1、整理文本Unit6 Topic2 SectionB精品教案I. Material analysis本课是第六单元话题二的第二课时。 本课的主要活动是1a和 2a。通过 Michael和 Mary 的对话,学习谈论社区环境和邻里关系的话题;还进一步学习社区周边设施的单词; 通过句子排序、 创编对话等活动, 训练学生正确的语言实际运用能力,培养学生的交际策略。另外,通过图解的活动训练学生的阅读理解能力。本课涉及邻里关系, 因此教师在教授英语知识与技能的同时, 应引导学生养成邻里之间互相帮助、互相关心、乐于助人的优良品质。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims能根据已学语
2、音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用:neighbor, store, bank, street, corner, post, post office, bookstore, parking lot,supermarket, railway, station, end, road能够正确使用 there be句型和方位介词及短语;能够就“社区环境、邻里关系、寻求和提供帮助、问路和指路”等话题进行交流与对话操练,如:(1) Would you like me to help you? Yes, thanks.(2) Could you help me? Of cour
3、se. It s very nice of you. Thank you.整理文本(3) And is there a bank near here? Well, there is one on the street corner. 2.Skill aims能听懂有关寻求和提供帮助、邻里间互助的话题;能听懂简单的课堂用语并做出适当的反应;能向他人求助或提供帮助;能根据图文就居住环境和邻里关系等基本话题进行交流;能根据图文理解相关话题,并根据要求进行学习活动;能根据音标拼写单词。3.Emotional aims能够在游戏、 小对话、小表演等活动中, 培养出学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神;帮助
4、学生形成乐于助人的品质。III. The key points and difficult points1.能够在情景对话中, 熟练运用 there be句型来谈论社区周边环境和邻里关系的话题;2.掌握关于社区周边设施的词汇。IV. Learning strategies1.能够养成运用图片、关键词、视频片段、背景知识等帮助听说的学习策略;2.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,认真听录音和老师的发音,大胆开口,反复模仿;3.能在学习过程中养成预习和复习的学习习惯。.整理文本V. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteract
5、ion patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction1. The whole class1. Focus their attention1.Getstudents(5 minutes)work.on the teacher.ready for learning.2. Individual2.Do duty report. Suppose 2. Helpthework.you want to rent a housestudents revise thefrom/to others. Design anwords in Section A
6、ad to rent rooms from/toand “ there be”others. Afterthat,showstructure.your ads tothewholeclass.e.g.Room WantedLook fora room for asinglepersonunder¥500 a month. Call JimatFor RentA room for two people.¥800 a month. Call Ms.Presentation(10 minutes)整理文本Lin.Tel:1. The whole
7、class1.Do2a. Lookat the1.Presentnewwork,individualpictures in 2a. Learn newwordswiththeworkand pairwords about the buildingshelp of the pictureswork.aroundus, postoffice,andflashcards.bookstore, library, parkingCheck the answers.lot, supermarket,hospital,bank, railway station.Match the words in 2awi
8、ththephrasesindividually. Thenchecktheanswers withyourpartner.Answertheteachersquestions.Make sure you read thenew words correctly.T: Where can we keep money?Ss: A bank.T:Where can we park2. Playthetape2.The whole class.整理文本work,individualbuses?recorder. Checkworkand pairSs: Parking lot.the answers.
9、work.2. Do 1a & 1b. Look at the picture in 1a. Read the key words about the conversation in 1a, neighbor, store, in front of, bank, corner. Predictwhattheconversationmay be about in 1a.Listen to the tape to checkyourprediction.Thenlisten again and fillin theblanks in 1bindividually.Check the ans
10、wers withyour partner.Consolidation1. The whole class1.Read 1a after the tape. 1.To be a good(10 minutes)work and pairThenpracticethe listener.work.conversationin1ainpairs. Some pairs read outthe conversation tothe.整理文本whole class.Practice1. Pair work.1. Afterpracticingthe(10 minutes)conversation in
11、 1a, makeup anewconversationabout asking for help andgiving help in pairs. Thenpracticeyournewconversationwithyourpartner. Afterthat, somepairsactoutyourconversation to the wholeclass.e.g.A:Excuse me, I am yournew classmate, Jimmy.B: Oh, welcome, Jimmy. Iam Danny. Wouldyoulike me to help you?A:Yes,
12、thanks. Is there alibrary in our school?B:Yes, there is. Itis1. Makethestudentspracticeexpressionsofasking for help andgiving help in pairs.整理文本2. Individual workbetween the dinning hall2. Playthetapeand pair work.and the dormitory. I canrecorder and checkshow you there.the answers.MakeA:It s very n
13、ice of you.thestudents.practicethenew2. Do 2b-A. Listen to thewordsaboutpassage andcheck theneighborhoodinplacesyouhear. Thenlistening.checkthe answers with3. Individual workyour partner.and pair work.Do 2b-B. Then listen to3. Makethethe tape again and writestudentslearn tothe places inthe correctus
14、e the picture topositions. Then check thepredictbeforeanswers with your partner. listening.3. Do 3a. Look at the4. Individual work picture in 3a. Try toand pair work.predictwhattheconversationmaybeabout.Thenreadthesentences and put them in 4.Makethe5. Group work.the correct order. Check studentsknow
15、.整理文本theanswers withyoursomephrases,partner. Then practice thebetween.and.,conversationinpairs.next to.Some pairsactouttheconversation.5.Makethe4. Do 4. Read the passagestudentspracticein 4 individually. Write thethewordsaboutname of each neighbor.thecommunity inThencheck theanswerswrittenandoralwit
16、h your partner.work.5. Sit in groups. Work in groups. Design a map about your community, including the post office,thebookstore,thehospital, the bank and soon. Draw it on the paper.Then show it to the classand introduce itto thewhole class.e.g.In our community, there.整理文本are twobanks. Near thebanks
17、there is a bigsupermarket. We can goshopping in it. In front ofthe supermarket there is apost office.Production1. Pair work.1. Suppose one ofyour1. Makethe(10 minutes)neighborscomestostudents usetheborrow your bike. Thinkexpressions aboutaboutaconversationoffering and askingabout what you may say,fo
18、r help in oral andusing the sentencesin 3awritten workafterabout offering and askinglearning.for help.e.g.2. AssigntheA: Excuse me. I am yourhomework:new neighbor, Jack.Review the wordsB: Oh,welcome,Jack.and practicetheWould you like me to helpyou?conversations in 1awith your partner;A: Yes,thanks. May I.整理文本borrow your bike? I wantGo on writing yourto go to the library, butnewconversation.it s a lit
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