



1、学科En glish课时4年级9年级课题Unit 6 When was it i nven ted?4/5教学 要求1.The students can get some information from the reading and understand the text.2. Contents: From 3a to Self Check教学重难占八、1.The reading passage about tea.2.Lots of newwords.3.To help the students understand the reading passage.4.To direct the

2、 students to write the article.教法游戏教学法 任务型教学法 五步学习法教学过程及问题情境学生活动设计意图Step 1. Warm-upShow some pictures of some inven ti ons and ask thestude nts to have a free talk about some inven ti ons.What do you thinkis the most helpfulinven ti on?When was it inven ted?Who was it i nven ted by?What is it used f

3、or?How was it inven ted?Step 2.Prese ntati onI.Lead-in1.Do you like drinking tea?2.Do you know who inven ted tea? When was teainven ted? And how was tea inven ted?nReadi ng 3a1.Ask the stude nts to look at the picturein 3a an swer some questi ons:Who was the man?What was he doing?2. Ask the students

4、 to read this article and an swersome questi ons.(1) Whats the article about ?(2) When was it invented ?(3) Who was it inven ted by?(4) How was it inven ted?3. Check the an swers.4. Read the article aga in and discuss theHave a free talk aboutsome inven ti ons.An swer some questions .Look at the pic

5、ture in3a and an swer somequesti ons.Read this article andan swer some questions.Discuss in groups通过图片和句型, 既激发了学生口 语练习的积极性, 又让学生在轻松 好奇的氛围中认 识人类的科技进步。问题方式引出课 文进行教学。设置递进问题方 式完成阅读教学, 了解茶的发明过 程,。difficulties in groups.5. Read the article again and again and try to retell it.川.3b1. Look at the chart. It

6、shows the historyof flying disks. Ask the students to answer the following questi ons:(1)Who invented flying disks?(2)When were they in ve nted?(3)What did the college stude nts use for flyi ng disks?(4)Where were the metal pie plates from?(5)How were the flyi ng disks inven ted?2. Ask stude nts to

7、write an article aboutflying disks according to the information.The teacher moves around the room tooffersome help if n ecessary.IV.4a1. We all have things that we dont likedoing. Why not think of an inven ti on thatcould help you?2. Discuss in groups what they dont likedoing. Then think of an inven

8、tionthatcould help them.3. After five minu tes, ask several groups to tell theclass their inven ti ons.V.4bAsk the stude nts prete nd a bus in esspers on, to workin pairs to ask their part ner questi ons about his / herinven ti on. Then try to sell their partnersinvention tothe class.W. Self check 1

9、1.Ask the stude nts to read the fouradjectivesand pay attentionto theirmeanings and usage.2. fill in the blanks .3. Make their own sentences witheach word.Vfl. Self-check 21.Ask the stude nts to find out whe n thesethi ngs were inven ted and who inven ted them?2.Ask studentssome questions:What is it

10、?What is it used for?Who was it i nven ted by?An swer the questi onsand write an article.Thi nk of someth ingthat you don t likedoing. Then think of aninven ti on that couldhelp you .Write thedetails in the chart.Prete nd a bus inesspers on, try to selltheir partners inven tion to the class.Fill in

11、the blanks withthe words, the n maketheir own sentenceswith each word.An swer some questions the n writeparagraphs aboutthem.用目标语言提供 阅读和写作练习。发挥学生想象力, 练习目标语言。通过角色扮演,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。增强词语的理解。进一步了解一般 过去时被动语态 并掌握被动语态 其他事态的表达。What would you like best?3.Afterthat,ask stude ntsto writeparagraphs about them.Step 3. Summary.作 业布 置1.Think of somethi ng that you dont like doinThen


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