1、横店高中高二英语期中考试卷2021.4.20第一局部:根底知识运用 共两节,总分值 50 分 第一节:单项填空 共 20 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 20 分 从 A 、 B 、C、D 四个选项中,选 出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1. The TV program is very attractive as it deals with subjects such as music,painting and fashion.A. diverseB. constantC. casual D. precise.2. If he had put on more clothes when the we
2、ather was cold, he in bed now.A. wouldn 't have rain B. wouldn't be lying c. hadn't lain D. isn't lying3. Look at the trouble I am in! If only I your advice.A. followed B. would follow C. had followed D. should follow4. If he he would not have swum there. Luckily he was seen in time
3、and sent to hospital immediately.A. was warnedB. had been warnedC. would be warned D. would have been warned5. When I began to sing , he laughed and made me .A. confused B. nervous C. shameful D. embarrassed6. We would join them in the dress-up party .A. whether they invite usB. shall they invite us
4、C. if they invite usD. should they invite us7. Plain, simple clothes are for school wear.A. appropriate B. changeable C. fortune D. reliable8. You must keep the news a secret and do'tnput it anybody else.A. in possession ofB. in the possession ofC. in charge of D. in the charge of9. An earthquak
5、e of 9 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan on Friday, Thousands of people dead and more missing.A. causedB. causingC. having caused D. to cause10. Jack is late again. It is of him to keep others waiting.A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical11. Is there anything that I can do for you, Madam?
6、 I 'd appreciate if you could exchange this blue shirt for a red one. A. this B. that C. it D. one12. The earthquake that broke out in Sichuan Province was a terrible to peoplethere.A. consequence B. pollution13.When first to him, I found itA. introduced B. introducing14. They are quiet, aren
7、9;t they?A. to talk B. to not talk C.C. condition D. catastrophe would not be easy to get along with him.C. being introduced D. having introduced Yes. They are accustomed at meals. to talking D. to not talking15. Any student will be driven out if he is caughtin the exam.A. cheated B. cheati ng C. to
8、 be cheat ing D. hav ing cheated16. She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completelyher.A. tran sferredB. tran sformedC. conv eyedD. shifted17. If not, you 'e allowed to return everything within 10 days for a full refundand no further duties.A. to satisfy B. being satisfied C. satis
9、fied D. satisfy ing18. The Internet and the effect brought about did much good to peoplesdailylife and work.A. thatB what C. which D. it19. Why does teach ing as a careermany people?A. apply forB. attract to C. appeal to D. agree with20. It was not un til daw ntheir way out of the forest.A. whe n th
10、ey foundB. that they found C. did they findD. that they did n'tfi nd第二节:完形填空共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出aoftelli ng them where to go an d_24_to最正确选项。Nowadays the whole world are worrying about dan ger global warm ing.ln fact this bega n a long time ago. Yet not all
11、 of us seem to realize it.One day around 30 years ago, the nine million citizens London heard sire ns(a loud no ise of warning made by a special machine)all over the town.Emergency services.The 21, thepolice , doctors and nurses_22 by , ready to go into action.ln railway and underground stations , p
12、eople read posters and_23_, do in the emerge ncy.This was Exercise Floodcall. London was n't flooded yet.But it is_25_that it will be.In 1236 and 1663 Lon don was_26_flooded.I n 1928, un luckily , quite a .27 people livi ng in Westminster, the heart of London , _28一in floods.And in 1953,100 peop
13、le living on the eastern _29_, the London suburbs , were killed again in the floods.At last , the Great London Council( 市政 厅),is tak ing actions to_30_this disaster happe ning aga in .But the flood_31 were not built un til 1980s. And in the_32_ , Londoners must be_33 . When it happens,50 underground
14、 stations will be un derwater.Electricity , gas and phone services will be out of action. _34_will be impassable .It will be impossible to_35_a ny of the bridges betwee n North and South London. _36_ London will look like Ven ice.D. repairmenD. stoodBut Exercise Floodcall did n't cause_37_among
15、London ers. Most people knew it was just a_38_. One comme nt from a lady who was_39_a long the Emba nkme nt whe n the sire ns soun ded was. "It's a flood warning , isn't it? The water does n't look_40- to me. 21 . A.soldiersB. firemenC. engineers22 . A.hurriedB . wentC. watched23. A
16、.booksB . magaz inesC . mapsD . dicti on aries24. A.whatB . howC . whyD . which25. A.believableB . trueC . n aturalD . possible26. A.easilyB . heavilyC . stron glyD . poorly27. A.manyB . fewC . lotsD . ple nty28. A.escapedB . killedC . survivedD . drow ned29 . A.edgeB . areaC . partD . district30 .
17、A.resistB. keepC . preve ntD . object31 . A.wallsB . cha nnelC . shelterD . fence32 . A.futureB . pastC . mean timeD . end33 . A.delightedB . preparedC . frighte nedD . encouraged34 . A.RoadsB . PowerC. MessagesD . Traffic35 . A.seeB. passC . buildD . cross36 . A.GuessB . RememberC . Con siderD . Im
18、agi ne37 . A.pa nicB . atte ntio nC . no ticeD . care38 . A.desig nB . pla nC . warni ngD . joke39 . A.livi ngB . walki ngC . worki ngD . study ing40 . A.deepB . highC . shallowD . wide第二局部:阅读理解共两节,总分值50分第一节洪20小题;每题2分,总分值40分阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确答案。AThe Olympic Games are seen as the greates
19、t test of an athlete's ability and are supposed to celebrate the spirit of fair play. But in fact, sportsmen have been using drugs to cheat their way to victory since the Games first bega n.In the early years, athletes ate mushrooms and plant seeds to improve their performanee. Nowadays, this ki
20、nd of cheati ng has a n ame dop ing.Just last mon th, Brita in's top spri nter Dwain Chambers and several America n athletes tested positive for the drug THG . Un til a coach secretly gave a sample of THG to scie ntists, no one knew how to test for it.“ We're like policeme n chas ing crimi n
21、als athletes are always adapti ng and look ing for areas we have n't investigated, said Jacques de Ceaurriz, a French an ti-dop ing expert.Since the first drugs test was carried out at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, many cheats have bee n caught out. The most famous case in history is that of
22、 Can adia n spri nter Ben Joh nson.He broke the 100 metres world record in wi nning gold at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. But days later, he tested positive for drug use, lost his gold medal and was banned from the sport. Five years later, he retur ned to action, only to be found positive aga in and bann
23、ed forever.Sports orga ni zati ons promised that cheat ing on this scale would not happe n aga in.Experts are also worried that dop ing can damage a pers on's health. It is believed to in crease the risk of liver and kid ney diseases, and wome n may experie nce reproductive problems.As long as t
24、hey can stay ahead of the scie ntists, it is un likely the cheats will stop. But experts say there is a limit to what can be achieved and that athletes will not be able to change their bodies using gene technology.“ For the moment, genetic doping does not exist , said de Ceaurriz. “ Even in 10 or 15
25、 years it will not be done easily the scientific community will not let it happen 41 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?A Not every Olympic champion is a real champion.B Dwain Chambers has been caught doping because of an honest coach.C Eating mushroom is a kind of d
26、oping.D There may be some drugs that scientists don't know how to test for. 42 The underlined word “ investigated most probably means.A examined or inquired intoB made use ofC prevented usingD punished for43 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A Doping didn't appear until th
27、e 1968 Olympics was held.B Several American athletes were found to have taken THG by a coach last month.C Ben Johnson was found out cheating twice in the 1988 Olympics.D Doping has begun since the Olympic Games first started.44 Doping has had effects such as the following EXCEPT that.A it can make i
28、t difficult for women to have babiesB it damages the women's working abilityC it makes sports and games unfairD it can do harm to organs such as liver and kindneyBMusic died here last spring, or rather, it was killed by members of the school committee who ignored the importance of music and dram
29、a as part of the high- school curriculum.The committee decided that teaching students how to take a standardized test is more important than a curriculum in which students can explore their interests in the arts as well as academics. Because the school system is running out of funding, it needs to m
30、ake sure that students pass the mastery test or even more money will be lost. If students fail the state standardized test, it is not the fault of drama and music classesthey are failing because the “ academic classes are not sufficient.It is painful to think of how many students will be discouraged
31、 from singing, acting, and playing instruments because school programs are no longer offered. Many families cannot afford private music lessons, and many potential musicians and artists may not find their calling if they are not exposed to it in school. The fact that the school committee thinks the
32、arts are not worth the investment will certainly make some students believe the arts are not worth their time or support and the cycle will continue.Teaching for a test does not shape students into complete, wellrounded people. It blocks the natural sense to create and express feelings through art t
33、here is more to life than the analytical thinking that math and English provide. What happens after a test? Sure, a student might graduate, but they will have limited knowledge certainly not a good preparation for the real world.45 Music and drama are not included in the high- school curriculum main
34、ly because.A the school committee pays no attention to themB the school is afraid of losing financial supportC the students are not interested in both of themD the state standardized test is more important46 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A The sufficiency of the classes det
35、ermines students' performance in the mastery test. B Quite a few students are discouraged from music and art in today's school system. C Students can be musicians and artists only if they can afford private music lessons.D The school committee completely influences students' attitude tow
36、ards the arts.47 We can learn that music and art can.A motivate students in creativity and expressionB make students round-shaped people in futureC provide students with analytical thinkingD prevent students graduating from high school48 The best title of the passage can beA Who Killed Music and Dra
37、ma?B Can Curriculum Go Without Music?C Why is Music So Important?D How To Prepare For the Real World?CBritain is a popular tourist place.But tours of the country have pros and cons 正反面 Good newsFree museum.No charge for outstanding collections of art and antiquities 古物 Pop music.Britain is the only
38、country that can match the USA in this field.Black cabs.London taxi drivers know where they are going even if there are never enough of them at weekends or night.Choice of food.Visitors can find everything from Ethiopian to Swedish restaurants.Fashion.Not only do fashion junkies 有瘾者 love deeply and
39、respect highly brand names such as Vivienne Westwood , Alexander McQueen , street styles are justly loved.Bad newsPoor service. “ It's part of the image of the place.People can dine out on the rudeness they have never experienced , says Professor Tony Seaton of Luton University's Internation
40、al Tourism Research Center.Poor public transport.Trains and buses are promised to defeat the keenest tourists , although the overcrowded London tube is inexplicably popular.Rain.Still in the number one complaint.Overpriced hotel.The only European country with a higher rate of tax on hotel rooms is D
41、enmark. Licensing hours.Alcohol is in short after 11 p m.even in “ 24- hour cities 49 What do tourists complain most?A Rain.B Poor public transport.C Poor service.D Overpriced hotels.50. What do we learn about pop music in Britain and the USA through this passage?A . Pop music in Britain is better t
42、han that in the US.B . Pop music in Britain is as good as that in the US.C. Pop music in Britain is quite different from that in the US.D. Pop music in Britain is not so good as that in the US.51. When is alcohol not easy to get in Britain?A . At 900 at night.B . At 1000 at night.C . At 1200 at nigh
43、t.D . At 1030 at night.52 . Which of the follow ing is TRUE accord ing to the passage?A . You have to pay to visit the museums.B . It's very cheap to live in a hotel there.C . The public tran sport is poor there.D . You cannot find Chin ese food there.Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing
44、 what to do before a fire breaks out can save a life. For example, people should know the safety measures to take before opening a hall door during a fire. Also, make sure every one knows how to uni ock doors that may be in the escape path. At times, a key is n eeded to uni ock a door from the in si
45、de. So, keep the key in the lock. Or, you can put the key on a key ring and put it where it can be found easily.If you live in a flat, know the ways you can use to get out. Show every one in the family these paths. Remind every one of the importa nee of using stairways or fire escapes, not lifts.Fro
46、m most homes and lower floors of a block of flats, escape through win dows is possible. Lear n the best way of leav ing by a window with the least cha nee of serious injury.In a home fire, windows are often the only means of escape. The second floor window still is uaually not more tha n 13 feet fro
47、m the ground. An average pers on, hanging by the fin ger tips, will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way tha n to stay in a burning buildi ng. Roll away from the buildi ng whe n you land.Windows are also useful when you're waiting for help. Ofte
48、n you'll be able to stay in the room for several minutes if you keep the door closed and the window open. Keep you head low in the window to be sure you get fresh air rather tha n smoke that may have leaked into the room.On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those which ope
49、n onto a roof. From the roof, a pers on can either drop to the gro und or await rescue. Dropp ing onto sidewalk or paveme nt might end in injury. Bushes, soft earth, and grass can help to break a fall. A rope ladder should be con sidered whe n the drop is too great.In a tow n where the fire departme
50、 nt acts quickly, it may be best to wait for rescue. Close the doors and wait by an open window for help. Shout for help. Be sure to close the door before opening a win dow. Otherwise, smoke and fire may be draw n into the room.53 . We can lear n from the passage that win dows are.A . easily broke n
51、B . easy to catch fireC.good escape pathsD.useful to put out a fire54. If you happen to be in a room during a fire, it's a good idea toA .open a windowB .use the liftsC.sta nd quite stillD .put out the fire55 . We can lear n from the article that in a home fire.A . people should close the window
52、 and ope n the doorB . soft earth can reduce the chance of being injuredC . it's always safer to jump out tha n to stayD . rope ladders should not be used56 . What is the main idea of this article?A . We can tur n to the fireme n duri ng a fire.B . We should keep in mind the escape paths.C . Peo
53、ple should know what to do before a fire breaks out.D . People should find help as soon as possible during a fire.ERising above the n amesI was shopp ing in the supermarket whe n I heard a young voice.“ Mom, come here! There's this lady here my size !The mother rushed to her son; the n she tur n
54、ed to me to apologize.I smiled and told her, "It's okay. Then talked to the boy, “Hi, rm Darry Kramer. How are you ?He studied me from head to toe, and asked, “ Are you a little mommy ?“ Yes, I have a son, I an swered.“ Why are you so little ? he asked."It's the way I was born, I s
55、aid. “Some people are little. Some are tall. I'm just not going to grow any bigger. After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy's hand and left.My life as a little person is filled with stories like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look differe nt from their p
56、are nts.It takes only one gla nce to see my uniquen ess. I sta nd three feet nine in ches tall. I was born an achondroplasia dwarf (侏儒).Despite this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up.I did n't realize how short I was un til I started school. Some kids picked on me, calli
57、 ng me n ames. Then I kn ew. I bega n to hate the first day of school each year. New stude nts would always stare at me as I struggled to climb the school bus stairs.But I learned to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed my whole life. I decided to make my uniquen ess an adva ntage rather tha n a disadva ntage. What I lacked in height, I made up for in pers on ality.rm 47 now, and the stares have not diminished as rve grow n older. People are amazed whe n they see me drivi ng. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are rude, I remind myself, “ Look what else I
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