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1、Lecture1激光原理激光原理第一章第一章 激光的基本原理激光的基本原理本次课内容:本次课内容:绪论简介1.1 相干性的光子描述Lecture1激光原理激光原理绪论简介Lecture1激光原理激光原理光电子学是汇集光子学、电子学、光子技术与电子技术的一门学科光子学研究光子作为信息、能量载体的一门科学光子技术相干光的产生 激光原理激光原理 相干光的控制(调制、偏转),变换(频率) 光电子技术光电子技术 相干光的检测及应用 光光 电电 子子 学(技术)学(技术)光电检测光电检测应用光电子技术应用光电子技术电子学; 电子技术平时作业:平时作业:10 期末考试:期末考试:90 Lecture1激光原

2、理激光原理Academic Subjects in Optics ScienceAcademic Subjects in Optics Sciencel Ray Optics (Geometric Optics)l Wave Opticsl Beam Opticsl Fourier Optics (Information Optics)l Electromagnetic Opticsl Guided-Wave Opticsl Fiber Opticsl Photonic-Crystal Opticsl Statistical Opticsl Resonator Optics and Laser

3、l Semiconductor Opticsl Nonlinear Opticsl Quantum Optics Lecture1激光原理激光原理The Birth of the LaserThe Birth of the LaserIf-according to high-energy physics-light appeared 14 billion years ago, 10 seconds after the Big Bang, then it is only fifty years ago that mankind consciously controlled and domesti

4、cated it.In 1916 in his seminal paper, Albert Einstein showed that light traversing a medium could not only be absorbed but that it could also be amplified, an effect thereafter called stimulated emission.However, it was not until the 1940s and 1950s-notably with the work of Alfred Kastler and Jean

5、Brossel (1948)-that the possibility of amplifying radiation was unambiguously demonstrated.Lecture1激光原理激光原理The next step was to make a “light” or radiation oscillator. It was first demonstrated in 1954 in the microwave regime (where the wavelength of “light” is around cm) by Charles H. Townes, Alexa

6、nder M. Prokhorov and Nicolay G. Basov. (Maser)Lecture1激光原理激光原理In 1958 Townes and Arthur L. Schawllow wrote the germinal laser paper, describing how to build an optical maser. From then on, the possibility to tame light by demonstrating the optical maser was at the top of the research agendas for al

7、l major laboratories.(1927-2007)Lecture1激光原理激光原理But the road leading to the laser proved to be arduous and after few years, the pursuit became elusive and the interest started to fade.Then, against all odds and out of left field, on the 16th of May 1960 at the Hughes Research Laboratory in Malibu, t

8、he crispy noise of a photographic flash announced the first coherent light gushing out of a ruby rod. Ted Maiman made a laser (originally named an optical maser) for the first time in history. Kathleen Maiman and her late husband-Theodore H. MaimanLecture1激光原理激光原理Nobel Laureates in the Area of Laser

9、Nobel Laureates in the Area of Laser1964 : Charles H. Townes, Alexsandr M. Prokhorov, and Nicolay G. Basov For their theoretical work paving the way for the first laser made by Maiman.1966 : Alfred Kastler For the discovery and the developement of optical pumping” technique.1981 : Nicolaas Bloemberg

10、en and Arthur L. Schawlow For their decisive contributions to the laser spectroscopy and nonlinear optics.1989 : Norman F. Ramsey For his invention of the separated oscillatory field method (atomic clocks)1997 : Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, and William D. Phillips For the development of metho

11、ds to cool and trap atoms with laser light.1999 : Ahmed Zewail (chemistry) For the utilization of femtosecond lasers in the femtochemistry.2000 : Zhores I. Alferov and Herbert Kroemer For developing semiconductor heterostructures used in optoelectronics.2001 : Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, and

12、 Carl E. Wieman For the realization of the first BoseEinstein condensate in 1995.2005 : John L. Hall and Theodor W. Hnsch For the developement of high-precision laser spectroscopy.2009 : Charles K. Kao (Chinese University of Hong Kong ) For his achievements concerning the transmission of light in fi

13、bers. Lecture1激光原理激光原理50 years of the Laser -La Ville Lumi50 years of the Laser -La Ville Lumi rereC. H. TownesN. Bloembergen Claude Cohen-TannoudjiAhmed Zewail H. KroemerC.K. Kao Kathleen Maiman Lecture1激光原理激光原理Palais du Louvre (Palais du Louvre (卢浮宫卢浮宫) )Lecture1激光原理激光原理激光发展的历史回顾激光发展的历史回顾1917: 爱因斯

14、坦(A.Einstein) 提出了受激辐射可以实现光放大的概念, 导致激光发明的理论基础1917年以后近四十年内 量子理论的发展; 粒子数反转的有效实现;电子学与微波技术的发展1954:美国汤斯(C.H.Townes)前苏联巴索夫(N.G.Basov)和普洛霍洛夫(A.M.Prokhorov)第一次实现氨分子微波量子振荡器(MASER)1958: 美国汤斯与肖洛(A.L.Schawlow)提出了利用开放式光学谐振腔实现光振荡的新思想;布隆伯根(N.Bloembergen)提出利用光泵浦三能级系统实现粒子数反转分布的新构思1960.7:美国休斯公司实验室梅曼(T.H.Maiman)演示了世界上第

15、一台红宝石固态激光器1997: 朱棣文、菲利普(W.D.Phillips)和塔罗季(C.C.Tannoudi)由于利用激光冷却和钳制原子的研究结果,共获诺贝尔物理奖Lecture1激光原理激光原理Arthur Schawlow贡献的:see Phys. Rev., 1940 (1958);CrawfordTownMaseresHanLaser 1sc2h1发谱测术; 测学(导师)(,)论 ,(学)却术展高精度光量技(量原子核的大小)提出光理()提出了激光冷技。1) 2) 姐夫3) 生与与他他合合作作与与他他合合作作 1 19 95 58 8与与他他合合作作mplification by tim

16、ulatMaser = MASEed mission of Ricrowadiaave tionLecture1激光原理激光原理Theodore H. Maiman:see Nature ,493 (1960)187类红宝诞1960年人第一台石激光器生,。Lecture1激光原理激光原理几点启示: 任何一项发明都是继前人研究的结果, 不是凭空产生的 机遇偏爱有准备的头脑 大胆设想, 勇于创新,勇于实践,锲而不舍中、英文参考书中、英文参考书:Amnon Yariv Quantum ElectronicsB.E.A. Saleh and M.C. Teich,Fundamentals of Pho

17、tonics 2nd edition (Wiley, 2007);伍长征 王兆永等,“激光物理学” 复旦大学出版社Lecture1激光原理激光原理1.1 相干性的光子描述Lecture1激光原理激光原理质一、光子的基本性h :光子的能量 (1) 22 hmcc运动质:;静质为光子的量 光子的止(2)量 02; Pmckkkk动:光子(的量 3) 两状态为两个线个圆个圆光子具有种偏振,或相互正交的 偏振,或是一左旋偏振和一右(4)旋 偏振。数为数光子具有自旋,且自旋量子( ) 整5。Lecture1激光原理激光原理静质测光子的止量定Lecture1激光原理激光原理状态二、光波模式和光子相格状态个

18、无数个频(1) 在同一模式里,可以有光子,且所有光子 本征模式(mode)和光子的(state)是等效的概念 的均是全同的,即率、相位、波矢、和。偏振均相同。0,exp2E r tEitik rk间内单个为线叠,且连续连续个着个在自由空,色平面波 是Maxwell方程的一特解,方程的通解可以表示特解 的性加。本 征模是的,(2) 因此,每一特解可看一本征模即波矢 可以取值。k对谐边条驻驻电该但于振腔,根据界件,波是Maxwell方程的 特解,因此,波是磁波的模式或光波模,且模是 (3) 分立的,即波矢 只 能取特定的值。Lecture1激光原理激光原理驻条间维维维谐根据波件和波矢空几何,可以求

19、解(4)一、 二、三振 腔的模式密度。谐题二维内:求振腔的模例1式密度。Lecture1激光原理激光原理 22,Reexp,0.utUi tUk U则单: 色平面波解rrrr ,sinsin00,1,2yzyyzzy zU rAk zk zUU dknknndd且驻条波件 ,yzyzyzkkU rkkn n显对个对应个态间个点个场然,于每分立的,就一本征因此,在k空中,每就是一特定模。k =22222222222221,4yzkkkcckddc径为内为数2半的扇形含模有的.k=2.4c单积单带宽为位面位的模密度Lecture1激光原理激光原理yxzzyxVqzknykmxkzyx三维谐空题内:

20、求振腔V例2的模式密度。在波矢空间内kdkk区间内的体积为kdk2481Vzyxkkkzyx33kxkykzk0单积 单频带数模密度:位体 位 的模式。边内单驻电在有界限制的空腔V,只有某些特定波矢的色平面波才能形成波 磁波的模式 。个间积为一模式在波矢空所占的体Lecture1激光原理激光原理 4ncFabry-Perot etalon单长单带谐为 宽数 。同理, 在1D平位度位面振含腔(即)的模密度有的模23221482kd k Vkd kV积内数为 在此体的模式2222238222222dkd k VdPVd Vccc 频区间内数为在率存在的模式238.Pnd Vc维谐为 因此,三振腔的

21、模密度Lecture1激光原理激光原理状态 观点光子( 微粒5)单为动质色平面波一群光子的行,光子具有能量、量、量。, ,xyzx y zP P P经质点运动状态标动组维间来典的可用坐和量成的六相空描述。3xxyzx Phx y z PPPh 标动时测测关约维运动况测关维运动况测关光子的坐和量不能同精确量,受不准系的束。一情下的不准系:三情下的不准系:33.xyzxyzx y z PPPhhx y zPPP 间积;义间积标间积相格相空体元相格空体相格坐空体定间积内属态们在相空体元或相格的光子于同光子,它是不可分的。Lecture1激光原理激光原理状态证(6光子和光波模式) 是可以明,等效的。3h将间积达写为间证个间内积为光波模式的波矢空体元表式改相空的形式,即可明一光波模式在相空所占体也。3 2, 2, 2, 8xxyyzzxyzxyz


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