Ived nowr to mst. (n.)24. It is +adj. + to do sth.Ig to seed the f w rs.Irous to playt .I wto walkwg.Img.It is very kind of you t
10、o come and help me.I wof me to say sane ms.(模型)They have a pet dogm ( d) Sam.(过去分词短 作定)The lady in redm mr.(介词短作定)a.(介词短作定)r en4.(现在分词短作定)The girlgive up放弃,放弃做某事h.22. I hopee wfrom you.wdfromdfromng.I hope youwmca.Ie such a long text.r ? 2. What did you buy for her?3. What is it used for?5. How did
11、you gw ImIIt it in a toy shm mww mm m( w)头脑简单,傻头傻脑的;d智力差的,反应迟钝的;s h没头脑的,缺乏常与判断力的g suchi ons!He is verydIt was as hto ask for the moon.28.will bewres.em?I saw her goI saw the boysit overi ons:“看见某人做了某事”“看见某人正在做某事”g to seeg make youofi fu(动作的全过(动作正在进m es ago.of?(想起,考虑)g a new car.(考虑)程)行)noon.i ng ofs
12、.(着想)ay.(仔细考虑)tio n:m row.(考虑)did you buy it?r like it? Why?en ts.sew m mrow.will belook for (寻找的动作 过程)find (寻找的果)m h.r and came out ofout of用法很多,请注意:31. He felted.系动词+形容词-You-Yes, IThe boysad. Hemr for help.I ms good.(系表构)cted food ande takease into my room for me?注意take的用法:(1)拿;取;I wmr oom.(2)吃;喝;
13、服用;添加mma day.(3)乘车(船)l y take a bus to work.(4)花费(时间,金钱)wwm wday?(5)做事情take a walk; take a rest; take a look;take away; take care;w ; ;m (请慢慢来);mee take yourtime!30. Hed forw,but he=i ngng.i ng.nothn (失去作用,停止运动)h (气不接下气)ol (失去控制)o n (过时)(确定无疑)ess (出于好意)(不整齐)w(力所不及)(不适当,不相称)i on (毫无疑问)ion (不可能,成问题)(变
14、形)wng.We are out of tea.wwwle.(他说服妻子 不要买新自行车了)m(w) md?=wwith you?=l e with you?=em?=l ing you?34. Perha ? ps peopl? ewill be able to live on other? plane? ts.be able to与can表示“能力”可以换用:Can you speak ? FrenC? h? / Are you able to speak ? Fren? h?Look! I can swim.但不说:Look! I m able to swim.be able to比ca
15、n有 多的变?化形式:When he grows ? up, he will be able to suppo? rt his famil ? y.Frank ? is ill. He hasnt been able to go to schoo ? l for a week.could ?常和see, hear, smell ? , taste ?, feel, remem ? ber, under ? stan?动词 用When we enter ? ed the room, we could ? smell ? some? hing burni ? ng.Altho ? ugh she
16、spoke? in a very low voice ? , I could ? unde? stan(? what she said.It was a long word, but I could? remember how to spell ? it.35. Perha ? ps there? will be no water ? or air on the earth perha ? ps adv. = maybe ? , possi ? blyPerha ? ps / Maybe? she ll be back tomor ? row.She will possi ? bly be b
17、ack tomor ? row.no water ? or air接否定内容时要?用or :There ? is no oil or salt at home now.on earth ?与on the earth ?Long ago huge anima ? l s lived ? on the earth ?.很久以前,地着型动物?。Why on earth ? didn t you tell me the truth? ?I w m mmwwThwn in nine out of ten.out of work (失业,下岗)你到底/为不 我说实?话?(表示加?气36. Perha ?
18、ps peopl? ein diffe ? rent count ?ries will all be able to speak? the sameIangu? age. (same前一般要加?定冠词)The stude ? nts come from diffe? re nt parts ? of the world ?.Those ? shirt?s are all the same size.diffe ? r ent from / the same asThe cultu ? res in Chi na ? are diffe ? re nt from those ? in forei
19、 ?gn coun t? ries.Her hair is the same colou? r as her mothe ? r s.Tom is the same heigh ? t as Jack.hope to do sth.Tom hopes ? that peopl ? e will not pollu ?te the Earth ?.? worki? ng in half an hour.A hard-worki ? ng class? ratePeter ? and I have been class? nates? since? we came into midd? escho
20、? l. He walks? to schoc? l every? morn? ng becau ?se he saysit is usefu? l to exexd? i se more. Altho? ugh Peter? lives ? far away from schoc? l, he is neve? late for class ?. He gets up very early ? in themorni ? ng, and he pract ? i ses readi ? ng Engli ? sh regul ? arly. At schoo ? l, he is alway
21、 ?sready? to help other ?s He also helps ? histeach ? ers altho ? igh he is busy with his studi ? es. He is one of the top stude? nts in our class ? . Once he told me that he had a lot of pocke? t money but he never ? wast? d it. He has decid?edto buy some books ? and send them to the poor child ? r
22、en in the west. All the teach? ers and class ? rates? love himvery much. What a hard-worki ? ng class ? mte Peter ? is!37. I hope (that )there? will be enoug?h food for every ? one.hope (that)从句?(从句常用一般将来 时或情态动?词)I hope that I will becom? e an astro ?naut.I hope to go to Qingd? ao with my fathe ? r
23、at the weeke? nd.I hope多用于对好事的和?预想;m afrai ? d多用于对?事的预想I hope it will be fine tomor? row.我天?天好。m afrai ? d it will rain again? tomorrow.恐天?会下雨。38. After ? ten years ? , we can open the box and see how thing? s have chang ? ed.after ?在某特定?时间以后,可用将来?时态:The film willbe show n? after ? 8 o clock? this e
24、veni ? ng.They will start? work? ng after ? 10 a.m.in从现在起的一段时间以?后,用将来时态?:They will startThe probl ? em I have ever had.Sugg? sted quest ? i ons:1.What was the probl ? em you have ever had?2.Why do you think ? it was a probl ? em?3.How do you deal with it?I have ever had a big probl? em. I could ? n
25、t recit ? e the Engli ? sh text. I alway ? s faile ? d in recit ? ation? altho? uh I read the text again?and again?.丨knew Engli ? sh was very usefu ? l in our life and it becam ? e more and more impor? t ant. I asked ?my Engli? sh teach?曰for help. He sugge ? sted I(shoul ? c)go to the Engli ? sh cor
26、ne? r and try to talk with the stude ? nts and the forei ?gnteach? er there ? in Engli ? sh. I did so and I found ? it was a good way to impro? ve my Engli ? sh level ? . Now I can recit ? e each text I havelearn ? ed and get good marks ? in recit ? ation?.39. It is + adj. + to do sth.与It would ? be
27、 + adj. + to do sth.It is nice to eat ice cream? in summe r.(真实)It would ? be nice to have a swimm ?ing pool in our schoo ? l.要是我?有?池多好。(假设)40.构词法-前缀possi? be-impos? sible?;polit? eimpol ? i te;n eces ? sary-unnec? essa? ylike-unlik ? e; tidy -un tidcomfo ? rtabl?e-uncor? forta?ble;able-unabl?e;in t
28、er? estin?g-unint ? erest?ing;impor?ta nt - un imp ? orta n?tlike v.-disli ? ke; appea ? r-disap ? pear; agree ?-disag ? ree41.反代词用时应于主?相对应?:I(主格)-mysel?f(单数)-ourse?lves(复数);you-yours? elf-yours? eves? ; he-himse? l f-thems? l eve?;sheherse? lfthems? eves? ; ititsel ? f - thems ? l eve?(1)作动词 或介词?:S
29、he is teach ? ing herse ? l f Engli ? sh.正在自?。She was talki ? ng to herse ? lf.在自言自?。He lives ? in the count ? ry by himse ? lf.他自 在?乡下。(2)作主同?:(亲自,本)Did you make the cake yours? elf?这 是你亲自做的吗?The work itsel ? f is easy.这 作本?很容易。(3)作表:(表示或?精神状态)I m not mysel ? f today?.我 天不 服。I am feeli ? ng myse? f
30、 again?.我?服了。(4)用于与?定用法中?:Make yours ? elf at home!别客气!Don t upset ? youse? l f!别自寻t make himse ? l f heard ? (undei? stoo?).1.What s your favou ? rite sport ? ?2.How do you play it in your spare? time?3.How does the sport ? in flu ? e nee (影响)your life?There ? are many kinds? of sport? s all arourf
31、? d the world? . And My favou? rite sport? is playi? ng badm? nton.丨alway ?splay badm?nton with my class? nates? in PE leaas? ons and we have agooc? time toget? her. Some? i mes I also play badmi ?rton with mypar ? mts atweeke ? nds. It can make me healt ? hy and stron ? g. My paren ?ts like it, too
32、. I think? it isa good way to kill time and spend? our weeke? nd well.Life in the futur ? eWhat do you think?our life will be like in the futur ?e? Perhaps peop? ewillhave robot? s The robot? swillhelp usdo all the house ?work. Perha ? ps there? will be compu ?ters and visio ? n phonesin every ? hom
33、e. Child? ren willstudy?on computers. Perha? ps peopl?e will fly to the moon and live on it.I also think? peop? e will be able tobuild ?many beaut? iful citie? s under? the sea. We can live under ? the sea and watch?all the livin ?g thing ?s under? the sea. How wonde ? rful our futur ? e life will b
34、e!42.形容词的比较(1)原形容词后?加er, est构成比较?禾最高:Unit 9wwngUnit 10fval*Unit 11ySport? s and our lifeSugg? stion? sModu? e 3 The natural eleme? rtsHelp youse ? If to the cakes? , Kitty ?!请吃?,Kitty ?!He cancold一colde ? r一colde ? st;young?-young er-young? est;fastfaste ? r一faste ? st;cheap?-cheap er-cheap? est(2)原
35、形容词词?尾是字母e时,加r, st构成比较?和最高:large ?large? rlarge? st;nicenicer ?一nicer ? st(3)原形容词词尾是字?母+丫时,去y,加ier, iest构成比较?和最高:drydrier ?-dries? t;frien? dlyfrien ? dier ?frien ? dlies? tprett ? yprett? ierprett? iest;easyeasie ? r-easie? st;(4)原形容词是?读时,写词?字母,加er, est构成比较和最?高:big-bigge? r-bigge? st;hothotte ? rho
36、tte ? st;thin一thinn ? er-thinn ? est; wetwette ? r -wette ? st(5)部分及以 的形容?词在其前加more, most构成比较和?最高:be proud ? of / take pride ? in (为到自豪)beaut? iful-more beaut ? i ful -most beaut? iful;comfo? rtabl? e-more comfo ? rtabl? e - most comfo ? rtabl? e;diffi? cult -more diffi? cult -most diffi? cult;expe
37、n ? sive -more expen? sive -most expe n? sive(6)不则的变?化须记:bad-worse?-worst ?; good / well-bette? r-best;many / much-more-most(注意:原形容词最 高 前须力口?定冠词the)句型如下:A.同相比(肯定)asas;(否定)not as(so)asB.比较: 形容词比较?+ thanC.最高:形容词最高?+ in群Tran s? l ate the follo ? ving in to En gli ? sh: 1我的没?有你的大。My kite is not as big a
38、s yours2.你的比?我的小。3.他的 没我的?有色彩。kite isn t as colou ? rful as ours.4.我的最?大最漂亮st and the most beaut ? i ful.5.的()没你的漂亮6. Joe的 比Kitty ?的有色彩?43.Stren ? gth is not alway ? s impor? tant.(力气)He hasn t got enoug ? h stren?gth to remov ? e that stoneI haven ?t the stren? gth to lift the heavy ? box.Your kite
39、 is smaller tha nmine.Their(Our kite is more coloueful than their ? s)My kite is the biggeHers is not as beautiful as yoursJoe s (kite)is morerful tha n Kittys.Union ? is stren ? 0h.是力?量.44. Mr Wind was very proud ? . He likedshowi? ngoff his strength all the time. (proud? adj.骄傲的,自豪的,意的)I m proud?
40、to be your frien ? d.做你的 我到骄傲?She is proudthat she isthe cheerl eade r of the schoo ? l.We are proud? of (take pride ? in) our mothe ? rland?.show off (炫耀,卖弄)The Emper ? or liked ? show? ng off his new cloth ? es.He is showi ? ng off his new mobil ? e phon .45. I thi nk? Mr Sun is stron ? ger than M
41、r Wind.I thi nk?后如 否定?句,则要否定在?主句:I dont think ? Mr Wind is stron ?ger than Mr Sun.我为先?没有太?先厉害。I dont think ? he is good at learn? ing Engli ? sh.我为他不?长?。(误)I think? he isn t a good boy.(正)I don t think ? he is a good boy.我 为他不 是 好46.That man felt hot and took off his coat.(脱下)You d bette ? r take of
42、f your coat. Its very warm insid?ePut on more cloth ? es when you go out.(穿)The pla ne? will take off in 20 minut? es.(起飞)The sport? s meet was taken ? off becau ? se of the bad weath ? er.(取消)How to be a good stude ? nt?As a good stude ?nt, we shoul ? d have good habit ? s and ways of learn ?ing. W
43、e need to get ready ? for our lesso ? ns befor? e class? ,and alway? s liste ? nto the teach ? er caref ? ully in class ? . After ? class? , we must go over the lesso ?ns a nd finis ? h our homev? ork ontime .Its good to study ? in group ? s a nd help each.As a stude ? rt, worki ? ng hard isimpor? t
44、 ant. But don t forge ? t to dospo? rts and keep healt ? hy. We shoul? d do more readi ? ng in our free time. If we have any probl ? ems,we d bette ? r ask other ? s forhe ? lp. I hope all these ? will be helpf ? ul to you.47.Today ? , I m going? to teach? you how to make a kite.疑问词+不定式的 构作动词?Can yo
45、u tell me where? to go tomor ? row?Do you know whe n to set off?Pleas ? e let me know what to do next.48.To make a kite, you need some thin stick? s, some piece ? sof colou ? red paper? and a reel of strin ? g.不定式短作 的状?二in order ? toTo answe ?r this quest ? ion, you need to do a surve ? y firstTo fi
46、nd out the thief? , the polic ? e searc? hed nearl ? yevery ? where?.To get good marks ? , you shoul ? d study? even harde? r.49.Final ? ly, tie the frame ? to a reel of strin ? g.tieto“把系在”The robbe? r tied him to a chair?.把他?在椅子。The boy tied the sheep? to a tree.小把在一注意:He tied the paper? s with st
47、ri n? g.他用子把?起来50.rise-rose-risen? vi.(不及物动词?)升,起raise ?-raise ? d-raise? d vt.(及物动词)升起来,举起The sun rises ? in the east and sets in the west.The chair ? man rose from his chair?.主 从椅子?了起来Raise ? your han ds? if you have any quest ? ions.51. speed ?-sped-sped快速前行,加速The ambul ? ance sped to the hospi ?
48、tal.52. among?(或?以)与betwe? ei (两 之间)They hid thems ? elves? amo?g the trees ?.I found ? it among? a pile of old books ?.This book is the best among? the moder? nnovel? sShang? hai is among ? (one of) the large ? st citie ? s in the worldThere? was a fight ? betwe? en the two boys.I am usual ? ly fre
49、e betwe ? enTuesd ? ay and Thurs ? day.Child ? ren usual? ly have a short ? break? betw?en two class ?es.We must save water ?.(Water ? is impor ? tant.)Water ? is very impo? tant to us. Every? day we drink? wate? , cook with wate?, take a show? r inwat? , and have many outdo? cr activ ?ities? with w
50、aterThe sun has not yet rise n_?_.太没升?起。The rai n raised the riverSoldiers raise ? the natio ? nal flag earlyin the morni ? ng.Tom was finedfor speed ? i ng.The trainis trave ? l ling? at a speed ? of sixtymiles? an hour.(n.)Altho ? ugh 75% of the surfa ? ce of the Earth ? is cover? ed with water ?
51、, most of the water ? on the Earth ? is in the ocean? s. So only3% of watei? on the Earth? can be used as drink? ingwater. A perse?n can live witho? ut food for more than a month ?,but a perso ?n can only live witho ? ut water ? for about ? one week.Water ? is getti ? ng less and less, and it becom
52、? es more and more impor ? tant. It s time for us to save water我可以用?子做很多?东西Child ? ren usual? ly make lante ? rns out of pumpk ? ins.子通常 用来做?灯笼。54. pourinto“将.倒入.中”I ve poure ? d coffe? e into ypur cup by mista ? ke.我把 倒在你的?子里了。addto “将.加入.中”Pleas ? e add some salt to the soup.to the lemon ? rade, pleas ? e.The stude ? nts are getti ? ng r
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