



1、科目En glish年级Grade eight主备人课题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?(Section B 1a-1d)上课人知识与技能 目标Key vocabulary, Target la nguage and Oral practice.过程与方法 目标Liste ning and speak ing情感态度与价值观目标En able stude nts to write an article about the importa nt eve nt教学重点1) Vocabulary: by the side of t

2、he road, wait for2) Kate realized that her bag was still at home.When the school basketball competition started, Kate was still making her way to school.教学难点1) The usage of by the side of the road, wait for2) The liste ning教具与教法Teaching Method: Listening method, Speaking method, Pair work,Teaching A

3、id: A tape recorder, a computer, blackboard and an English book教学过程教师活动学生活动I . Greetings and Leading inThi nk of a time whe n you were late for or could n 'go to an eve nt. Ask the stude nts to discuss it.n . Pre-taskPage 37, 1a1 Look at 1a.2 Ask the stude nts to think of ano ther time whe n you

4、 were late for or could n'tgo to an eve nt. What was the eve nt?Lead-i nAsk and an swer the questi on DiscussLook at 1a DiscussAsk and an swer the questi on年 月日课时编号 NO授课时间:第 周 星期What was the reas on why you were late or could'go?3 Tell your part ner the story.川.While-taskPage 37 ,1b and 1c1

5、Look at 1b.2 Listen and write short answers to the questions.3 Play the tape. Let the stude nts find the an swers.4 Ask one or two stude nts to check the an swers.5 Look at 1c.6 Play again. Let students number the events (1-6) in the order they happe ned.7 Ask the stude nts to liste n and repeat.IV.

6、 Post-taskPage 37, 1d1 Look at 1d.2 Talk about why Kate missed the school basketball competiti on. Stude nts A beg ins a sentence witwhile or whe n, students B complete the sentence.A Whe n the school basketball competiti on started B Whe n the school basketball competiti on started, Kate was still

7、making her way to school.3 Practice in pairs.V. SummaryIn this class we practiced liste ning. You should find the an swers to the questio ns. And you should know how to use the phrases of 'by the side of, wait for”W. Homework1 Review the phrases and senten ces.2 Liste n to the tape twice after c

8、lass.Tell the storyDo liste ningListe n to the tapePrese ntati onFi nish 1cListe n and repeatTalk ingPracticeWork in pairsSum upFi nish homework板 书 设 计Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?(Section B 1a-1d)1) Vocabulary: by the side of the road, wait for2) Kate realized that her bag was still at home.When the school basketball competition started,K


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