



1、垃圾的分类时间:2021.02.08创作人:欧阳生The classification of garbageHellozeveryone! I am glad to have this chanee to share some ideas about the classification of garbage with you.When walking in the campus, you usually ask yourself z "where is the garbage can?" , in order to lose rubbish in your hand. I

2、n the past, I think it is a fairly easy thing to throw rubbish. The only thing which waste my time is to find a garbage can in the nearby. Then I would throw the garbage into the trash can with giving a whistle.But now things are changing. Along with the environmental policy , I find that more and m

3、ore garbage can with novel style appeare in the campus. They ordinarily consist of two parts. One used to hold the recyclable garbage, and another used to store unrecyclable garbage. So when I'm ready to throw rubbish, I need to stop and think. What type of garbage does it belong to in my hand?

4、Recyclable? Un recyclable? The n I must to bent dow n to see what is written on the barrel. Which one is recyclablebarrel? Which one is unrecyclable barrel? Because I'm nearsighted Although this process wastes my some time, when I put the rubbish into the right position, I will arise spontaneous

5、ly a sense of achievement. Because I think I have done a little useful thing for the great cause of environ mental protectio n.But sometimes zit is not a simple thing to make sure the type of garbage in my hand. For the same piece of paper; it belongs to d iff ere nt garbage classification in differ

6、ent situations. If it is a clean piece of paper, it belongs to recycle garbage without doubt When I write on the paper, or fold the paper; I still can easily know it belongs to recycled garbage But how about this? (sneeze, blowing my nose, chewing gum). Do you still insist that it is recycled rubbis

7、h? I believe that most people don't Spec讦ically, this answer is not correct either. In the garbage classification, it belongs to the combustible rubbish or organic waste. For the other one example, when you want to throw away the leftover breakfast, how do you deal with it? Is it recycled? Is it

8、 unrecyclable? Or not all. Because the leftover breakfast belongs to kitchen waste.Next, let's look at the spec讦ic classification of garbage. As we can see, the consumerz mainly produces four kinds of rubbish in our daily life. They are recyclable, unrecyclable, combustible, and kitchen waste. F

9、or the unrecyclable, the main way to deal with it is Ian dfill. It takes up a lot of la nd and pollute them However, if we adopt the right technology to it, the un recyclable garbage can be con verted to metha ne which is useful for us. For the recyclable garbage, they are often used to recycle, and

10、 produce recycled goods. And how about combustible rubbish? Just as its name implies, the main way to deal with it is burning. The en ergy of burning is used to gen erate electricity which provide security for the life. Next for the kitchen waste, it is very appropriate to organic compost. Organic f

11、ertilizers is a kind of environmentally friendly fertilizers So in the end, the garbage is reused in various other ways and come back to our life. This is a very valuable cycle.For example, how to deal with waste batteries? If there is only one or a little ordinary battery, you can throw it and livi

12、ng garbage together. Because the battery with mercury do little harm to the environment. Recommended not to collect the battery, and not plan to thrown away when you think it. Because you may forget it. A lot of batteries have greater pollution. If you have many batteries is in need of treatment, pl

13、ease put it to correct position. Our school has a special garbage can to recycling battery.So now the garbage class讦ication is not perfect, but it is very helpful to built up our consciousness of garbage classification. You might ask, "Is there a simple method which can quickly classify rubbish

14、?" Sorry, I can't give this method Because garbage classification depe nds on each pers on's value judgement But you can give the rubbish to the garbage man in your dormitory and ask, "How much does they value?" If he take the garbage and give you some money, it means the garb

15、age is recycled. If he gives you a glimpse and say, "go away!" It means the garbage is unrecyclableSo I support the garbage classification policy. Many people side and I are also to do so. I usually take some times to divide garbage into two parts. This part is recycled garbage. That part is unrecyclable garbage. Then I put them into correct position. But in the end, what happened? I see the garbage to be put together once again! Are you kitting me?This is a qu


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