1、2010年上海世博会,机遇和挑战并存The Expo in Shanghai, Opportunities and Challenges世界博览会是全球最高级别的博览会,是世界各国展示其社会、经济、文化、 科技成就和发展前景的盛会,被誉为 “经济、科技、文化领域的奥林匹克 ”。2010 年世博会将在上海 举行,这次世博会将成为强盛的中国向世界展示经济和技术实力的历史性契机。 这将对上海 及周边地区的经济、 社会、 环境和制度等方面产生广泛而深远的影响。 一个国家举办世博会 其目的从来就不是仅仅为了世博会本身的盈利,世博会本身被赋予了更大的经济内涵。从 1993 年韩国大田世博会和 2000 年
2、德国汉诺威世博会的经验来看, 世博会往往具有提振经济、 带动股市繁荣的作用。 世博会对于新技术开发、 应用和推广起到重要的示范和引领作用, 对 促进举办城市和国家的经济发展具有深远意义。 具体来说, 世博会本身构成会展经济, 并由 此带动一系列产业链的发展。 从前期的基础设施投资, 到会展期间将引导巨大的物流、 人流、 资金流进入上海,为经济增长和服务业发展带来强大推动力量。World Exposition is regards as the world's highest level of exposition, on which the countries exhibit thei
3、r social, economic, cultural, scientific and technological achievements. It is also known as "the Olympics in the economic, technological and cultural fields" .Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai, this will become a historic opportunity for a powerful China by showing the world economic and
4、 technological strengths. This will bring forth profound influence on economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects in Shanghai and surrounding areas. A host country never aims to the profitability of the Expo itself, but to the great economic content the Expo has been given. Experiences
5、 of the Expo 1993 in Daejeon and Expo 2000 in Hanover showed that the World Exposition could boost the economy and stimulate the stock market. World Exposition plays an important and leading role in development, application and promotion of new technology .what's more, it also hasfar-reaching si
6、gnificance in promoting economic development of the host city and its country. Specifically, the Expo itself belongs to exhibition economyand thus promotes the development of a series of industrial chain. During the exposition, It will bring powerful driving force for economic growth and development
7、 of service industry by investing in infrastructure, drawing a huge amount of materials, people and capital flow into Shanghai.经济增量效应。2010年以 “城市让生活更美好 ”为主题的上海世博会,是第一次以城市为主题的世博会, 将给上海带来巨大商机和财富,世博会约需 30 亿美元投资,旅游业直接收入将达 911 亿元 人民币,由此带动的上海交通、 通信等城市基础设施、 商业设施、 旧区改造等延伸领域投资, 将是直接投资的 5至 10倍。据保守估计。单是世博会门票、餐饮
8、、旅游纪念品给上海带来 的直接收人,就将超过 90 亿元人民币,经济效益将比 2002年的韩日世界杯高出 1 5 倍。 Effect of incremental economyWith "Better City, Better Life" as the theme, the Shanghai Expo will create enormous opportunities as well as wealth for Shanghai. And it is also the first Expo focused on “city ”. The total investment
9、 will be about 3 billion U.S dollars, and direct revenue of tourism will achieve 91.1 billion Yuan. That will drive an indirect investment which amounts 5 to 10 times to the direct investment. The indirect investment maybe occurred in the fields of urban infrastructure such as transportation, commun
10、ication, commercial facilities, urban transformation and other extension of the fields. At a conservative estimate, the direct income of tickets, catering, travel souvenirs of Expo may reach more than nine billion Yuan while the economic returns may be 15 times higher than the Korea-Japan World Cup
11、in 2002.提升效应。自英国伦敦在 1851 年举办首届世博会以来,国际大都市一直都热衷于举办各种博览会 乃至世博会。美国纽约举办过 6次世博会,法国巴黎举办过 6 次,日本举办过 4 次,德国汉 诺威就是因会展而闻名的城市, 每年举办大约 60个博览会。无疑,上海举办 2010 年世博会, 可以极大地提高国际化城市地位, 有助于增进国际问、 地区间的交流合作, 提高市民的科学 文化素质,丰富市民生活,提升上海的城市知名度和整体形象。Effect of enhancementSince the first London Expo in 1851, the international met
12、ropolis has always been keen to host all kinds of expositions and even the World Expo. The World Expos were held six times in New York, six times in Paris, and four times in Japan. Hanover is renowned for exhibitions, as it runs about 60 expositions each year. There is no doubt that the World Expo 2
13、010 can greatly enhance the status of Shanghai, help to strengthen international and regional cooperation, improve the citizen's scientific and cultural qualities, enrich people's lives and enhance Shanghai's popularity and overall image.带动效应。2010 年上海世博会可推动上海实现社会可持续发展的规划和建设,进一步改善城市生 态系统,
14、加快基础设施的建设,还可将经济发展重心转向文化、教育、媒体等精神产品,推 动上海早日进入以人为本的发展阶段, 大大促进当地产业结构的调整, 实现产业升级, 促进 第三产业和高新技术产业的发展。此外, 2010 年上海世博会需要高水平的融资、商业、旅 游、管理以及法律等专业服务, 将带来上海整个城市及周边城市功能的全方位飞跃, 从而使 全世界都能深刻地感受到上海更加强劲的脉动。the World Expo in Shanghai can promote the planning and construction of sustainable development with further im
15、proving the urban ecosystem and speeding up construction of infrastructure facilities. It also will push Shanghai forward the developmental stage of taking people as the foremost by concentrating on the spiritual products of culture and education. The Shanghai Expo can contribute significantly to th
16、e adjustment of local industrial structure which promoting the developments of the tertiary industries and new and high technology industries. Furthermore, because of the Shanghai Expo, the first-classservice of finance, commerce,tourism, management will be strongly needed. This could make a leap of
17、 the functions of the entire city and surrounding cities. Thus all over the world will feel the great change of Shanghai.就业增量效应。 以会展业发达的德国汉诺威为例, 在汉诺威市第三产业中, 世博会及相关会展业就业人 数占到 23 以上。上海世博会每 1000 平方米的展厅面积, 可创造 100个就业机会, 无疑为 上海提供了良好的运行机制。 中国加入世贸组织步伐的加快, 将使上海的国际贸易、 海外投 资更上一层楼,作为促进贸易、启动市场的杠杆, 2010 年上海世博会的举
18、办必定会获得更 广阔的就业发展空间。Take Hannover, Germany for example, many people there work for the tertiary industry. However, more than 2/3 of these jobs have relations with the Expo and exhibition industry. During the Shanghai Expo, every 1000 square meters of halls can create 100 jobs, which will provide good
19、mechanisms for Shanghai. It will also stimulate the international trade and foreign investment in Shanghai. After all, holding Shanghai Expo in 2010 will gain numerous room for the growth of employment.消费增量效应。香港每年的会展人均消费额 24826港元,为度假消费的 3 倍;新加坡一般游客只逗留 37 天,消费 710新元,会议客人则逗留 77天,消费达 1700新元。在 20lO 年世博会
20、场馆内 外游客将需要大量的各种消费品和食品, 世博会及相关产品的消费成为上海旅游业的拳头产 品之一。Per capita consumption of exhibition industry in Hong Kong is 24826 HK dollars every year, which is 3 times as much as holiday spending. General tourists stay in Singapore for about 3.7 days while conferencs guests for 7.7 days. The former spend 710
21、Singapore dollars and the latter spend 1700 Singapore dollars. In 2010, the foreign guests will need a variety of consumption goods in the Expo venues. Therefore, the consumption of Expo and related products will become the core products of tourism in Shanghai.扩张效应。上海约 30 亿美元投资将直接投入世博会园区建设中,江浙沪因上海 “
22、世博圈 ”效应将共 同受益, 并带动上长三角地区的十几个城市如: 杭州、苏州、 无锡、常州等电子业、 制造业、 房产业等行业的迅速发展。上海将采取 “分散接待 ”方式接待游客,与上海为邻的苏、锡、常 等城市,将借 大上海旅游”的宏观主题,凭借交通优势接受上海辐射,长三角地区物流、商 贸等领域的合作也将加强,世博会提供了共赢的机会。During these years, Shanghai spent about 3 billion US dollars on the con struct ion of Expo parks. Hen ce, the surro unding areas like
23、 Jia ngsu, Zhejia ng will ben efit from theExpo circle effect ”.What ' more, thiswill lead to quick developme nt of electr oni cs, manu facturi ng, and real estate industries in the cities of Yangtze River delta region. For example, cities like Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou. Because of th
24、e transportationadvantage, these cities will also receive guests who wantto visit sha nghai. In con clusi on, thecooperati on betwee n cities ofYan gtze River delta regi on will be stre ngthe ned and the Expo provides win-win opport un ities.从理论上来说,上海世博会的举办不仅可以提升举办城市上海的整体价值,而且可以通过其集聚和辐射效应,以点带面拉动长三角城
25、市圈和华东地区的经济发展。但另一方面,纵观世博会的历史我们发现,作为一项耗资巨大的工程,世博会也同时会给主办国和主办城市 带来一定的风险。这个风险主要包括世博会本身的经营风险,例如可能会出现财务亏损;还包括世博会的举办可能无法产生主办方所预期的正外部效应,如对区域经济一体化的促进作用以及产业结构调整作用。因此,对于上海来说举办世博会的机会与风险并存。Theoretically, the Shan ghai World Expo will not only enhance the overall value of the host city of Shanghai, but also throu
26、gh its concen trati on and radiati on effects, pull the econo mic developme nt of The Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Area and East China. On the other hand, from the World Expo history, we can found that, as a costly project, the Expo will also bring the host country and the host city certa in ris
27、ks.These risks in clude the operati onal risks of Expo itself, for example, the finan cial losses may occur; also in clude the risk of the failure of positive exter nal effects, such as the failures of play ing an importa nt role in promoti ngregi onalecono mic in tegrati onand in dustrialrestructur
28、ing.Thus, hosting the Expo, the opportunitiesand riskscoexist.Full Title:The world Exposition Shanghai China 2010Short Title: Expo 2010 Shanghai ChinaThe expositi onThe Expo Type:A Registered Intern ati onal Exhibiti on to Bureau Intern ati onal des Expositi onsTime:From May 1,2010 to October 31,201
29、0 Theme:Better City , Better LifeWorld Expositions are galleries of humaninspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held inLondon, the World Expositi ons have atta ined in creas ing prominence as grand eve nts for econo mic, scie ntific, tech no
30、logical and cultural excha nges, serv ing as an importa nt platform for display ing historical experie nee, excha nging inno vative ideas, dem on strati ng esprit de corps and look ing to the future.With a long civilisation,China favours international exchange and lovesworld peace. China owes its su
31、ccessful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the intern ati onal com mun ity's support for and con fide nce in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Expositi on in a develop ing coun try, which gives expressi on to the expectati ons the world's peop
32、le place on Chi na's future developme nt.So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and un forgettable expositi on.Expo 2010 Shan ghai Chi na will be a great eve nt to explore the full potentia
33、l of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urba n evoluti on. Fifty-five perce nt of the world populati on is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global in terest, concerns all n ati ons, developed or less developed, and t
34、heir people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city,Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from acrossthe world, focusi ng on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, excha nge their
35、 experie nces of urba n developme nt, dissem in ate adva need notions on cities and explore new approaches to humanhabitat,lifestyleand working conditions in the new century. They will learn howto createan eco-frie ndly society and maintain the susta in able developme nt of huma n bein gs.Expo 2010
36、Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction.Innovation is the soul, while culturalinteractionis an important missionof the World Expositi ons. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shan ghai China will con tribute to huma n-cen tred developme nt, scie ntific and tech no logical innovation, cultural
37、 diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall en deavour to attract about 200 n ati ons
38、andinternationalorganisationsto take part in the exhibitionas well as 70milli on visitors from home and abroad, en suri ng the widest possible participati on in the history of the World Expositi ons.On the other hand,we will put Expo 2010 Shan ghai China in a global perspective and do our best to en
39、courage the participationand gain the understanding and supportof various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Befo
40、re the con clusi on of the Expositi on, a "Sha nghai Declarati on" will be issued. This declaratio n, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise thein sights to be offered by the participa ntsand embodypeople's ideas forfuture cooperati on and develop
41、me nt and exte nsive com mon aspirati ons, thereby leav ing a rich spiritual legacy of urba n developme nt to people throughout the world.The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to makeExpo 2010 Shanghai China a special eve nt that carries on traditi ons and ope ns a new vista into the futur
42、e. Our motto is: "Keepi ng in mi nd the next 60 years' developme nt while prepari ng for the six mon ths' Expositi on."Weco unt onthe continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-lo ving coun tries.世界博览会是人们灵感和思想的展示区。自从1851年在伦敦举办的所有国家的工业盛展,世界博览会已达到日益突出,作为盛大活动,为经济
43、、科技和文化的交流 ,作为一个重要平台,展示历史经验,交流创新的意念,发扬团队精神,展望未来。中国有着悠久的文明,促进国际交流并热爱世界和平。中国赢得2010年世界博览会,靠的是国际社会的支持和信心,对中国改革开放。博览会将会是第一个注册的在发展中国家举办的世博会,这也寄予了全球人民对中国未来发展的美好期待。所以2010的中国上海世博会将会向世界呈现什么呢?毫无疑问中国人民将会呈现出 一个成功,壮观而难忘的展览会。2010年世博会是将21世纪的城市生活的潜力完全开发以及城市进展重要阶段的一项盛事。预计在2010年将有50%勺世界人口会居住在城市。未来的城市生活,是全球关注的话题,与世界各国,开
44、发或欠发达国家和人民。城市在作为第一个世界博览会的主题,在2010博览会将吸引政府和人民,世界各国的关注的主题是城市,让生活更美好”。为其184天,参加各国将全力显示其在新世纪的城市文明程度,充分交流城市发展的经验、传播先进城市发展概念和城市人居环境探索新思路、生活和工作条件。他们将会学习如何创造一个生态社会和人类可持续发展的计划。2010 世博会的核心是创新和互动。创新是灵魂,而文化交流也是世博会的一项重要 任务。在新纪元,2010世博会将致力于以人为本的发展,科技创新,文化差异以及双赢的 未来合作,因此在新世纪高度的创新和互动将会是组成这一主旋律的重要音符。2010年世博会也是一个宏伟的国际集会。一方面,我们要努力吸引大约200个国家和国际组织和7千万国内外的参观者来参加世博会,以确保是史上最盛大的世博会。另一方面,我们要以全球视野来看世博会,尽力让更多的人参与,获得各国人民的支持和理解;为了使2010世博会成为全球各地人民的欢乐地大聚会。此外,2010世博会使跨文化的对话成为可能。在对世博会总结之前,上海宣言”会先发行。这份宣言,有希望成为世博会历史上的里程碑,会摘录参展国的见解也包含人们对于未来合作发展的想法以及广泛共同的愿望,因此给全球人们留下了一
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