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1、快速阅读讲座( 一) 快速阅读测试的要求 :15 分钟看完一篇一千多字的文章,通常有标题和小标题,并做完后面 的 10道题。前面 7个题是判断正误 (包括 NOT GIVEN,) 后 3个是填空 题(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词 ) 。( 二 ) 快速阅读测试的目的: 考生在短时间内获取篇章主旨和特定信息的能力。( 三) 快速阅读所需技巧 :略读 skimming 找篇章主旨和寻读法 scanning 找特定信息等。( 四) 快速阅读做题通常顺序:先看 小标题(现只看 2-3 个,多了也记不住),开始段、结束段、每段 的段首句和结尾句。建议浏览时将本段的 主题词用笔圈出。再通过 1-7 小题的

2、题干的名词、动词等关键词回原文进行定位来做。不要把文章看 完再做题,或题看完再读文章。(五)一般判断N和NG的标准如下:N 题: 题干描述的内容与原文内容明显矛盾、相反或不符。NG题:(I)题干提到的内容有可能发生也有可能不发生,原文中没有提 及是哪种可能性(2)以个别代替整体, 即将原文所举例子的特殊现象推广为普遍 现象(3)随意比较原文中提到的两个事物(4)将原文具体化,即题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围( 六 ) 需要特别注意的是: 如果题干中的某些信息是在对原文进行归纳总结或简单推 理后得出的,那么即使原文中没有出现这些关键信息,也应 该判断为 Y。例子:Directions: Yo

3、u will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7,mark Y (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO)if the statement contradicts the information give n in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN)if th

4、e in formation is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with in formati on give n in the passage.1. Many of the inner capacities which cannot be taught as subjects are ofte n known as psycho-social skills.2. Vocati onal skills are more fun dame ntal tha n psycho-social

5、skills because vocati onal skills determ ine people's livelihood.3. One can tell how effectively a vocati onal skill is being used by coun ti ng how many stude nts register for the course.4. The progress in psycho-social skills can be measured in terms of cha nged behaviors.5. One of the challen

6、ges facing the learners is to promote their life skills more con sciously and deliberately.6. The government will ensure that all curricula given to the learners will be related to life skills.7. The function of UNESCO is to lead the governments and other international age ncies to promote life skil

7、ls.8. The abilities that we can make the most of life consistof .9. The lear ning to do skills are also called "ma nual skills", which areto .10. The gover nment must exam ine and adapt the processes and content of educati on in order to gain a bala neebetwee n.Promote Learning and Skills

8、for Young People and AdultsThis goal places the emphasis on the lear ning n eeds of young people and adults in the con text of lifelo ng learnin g. It calls for fair access to lear ning programs that are appropriate, and mentions life skills particularly.Why this goal?Education is about giving peopl

9、e the opportunity to develop their potential, their pers on ality and their stre ngths. This does not merely mean lear ning new knowledge, but also developing abilities to make the most of life. These are called life skills-including the inner capacities and the practical skills we need.Many of the

10、inner capacities-ofte n known as psycho-social skills-ca nnot be taught as subjects. They are not the same as academic or technical learning. They must rather be modeled and promoted as part of lear ning, and in particular by teachers. These skills have to do with the way we behave-towards other peo

11、ple, towards ourselves, towards the challenges and problems of life. They include skills in com muni cati ng, in making decisi ons and sol ving problems, in n egotiati ng and express ing ourselves, in thi nking critically and un dersta nding our feeli ngs. More practical life skills are the kinds of

12、 manual skills we need for the physical tasks we face. Some would include vocational skills under the heading of life skills-the ability to lay bricks, sew clothes, catch fish or repair a motorbike. These are skills by which people may earn their livelihood and which are ofte n available to young pe

13、ople leaving school. In fact, very often young people learn psycho-social skills as they learn more practical skills. Learning vocational skills can be a strategy for acquiri ng both practical and psycho-social skills.We n eed to in crease our life skills at every stage of life, so lear ning them ma

14、y he part of early childhood educati on, of primary and sec on dary educati on and of adult lear ning groups.Its importance in learningLife skills can be put into the categories that the Jacques Delors report suggested; it spoke of four pillars of education, which correspond to certain kinds of life

15、 skills: Earning to know: Thinking abilities: such as problem-solving, critical thinking, decisi on-mak ing, un dersta nding con seque nces.Learning to be: Personal abilities: such as managing stress and feelings, self-aware ness, self-c on fide nee.Lear ning to live together Social abilities: such

16、as com muni cati on, n egotiati on, teamworkLearning to do: Manual skills: practising know-how required for work and tasks In today's world all these skills are necessary, in order to face rapid change in society. This means that it is important to know how to go on learning as we require new sk

17、ills for life and work. In addition, we need to know how to cope with the flood of information and turn it into useful knowledge. We also need to learn how to han dle cha nge in society and in our own lives.Its natureLife skills are both concrete and abstract-practical skills can be learned directly

18、, as a subject. For example, a lear ner can take a course in lay ing bricks and lear n that skill. Other life skills, such as self-con fide nee, self-esteem, and skills for relati ng to others or thinking critically cannot be taught in such direct ways. They should be part of any lear ning process,

19、where teachers or in structors are concerned that lear ners should not just lear n about subjects, but lear n how to cope with life and make the most of their pote ntial.So these life skills may be learnt when learning other things. For example: Learning literacy may have a big impact on self-esteem

20、, on critical thinking or on com muni cati on skills; Lear ning practical skills such as driv ing, healthcare or tailori ng may in crease self-c on fide nee, teach problem- sol ving processes or help in un dersta nding con seque nces.Whether this is true depe nds on the way of teachi nwhat kinds of

21、thi nking, relati on ship-build ing and com muni cati on the teacher or facilitator models themselves and promotes among the lear ners.Progress towards this goalIt would require measuri ng the in dividual and collective progress in making the most of lear ning and of life, or assess ing how far huma

22、 n pote ntial is being realized, or estimat ing how well people cope with cha nge. It is easier to measure the development of practical skills, for instance by counting the number of students who register for vocabonal skills courses. However, this still may not tell us how effectively these skills

23、are being used.The psycho-social skills cannot easily be measured by tests and scores, but become visible in cha nged behavior. Progress in this area has ofte n bee n no ted by teachers on reports which they make to the parents of their pupils. The teachers experie nce of life, of teachi ng and of w

24、hat can be expected from educati on in the broadest sense serve as a sta ndard by which the growth and developme nt of in dividuals can be assessed to some exte nt. This kind of assessme nt is in dividual and may n ever appear in intern atio nal tables and charts.Current challengesThe curre nt chall

25、e nges relate to these difficulties: We n eed to recog nize the importa nce of life skills-both practical and psycho-social-as part of educatio n which leads to the full developme nt of huma n pote ntial and to the developme nt of society; The links between psycho-social skills and practical skills

26、must be more clearly spelled out, so that educators can promote both together and find effective ways to do this; Si nee life skills are taught as part of a wide range of subjects, teachers n eed to have training in how to put them across and how to monitor learners' growth in these areas; In de

27、signing curricula and syllabuses for academic subjects, there must be a balance between content teaching and attention to the accompanying life skills;A more conscious and deliberate effort to promote life skills will enablelearners to become more active citizens in the life of society. Policy optio

28、nwhat gover nments should do. Recog nize and actively advocate for the tran sformati onal role of educati on in realiz ing huma n pote ntial and in socio-ec ono mic developme nt; En sure that curricula and syllabuses address life skills and give lear ners the opportunity to make real-life applicatio

29、ns of knowledge, skills and attitudes; Show how life skills of all kinds apply in the world of work, for example, negotiating and com muni cati on skills, as well practical skills; Through in itial and in-service teacher training, in crease the use of active and participatory lear nin g/teachi ng ap

30、proaches; Exam ine and adapt the processes and content of educati on so that there is a bala nce betwee n academic in put and life skills developme nt; ,Make sure that educati on in spectors look not only for academic progress through teach ing and lear ning, but also progress in the com muni catio

31、n, modeli ng and applicati on of life skills;Advocate for the links betwee n primary and (early) sec on dary educati on because lear ning life skills n eeds eight or nine years and recog nize that the prospect of effective sec on dary educati on is an incen tive to childre n, and their pare nts, to

32、complete primary educati on successfully.Policy options- what funding agencies should doSupport research, excha nge and debate, n atio nally and regi on ally, on ways of stre ngthe ning life skills educati on;Support innovative (创新的)teacher training in order to combine life skills promoti on into su

33、bjects across the curriculum and as a fun dame ntal part of what school and educatio n are about;Recog nize the links betwee n primary and sec on dary educati on in en suri ng that childre n develop strong life skills;Support, therefore, the early years of sec on dary educati on as part basic educat

34、io n.What UNESCO is doingAs support to gover nments and in cooperati on with other intern ati onalage ncies, UNESCO:Works to define life skills better and clarify what it means to teach and learn them;Assists educational policy makers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to educati

35、 on;Advocates for the links betwee n a life skills approach to educati on and broader society and huma n developme nt.做题顺序:先看文章标题,直到文章主要内容,然后看第一小题,在小题部 分的定位词先圈出来,在回原文找。找到第一小题后,再看第二 小题。看一个题,作一个;不要把文章看完再做题,或题看完再 读文早。1. Many of the inner capacities which cannot be taught as subjects are ofte n known as

36、 psycho-social skills.定位词:长单词 inner capacities或者 psycho-social skills文章第1个小标题why this goal?下第二段首句。答案选丫。2. Vocatio nal skills are more fun dame ntal tha n psycho-social skills because vocati onal skills determ ine people's livelihood.定位词:Vocatio nal skills或fun dame ntal,定位词每次只需要找 23个,多 了记不住。文章第1个

37、小标题why this goal?下第2段最后2句。原文各个部分都说到,但是原文没作比较,选 NG -the in formatio n is mentionedbut not eno ugh to reach the given con clusi on.3. One can tell how effectively a vocati onal skill is being used by coun ti ng how many stude nts register for the course.定位词:effectively,vocational,register并且只能在第2小题后面找。

38、 文章第4个小标题progress towards this goa下首段第2句、3句。与原文 表达相反,选N。FThe progress in psycho-social skills can be measured in terms of cha nged behaviors.定位词:changed behaviors并且只能在第3小题后面找。文章第4个小标题progress towards this goa下第2段第一句。与原文表 达一致,选丫。5. One of the challenges facing the learners is to promote their life sk

39、ills more con sciously and deliberately.定位词: challenges和 consciously and deliberately文章第5个小标题current challenges部分最后一段,是原文的同义互换, 选丫。6. The government will ensure that all curricula given to the learners will be related to life skills.定位词:curricula, government文章第6个小标题Policy options部分第二段,文章 有提到教育与 生活技能的学习会得到支持,但并没有说两者的结合会得到保证。 不矛盾也不完全一致。NG .7. The function of UNESCO is to lead the governments and other internationalagencies to promote life skills.定位词:UNESC,有专有名词、大写字母单词为首选定位词。文章最后一个小标题 What UNESCO is doi


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