1、Unit 1: brighter future for all教学重点:1. The structure of the whole passagediscussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage2. The reading skills mentioned in this unit3. listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit教学难点:1 .Talking about college education.2 .Writing paragrap
2、hs with the structure“ a general statement supportedby details ”.3 .Applying the phrases and patterns.教学过程:1. Warming-up activitiesa. What is the ideal university like in your eyes?b. What are your expectations of your college life?c. Listen to an interview about tips for freshman students and do th
3、efollowing exercise.d. Listen to a short passage concerning college education and fill inthe missing information.2. Text studya. Main idea of the partsIn his welcome speech, the president urges students to take advantage of the unique opportunity to face new exciting experience and to challenge them
4、selves so that they will reap the benefits of their college years. The president also expresses theuniversity s expectations of its students and of the responsibilities they carry.Part I (Para. 1-3): The president congratulates students on their achievement and reminds students of the fact that thei
5、r current success was due to their own and their par ents efforts, and that their future is built on a solid foundation of the past.Part II (Para. 4-7): The president offers students comprehensive advice on how to make the most of their four college years and makes them realize the university ssexap
6、nedctthaetiior nown responsibilities.Part III (Para. 8): The students are called upon to cherish the opportunity and to bear in mind their responsibilities as citizens of their communities, their country and the world.b. Structure of the textOpening part of the welcome speechAdviceConcluding partc.
7、Summary of the textMain ideaLanguage focusPledge to do sth. : China and the United states pledge to boost cooperation and exchange to ensure a better future for China-US ties.Make the most of sth.: This article introduces 7 tips for making the most of your iPhone5S.Reap the benefits: Keep on reading
8、 extensively, and you will reap the benefits sooner or later.Feel overwhelmed by sth.: Nowadays, many young people feel overwhelmed by the fierce competition in the job market.Stand chance of: Animals stand little chance of survival under such extreme weather.Take great pleasure in: He always takes
9、great pleasure in lending a helping hand to people around him.Open the door to sth.: These useful suggestions open the door to better communication with your parents.3. Language applicationa. writing deviceSentence writingParallelism: By placing two or more ideas of equal value in the same grammatic
10、al form enables us to express these ideas clearly and emphatically.Example: You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school; your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry!Paragraph writing: topic details conclusionExample:For you, the
11、se next four years will be a time unlike any other. (Topic sentence) Here you are surrounded by great resources: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest
12、from the arts to science, to community service and so on. (Detail 1: What is available to you on campus) You will have the freedom to explore and learn about new subjects. You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions. (Detail 2: What you can do) I w
13、ant to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity. (Concluding sentence)Activities performed in class:s lifeDo you think a university education can change a person what way and why?How do you think of those
14、 successful people such as Bill Gates who dropped out of university?What are you going to do at university in order to sample widely and challenge yourself?Viewing, listening and speakingUnit 1 Traces of the past教学重点:1. talk about past events and their impacts on the present2. discuss in groups the
15、activities you do at weekends and add as many activities as possible教学难点:1. conduct an interview2. describe an event 教学过程:Opening-up1. talk about the activities shown in the pictures2. Work in pairs and compare your answers.Listening to the word1. Ask Ss to watch a podcast to get its general idea an
16、d discuss their answers in groups.2. Ask Ss to watch a podcast and fill in the blanks.3. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions based on what they have heard.Questions:1. What did you do last weekend? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?2. What can you learn from Mother Teresa s words “Ican do no gr
17、eat things, only small things with great love”3. What childhood experience did you have that had a great impact on your present life?4. Did your parents make you take up a hobby such as playing the piano, practicing calligraphy or playing table tennis when you were a child? Did you like it at that t
18、ime? How do you think about it now?Role-playWork in pairs and role-play one of the following situations by using skills for asking for and giving recommendations Situation 1: seeing a movieSituation 2: going out for dinnerAssignment:Work in groups of four. Share briefly with your group members a rec
19、ent event you went to, e.g. a festival, a concert, a sports event, an exhibition, a play, a party, or a film.5月4日星期三上午10:10各位评委老师,上午好!我是应用外语系英语教师魏芳秀,我今天说课的题目是新视野大学英语2第3单元Marriage Across Nations(板书:课题、作者),下面我将从说教材(教材分析、课标、三维目标)、说教法、说学法、说教学过程(含 CAI / TBLB的应用)、说板书设 计五个方面来对本课进行说明。大学英语教学方案设计(说课材料)教学内容:新视
20、野大学英语 2第3单元 Marriage Across Nations (导入及课文内容学习)时间分配:2节一,教学理念:大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程,旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力.在教学过程中,教师应特别注重学生语言应用能力的培养,努力为学生营造英语语言环境,加大课堂中语言的输入,引导学生进行语言表达,进行语言输出.二,教材:本课程使用教材为新视野大学英语(第二版).这一教材包含有读写教程,听说教程,视听说教程以及快速阅读,并带有书后光盘和强大的网络资源,是一套立体化的英语教材,注重培养学生听说能力,有利于学生进行自主式,个性化的学习,也有利于启发教师在 教学模
21、式,教学方法上的创新.三,教学内容:本课程主要处理读写教程和听说教程.每单元8学时.话题讨论1学时,section A 3学时,Section B 2学时,听说练习2学时.本课是新视野大学英语读写教程2第三单元的第1,2节课,重点内容为话题导入和课文理解.本单元话题围绕着跨文化/跨种族婚姻(mixedmarriages)这一话题展开.爱情和婚姻是学生有话可说的话题,而跨文化因素使得这一话题更加有趣.处理本单元时,对学生加以引导,对相关话题进行讨论必不可少.而课文理解部分,教师不宜 直接进行课文讲解,而是提出课文相关问题,让学生带着问题阅读课文,并了解课文大意,这种任务型教学能更好地培养学生的阅
22、读理解能力,同时创造师生口语交流机会.四,教学方案设计Teaching Plan教学对象 Teaching Subjects non- English major freshmen教学内容 Lesson Content Lead-in activities 导入-45'Text study 课文学习 -45'教学目标 Teaching Objectives1. Talk about love, marriage and mixed marriages in class;2. understand the main idea and structure of Section A3
23、. learn device for developing a paragraph which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea.4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit教学方法 Methodology1. Communicative Method2. Task-driving3. Audio-visual Ap
24、proach4. Analysis and explanation难点及对策Potential Difficulties & Solutions1. Using the vocabulary and sentence structures learnt to talk about personal views on interculturalmarriages. - More examples should be given in class.2. Mastering the device for developing a paragraph which starts with a c
25、orrection of one idea and goes on to present another idea. - writing practice教具 Teaching Aids Multi-media equipments教学过程设计Teaching Procedure:步骤 1 Step 1 导入 Lead-inI. Warming-up questions:1)What kind of person is your Mr. Right or Miss Right2)In your eyes, what is the most important element for a hap
26、py marriage3) Talk about advantages and problems of a cross-cultural marriage.II. An funny word game -Anew way of understanding the words below by spelling themWife, husband, family.E.g. wife: W- washing, I-ironing, f - food, e - entertainmentHusband: H-humorous,U-understanding, S-supportive,B-brill
27、iant,A-and,N-never,D-demandingFamily: F-father, A-and, M-mother, I, L-love, Y-youIII. Listening to a passage about the mixed marriage of Gail and Mark and answer the questions on page 52.步骤 2 Step 2 课文学习 Text study Idea catching1. Reading for general idea.2. Read through the whole passage and focus
28、on the following questions. At the same time pay enough attention to people's attitudes to a mixed marriage.Question 1: who are the characters mentioned in the articleFind out the brief information about them.Question 2: How did Mark look on the time that he and his girlfriend had spent together
29、The answer can be found in Paragraph 1.3. Make a detailed analysis of the different attitudes towards Mark and Gail's mixed marriage and the reasons.Deborah's friends' attitude: Deborah's attitude: David's attitude:II. Structure Analysis(Paras. 1-4) The mixed marriage of Gail and
30、 MarkDevice: Narration ( 叙事法 ): The story is told in the first person. Through his narrative, the writer, a black man, tells the reader his mixed marriage(Paras. 5-9) The reaction of Gail's mother to the marriageDevice: Argumentation (论证法 ):Typical example of argumentation by rejecting the first
31、 idea and presenting some other idea. (page 64-65)(Paras. 10-21) The response of Gail's father to the marriageDevice:Dialogue (对话法 )III. Conclusion- A summary of the text课后作业 Assignments:1) Reading aloud and reciting: new words, phrases & expressions of Section A;2) Doing exercises of Sectio
32、n A;3) writing: Choose one of the topics given to write a paragraph, which starts with a correction ofone idea and goes on to present another idea自我评价问题 Questions for Self-evaluation:Can I understand the main idea and the general structure of the textCan I express my ideas about mixed marriage quite freelyHave I mastered the devices of developing a paragraph which starts with a correction of one ideaand goes on to present another idea4) Have I conducted a series of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities assigned by the teacher and done it well板书设计 Bla
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