1、完形填空专项训练Text 1We are often warned by our teacher not to waste prec ious time, because time _1_ will never return. I think it quite _2_. What does time look like? Nobody know s for we can ' tsee it or _3_ it and no amount of mo ney can _4_ it. Time is abstract, so we have to _5 _ about it.Time pa
2、sses very quickly. Some students say they do n' thave _6_ time to review all their lessons. It is bec ause they don' tknow how to make _7_ of their time. They waste it in going to theaters, cinemas and parks, an d doing _8_ things. Why do we study every day? Wh y do we _9_ ? Why do most peop
3、le would rather _ 10_ buses instead of walking? The _11_ is very si mple. We wish to save time because time is _12_.Today we are living in the 21st century. We look upo n time as _13_. When a person dies, his life _14_ _. Since life is short, we must _15_ our time and ene rgy to our study so that we
4、 may be able to _16_ the people well in the future. Laziness is the _17_ of ti me, for it does not only bring us failure but also _18_ _ us other harm. If it is necessary for us to do our work today, let us do it today and not _19_ it until tomorr ow.Remember that time is much more _20_ than money.1
5、. A. lost B. foundC. expected D.made2. A.falseB.trueC. abstractD. valuable3. A.getB.haveC. seeD. touch4. A.findB.buyC. senseD. realize5. A.worryB.discussC. adviseD. think6. A.enoughB. littleC. valuable Duseful7.A.upB.lightC.useD.fun8.A.otherB.anotherC.someD.any9.A.drinkB.eatC.thinkD.work10. A.borrow
6、B.getC.make D.take11. A.questionB.answerC.problemD.method12.A.valuelessB.preciousC.endlessD.fastr13.A.moneyB.lifeC.gold D.wate14.A.comes toB.beginsC.endsD.lives15.A.wasteB.devoteC.put D.value16.A.ask B. remember C.saveD.serve17.A.friendB.makerC.motherD.thief18.A.bringsB.doesC.takesD.sends19.A.leaveB
7、.forgetC.remainD.stay20.A.usefulB.cheapC.heavyD.valuableText 2“ Mum,I want to make you a bet, ”I said. “IfI go a whole year without TV, w ill you give me a hundred dollars? ”“Well, if you can 1 do it,”“Ofcourse I can, ”I replied, _2_ to convince myself._3_ , all this started from my _ 4_ of a pictur
8、e in the newspaper. I coul dn'btear to look at that boy, _5_ to have gone one year without TV for a hun dred dollars, staring at me with mocking (嘲笑的 ) eyes. He seemed to _6_ at me! “Idid it, _7_ you can't!h”e said.I _8_ at the boy'sface.That year I did a lot of things. _9_ _, my father
9、taught me to ski, which bec ame my favourite sport. Many w inter afternoon s snowball wars with my neighbours _10_ daily drama.I went on bike trips with my friends and _11_ as m uch as a fish.It was unbelievable how much _12_ I had withou t TV. I learned so many new games. I guess the biggest t hing
10、 I learn t, _13_, was self-motivation( 上进心 ).I started to do my _14_. I went from a D student to an A student within a couple of weeks.I _15_ hate reading if there were no _16_, but now I began to read and enjoy it. I could _17_ all t he pictures just the way I wanted them my own little _ 18_, right
11、 inside my head!()I ' m_19_ what I did. I got a lot more from the _20_ than just the 100 dollars!1.A.only B. reallyC.occasionally D. finally2.A.trying B. advisingC.needingD.asking3.A.HoweverB.What' smoreC. As a resultD. In fact4.A.joy B. disbeliefC.angerD.curiosity5.A.managedB.expectedC.said
12、 D. had6.A.glare B. laughC.comeD.shoot7.A.and B. butC.orD.besides8.A.wonderedB.glancedC.glared D. looked9.A.Worse stillB.Such asC.For exampleD. In place10. A.replacedB.formedC.offered D. joined11. A.ran B. swamC.breathedD.jumped12. A.difficultyB.knowledge C.fun D. trouble13. A.thoughB.butC.luckily D
13、. even14. A. washing omework15. A. came to happened to16. A. pictures aises17. A. draw up find outB. shopping C. sports D. hB. used to C. stopped to D.B. explanations C. plots D. prB. arrange off C. make up D.18. A. TV B. booksC. workD.drama19. A. surprised atB. interestedinC. proud oD. changed by20
14、. A. experienceB. betC.incident D.pictureText 3The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freez ing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, _ _1_ passengers.Suddenly a little boy _2_ his way through the gr own-up legs an
15、d sits down by the window. He is all alone among the _3_ grown-ups. What a brave child, I thin k. His father _4_ very strange happens suddenly. The _5_ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee. _6_ , I think that he wants to _ 7_ me and return to his father, so I help him t
16、o stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his _8_ u p towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the _9_ . Wrong again!What I do receive is a _10_ kiss on the cheek.The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and co ntinues looking out of the windo
17、w. I am _11_. What just happened? A child is kissing _12_ grown-ups on the train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly _13_. Nervous and a little surprised, we _ 14_ at the father. When he sees our questioning _15_ _ as he get
18、s ready for his stop, he offers a clue(线索).“ He'sso happy to be alive, t”he father says. “Hehas been very sick. ”Father and son _16_ into the crowd moving towa rd the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still _17_ the child 'ksiss a kiss that h as triggered(触虫发)som
19、e soul-search inside me. How many _18_ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)o f _19_?The littleon: Be careful you don'ltet yourself heart stops!kisser had taught us a sweet but serious less1. A.excitedB.tiredC.pleasedD.surprised2.A.f
20、eels B. fightsC.pushesD.picks3.A.unfriendlyB.friendlyC.angryD.kind4.A.likes B. promisesC.choosesD.agrees5.A.impoliteB.seriousC.luckyD.ugly6.A.In no timeB.For a moment C. InawhileD. Once ina while7.A.kick B. strikeC.kissD.pass_20_ before your8. A.eye B. earC.headD.lip9. A.news B. messageC.kissD.fortu
21、nate10.A.loud B. foolishC.strangeD.interested11.A.pleasedB.shockedC.satisfiedD.familiar12.A.well-knownB.smartC.unknownD.persuaded13.A.praisedB.kissedC.scolded D .whisper14.A.stareB. smileC.warnD.whisper15.A.glancesB.angerC.mouths D.feeling16.A.appearB.getC.disappearD.follow17.A.touchB.trustC.smell D
22、.feel18.A.go aroundB.come atC.keep onD.insist on19.A.a childB.a kissC.living D.death20.A.live B. stopC.dieD.sleepText 4There are about fifteen hundred languages in the worl d.But _1_ a few of them are very _2_ . Englis h is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the U. S. A,
23、 but in other parts of the world. About 200, 000, 000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a _3 _ language. Many millions are _4_ to do so.Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different peopl e may have different _5_. Have you ever _6_ the ad
24、s of this kind in the newspapers or magazines?“ Learn English in six month, or your _7_ back . ”“ Easyand funny? Our records and tapes _8_ you master your English in a month. _9_ the first day yo ur _10_ will be excellent. Just send . ”Of course, it never _11_ quite like this.The only language that
25、seems easy to learn is the mot her tongue. We should _12_ that we all learned our o wn language well when we were _13_. If we could le arn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficu lt. _14_ what a small child does. He listens to what p eople say. He tries what he hears. When he is using
26、the l anguage, talking in it, and _15_ in it all the time, just imagine how much _16_ that gets!So it is _17_ to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English _18_ upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and _19_much time. Good teachers,records, tapes,books, an
27、d dictionaries will _20_ . Butthey cannot dothe student 'wsork for him.1. A. not B. quiteC. onlyD. very2. A. difficultB. importantC. necessary D.easy3. A. native B. foreignC. usefulD. mother4. A. learningB. enjoyingC. trying D. liking5. A. questionsB. problemsC. ideas D. answers6. A. found B. wa
28、tchedC. noticedD. known7. A. knowledgeB. timeC. money D. English8. A. make B. helpC. letD. allow9. A. From B. OnC. SinceD. After10. A. spellingB. grammarC. English D. pronunciation11. A. lt12. A.happenedknowB. knowC. seemedD. feC. understandD .B.rememberthink13. A.studentsB.childrenC. babies D. grow
29、n-ups14. A.ImagineB.MindC. Do D. Think of15. A.usingB.thinkingC. trying D. practicing16. A.time B. moneyC.languageD. practice17. A.hard B. easyC.funnyD. silly18. A.dependsB.triesC. has D. takes19. A.uses B. takesC.getsD. costs20. A.do B. workC.helpD. masterText 5When I come across a good article in
30、reading newspa pers. I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am ab out to do so I find the article on the _1_ side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to _ _2_ in good health, or a _3_ about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front article, th e o
31、pposite one is likely to _4_ damage, leaving out h alf of it or keeping the text _5_ the title. Therefore, t he scissors would _6_ before they start, _7_ half way done when I find out the _8_ result.Sometimes two things are to be done at the same tim e, both worth you _9_. You can only take up one o
32、f them, the other has to wait or be _10_ up. But you k now the future is unpredictable( 不可预料 ) the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left _11_. Thus you are _12_ in a difficult position and feel sad. How _13_ that nice chances and brilliant ideas shoul d gather around all at once? It
33、 may happen that your life _14_ greatly on you preference of one choice to the o ther.In fact that is what _15_ is like, we are often _ _16_ with the two opposite sides of a thing which are b oth desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only _17_ w
34、e get into another. The _18_ may be more important than t he latter and give rise to a divided mind. I _19_ rem ember a philosopher 'rems arks, “ Whenone door shuts, another opens in life.So a casual(不经意)_20_ may notbeabadone.1.A.front B.sameC.eitherD.opposite2.A.get B.keepC.leadD.bring3.A.advic
35、eB.newsC.theory D.report4.A.suffer B.reduceC.preventD.cause5.A.on B.forC.withoutD.off6.A.use B.handleC.prepareD.stay7.A.or B.butC.soD.for8.A.satisfyingB.regretfulC.surprisingD.impossible9. A. courageB. strengthC. attention D.patience10. A. givenB. heldC. made D. picked11. A. near B. aloneC. aboutD.
36、behind12. A. filledB. attractedC. caught D. struck13. A. daresB. comesC. deals D. does14. A. improvesB. changesC. progressesD.goes15. A. studyB. societyC. nature D. life16. A. facedB. suppliedC. connected D.fixed17. A. beforeB. afterC. until D. as18. A. followingB. nextC. above D. former19. A. still
37、 B. alsoC. onceD. almost20. A. treatment B. action C. choice D. re markText 6(2004.湖南保留原题号)I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a_ _36_ village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be _37_ at a nearby garage. I readil
38、y accept ed. I drove Dad into Mijas, and _38_ to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the _39_ . With several hours to spare, I went to a theater. _40_, wh en the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours lat e!I knew Dad would be angry if he _41_ I ' dbeen watching movies. So
39、 I decided not to tell him the truth. When I _42_ there I apologized for being late, and to ld him I ' d_43_ as quickly as I could, but that the ca r had needed a major repairs. I ' llnever forget the _44_ _ he gave me. “I 'dmisappointed you _45_ you have to lie to me, Jason. ” Dad looke
40、d at me again. “ Whenyo u didn '_t_46_, I called the garage to ask if there were any _47_ , and they told me you hadn ' tyet picked u p the car. ”I felt _48_ as I weakly told him the real reason. A _49_ passed through Dad as he listened att entively. “I 'amngry with _50_. I realize I
41、9; vefailed as a father. I ' mgoing to walk home now and think seriousl y about _51_ I ' vegone wrong all these years. ”“But Dad, it '1s8 miles! ”My protests and apologies were _5 2_. Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, _ 53_ him all the way, but he walked silently.Seeing Dad i
42、n so much _54_ and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was _55_ the most successful lesson.I have never liedsince. distant D. fa36. A.lonelyB. smallC.miliar37. A.kept B. washedC. watchedD.serviced38. A.agreedB. plannedC.determinedD. promised39. A. villageB. communityC. garageD
43、theater40. A. HoweverB. ThenC. ThereforeDStill41. A. realizedB. found outC. thought D .figured out42. A. went B. ranC. walkedD. hurried43. A. startedB. leftC. arrived D. come44. A. wordB. faceC. look D . appearance45. A. find B. decideC. believeD. feel46. A. turn upB. drive outC. go away D.come out4
44、7. A. questionsB. problemsC. mistakesD.faults48. A. ashamedB. frightenedC. nervousD.surprised49. A. nervousnessB. sadnessC. silence D.thought50. A. you B. myselfC. meD. yourself51. A. whereB. howC. whyD. when52. A. meaninglessB. uselessC. helplessD.worthless53. A.askingB.persuadingC.beggingDfollowin
45、g54. A.physicalB.practicalC.personalDnatural55.A.indeedB.alwaysC.also D. amostText 7“ Everything happens for the best, ”my mother said wh enever I faced disappointment. “If you _1_, something good will happen some day. ”Mother was _2_ , as I discovered after graduating from college, I had _3_ myself
46、 for a sports announcer.So I went to Chicago(芝加哥) to knock on the door of every station and was _4_ every time. In one station, a _5_ lady told me that large stations wouldn ' templo y a person without _6_ since I just graduated. “Goou t of the town and find a small station that might give you_7
47、_, ”she said.I returned to Dixon (德克萨斯州) where I had finishe d my high school education and had _8_ in the schoo l football team. My father said that our town had built a s tore and wanted a man to _9_ its sports department. The job sounded just _10_ for me but I wasn'thired.My disappointment ha
48、d _11_ as if by design. “Ev erything happens for the best, ”Mom _12_ me. Dad le nt me his car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio Dave nport. The program director told me they had already _1 3_ an announcer. After I left his office, I asked aloud “_14_ can a fellow get to be a sports _15_ if he can
49、'tget a job in a radio station? _”_16_, I heard the director calling. “Do you know anything about _17_ _?”Then he asked me to _18_ an imaginary game. It was easy, and I did it without difficulty. The director was_19_ and told me I would be broadcasting a game on the _20_ Saturday.1.A.put onB.wai
50、t onC.move on D.carryon2.A.false B.rightC.greatD.strong3.A.devotedB.designedC.found D. enjoyed4.A.called B.receivedC.refusedD.accepted5.A.large B.tallC.kindD.rude6. A. experience B. examination C. agreement D. permission7. A. moneyB. chanceC. time D. patience8. A. playedB. joinedC. taken D. fought9. A. own B. manageC. reportD. enter10. A. funnyB. reasonable C. right D. important11.A.shownB.
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