



1、motor Rotary speedDesign to Pretreatment System of Incinerator with Circular Fluid Bedfor Solid Garbage.LIN HaiBo(26-27)According to requirement of garbage incinerator with circular fluid bedand garbage characteristic, key facilities of suitable pretreatment systemand main characteristic are introdu

2、ced. 【Descriptors】Pretreatmentsystem Solid garbage Incinerator with circular fluid bedDevelopment of Software for Thermal Balance of Dry MillingSystem.ZHANG XueXun et al.(28-30)Calculation for rear discharge dry milling system is made as example,the paper introduces computer software for thermal bal

3、ance of dry millingsystem, and examples is given to illustrate. 【Descriptors】Dry millingsystem Thermal balance Computer softwareDiscussion to Optimal Rotary Speed of Coal Mill with GrindingBall.REN YuYan et al.(31-31)The paper discusses relationship among efficiency, rotary speed andcylinder diamete

4、r of coal mill with grinding ball, so could offer referencefor guiding production. 【Descriptors】Coal mill Rotary speed GrindingballOptimization Design to Cavity Shape of PEJ 900×1200 SimplePendular Jaw Crusher.WANG JiZhong et al.(32-33)Reasonable cavity shape of crusher guarantees effective ope

5、ration ofcrusher. The paper establishes optimization design model for cavity shapeof simple pendular jaw crusher, makes optimization design to cavity shapeof PEJ900×1200 crusher, and concludes renovated optimal cavity shape.【Descriptors】Simple pendular jaw crusher Cavity shape Optimizationdesig

6、nOptimization Design to Motor Bracket of Big-Scale VerticalCompound Crusher.SHEN JunPing(34-35)On course of designing scheme of motor bracket of vertical compoundcrusher, the paper mainly applies finite element to make optimizationdesign for various scheme, which makes optimized scheme satisfy thede

7、sign requirment. 【Descriptors】 Vertical compound crusher Scheme.SU XiaoBo(54-55)The paper analyses jet blasting pipeline style of air cannon applyingthermodynamics, hydrodynamics and blasting knowledge, makesdiscussion to increasing blasting efficiency, decreasing production costand correct methods

8、of safety production from macroscopical andmicrocosmic aspect. 【Descriptors】Air cannon Mach number SonicspeedAnalysis to Dynamic Characteristic of Vibration Screen for DrillingOilfield.ZHU WeiBin(56-57)The paper establishes finite element model for screen box based onsoftware Pro/Mechanica and ANSYS

9、, analyses its dynamic characteristic,concludes inherent low order frequency and vibration style of mode, andmakes out dynamic stress distribution law of each section of screen boxunder action of rated load, which offer necessary reference for designimprovement of screen and subsequent test study fo

10、r dynamic strength ofscreen box. 【Descriptors】Vibration screen for drilling oilfield Finiteelement Dynamic characteristicNumerical Simulation and Analysis to Inner Flow Field of HorizontalAir Flow Winnower.GUO RenNing et al.(57-59)In order to master inner flow characteristic of horizontal air flow w

11、innower,the paper applies basic principle of gas-solid two-phase flow to establishmodel of two dimension gas-solid two-phase onflow inside pneumaticseparating room for disposing city life garbage. Numerical simulationresult approximately accord with test value. Calculation result shows thatairflow s

12、peed is main factor to influence efficiency of pneumatic separatingcity life garbage. 【Descriptors】City life garbage Gas-solid two-phaseflow Numerical simulationInfluence of Polyurethane Rubber Sieving Plate to Basis Dynamics ofFlip-Flow Screen.ZHAI HongXin et al.(61-63)The paper applies many method

13、s to determine two kinds of sieving platebasis dynamics model, makes systematic calculation and analysis to itsdynamic parameters, achieves a series of characteristic curve, studiesinfluence style and degree of elastic stretch of polyurethane sieving plateto its dynamic parameter, discloses its spec

14、ial regulation function todynamic parameters of sieving plate. 【Descriptors】Polyurethane rubberElastic sieving plate Flip-flow screen Dynamics Fine coal separationStudy to Concentration Test of Spiral Magnetic Separator in CertainYunNan Iron Mine.ZHOU XingLong et al.(64-65)The paper introduces spira

15、l magnetic separator about its structuralcharacteristic, working principle and main characteristic. Concentrate fromiron concentration plant is made as subject to make unit grid separationtest by spiral magnetic separator in lab, concentrate purity is improved 2-6% than separation before. Spot separ

16、ation test for iron concentrate iscarried out by 600 spiral magnetic separator, preliminary success isachieved from test. 【Descriptors】Magnetic separation Spiral magneticseparator Iron concentrate PurityGeneral Discussion to Cyclone Separation Process.LIU TieHang et al.(66-67)The paper puts forward

17、a new kind of classifier that is cyclone separator,it also analyses condition and mechanism of cyclone separation, indicatescyclone separation process is combination of centrifugal sedimentationclassification and separation, the former has pre-classification functionto decrease granule load on sieve

18、s surface. Classification grade couldbe increased due to dispersal character of cyclone field and blockage ofsieve.【Descriptors】Cyclone Cyclone separation ClassificationStudy to Classification Equipment in Quartz Sand Production.LI LiHe et al.(68-69)The paper analyses high frequency vibration screen

19、, rotary screen andhydraulic classifier about their operation status, classifying principle andexisted problems in course of classification of quartz sand wet production,and makes deep analysis from equipment investment, production cost andmanagem ent aspects, it also puts forward opinion for select

20、ion ofclassification equipment. 【Descriptors】Quartz sand Classification HighSystem in Coal Mine of HuaiBei Mining Group.IU XiaoDong et al.(70-72)The paper analyses systematic structure of gas monitoring system in coalmine of HuaiBei Mining Group, offers a kind of realization scheme fordata acquisiti

21、on, and gives detailed introduction to data acquisitionprotocol. 【Descriptors】System integration Monitoring systemCommunication protocol Data acquisitionDevelopment for Monitoring System in Coal Mine Based on VB.ZHANG YongChao et al.(72-74)Monitoring to several parameters of industrial spot is made

22、for example,the paper indicates necessity and feasibility for coal mine to designmonitoring system by themselves, and puts forward development method.【Descriptors】Visual Basic Communication MonitoringDesign to Mine-Used Multi-Path Pressure Monitoring System Basedon CAN Bus.CHANG Qing et al.(75-76)In

23、 order to assure requirement of safe production, according to pressureof monitoring surface in undergound mine, the paper design a kind ofmine-used multi-path pressure monitoring system based on CAN bus.The system applies PIC18Fxx8 serial single-chip processor to realizepressure measurance and handling, saving and display measured data,moreover, realtime communication of the system with upper processoris realized by CAN bus. Considering undergound mine is electricallysupplied with bus, low consumption is designed in the system.【Descriptors】Pressure monitoring system CAN bus


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