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1、助动词和情态动词教学目的:了解助动词和情态动词的用法教学重点:情态动词的用法教学难点:情态动词+完成式学时数:、助动词助动词本身无词义,它只是用来帮助主要动词构成各种时态、语态、语气以 及否定和疑问结构,助动词共有5个:be, have, shall, do, wil。下面分别讲述这 五个助动词的用法:I. be的形式和用法助动词be有八种形式:冃疋式缩略冃定式否定式缩略否定式原形be现在式第一人称单数ammam notarentm not现在式第二人称单数he, she, itissis notisnt s not现在式第二人称单、复数和第 一、三人称复数you, we, theyarere

2、are notarentre not过去式第一、二人称单数I, he,she, itwaswas notwas nt过去式第二人称单、复数和第 一、三人称复数you, we, theywerewere notwere nt现在分词beingnotbeing过去分词bee nnot bee nNote:在英国英语中,are nt使用很广泛。在美国英语中使用较多的是被认 为非标准的aint。助动词be的主要用法是:1.与现在分词构成各种进行时态及与have和现在分词构成完成进行进态 Fear of crimeis slowly paralyz ing America n society.犯罪恐惧症

3、正逐渐地使用美国社会陷于瘫痪。(2) The telepho ne had bee n ringing for three minu tes before it was an swereD.电话铃响了三分钟才有人接。2.与过去分词构成被动语态(1) He was an ardent fighter for freedom and indepen dence. He was loved by millions and hated only by a han dful.他是个争取自由和独立的热诚战士, 为成百万人所爱戴,为仅仅一小撮人所仇恨。(2) They came to Europe wher

4、e their mother had been educated and stayedthree years.他们来到他们的母亲受教育的欧洲,并待了三年。3.此外,be还可用作连系动词,如:It was one of the happiest after noons he had ever spe nt.那是他有生以来最愉快的一个下午。n. have的形式和用法助动词have有五种形式:冃疋式缩略冃疋式否定式缩略否定式原形havevehave nothave ntve not现在式第三人称单 数hasshas nothas nt s not现在式第三人称单 数hasshas nothas nt

5、s not过去式haddhad nothad nt d not现在分词hav ingnot hav ing过去分词had助动词have的主要用法是:1.与过去分词构成各种完成时态(1) Newt on has expla ined the movme nts of the moon from the attracti ons of theearth.牛顿阐明了月球受到地球引力而运行的规律。(2) Reluctantly, she opened the door, sheiad not kept it locked; there had been noneed.她勉强地开了门。她没有锁门,也没有

6、必要锁门2.与been +现在分词构成各种完成进行时态(1) Men have been digging salt out of it for six hundred years and yet there seemsas much left as ever.人们在这里掘盐已六年,但盐似乎还是那么多。(2) In ano ther mon ths time Mr Henry will have bee n tea chi ng here for exactlythirty years.再过一个月,享利先生就将在这里从事教学整30年了。3.此外,have还可用作实义动词,意谓”有”、”吃”等(1

7、) Bad n ewshas win gs.丑事传千里。(2) Youre an aemic, you mushave some iron.你患贫血症了,应该服一些铁。4. have还可用作使役动词(1) We now have the problem solved.我们现已把这个问题解决了。(2) I had a tooth out this afternoon.我今天下午拔了一颗牙。Note: have用作实义动词时不能使用缩略式。词组have to有情态意义,详见” 情态动词”。m. do的形式和用法助动词do有三种形式:冃疋式否定式缩略否定式原形dodo notdont现在式第三人称单

8、数doesdoes notdoes nt过去式diddid notdid ntNote: do用作实义动词时有现在分词doing和过去分词done.助动词do的主要用法是:1.构成现在一般时和过去一般时的疑问句(1) Do you always carry an umbrella你经常带伞吗(2) Did everything come off all right一切都进行的有顺利吗2.构成现在一般时和过去一般时的否定句(1) Shedid nt cool dow n for hours after that argume nt.在那场争辩之后,她有好几个小时都没平静下来。(2) Dont w

9、orry, he will be brought to book for his wickedness one day.别担心,他的恶行总有一天要受到惩罚的。3.用于替代,以避免重复(1) May I come round in the morning上午我可以来拜访你吗Yes, pleasedo.可以,请来吧。(do替代come round)(2) I dont like coffee and neither does my wife.我不喜欢咖啡,我妻子也不喜欢。(does替代like)4.用于强调(1) My parents think I didnt study for my exam

10、s, but did study.我爸爸妈妈认为我考试前没有复习,但我是复习了。(2) Although I have little time for entertainment, I do go to the theatre once in a while.虽然我很省有时间娱乐,一但我有时间就去看戏。(3) Were very pleased that shedoes intend to come.她的确打算来,我们非常高兴。(4) The letter we were expecting neverdid arrive.我们期待的信一直没有到。(5) Do you remember how

11、 kind she was你记得她多友善吗I certainly do remember.当然记得。5.用于恳求(1) Do come to the party tonight.务请今晚来参加晚会。(2) Do be quiet!请别作声!6.此外,do还可用作实义动词,意谓 ”做”,”干”等等(1) Shes doing her knitting.她正在编织衣物。(2) She interrupted him before his speech wasdone.她不等他把话说完就打断了他。(3) Bad booksdo great harm.坏书有很大害处。(4) Will you do m

12、e a favour你愿帮我个忙吗(5) Janeis doing the dishes.珍妮正在洗碟子。(6) I will is do my best.我愿尽力而为。(7) That will do.行了(或够了)。Note:如用其它时态,疑问句的助动词须提至主语前,否定句的助动词之后加not如: Will he be able to hear at such a distanee离这么远,他会听得到吗 Youhave nt been abroad before, have you你以前没出过国,是吗IV. shall(should)和will(would)的形式和用法助动词shall(过

13、去式should)和will (过去式would)有下列几种形式:冃疋式缩略冃疋式否定式缩略否定式shallllshall notsha ntshouldshould notshould ntwillllwill notwont ll notwoulddwould notwould ntd not助动词shall(should)和will (would)可用于构成各种将来和过去将来时态,shall(should)用于第一人称,will(would)用于第二、第三人称。在当代英语(尤 其是美国英语中)will(would)常用于一切人称。1. shall用于各种将来时态第一人称(当代英语多用wi

14、ll)(1) Weshall be going away tomorrow by an early train.我们将于明日搭早班火车离开。(2) I shall let you know as soon as I have heard from them.我一接到他们的信、当即告诉你。2. should用于各种过去将来时态的第一人称(当代英语多用would)(1) So this was the place where I should study for the three made a bad first impression.后来,这就是我学习三年的地方,它给我的第一个印象可不好。(2

15、) The BCC weather report this morning said that weshould have rain.英国广播公司今晨的天气预报说,我们这儿将有雨。3. will用于各种将来时态的第二、第三人称(1) Theywill be looking for anyone connected with her.他们将寻找每一个与她有往来的人。(2) The play is coming off in August - By the n the play will have bee n running forthree mon ths.这个剧将于八月停演到那时它将连演三个月

16、了4. would用于各种过去将来时态的第二、第三人称(1) They said itwould be fine.人们说天气会很好。(2) Theywould have finished by five oclock.他们将于五时前完工。Note: shall (should)和will (would)可用作情态动词。详见 ”情态动词 ”。should和would可以构成虚拟语气,详见 ”虚拟语气 ”。二、情态动词 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度。情态动词有一定词义;不 受主语人称和数的变化影响;与主要动词的原形(或称不带to的不定式)一起 构成谓语(除oughtto作固定词组看待)

17、。 下面分别介绍情态动词的用法:1. can (could)1)表示能力,could主要指过去时间。Two eyes can see more tha n one两只眼比一只眼看得清。Could the girl read before she we nt to school这女孩上学前能识字吗2)表示可能(理论上或是逻辑判断上) 。The temperature can fall to60C , that is 60C below freezing.气温可降至一60C,也就是零下60C。He cant (could n t) have eno ugh money for a new car.

18、他不可能有足够的钱买新车。You mustntsmoke while youre walking around in the wood.You could start a fire.在林子里走时勿吸烟,那样可能会引起火灾。3)表示允许。Can I have a look at your new per我可以看一看你的新钢笔吗He asked whether he could take the book out of the readingroom.他问他可不可以把书带出阅览室。4)表惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度。主要用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中。Where can (could) they hav

19、e go ne tc他们会去哪儿了呢He cant(couldnt) be over sixty.他不可能超过六十岁。How can you be so careless尔怎么这么粗心5)比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法。Can (Could) you lend me a ha nc帮我一把好吗Im afraid we couldntgive you an answer today.恐怕我 们今 天不 能给 你答 复。2. may (might)1) 表允许,might可以指过去时间,也可指现在时间,语气更委婉。You may take whatever you like你喜欢什么就拿什么。H

20、e told me that I might smoke in the room.他告诉我可以在房间里抽烟。May(Might) I ask for a photo of your baby我可以要一张你 宝宝的照片 吗在回答以may引起的问句时,多避免用这个词,而用其它方式,如Yes, please. / Certainly. / Please dont ./ Youd better not. / No, you mustn t.等,以免显得太严峻或不客气。2) 表可能(事实上)。可以指过去时间,也可以指现在时间,但语气更加不肯定。He may be at home .他可能在家。She m

21、ay not know about it.她可能不知道这件事。He was afraid they might not agree with him.他担心他们可能不同意他的意见。They might be having a meeting, butIm not sure.他们有可能在开会,不过我不肯定。3. must1)表示义务。意为”必须” (主观意志)。We must do everythi ng step by step.我们一切都必须循序渐进地做。You mustnt talk to her like that.你不可能那样对她说话。-Must we hand in our exer

22、cisebooks now我们现在就要交练习本吗-No, youneednt. / No, you dont have to.不必。(这种情况下,一般不用mustnt)2)表示揣测。意为”想必、准是、一定”等,只用于肯定句。He must be ill. He looks so pale他准是病了。他的脸色苍白。Shes weari ng a diam ond n ecklace. She must have a lot of mon ey.她戴着钻石项链,一定很有钱。4. shall1)表征询意见,用于第一、第三人称疑问句。Shall I get you some tea我 给你点茶好吗Sh

23、all the boy wait outside让那男孩在外面等吗What shall we do this eve ning我们今晚做什么2)表说话人的意愿,有”命令、允诺、警告、决心”等意思,用于第二、 第三人称陈述句。You shall do as I say按 我说的做。(命令)You shall have my an swer tomorrow你明天可以得到我的答复。(允诺)He shall besorry for it one day, I tell you.有一天他会后悔的,我告诉你。 (警告)Nothing shall stop us from carrying out the

24、 plan.什么也不能阻止我们执行这项计划。 (决心)5. will1)表意愿,用于各种人称陈述句。I will do anything for you.我愿为你做任何事。None is so blind as those who wontsee.不愿看的人眼最瞎。If you will read the book, Ill lend it to you.如果你愿意读这本书,我会把它借给你。2)表请求,用于疑问句。Will you close the window Its a bit cold.请你把窗户关上好吗有点冷。Wont youdrink some more coffee再来一点咖啡好

25、吗3)表示某种倾向或习惯性动作。Fish will die out of water.鱼离开水就不能活。The door wont open.这门打不开。The boy will sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by.那男孩常常坐在那里好几个钟点,看着车辆行人通过6. should1)表义务。意为”应该” (某件事宜于做),用于各种人称。You should be polite to your teachers你对老师应该有礼貌。You shouldntwaste any time.你不应该浪费时间。2) 表推测,意为“想

26、必一定、照说应该、估计”等。The film should be very good as it is starring first class actors.这部新电影是一流演员主演的,估计拍得很好。They should be home by now.照说他们现在应当已经到家了。7. would1)表意愿。They would not let him in because he was poorly dressed.他们不让他进去因为他衣着破旧。I said I would do anything for yo u .我说过我愿意为你做任何事。2)表委婉地提出请求、建议或看法。Would

27、you like ano ther glass of beer再 来杯啤酒好吗Would you mind cleaning the window请把窗户擦一下好吗They would nthave any thi ng aga inst it.他们不会有什么反对意见。3) 表过去反复发生的动作或过去的一种倾向。Every time she was in trouble, she would go to him for help.她每遇到麻烦都会向她求助。他告诉我盒子打不开了。8. ought to1) 表义务,意为”应该” (因责任、义务等该做) ,口气比should稍重。You are h

28、is father. You ought to take care of him(尔是他父亲,应当管他。You oughtnt to smoke so much.你不应该抽这么多烟。2) 表推测,暗含很大的可能,语气较弱。Han Mei ought to know his telephone number.韩梅该知道他的电话号码。Theres a fine sunset; it ought to be a fine day tomorrow.今天有晚霞,明天应该是个好天。9. used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在不复发生或存在。疑问式和否定式有两种。He used to live in

29、 the countryside, but now he lives in the city.他过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。He didnuse to smoke cigarettes.匚He usedntto smoke cigarettes.-DidnMaria use to be interested in the theatre一UsedntMaria to be interested in the theatre此外,“情态动词+现在完成式”是一种较活跃的语法现象,在各种考试中屡 见不鲜。现将其用法归纳如下:I对过去行为发生的可能性的推测1.“ must/may/might+现在完成

30、式”表示对过去行为是否发生的可能性程度 不同的肯定推测。1)“must+现在完成式”这一用法是指说话人对过去所发生的事情的肯定推 断,含有逻辑上的必然性。例如:He must have gone to the clinic他一定是去医务室了。They started early this morning; they must have arrived by now.他们一大早就 启程了,现在一定到了。2)“may+现在完成式”表示从现在看来过去可能发生某事。可译为“曾经”、 “一度”、“也许”等。例如:He may have missed the train他可能没有赶上火车。3)“might

31、+现在完成式”表示“可能、也许、已经”,但事实上并未如此。 例如:I might have come to a wrong conclusion我可能得出了错误的结论。2.表示对过去行为可能性的否定推测1) “could/can not+现在完成式”表示以现在的眼光看来,过去不可能发生 的事。可译为“不可能或不至于”。例如:They couldn have left so soon他们不可能那么早就走了。They can have missed the way(Theyveeen to the zoo before.)他们不可能 迷路。(暗含他们以前去过动物园。)I canhave seen

32、him.我不可能见过他。2)“may not现在完成式”表示“不一定发生过、未必发生过”等。3)“might not现在完成式”表示“不一定就、也可能不、未免有点不”。II.表示说话人的语气1.表示委婉批评1)“could现在完成式”含有埋怨或训斥的口气。例如:I could have lent you the money.Why didnytou ask me我本来可以把钱 借给你的。你为什么没有向我借呢2)might现在完成式You might at least have answered my lette.r你至少可以回我一封信嘛。You might have been more car

33、efu.l你本可以再细心一些。2.表示惊奇或怀疑“couldcan现在完成式”常用在疑问句中。例如:Where(can)could they have gone他们可能到哪里去了呢How could they have forgotten such an important meeting他们怎么能忘记这么 重要的会议呢III.表示说话人认为过去的行为应该或不应该发生1.“shouldought to现在完成式” 表示说话人认为该做而实际未做的事。 例如:They ought to have done that but they didn.他们本应该这样做。He should have tol

34、d me the news earlier他本应该早些告诉我这消息。2“should notought not to现在完成式”表示过去做了不该做的事。例 如:Yououghtn to have done that.你这么做是不应当的。You should not have gone up to college so soon(But you did.) 你本不应该这 么早就上大学的。They shouldn have come.他们本不应该来。IV.表示不必要性。表示说话人对过去已做的事情持否定态度,或认为此事根本没必要做。常用句式为“needn现在完成式”。例如:I needn have

35、hurried.我大可不必这么急。The war needn have cost mankind so many lives -It needn have happened.在那 场战争中本来不必有那么多人丧生, 不仅如此,本来就是一场不必要的战争。V.表假设。“wouldn十现在完成式”表示与事实相反的动作,实际上已经做了,但假设没有做。可译为 ”就不会、决不会 ”等。例如:If not for these armed forces, the situation in chins would never have been what it istoday!要是没有这些军队,中国绝无今天的局面

36、!三、专项练习1. If it is fine tomorrow, we_a football match.A. have B. will have C. has D. shall has2. When he was at school, he_early and take a walk before breakfast.A. will rise B. shall rise C. should rise D. would rise.3. In the past 30 yeas China_great advances in the socialist revolution andsociali

37、st consruction.A. has made B. have made C. had made D. having made4. I_go to bed until I_finished my work.A. don t/had B. did nt/have C. did nt/had D. don t/have5._you think he_back by dinner timeA. Do/have come B. Did/will have comeC. Does/will come D. Do/will have come6. He said that he dropped hi

38、s bag when he_for the bus.A. was runing B. was running C. were running D. is running7. No sooner_he arrived home than he_to start on another journey.A. has/was asked B. have/were asked C. had/is asked D. had/was asked8.“_you give me a room for thenight”Iasked on arriving at the hotel.A. Should B. Ca

39、n C. Might D. May9. There are nine of them, so_get into the car at the same time.A. they may not at all B. all they may notC. they cant allD. all they ca nt/10.“Wdidn tsee him at the lecture yesterday. “H_it.”A. mustn tattendB. cannot have attendedC. would have not atte ndedD. n eed nt have atte nde

40、d11.“Yotealize that you were driving at 100 mph, dont you”“Noofficer. I_. This car can do more thian 80.”A. didn t need to beB. may not have beenC. could nt have bee nD. n eed nthave bee n12. He was a good runner so he_escape from the police.A. might B. succeeded to C. would D. was able to13. If the

41、y_, our plan will fall flat.A. are co-operating B. had not co-operatedC. wontco-operate D. didnt co-operate14. I hoped_my letter.A. her to answerB. that she would answerC. that she answersD. her answering15. He_live in the country than in the city.A. prefers B. likes to C. had better D. would rather

42、16._to see a film with us todayA. Did you likeB. Would you likeC. Will you likeD. Have you liked17. Imsorry, but I had no alternative. I simply_what I did.A. must do B. had to do C. ought to have done D. have to do18.“Timeis running out,_”A. hadntwe better got startB. hadntwe better get startB. hadn

43、twe better get startedD. hadntwe better not started19. No one_that to his face.A. dares say B. dares saying C. dare say D. dare to say20. The students in the classroom_n o t to make so much noise.A. need B. ought C. must D. dare21. You_last week if you were really serious about your work.A. ought to

44、 come B. ought to be comingC.ought have come D. ought to have come22. The elephants ought_hours ago by the keepers.A. to be fed B. to feed C. to being fedD. to have been fed23.“Wonder why they re late.“The_thetrain.”A. can have missed B. could missC. may have missed D. might miss24.“Tomgraduated fro

45、m college at a very youngage.”“He_have bee n an outsta ndin stude nt.”A. must B. could C. should D. might25. You_the examination again since you had already passed it.A. n eed n thave take nB. did n t need to takeC. n eed nt takeD. must nt takeAnswers:1-5 BDACD 6-10 BDBCB 11-15 CDCBD16-20 BBCCB 21-2

46、5 DDCAB四、自测练习1. He is really incompetent! The letter_ye ste rd ay .A. should be finished typing B. must be finished typingC. must have finished typing D. should have been finished typing2. The boy told his father that he would rather_an astronaut.A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became3. When w

47、e reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we_.A. n eeded not to hurryB. n eed n t have hurriedB. need not to have hurriedD. didn t need to hurry4. Since your roommate is visiting her family this weekend,_you like to havedinner with us tonightA. will B. wont C. wouldn t D. do5. He wa

48、s afraid what he had done_a disastrous effect on his career.A. might have B. could be C. have been D. shall be6.He_hardly say anything more, since you know about it.A. don tneed toB. needntC. needs D. need7.You_the look on his face when he won the prize.A. would have seen B. should have seenC. must

49、seeD. can be seeing8.Some people think the stock market will crash, but_.A. I wonder if it happensB. I doubt if it will happenC. I am afraid it would n t happenD. I doubt if it does happe n9.“Whatevehas happened toGeorge” “don tknow. He_lost.”A. can have got B. may have got C. might get D. could get

50、10. He has no idea what the book is about. He_read the book.A. could ntB. could nt have C. might nt have D. should nt have11. New studies show that two of Saturns rings_longer than the billion yearssince the birth of the Solar System.A. could have lasted B. should have lastedC. would have lasted D.

51、must be lasting12. Take the telescope with you in case you_it in your expedition.A. will need B. would need C. should need D. could need13. Need he come at once Yes, he_.A. must B. must not C. need D. may14. Please answer the phone. It_be by your father. If it is, would you tell that Iwant to see hi

52、mA. will B. should C. would D. could15. Well never give in whatever they_say or do.A. may B. will C. shall D. should16. I dont know whether it will rain or not, but if it_rain, I shall stay at home.A. will B. did C. does D. shall17.“You like some tea,_”A. would nt you B. should nt youC. had ntouD. d

53、id n t you18.“Maywe take the booksout”A. No, you may not B. No, you can notC. No, you cantD. Please dort19.“wIould have come sooner, but I_that you were waiting”.A. did nt knowB. has nt knownC. had nt knowD. have nt known20. If you dont want to, you_to get there with us.A. must ntB. cant C. dont hav

54、e D. have not21. I would go to visit them but I_t h i n k they are anxious to see me.A. have ntB. dontC. does nt D. did nt22. Whatever you can do,_.A. I can do so as wellB. I can do this as wellB. I can do it as wellD. I can do as well23._- I realized the consequences I would never have contemplated

55、 gettinginvolved.A. Had B. Have C. Having D. Has24.“Perhapshe is working forJohn.” “Yes|he_forhim.”A. need have been working B. may be workingB. ought have been working D. ought be working25.“Iknow she was in because I heard her radio, but she didntopen the door.”“She_the bell.”A. may not be hearing

56、 B. may not have heardB. must not have heard D. must not be hearing26.“Hwas smoking. ”“Thertne_.”A. ought to have been not smoking B. ought to have not been smokingC. ought not to have been smoking D. ought to not have been smoking27. You_out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold.A. ou

57、ghtn t have gone B. shouldnt have goneC. must nt have goneD. can t hnave gone28.“Paul was riding a bicycle along the motorway when he was hit by the trailer of alorry”A. should n t have bee n riding B. could nt have bee n ridingC. ought n t have bee n riding D. cant have bee n ridi ng29. I am listening. But you_.A. need be listeningB. should be listeningC. need have


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